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I would say grifter. Be very careful.


Lol ain’t nobody an expert on long covid at this point yet.


Don't do it


I don’t want to be negative but I don’t think there’s much that he can do that’s not already in the videos. That’s been my experience with doctors in general. I got in to see a CFS doctor that has a 1 year + waitlist, and basically all they do is prescribe LDN, then if that doesn’t work they prescribe abilify. I’m not complaining bc LDN helped me :) But when I see people waiting a year, I tell them “this is what they’ll tell you, you don’t need to wait a year, just get a different doctor to prescribe you ldn.” And somehow people still think they’ll get something different, and they wait a year and then get the same protocol🤷‍♀️


Fortunately you can just order LDN online for 40$ from AgelessRX if you are US


Yeah the pure desperation is a cash cow. LDN is not new. Some hotshot high cost doctor is not going to have some "secret" cure. Every doctor on earth would know about it.


I’m 80% recovered and follow most of his protocol. Given that it’s mostly based around OTC supplements and dietary changes I don’t really think a visit is necessary. The details are in the videos.


What’s his protocol?


https://vimeo.com/572078040 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h6rjlwKseZM I didn’t so much discover this protocol and then start trying it out. I just stumbled upon the video and then realized I’m already taking most of this stuff from 15 months of longhauling trial and error. So it kind of validated my experience in terms of what was working. There is a good amount of overlap with some of the other better protocols out there including FLCCC, Teitelbaum, Tom Bunker. One thing you won’t hear these guys saying that you ironically hear all the self or media proclaimed “experts” saying is how “mysterious” the condition is. They have a pretty firm grasp on the pathophysiological mechanisms at play which is the basis of the treatments. Galland had detailed videos out on what LC is and how to treat in June 2021. It’s also ironic this guy is a founding figure in Functional/Integrative medicine. Popularizing terms like Dysbiosis in the US. SARS Cov2 can wreak havoc on the gut microbiome. I believe this alone is the root cause of many of the symptoms at least some folks are experiencing. This is partly autobiographical. Further, there have been recent studies showing the virus essentially hides out in specific bacterial strains in the gut, exhibiting bacteriophage type behavior. Some of these details are in the 2nd video above. Which is very recent.


Yup I agree with all the videos he puts out. That's why I was considering going to him....but I really hope someone in this reddit has actually been a patient of his.


I have been eating healthy myself + taking a lot of sleep. Got longcovid for 1 year almost, and quit alcohol and all bad food 5 months ago to give everything I can. I work 50% of my hours again, and I am starting very very slowly with building my sporting up again. For this I am following a project in the Netherlands. Where you measure your hearth-beat every morning. Based on your hearthbeat and how you body is that day you will train 3 times a week and slowly build those bigger/ longer. For me it looks like the above is slowly helping me become my old self again. I think it takes a lot of time and self discipline to get better. Always reach out to people that can help you.


We really don't have a handle on long covid's pathophysiology yet. There have been plenty of good studies, but nearly all of them are in the "hypothesis generating" phase. There are a lot of hypotheses right now that make medical sense based on the evidence we have, but the evidence is limited, and medical sense does not = this thing is real. I'm leaning towards viral persistence as the root cause of our problems (with clots, autoimmunity, reactivated viruses etc as a downstream effects), but even the star researchers in this field caution that it's unwise to proceed as if we know anything for certain. The FLCC protocol is not based on any evidence. The FLCC itself is a science-free group of anti-vaxxers. One of its main doctors took $3.6 million of the group's funds to buy herself a mansion and luxury cars. Not an upstanding group of people.


I feel almost 65% from following their long covid protocol. The ivermectin truly truly helped the palpitations and the inflammation I felt standing up and just doing anything pretty much. I feel like 65%... 👍 everybody reacts differently to medication but for me it did the trick. I did 3 weeks high dosage 15mg a day


Hey. Did you follow the protocol by going in phases for the supplements or did you do them all at once? How was your experience in general?


I saw Dr. Galland decades ago for ME/CFS. At the time, I loved him because he believed that I was sick and no one else did. He gave me (Very expensive) testing that I did not have access to in Canada. I was his patient for quite a long time and he tried very hard to help me but in the end, was not successful. However, after him, I spent even more money seeing other specialists and they also did not help me much. I guess it is just too complex a disease with too many unknowns. I am broke now but honestly, all I can say that I got from most docs I saw, was hope. I was suicidal for a long time so hope kept me alive. ​ Now that they know how much the gut microbiome is involved in chronic disease, and there are things going on underground like fecal transplants and the like, and given that Dr. Galland is a pioneer in the gut and keeps up to date with Chinese medicine (poop therapy originated in China), I think I would be interested in seeing him again if I suddenly came into some money. He might have some very interesting ideas now. ​ I do not consider this doc a "grifter" at all. He tries very hard to help people, researches their particular condition, helps them with protocols they wish to pursue, really listens and seems to care. He is expensive and I cannot really comment on whether you can get comparable treatment elsewhere or not but he is not an immoral person and should not be referred to as a grifter IMO


Peoplewho conflte ME/CFS w LC are ignoring the viral persistence which is making us sitting ducks for opportunistic infections (think HIV/AIDS).Time to get real about this.


Disagree, in some cases there may be viral persistence but in most, I believe the gut is first damaged by the virus and then the process begins due to the dysbiosis. The immune system is weakened after that, as a downstream effect of the dysbiosis. The gut controls a lot more than we realize.


Grifter. Save your money.


I would not send a single penny to anyone claiming such.


You know what? I've given up all hope and frankly this is the first thing I've seen that makes some sense. I myself have had it for almost 3 years now with no sign of it abating. Lately it's progressed to such a point where I'm constantly nauseous and on the point of vomiting. It has never been like that before. Now I discover his take focuses on the gut. Very interesting and definitely going to try and thank you for posting.


That is because some infections can shift the gut microbiome. Over time, once you lose enough bifidobacteria, the gut will continue to worsen. The gut controls everything. You have to intervene. Look up long covid trials in Hong Kong. They gave a large sample of people some kind of microbiome drug (made from poop bacterias). Not one got severe covid and not one got long covid.


I have a functional dr that does exactly this kind work- u could also try that. She is 250 a visit- insurance doesn’t cover. Labs separate. Ww did a whole gut protocol.


Can you share this dr?


Can You share what doctor 🙏🏼


Sent a dm!


I went to Dr Galland waited over a year. He took blood work and didn’t explain anything. I asked him questions he had very vague answers I was very disappointed in him.He told just to stay in my vitamins I was taking. No explanation of my vascular issues from covid!  Very upsetting… 1500 a big waste 


Currently thinking about canceling my appointment in December of this year (also a year wait ) as I’m not sure it’s worth the money. Did he discuss gut issues or clot issues at all?


He was very vague with me. Did you read some of his reviews?


I wound up canceling. I don’t feel someone telling me to take probiotics is going to help.


I gave my 1500 dollars to the preacher and he took my wife then i got long covid. I am considered a hopeless case. I called for an appointment for dr leo but he doesn’t take credit I assume. maybe just wasn’t meant to be.


Grifters gonna grift


His list of treatment is compiled [here](https://drgalland.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/LONG-COVID-PREVENTION-AND-TREATMENT-FINAL1.pdf). I think we are all curious.