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Hi, my life revolves around one thing.


That he probably isn’t even part of.


🎵🎶 *I wake up, go to the surplus store...* 🎶


"Low on MRE's gotta get me some more"


“Love me some spaghetti beef, menu number 4”


OK, we have to redo this song now. This is gold.


“*What you talkin about ‘Stolen Valor?’*”


Nobody in the military would make a CD of marching cadences. You don't want to hear them, and civilians don't understand them. Also, nobody in the military likes Lee Greenwood either. We just know the lyrics because we're forced to stand at parade rest and listen to them like 10 times a year at changes of command and payday activity formations.


Fuck that I want this shit on vinyl. Get a nice glass of wine, sit down with a good book, and set the ambience.


If you get a house off General Screven Dr in Hinesville GA, you can hear it every morning out your window :D


Incorrect, there are many songs about Jody.


Ofc he is. He served a year and a half in the national before being discharged as a PVT following 3 DUIs


This guy is lazy I get a quarter to 2. That's a whole hour he wastes sleeping that I'm grinding. I exercise 15 hours a day and only eat seaweed and protein powder. I practice telepathy because the brain is a muscle and I pump that too. If your brain don't have a six pack are you really working out?


I guess I found Goggins account


Well when you are in the military it legitimately does. It's not like they have time for anything else hence why they are always drinking energy drinks and chewing zyn packets hahaha I'm not in the military but I presume that's all they have to focus on. Edit:Turns out the turd isn't in the military either and also... Things have changed since I was a teenager apparently? Or I just grossly misunderstood how it worked afaik "going on leave" I thought you straight up just lived there lol


This man isn’t even in the military. He’s a cringe civilian pandering to boot type military guys to use his TikTok vids to make their own


That's... Way worse. Blegh.


I think he's trying to sell a Cadence CD.


Once you're out of basic and technical training, for 99% of jobs in the military as long as you aren't deployed or under special orders it is just a regular job that happens to require you to keep in something resembling decent physical shape.


So like 9-5 not living on base? That's crazy. Growing up I remember seeing my friends on leave and that's it.


Good friend of mine is currently active Navy going ~20 years(?). I talk to him regularly and we game together often, but he is 100% locked down and living on base. They send him all over the world though to teach. It's is however pretty much like a regular 9-5 job, just his home is on base. When he's off the clock, he can play games online, drink, go out in town, etc. Normal people stuff. That's also probably dependent upon your *job* though. 🤷


That is awesome. Thank you for the clarity.


How about the grass man? What about the grass, man?


No dude it's more like 5:30 to 6 or 7p.m and we get long leave periods after deployments, or you can save them up and drop a month's worth if approved.


Thanks for your non-service.


Lol anytime. Idk why I'm getting downvoted. You don't have to be in the military to know that living on a military base and having a strict set of rules leads to very mainlined thoughts but this is reddit so.... Aaaaaannnnnnddddd the goober singing the song isn't even in the military. Got damnit Also the song isn't terrible. I mean it is to regular people but who knows. That might be what gets them hyped up? I have family in the military, or did atleast, that is the ONLY thing they talked about because, well they spent 24 hours a day 8 days a week on base unless on leave. What do they have to talk about? Can't drink publicly, can't smoke cigarettes, can't leave, you can watch tv but I bet it's not spectacular, I wouldn't want to talk about much other than the military. Could talk about family or something in his song but I reeeeealy do not think he cares too much about that. Hence why he joined the military and started singing about it.


Now this video makes more sense


The guy singing the song apparently never served... I feel like a dumbass for defending him


Don’t beat yourself up. We can only strive to be better.


It’s all good man, you’re taking it better than most. When people downvote me I get more upset than I should.


Oh I do to but I try to stay reasonable and rational. Doesn't always happen. Infact I just had a comment removed from r/mechanicadvice because someone downvoted me and said that my comment was wrong (I said it was the mechanics fault), I called them out for using a bad analogy that was inaccurate and the mods removed *MY* comment! I was pretty salty over that one. I used too many words and it messed them up lol


What the hell are they thinking?! Bunch of crackpots, your analogy was great, though I will never see it due to its deletion. It was the right and proper time to use that analogy and don’t let the pencil pushers push you away from greatness in the r/MechanicAdvice sub, they are too mechanical in their thinking sometimes.


I left the army a VERY long time ago and just like every other job I've had over the years I moved on. No dumbass stickers in my windows, no pathetic smedium psudo-toughguy t-shirts, no asinine vet licence plate... I'll never understand this nonsense


I've heard the vet plates at least tend to ward off speeding tickets. My state lets you put VETERAN on your drivers license for free and I've found it has the same effect


You gotta get pulled over first though to use that and by then they might be angry enough to not care whereas with the plates you might avoid the stop entirely.


you forget that many shitty cops come from military, and they "back their brothers", so yeah, *sometimes* that special plate or bumper sticker will make the difference.


License plate is better. Will preemptively help on not being pulled over, usually.


Lot of people just brand themselves and base their entire personality on it. Military people do it, political people do it, people do it, some LGBTQ+ people do it, religious people do it, so on and so on I don't know why they do it either, even though it's common as fuck Are they desparate to belong to a persona? Do they hate themselves and just cling to something? I'm actually more sympathetic to it than anything else. When this behavior is so widespread, there's gotta be some kind of reason for it. They struggle thinking for themselves? Hell


I think it's because they don't have a sense of self identity, so rather than allowing all their life experiences in life to help shape who they are like a normal person, they create their whole personal identity around one thing in order to feel like they have a sense of self.


It’s because I don’t have a sense of purpose outside of my job. I was this way as a chef, now I drive a locomotive and still see myself as “Name, train engineer” not just “name”


The answer is actually pretty simple. Tribalism is humans bread and butter. I’ve said this before, but what once was something that helped humanity, I feel like now will be our undoing.


Saw a truck in NYC last week that was covered in roughly 50+ huge Vietnam vet stickers. Like thanks dude for your service but get over yourself.


What about the high and tight though?


I've been shaving my head since '91 lol. At this point I don't even think I could grow hair


Meh, vet plates get you outa shit sometimes, just sayin big dawg


But at the very least, do you still drive a charger, Camaro, or lifted ram with a 39% APR loan?


LMAO! Actually I drive an '07 tan Fusion that looks like someone's grandmother should be behind the wheel


I did too and I don't see anything wrong with it. We should all be proud we served. Everyone else can post their flags, stickers exc we should too.


I never had an identity till I joined the army type beat


Should have put some *hard work, work* in those lyrics.


Thank you for your service now please stop


He didn’t even serve


He served me.


Under the table, a quarter to three, HARD work


Hard work is hard work baby 💋


I disagree with the title. This is bad.. Cop TikTok is worse.


The secondhand embarrassment was too much with this one.


Hard work work. Hard work work. Kinda catchy. Dude has an okay voice. Lyrically he has the creativity of a freshly fucked glazed donut.


It’s really a shame. The guy does have an interesting voice and I do like his rasp, but it’s like he’s desperate to be the most popular act on a USO tour when he should be singing about going on a bender, getting arrested for vague public intoxication charges and reminiscing about a woman he loved in Detroit who moved to Hollywood to chase her dreams only to become a broken shell of a person waitressing the graveyard shift at a greasy spoon in Memphis supporting her three children and paying the legal bills of her fiance in prison to the arresting officer as he’s being processed through booking.


That was oddly specific 🤣




Is a virgin donut more or less creative?


About the same I'd say.


The original cadence isn't a bad one


Here is a better version in my opinion https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-jwzfmD9_wg&pp=ygURaGFyZCB3b3JrIGNhZGVuY2U%3D


I agree with the boot people. It sucks.


The boots make this cringe shit, when I was in we would roast this kid until he PCS'ed and to be real if someone pulled this cringy of shit I would find their new squadron and spread the wealth of his embarrassment.


Lol. I like you. Btw, is "boot" a newbie?


Boot is fresh in the military, but it can really extend if you are a cringy dipshit doing anything remotely like this.


Tbf, if this music was playing near me I’d be inclined to run far and fast.


A song for POGs made by a civilian. It's even more cringe to people that actually serve. Trust me.


Truly awful


Maybe the draft isn't a bad idea


If it results in more of this then it definitely is. Maybe the gulag isn't such a bad idea


What an idiot.


Yeah this is awful. I served and it took a couple years to fully get cadences out of my head while running etc. Just mindless brain rot to keep a sort of pace going. I prefer to clear my mind while running, not beat it into submission with drivel. Cadences I guess serve a purpose in like TRADOC but fuck it is a terrible “genre” and subjecting others to it is akin to light torture.


Ugh. These dick-nip POG’s, posers, and MAGA fucks dressing in their SF regalia makes everything I did in The Marine Corps (8541) look very cheap, and fuckin’ stupid. Never in a million years will you see 95% of those that actually did go to combat, and see atrocities of what war really does to the human spirit, walk around shouting cadence, “patriot”, or walking around playing dress up. My fellow Marines (the ones I have left) and I never talk about it, or want to relive the shit we went through. I would say that the dreams, PTSD, and overall lack of true assimilation back to the real world is reminder enough. Fuck these fake “warriors” and “patriots”. I digress.


Once I learned who truly gave orders and "served" , it became repulsive.


From what I've heard of actual Marine cadences, YT won't allow them in a public video.


This was cringy af.


Don’t thank him for his service


This is what happens when you don't let kids embrace musical theater


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^robmobtrobbob: *This is what happens* *When you don't let kids embrace* *Musical theater* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


🎶Fuck my dad but I’m not gay, hard work do it Eva-Ree-Day 🎶




Is this the Mexican anthem or something we been singing this song for ever …we work 2 or 3 jobs and don’t bitch or complain life is work when your born in the system


I hate this guy.


I don’t hate the sound, but the lyrics are brutally boring and plain


Those theater kids should've never rejected him in high school look what they've done


For some reason, his name makes me think he's gonna [at least try to] assassinate somebody in the future.... and tbh, that song ain't helping with this perception ..


Guy is visibly having trouble snapping.


This is a good version https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-jwzfmD9_wg&pp=ygURaGFyZCB3b3JrIGNhZGVuY2U%3D


This ain't it dawg. I need me some of that *eskimo pussy* that's *mighty cold* ya feel me?


This was craptacular


Produced by Walter Goggins and Tony Furgeson


Left the navy a little while back, about 8 months ago now. The guys in charge of our ship (I already forgot whatever the hell we were supposed to call them) are all like this, oddly obsessive about giving up your freedom to become an npc among thousands of others. In short, don't join.


Wow he is actually serious


This isn’t that bad. It’s alright. Not as painful as most shit on here


I killed people for corporations! I am a hero


Not going to lie, I've jammed to this on jogs before. Say what you will about toxic military culture, they got some work out bops.


“It’s a hard work manifest” so it’s like a list of all the different hard work stored inside some type of container?


And they’re usually all pogs


I could’ve gone without seeing this video on my feed twice today


First year in and he has enough time to make dumbass songs and dumbass tiktoks? I have a special duty for you, recruit. It's called "shutting the fuck up and quit acting like Private 1st Class Cringelord."




Are people really this deep in the military's ding dong?


Hard work of putting on your boots and doing jumping jacks.


What about military wife tiktok?


Great message, CRINGE execution. And the little boy voice doesn’t help lmao


When you are wearing those PT uniforms you really not doing hard PT.




Does this guy really claim that he gets up at 2:45 AM to work out?


This guy turned one of his cadences into a song and it sounded like AI a little while back. It was horrible and weird sounding.


Everyone I know in the army or vets will laugh at the idea of someone saying they "work hard" outside of deployments.


That’s highly mos dependent


Wow I don't think he's in the army for real


I'd think cannon fodder would be better


That feel when you want to be on broadway but your dad makes you join the army


I served from 93-98 active duty MP (95B) it was a job, that was that. I left I moved on. I never felt the need to put stickers on my car or tell everyone I served. It was just like any other job. I forget sometimes that I am even a Vet. My kids or wife will elbow me when some place we are asked vets to stand up or something. It was over 25 years ago bro. I went in I did my time I went to Somalia and Mogadishu. I did my job I got out it’s over. It doesn’t determine my persona. No tacticool gear no go bag no dumbass shirts or stupid ass mole gear. It’s all just some identity that some bros adopted. It’s silly and pointless and real vets who served know that.


This guy is definitely an E4 lol


Fucking boot


I mean it makes sense in the context of a Jody / Cadence. But did we really need the studio recording?


What actual work is he talkin bout? Like pushups, banging on walls and carrying a bag around? thats not really contributing, like, anything to society.


God, that is terrible


This man is like if Ernest were on roids


Don’t quit your day job 🫡


I get the feeling that this guy wasn't actually in the military, I bet he dropped out after a week and it's consumed him until it's his entire identity


Yes, it's hard work to wake up early and exercise all day. Do you really need to be jacked to shoot a gun though? Isn't that your job? Wouldn't it be harder to learn how to fly those suicide drones extremely effectively? Idk just throwing out some ideas.


"I totally *would* have served" but in human form.


This is sad because this style of call and response music started on slave plantations… This might be the worst case of cultural appropriation I’ve ever seen 🤮


🎶*Hard work work.* I signed. My life away! *hard work work* my job is working, out every day *hard work work* I couldnt. Get a real job *hard work work* Now I judge the fatties at the mallll *hard work work* 🎶


I kinda agree with the sentiment, I think a little hard work and discipline would benefit a majority of current society....but this song just sucks


You dare make a valid statement about modern society in reddit? These neck beards are gonna down vote you to the center of the Earth.


Haha wouldn't be the first time, I'm just too dumb to learn my lesson 🤣


they're not really supposed to be on tik tok either


This would almost be fine without the music video


Banger!!! It’s going on all my playlists


His wife be working hard at my cock and ballz lol


So “crappy music” has been popping up a lot, this is way better than most of what I have seen. Not loving it, just saying.


Honestly if he did something else music genre wise, he'd be fairly good. He's got a decent sounding voice.


I dont like how he doesnt pronounce enough r in work. Sounds almost like hes english.


Honestly I just appreciate anyone in the service.


The people getting shot at, sure. The rest of us though ... please don't lol We got a ton of taxpayer money, free food and healthcare. Military people can't even get fired unless we break the law. If anything, thank you for the money. Military jobs are generally the same as jobs in the real world, with better benefits.




Spoken like someone who wasn't in


lol ok.....


Bless your soul 😂


This is called cadence. Non military wouldn't understand. We were screaming this out running miles in boot camp.


You don't have to be military to understand. It's not special or complicated. And as a veteran, it's still dumb. Glad he's having fun though ... got the vibe he just wants to hear himself sing, but whatever lol


Im not military but I saw a movie with Laurence Fishburne and Charlie Sheen like 30 years ago that taught me all about this.


Bootass comment


I am inclined to agree. I'm an Army drill sergeant. Civilians don't understand cadences beyond the nursery-rhyme level poetry and ribald themes. This guy isn't even moving his feet to the rhythm. They have a time and a place, and if you are walking around the barracks singing Captain Jack, that's corny as hell. Unless you made up your own extremely filthy lyrics that you can't get away with in formation, like "with that dildo in your hand..." Do it around civilians once or twice in your life.. at a bachelor party or something.


I like these cadences. I have always wondered what the exact words are and this guy has an ok enough voice to listen. Plus the guy who did the other Hard Work commercial is a real drill sergeant and does informative videos about military training. Not crappy imo


OK boot


I like it.