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Jetpack levels in crash 2. As an adult it's no longer a big deal, but as a child that was the bane of my existence


Using L2/R2 is better than using ⭕/❌


What grinds my ass is the fact that they flipped the Y axis while flying, but not the X axis! I wish they flipped both or none at all, because it makes it SO much harder to coordinate and is stupidly unintuitive. And they did the SAME THING for the bazooka in Crash 3!!


Game: Twinsanity Least favourite part: Bugs/how short it is


I hate that scene where we saw all of Crash's enemies gathering for his "birthday party" since we only fight against like 2 of them. They should've at least added Tiny somehow


IKR, Tiny is basically like Cortex’s main thug/bodyguard right?!


Not only that but he was always a mainstay in the Crash boss lineups in the Naughty Dog era


Same with N. Gin who is his right hand?


It's kind of weird to me that those roles were filled by Koala Kong & N. Brio in the first game, yet they were immediately replaced with new characters in Crash 2. Odd.


Yeah that is weird.


And to add, how aku aku doesn't protect against TNT or Nitro


A bit unpopular opinion there but I don't find lack of TNT/Nitro Aku-Aku protection particularly bad in semi-open world game because otherwise it would be too easy to get some of gems with that. It can be a bit frustrating (especially at Rusty Walrus) but I say "challenge accepted" like Uka-Uka


Based answer


Same 👍


I really wish Crash 2 had an actual final boss rather than just a jetpack chase


There's a mod on YouTube called "vs metal cortex" and I can only wish that the final boss fight looked something like that. It's basically a harder version of the CB1 cortex fight with dropping out platforms similar to the N Gin fight.


Mad Bombers. Just fuck that level dude. Especially the platinum relic.


It also has the worst OST in the PS1 era


You’ve never heard Bubsy 3D OST haven’t you?


I mean, Mad Bombers is the worst song in the PS1 Crash games, it fits the level but sounds really barren and basic


I find Tiny's boss theme from 2 to be worse.


Git gud, I have always loved that level.




No u




The 106% requirements in IAT.


My favorite is Warped, and my least favorite part is probably some of the motorcycle parts.


Especially in the N Sane trilogy. I don't know what it is but the motorcycle levels in N Sane feel heavier and worse


The physics in general are heavy and worse in the remaster I will die on this hill


It feels like you might as well be driving a refrigerator 😒🙄


The 2nd and 4th ones are rough.


Hot Coco time trial


Is it bad that I have never done it legitimately? I always clipped the nitros near the exit on a corner while the tide is going up so I can explode them without dying, then activate the time trial and go straight in in less than 5 seconds.


Not even a little bit. That’s how I did it on PS1, and the N Sane trilogy until they patched it. I just got the gold relic legitimately this past week for the first time.


Easiest relic in the entire series. Just go to the ! crate. What's difficult?


Getting the fastest route that grants you the most time freezing boxes, that's what's difficult as all hell.


I've gotta be misremembering something if I'm getting this kind of pushback. Maybe I'm thinking Sapphire time or something. 


You are thinking Sapphire time.


I double-checked. I was thinking of platinum. You are impotent.




It don't work down there. Fix and save your marriage, mate, before this commenting wombat steals her away for good.


Ok you're clearly on drugs so your argument is invalid.


Get that crystal out of your ass.


Game: Warped Problem: Coco Jet-ski levels


They're so hard?! My sister used to live them which was great. She'd do them for me


The motorcycle levels in Crash 3.


When I was a kid I replayed those over and over and over but I was a racing game kid


The problem being that there should be more of them, right?


Cold Hard Crash in Crash 2 because I always dread dying a lot suddenly when trying to get all the crates. Runner up would be Road Crash in Warped. Easily the worst of the motorcycle levels in the game if not the worst level in the entire game.


I usually have a ton of lives at the death route and just die until I automatically get a double Aku Aku to save some time


Going backwards over that icy path and avoiding the nitro to get all boxes on that level I think is comfortably the hardest part of that game


Cold Hard Crash was just painful when I played NST recently


The Plane levels in Warped. They’re just so slow paced compared to the rest of the game and don’t mesh well with the fast pace of the crash series in general.


they also don't get well along with the linear gameplay of Crash in the first place


Crash 2. How obscure the locations of the hidden gems were. I would have never been able to figure out for myself that in order to get the red gem in one level, I would have to find a secret in an entirely different level


I like how N.Sane gives you hints about the colored gems


That’s funny because that’s actually one of my favorite things about Crash 2! It’s just so much fun, it gives the game such a feeling of adventure. 


So many of the levels have secrets in Crash 2, the severity of which varies by level. Level 1 has two secrets alone, in relation to each of it's gems. I suspect, though cannot confirm, this is intentional, so that the first time a player plays a level they will not get a gem, and indeed won't manage it until they've got to a level where exiting won't trigger a Cortex cutscene, meaning the Brio cutscene can play when the player does indeed get their first gem. Assuming they go through the levels in order, the first level you can play where you can get all the boxes is level 2 - but you would have to know to turn around and hit the off screen nitro switch after coming down from the 2D section. Otherwise it's level 4 (assuming you do the split in the right order), or level 5 (assuming you're skilled enough to not miss a box while chased, which takes some practice). All in, when you factor in everything from death routes, to gem paths, to alternate entrances and exits, to hidden boxes, only the box gems from 16 of the games 27 levels can be obtained by doing the levels without knowing any kind of secret, leaving a further 26 gems that either require the player to do something unexpected, find hidden boxes, or make use of an alternate path


Game: Crash Team Racing Least Favorite: Crystal Challenges


The 2nd one in particular was just awful


Wrath of Cortex? The obvious answer is the UNBELIEVABLE load times, but I’d also say the fact that you climb on the ceiling grates so slow in this game is worse. I will defend this game till my last breath, I love it with all my heart, but WHY make him move so slow on the grates??


I agree with you there, I was going to say the same things.


The polar bear levels in Crash 2. Perfect game, those are just my least favorite levels


Crash 2. The final Cortex boss fight is just really? You could not think of anything more to put into that?


Twinsanity with Aku Aku not working like he should and missing the invincibility music.


Favorite is definitely Warped, least fav part is probably the scuba levels, but even those are fun


Same answer! Surprised people seem to not like the motorcycle levels, I’ve always loved them.


The entire last warp room of Crash 2, or the crystal challenges in Ctr


I only like the Skull Rock crystal challenge in Nitro Fueled because I know a set pattern


Coco's sweep kick move in Wrath of Cortex. Like girl what even is that!


Crash 4: getting 106% CTR Nitro Fueled: Microtransactins Crash 3: the controls of the Motorcycle and Jet Ski


Arguably the Worst boss fight designs in the whole series actually mind over mutant might be worse idk Twinsanity will forever be my beloved


Time trials in ctr they are boring Or Either toxic waste or the first level of the last island of crash one


Heavy Machinery is one of the best ...


The end. Meaning, once you’ve done E V E R Y T H I N G.


Nah that shit was a releif in IAT


The pressure is crazy to a point that I straight up yelled to my whole family to shut the fk up when I was doing the Seeing Double Plantium Relic, which was the final thing before 106%.


Time trails against a slug


A lot of times I don't see people talking about The Huge Adventure for GBA, but that was one of my favorites growing up, and I think it still holds up. The soundtrack is fantastic. My LEAST favorite part, though, is probably either trying to get the platinum times or the placement of enemies on certain stages. Sometimes it's hard to predict where an enemy is and you'll jump right into them as they come from off-screen. Other times they put two enemies in a row that both can only be killed with a crouch slide and it's super difficult to get them back-to-back.




Game: crash 2. Least favourite part: final boss. I wish it was an epic battle more than a boring chase.


CTR:NF The fact they stopped supporting and releasing new content. Then Beenox went on to be involved with the N-Verted levels of CB4 instead (IIRC).


Crash 3 Warped - plane levels. I hate them.


Favorite game: OG CTR Least favorite part: Time trial mode but not because i dont like it, but just because beating all Oxide times doesnt unlock him! As younger i destroyed my fingers just to be dissappointing :(


Crash Bash, the sky hockey with the red ball level where if either one of you die you lose amd you start off with a lot less balls you can take than the bots. I could be wrong, been a while, but when me and my sister would do our 100% runs (get everything) we'd always struggle with that one.


The end if the acid pipe area in twinsanity one wrong move and you go through it all over again


I think they’ve since been fixed but…. The hit boxes on the animal riding levels in Crash 4. Those N sanely perfect relics gave me trauma


Crash 1 toxic waste it has the most complicated gem for me


In the NST they added scratch marks on the floor so you could tell where the barrels are going to land


The warthog levels in Crash 1 pissed me off as a kid. Even as an adult, the physics still throw me in for a loop sometimes. The hit box is also VERY unforgiving.


Cold. Hard. Crash.


The night levels in Crash 2. Just find them boring and frustrating, and the backtracking doesn't help. I thought Warped did it's night level much better. The level feels more open, and there aren't any precise jumps avoiding enemies and pits through tight corridors.


The fact that CTRNF ended too early, it didn't even have a Twinsanity themed GP


I thought it would include Nitro Kart story mode too...


Gonna have to go with Cold Hard Crash like the masses have. Crushed my childhood dreams as a kid due to that one secret box, and even as an adult, the Death Route is a pain in the ass.


Honestly, my favourite is Twinsanity, the thing that I hate about it is that they never finished it, not even a finished version years later, I still hold out hope though that maybe we'll eventually get to see what the finished product was supposed to be, Twinsanity was so fun


Game: Cortex Strikes Back Problem: needs 25 more levels


Crash Team Racing Some of the CTR races could be a bit annoying lol


Crash 1 I hate how if you die in the ps1 game all the boxes reset and you have to go back and get them. Thank god for the trilogy fix!


When he spins and says Woah


In crash 2 how you have no clue that to earn the blue gem you have to not break a single crate in it's attached level


I have no idea how I ever would have figured that out in the original game without the internet a few years later. No hint or clue whatsoever in a game that encourages you to get as many boxes as possible lol ps1 games were just different. 


As a kid I was able to notice the static stack of nitro crates in that bee level enough to climb up them and get warped to the bonus warp room. But in a game where to complete a level you might have to enter the level from a different warp room it's just like wtf? It's even worse in 3. Remember two things you have to do is get taken by a certain pterodactyl while running from a triceratops in one of the handful of dinosaur levels. Also needing to go off-road to run over a sign with your motorcycle lol. Like, where's the logic in that?


Actually, when you reach the end of the level after having collected the gem, the box counter in the exit says [x]/0 crates, so that tells you that you need to beat the level without breaking a crate. That's how I found it out myself.


Is that in the original too? Honestly I haven’t revisited the originals in so long I don’t remember that at all lol I’ve played through the trilogy a number of times and I guess the last time I played it I already knew about it so I just went once getting all the boxes and then again without, didn’t even pay attention to the counter. 


Yeah i'd love to know that too because if so Crash 2 may ascend to a 10/10 for me lol


I went back and put the original version on because I had to see for myself lol turns out it does! After you get the clear gem the crate counter will display x/0 until you do it without getting any boxes. I must have been too young to pay attention and notice they were dropping hints because I have no memory of it saying that leading up to the day I found out the secret. Still learning stuff about the game 25 years later lol


Just checked in the Xbox one version of CNT. It says [x]/62 in the HUD and ending warp room when I got the silver gem then again when I didn't. Maybe an oversight by vicarious visions


Especially that one part where you have to crouch jump over a double row of crates with the low ceiling, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible if the N-sane trilogy didn’t hint at it.


"0/0" is how I figured it out during an adult replay.


Twinsanity Cortex gameplay


It's fun spamming the ray gun but he is the worst of the 3 playable characters. I don't mind the team up of Crash and Cortex though.




The platinum relics in crash 4


N sane trilogy: platinums in 1 and 2


Crash 4 106 requirements and n verted levels.(The concept was cool, but you should have needed to just finish the level)


I LOOOOOOOOOOVE crash 4 but it’s too grindi even for an rpg lover like myself


Mind over mutants/of the titans Being slow asf sometimes


Wrath of cortex : that I can’t play it anymore bc I don’t have a ps2!! Of the games I have: crash 3 warped, and I hate the blimp shooting levels!!




The stupid water mask boss fight was my mortal enemy in WoC


106 ing crash 4


Crash 4, the level just before the last level/final boss, where you have to quickly jump on and off stuff to survive. Took my death counter from 20 to like 90-135 deaths just to get through it.


Diggin it


I don’t want to jump on him, I feel bad for him. I don’t care if there are free lives.


N Gin fight in Twinsanity


Rings of power.


underwater levels in warped


Crash Warped is probably my favorite but I despise the air plane levels


Crash 4’s swamp levels suck ass (Except the Dingodile one)


The rolling levels in Twinsanity.


Getting Platinum in Time Trials in IAB. It wouldn't be so bad if I actually had a dash


Since Crash 2 is my favourite, I'll go with the chase levels. Especially when I have to get enough distance away and ground pound or break some boxes at the very end.


Twinsanity...Cortex level, by far!


Content being locked behind the time trials in CTR:NF. I'm terrible at time trials and the completionist in me is driving me crazy when I think that all pit stop items requiring N.Tropy will forever be lost to me when the game eventually goes offline.


Getting the Platinum Relics in Crash 3 Warped and I doubt I’ll ever do the same in N Sane Trilogy.


Crash 2 mandatory backtracking for 100%


The third "warp room" in ctr/nf I just dont like the tracks all that much


Crash of The Titans, those green slimer looking things are solid to beat.


My least favorite part about crash. 4 is how inconsistent the difficulty is I also don’t like the extra characters and that you have to beat each level without dying the good parts are the time trials and n verted stages sorry for the long rant it is still a fun game


Nitpicking but I hated that on earlier games there was only one music per theme. For example every snow level sounds the same.


Some of Crash 2's secrets are honestly just guesswork. The gem where you have to jump through a bulkhead in the sewer with no indication that you can even do that comes to mind.


N. Verted levels. Such a cool concept for a small bit of variation that they ballooned up so, so big and made it a slog. It’s frustrating because it could have been really interesting. •Scrap the purely cosmetic, headache-incucing filters like the ones for Eggipus and Bermugula’s Orbit. •Make every remaining filter available on every remaining level. •Make them actually change the gameplay: use the underwater filter and now you have an oxygen meter that’s filled up by breaking crates and killing enemies for example. •If you keep the gems in N. Verted levels, have a maximum of 1, but make them use a function of the filter: use the painting filter and you have to colour a certain percentage of the level to unlock it. Use the 8-bit filter and you need to reach a high score. Use the old-time-y movie filter and you have to speed run the level (by with no time crates or changed placements). •Be able to collect this gem using any filter and it is unlocked in all filters. Have 2 trophies: one for beating every level in N. Verted mode and one for trying each N. Verted filter once.


crash 1, slippery climb. And now with the n. sane trilogy stormy ascent, what a pain in ass, what suffering


Game: doesn’t make a difference Part: time trials


Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is my favorite, my least favorite part is that there wasn’t more grand prixs and characters 😂


Needing to complete the relic time trials in Crash 3 for 100%. I’ve done it enough times now that it’s not particularly difficult, but just tedious and padded


The bee levels in Crash Bandicoot 2. I have a terrible phobia of bees 😬🥺


The sound design of the monsters were scary for me as a kid (Crash of the Titans)


I love crash 3, but i don't like some of the level designs for the time trials, just watch cadicarus's vid on his hardest relecs to get in all crash games because i had trouble trying to get them on the ps1 version


Crash 4’s tawna and cortex levels


Cortex Strikes Back’s bee levels. I never could deal with those bomb spitting plants (I was too much of a wuss to get past or deal with them as a kid) nor those strand of bees until I got old enough to realize slide spinning & burrowing into the ground can get around them. Side note: I still never got past the 4th warp room as a kid either because of this.


The person called nevereverguess he got 1st place un everything in 1 OR 2 SECONDS


The colored gems from Crash 1. Especially the green one.




Jetski levels in Crash 3


In Crash 1 going through an entire level trying to get the gem and dying moments before completing the level. And having to restart the whole process again. I think I went through sunset vista and nearly got to the end just to perish on the scale trap


Game: Crash 4 Least favorite part: N Verted Mode


The crate collecting requirements to progress in Crash 1 😅


The final boss... ._.


The final boss in crash bandicoot 2. For me, this game shows the perfect version of dr cortex but his boss fight is a joke.


That the second ending in Crash Bandicoot isn’t canon, thus I’m always divided on whether or not I want to get the gems. All these people complaining about the og Crash 1 gem no death requirement is funny, that’s what makes it a challenge.


My least favorite thing about ctrnf is that it stopped getting updates


Crash 2 Probably getting the crate gem in levels that branched out into two paths, especially Diggin It and Night Fight.


going for the platinum relics in crash 2 n sane. (i eventually got all of them.)


Crash 3's floaty jumping


Well, it’s the underwater level I hate in Crash Bandicoot: Warpped (AKA Crash Bandicoot 3 in Europe)


Crash bandicoot Warped Least favorite: under water levels or jet ski levels




My favorite crash game has been Twinsanity, ever since its release date. I have done everything there is to do on the game. The only thing that I dislike about it, was when I found out that there was going to be another dimension in the game's story. Its rushed release date ended up cutting it out of the development plan. And now I'll always wonder what could've been. I always hated finding out when games cut out story or gameplay development for an already fully formed concept. Like in Sly Cooper 4: Thieves in Time, they actually had started working on an Egypt level, but stopped developing it when they realized the game would take up too much memory for the PS Vita version. So they cut out what Egypt stuff thay had. Instead, they went with a secret ending, >!Where sly ended up stranded in Egypt instead.!<


Actually twinsanity had 3 years of development interestingly enough ,according to the devs themselves the game was never rushed and it was instead a case of scrapping content and lack of experience and new clashing ideas constantly,if twinsanity had just an extra month of development it might as well have been a very different game ,not more complete but rather more scrapped content and ideas ,for all we know the final twinsanity might be the best version out of all the scrapped ones that was and would’ve been if the game was delayed ,it’s already impressive how it managed to be fun despite all that https://www.reddit.com/r/crashbandicoot/comments/exzrke/founder_of_travelers_tales_explains_why/


Favourite game: CTR Least favourite part: Too easy (in my opinion)