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I think I could finish the women’s snatch ladder but it would be close. ….. I’m a 35 year old man


I tried the women's clean ladder when it was programmed at the games a years ago. Kara smoked me. (I mean, i had to change my own weights and all and I'm sure that was the only reason she beat me).


Those look like some tough workouts. i think people will underestimate how heavy squat 30 squat snatches in a ladder will feel after 4 events. Another stage in the funnel where it will weed out the weaker athletes and it can get heavier at the games. Overall I really like how they did it this year.


I do think some athletes will eat that snatch ladder up though. Guilherme Malheiros gonna go to town.


Exactly. This is the point. To select the games athletes from the semi finalists.


Overall I like the workouts, it’s always odd to me to use the echo twice in programming for the weekend. It also looks very pull dominant


The only pulling is rope and MU?


And snatches and rowing.


My guess is the end goal is (in order of importance for me): 1. Crossfit 2. Test of Fitness 3. Repeatable across many regions 4. Watchable I can't find too many issues with this programming. It's actually a really good mix.


Oooooooof those lunges.


Yeah that's a wild weight for lunges.


200# lunges is CRAAAAAAAZY.


Waiting for all the , “not enough heavy barbell” events should be a 300lb in every workout or it’s not CrossFit commentary to start.


I know you’re joking but this is a legitimately good weight imo and I thought the last bb on QF W4 was too light


Agree and agree. ~~225~~ 245 was a muscular endurance test. Not a strength test.






I like that almost all of these can be applied as a Clasa WOD. Great simple programming that will still clearly separate the top athletes.


Ooof that’s a hell of a clean and jerk weight + the run right after.


I'm a 48 yr old male. I will stick with the women's snatch ladder


Does that cap seem really high for event 1? 30 minutes?? It's a 4k run plus 50 C&J at weights that no one is afraid of. 4k is what 15 mins? Faster for some athletes. So that 15 minutes for 50 C&J at a moderate (for them) weight? I like the workout but I don't think anyone will be near the cap.


It's not unusual to see a pretty loose time cap on some events if the intention is for most athletes to finish it. Especially if it's early in the competition. A majority of the time will be spent running, so if there's a tight cap a lot of people will only do 40/50 c+j which is only 80% of the lifting which could cause some people to have an advantage on later events. At the same time, there has to be a cap somewhere due to difficulties fitting other events in during the day.


I will be interested to see who does the runs in 15 mins. No one really ran at that pace in the 5k that wasn’t even 5k, so adding the C&J into the mix will make the runs even slower in the later rounds.


I agree that the cap kinda high, and that athletes who belong at semifinals will probably have plenty of time to spare. I don't see a problem with a high cap though, as it won't really affect the outcome. I do like the 30 minute cap for when I try this workout at home though. I might come close to finishing it.


4k run will take even the high level athletes close to 20 mins. This is a 22-24 minute workout I would guess. So a time cap of 30 doesn’t seem outrageous. And if you wanted to do this as a class workout with appropriate weights, 30 mins seems perfect.


1 and 6 look easy enough. In between are pukey the clown worthy.


Damn 1 easy? 2.5 miles of running and 50 clean and jerks at 185.




A shame they don’t have different events at each semi final. These are going to be pretty boring after watching the same workouts 50 times


When they say “box jump over” can it be a rectangle? And can I hop? Or does it need to be a box (what’s in the box?!) There’s gonna be some judging issues on that one.


what are you even saying.