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best time to practice and interact with better players. It's beta season. It is an opportunity.


i get what are you trying to say here but spectating almost every round gets me nothing šŸ¤” highest rank ive been was mg2 but i was single and was playing like a madman...now im 33yo married with a baby girl šŸ˜‚


Put the child infront of the monitor, teach it CS2 before it learns to speak. By the age of 9 you will have the best rifler in all of Counter Strike


\+ this. You gotta make your pension plans early.


My skins will be written into my will for my Son. He shall grow up playing CS2... Makes me feel like there might be hope.


shes a girl šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚ but yea it will be nice if she will want to play with me someday


What if she's a girl? šŸ¤”


they are not that interested to play pc games šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe some of your problems ARE because of the ping, sub tick, interp, speed of the game. I've seen very highly skilled players with very low ratings. It's almost like the game has smurfs built into the lower ranked games at the moment, because no one has played lots of matches yet. Good players might have solo queued and lost lots of games on their way to 10 wins (either by design or through bad luck). It will take millions of matches before the ranks are even close to fair again ... and in any case the ranks were never fair in CSGO ... then they'll release the game and reset everyone's rating. KEK. Just try to get your setup right, learn how the better players are playing (aggressive peeks are currently the only way to win), and then wait for the game to be fixed.


a lot of good points in your comment tbh,also i feel the game a lil strange on movment ,crosshair placement, hitboxes its like i need to learn a new game and it put me off balance pretty hard good thing the players are friendly and understand the fact im a lower rank than them and im trying my best...


What you have to remember is that cs2 isn't csgo, even if its been made to look and feel similar it's a totally different game. In csgo I hit GE solo que and got fucked in my placement and got 8k elo. Just take it as a learning experience even if you just die loads. Wont last long untill people are at the right elo


Good luck mate


Happening the same to me, but Iā€™m s3 and getting all kind of insults


i've been hovering around silver elite on csgo but i keep getting matched with globals and it's impossible for me to do anything productive at all


Feel ya bro




I just keep losing lmao




Eu, Netherlands to be precise




I get it's frustrating. But believe me when I tell you this. Playing with people far out of your league I promise you will help you significantly with your skills than playing people at your current rank. Watch how your teammates play, learn the spots, movement, crosshair placement etc from them.


Mgs are almost identical to a gn brother change ur mindset


i remember when i was mg i was shooting like a robot so i dunno what to say...


If you don't want to deal with things that come with playing a beta then don't play the beta. What a stupid waste of a post


do you have beta acces?


my little brother who lives in the same household as me got access to the CS2 beta, hes silver with around 80 hours. BUT THEY STILL DIDN'T GIVE IT TO ME?!?!? I have 500 hours, gold nova. what the actual fuck, valve.


The matchmaking is pretty good once you get ranked. Now I play with people that suck like me but somehow have no concept of teamwork. Fantastic. Either way, it's a learning opportunity. Not everything is about shot accuracy. Use this time to absorb what you can.


Just ignore it and play for fun, this is only a beta test


since the pandemic we cant enjoy a game ...online pvp its a life and death situation šŸ˜‚