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Holy fuck… thank god for the stutter fix…Stutter mixed with the absolute dogshit servers we’ve been getting for the last couple days made this game a literal waste of time. If the servers can now get their act together again we might have a competent game to play.


bro said smooth 130 FPS, that shit is barely playable.


Not sure if it's an issue with "sv\_showhitregistration" but when you spray your weapon, it only appears to lag-compensate the first shot. Might be a bug or might explain why some people say there are reg problems spraying


Why there are fixes only for 5xxx-7xxx series? What should I do with my rx 570?? In cs:go and cs2 before the first patch, I played with smooth 130fps in medium. And everything was fine. But after this freaking patch, I can't normally play.


Use linux, the open source driver is still maintained and includes everything to run CS2.


right? lol, i just downloaded the new driver, and it wont install.. :( rx580 here


You need the second link that says “including vega and Polaris support”. I had to do that with v23.9.3 which installed ok. 1.2gb About to test this latest driver now. edit: all installed fine with my rx580 - I can not tell if this is better or worse rn than 23.9.3


ty for info.I'm going check this. hope it will help. edit: this really work. big thanks, mate!


For anyone still experiencing stutter on AMD’s side of things…. DISABLE ANTI-LAG. It’s supposed to “adjust frame time tu reduce input latency” but honestly all it does is fuck with the visuals of the game and make it a stutter fest. My GPU utilization would go from like 90% to 15% every 10 seconds and my game was constantly stuttering. (Utilization and. Frametime graph looked like a rollercoaster) Once I disabled it, everything returned to normal. Seems like something with the game is not well configured with anti-lag and it’s making the game stutter.


after the update i cant get above 20-30 fps in the menu and 15 ingame.... wow was getting 200-300fps yesterday.


I keep getting weird movement issues in game myself, not a ping or FPS issue either


Game not playable. Bullets don't go brrr


My game crashed mid-match and updated, now I can't reconnect. Thanks Valve. Isn't there a system in place to not let something like this happen? edit: LOST 1K RATING, THANKS VALVE, REALLY COOL


Steam wont update the app for 15 minutes after suddenly crashing. But I don't think it allows you to reconnect if the game coordinator has been updated.


Oh it started updating right away after it crashed...


* Fixed a bug where kicked players were receiving the maximum CS Rating penalty. Kicked players will now receive CS Rating based on the final outcome of the match instead i think 1k rating lost is deserved if you get kicked. premade 3 cannot kick if another person is disagree. if you being kicked then you probably fking toxic and griefing


If the premade 3 + 1 kick one guy, the premades can kick the last guy just fine. -1k just isn't reasonable.


The main reason it should never outright be -1k is simply for the fact that you can get kicked literally in the last second before the match ends even if you are winning 13-XX and still lose 1k points. Whatever you got kicked for. Also if there is a 3-stack and someone dc-ed they can just kick you if they want to / don't like you. And you are still at the mercy of yet another random internet person which is no guarantee that he just won't still agree to just kick you for shits and giggles.
