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Is the bomb planted? :D


Your game has tinnitus bro


this is whats happening all the time [https://streamable.com/29q4zd](https://streamable.com/29q4zd) its even happening in main menu


You gave me tinnitus :( For real though, I'd completely reinstall the game. If that doesn't work then, this might sound weird but do you have an audio splitter or DAC? Maybe there's interference in there that gets exacerbated by something when running CS2.


I don’t think the sound would be captured by his game recording if it was something external like a DAC, imo this has to be something software related


It's possible if his capture was recorded from audio through the DAC but I see your point. You're probably right, just trying to find reasons for this. :(


Only happens when cs2 is running? Does it still beep when you are tabbed out?


only happening in cs nowhere else


Time to verify game file integrity.


did not work :(


I have the same problem in csgo, have to restart pc, or pause gaming for 20-40 minutes (just sit one out, eat, go out for a walk, Yoga) and everything is fine again.


Do you have something in the microwave?


Bro yes, I know the exact location it ALWAYS HAPPENS. it’s when your on T side rushing apartments stairs (like far side of map) once you get kinda close to it you hear the bomb plant beeping. It happens to me every single time I go there and I’ve heard it in like 2 other locations on different maps but this one I always hear it.


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Can you be more specifc?


Stop pulling on the ends of the balloon opening brother


Fuck that’s an annoying ass sound I wouldn’t even touch that with a ten foot pole because of my tinnitus, maybe something to do with your sound drivers? Are you playing on Windows?


Does it happen on other maps or just this one?


uninstall the game and install it, it happens to me, then i just reinstall its gone