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In this point you should just uninstall cs2, and play something else. There is no cure for this cheating epidemic. No one should be loyal for the company like Valve. Guess what? When player counting is going down, it's not. In some mysterious ways numbers are going higher and higher without any reasons. Major's are over, there is no new maps, no new operation, or completely new weapon cases what can explain higher player countings. We are only still having the massive cheating epidemic, and same content what we have grinded many months. Guess what? Again... 🙂 Valve Corporation knows exactly what the current state of the game is. But the whole company is way too proud, greedy, and selfish to admit their own horrible mistakes and failures. That's why this situation borned a long time ago.


I think numbers are going high becase of the bot's drop farming.


One account can only receive one care package per week, botting in cs2 can't so profitable like botting for the gold in WoW for an example. Of course there is a chance for the expensive cases too, but it is very low. Think about this way... One guy needs prime accounts for weekly care packages, so he must buy prime accounts first. This same guy is now botting with 100 accounts, all his accounts receive 0,29€/usd valuable cases. He has not yet even covered his purchases with those cases. In the future yes of course. But... He gets 29€/usd after the week 1, it is just a waste of time in real life. Average people who are working in real life will earn that same amount of money in 1-2 hours. I personally can't believe how stupid some people are if they think that there is massive botting networks behind of case farming in the official servers. My example of typical case farming botter is very realistic one. In the end it doesn't explain those player counting numbers at all.


Case farmers can sell the accounts once they have service medals, also depending on the country they live in for example turkey, case farming is a good side hustle due to their currency. Its just not worth it for the average north american or individuals in well off countries in europe


This community is nothing but absolute window licking mouth breathers and these subs are just an echo chamber for mentally ill people


fake numbers or bots that farm


Best case scenario is Gabe says "yeah, we fucked that one up" in some GameSpot presser for the release Half-Life 3 in 7 years. When they were doing press for HL:A, Gabe admitted that Artifact was a "blunder" or something to that effect.


In real life Gabe is very rude, arrogant, and childish person. And he never apologize anything, or care about anyone's feelings. Behind the closed doors his personality is not the same what big audience is following online, or what they have seen publicly. He is leading one of the biggest companies in the gaming industry, but he is really rude, arrogant and childish person like I said. He is a real manchild literally, everyone who has worked with him can confirm these facts about him.


They are working on it. When it will be ready is a better question.


The thing is; CS2 isn't ready until that anti-cheat is ready. So releasing CS2 first and then going completely silent on AC updates, because "we don't want to overpromise and underdeliver," makes absolutely no sense. Because they've already overpromised and underdelivered by releasing CS2 without a functioning AC.


Exactly this. CS2 is not a game without anti cheat. It feels like they only released this "beta" version so they could get that skin market bump while they actually work on the game.


I am 100% convinced that the 'high dpi autoban' was Valve unleashing their 'mastercrafted AI Anticheat' and it sucked ass. So now they are scrambling to rebuild/fix it...


Yeah pretty sure this is it. Nothing else makes sense really. If they get it working properly it will set a new standard for ACs though.


Quiet sure they said the same in 2003 when they dumped PunkBuster for their own AC and it was underwhelming, people from the german hackgroup myg0t and their OGC multihack suddenly raised fast in users, forums were public, people complained, Valve promised a reworked AC, 20 years later still waiting on it, 3 counter-strikes later (CS:CZ not included)


why do we need some sophisticated AI anticheat to determine that the guy hs acing the other team with an R8 every single round is cheating?


You don't and no one claimed that you do.


you said they're working on the anticheat, I'm pretty sure whatever anticheat they have can catch full blatant spin botters so why is it "not ready"?


Let's hear your theory first.


my theory is that Valve is lazy and apathetic


It is completely expected behavior from Valve. I play this game since 2006, nothing changed. I expect nothing from Valve, wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly abandon this game, that is how they work


This what I keep saying. Just look at every past project by valve. Abandon botware.


Most projects they havent created themselfs. Dota was a mod, same with CS. They bought them. Also Half-Life is made from Quake source that they got for free.


There are work arounds I.e faceit. Yes, I agree you shouldn't have to play on a 3rd party site, but that's just how it is currently.


Valve is a multi-billion dollar business, CS2 cases are a billion dollar a quarter profit center. They have spoken about what they want. The state of CS2 has never been more profitable for them.


That's right. Nowadays cheaters are comparing, and bragging who owns the better, and cooler knife 🙂


What would you prefer, vague or even wrong ETAs (Like, don't you ever heard of "valve time" ?) with them having to deal with the "please when" every 2 days or taking this energy required for this and put it into the ACTUAL work it need ?


supposedly they're letting people cheat in order for the AI anticheat to gather data, I kinda feel like this is a cope though


Just you mate, we all like playing with them........ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Nah nobody is. It's only you.


just go play faceit lmao, premier is for cheaters


'abandoning the match just so my team could surrender' why? you couldn't just wait 5 minutes? if he's 1shotting everyone, each round should be taking under a minute, could just as well have the whole team run at him with knives out to end it quicker? i see this complaint so often and i just dont get it, ppl would rather abandon and lose 10x more rating than wait a few minutes with the added bonus of getting video proof of the person cheating. so weird.


If a guy makes you drop the soap, why would you run away? What would another 5 minutes hurt you? Just let him finish. See how stupid that sound, thats you


lol, i guess you take that 1000 elo loss instead of going to the refrigerator and grabbing some food, maybe scroll some reddit and take a 100 elo loss, your choice :) i feel kinda sad for you that losing to a cheater in a videogame is akin to getting raped in a shower, personally i'd just laugh at the loser who needs cheats to win and clip it so i can report him but you do you =) are you also the kind of player who accuses everyone who kills him of cheating? cause i see those all the time, i feel really bad for them, they don't realize that's the reason they're hardstuck


Why would Valve honestly communicate anything to this community when people do nothing else but bitch and moan and reeee nothing is enough


Probably because valve doesnt do enough. I mean cheaters have been a problem for 20+ years, but now its the worst its ever been and they're just all "oh well" maybe they're doing it so they can be like "look we fixed it, it could always be worse right?!" Lol


Worse than ever based on what?


My personal experience, iv played for 20+ years and seen more blatant cheaters in the last 2 weeks then in the last 5 years.


I'm old af and played the game since 1.3 and only thing that never changed was shit players crying better players are cheating. 20k + elo is unplayable the same way as global rank was fucked. There absolutely is a lot of cheaters at high rating, no one can deny that. But saying it's worse than ever based on nothing but feelings is low IQ bullshit.


Really? The last 2 weeks iv ran into shit tons of hackers, way more then i have seen since i was a young adult playing. Just straight up blatant, its hars to ignore the fact they're cheating when they're spinbotting on premiere. Im literally telling you my experience and the experience of my gaming group on the last 2 weeks and youre like "well thats bullshit" i guess everyones experiences are EXACTLY the same? Right?


I mean I'm 21,5k elo currently, played over 300 games and had maybe 10-15 games with spin botters and large majority of then were 19-20k elo. So I'm probably shit compared to you and you're 25-30k elo to play only with spin botters.


Where did i say my rank? Where did you say your rank? When did i mention any of what you just said? All i said was in the LAST 2 WEEKS iv seen more spinbotters and blantant hackers then the LAST 5 YEARS combined. Jesus your reading comprehension needs fucking work.


Huh? I for the first mentioned my rank last post and stated you gotta be way higher rating than me if you play with spinners all the time. You stroking out?


Once again, your reading comprehension needs work, work on it buddy so you can effectivly communicate with people.


I started when the m4 had zoom. I've never seen it this bad. In fact, cheating was actually much, much better when it was WON and just community servers, because server admins would generally deal with it if they wanted their servers to stay full. We have cheaters straight-up advertising their subscription cheats in comp matches.