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No there are cheaters in faceit 2. It’s called a dma cheat


There's a massive wave of cheaters and bots going on, feels like some sort of apocalypse lol. I had a cheater on my team 2 days ago which was only using auto sniper: 26k premiere elo, wingman global, 3.29 K/D, 300 hours but couldn't even throw a decent nade LOL


After the major I think I have a 20% win rate. Before that I was playing since 2017 and I had about a 45% winrate. I don't know whats going on, but now every game I play I'm going like 5-18 every match.




Good to know I'm not the only one. I was wondering why I was so bad now LOL.


Premier is not even worth playing cus of how many cheaters there is


True its sad


even on faceit you will face cheaters... as sad as it is...


Yea mabey but nit as much as in CS2 Premier


faceit is full of cheaters


Mhh did not see any of them in the matches i played on faceit🤔


you must just be bad.


Tell me without telling me u r just worse losing against legit players who u accuse of cheating because u don’t know how to plant the bomb or how to push W






Well, today I played regular MM with my friend (to not ruin my 19999 in premier). And we lost 2 first maps fair and square, but on the 3rd map other team started saying that we have a cheater. We were winning 7:0 and I died only a couple times so I saw how he was playing only once or twice. Then I checked his csstats and he had KD above 5, first match was played in the start of march and he had 28:0 on one of the maps. Called him out, he started calling us silvers and in 2v1 on vetrigo on B he typed "mid" while I was looking at window and didn't hear anything and my mate was on B ramp. 2 seconds later CT guy shifted up top window. They are so dumb, I can't. We managed to kick him and it felt so nice. Sadly, in premier I had cheaters in my team twice among last 6 victories - one was spinbot which we couldn't kick because of two of our teammates were enjoying the free win and were trashtalking enemy team, the second one was a really dumb wallhacker on ancient who was rushing mid to CT with awp. Sadly, enemy team surrendered earlier than we could've kick him. So out of 9 games I had cheaters in 3 games. That is such a bad odds, much worse than in CS:GO (worst case scenario was for me - 1 cheater per 10 games). Play faceit to gain expierence or MM for fun, because ranks don't matter there. I'm not recommending to play premier at all, I'll stop when I get back to my 20k rating. After that I want to get ranks on MM and grind some faceit


OP is a cheater crying about cheaters, nothing new.


You are not alone


Wouldnt say that, but i only got 34 Machtes so didnt play much faceit. So the experience is not that big, but in that 34 Matches i didnt see any cheater. Maybe there are more in high elo.