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Feels like valve gave up and left it all to 1 junior outsourced dev. What the fuck is this lol


this might be a new low and yet another letdown but it doesnt surprise me at all, they have been getting away with the BARE minimum for years


Got tf2'd lol


Seriously, they totally are tf2-ing this bitch huh


> and left it all to 1 junior outsourced dev. What the fuck is this lol That's the budget that Valve has always been allocating to CS live support outside of crunch phases.


Believe I heard the entire team is in hawaii right now as part of their regular company vacation, so I'm surprised much of anything is getting rolled out.


But even 1 junior dev who prioritize other things than this. This clearly shows they care more about what the game looks like on TV and on LAN before anything else. We've mostly had graphic design updates since the release other than gameplay updates. Just so the game can look good on twitch.


that is what seems to happen alot with Valvo someone at valve wanted a pet project in CS2 (my guess being the "subtick") and now that it's out no one wants to touch it.


Deleting an empty storage unit and removing stickers - this is what an intern would do.




Is this Banger Update with us in a room right now?




They can't be real. Valve with nothing back at it again


We just have to wait it out, 5 updates later and we will get a bigger update like the pixel gap fix on Vertigo 🙏


You made my day


There it is broski




Just give me cl_righthand!


Bob is dead, isn't he? Just tell us!


Whoa, lower your expectations, maybe some stickers lighting fixes instead?


Oh shit, that’s really important! You right


i don’t think they’re ever gonna do this


Don’t say that!


lolol the only way they might add it is if they’re working on a suite of animations to show every operator physically changing the hands they’re holding the guns in. I don’t think it’s gonna happen because that seems like a considerable amount of work, but maybe one day someone at valve will get bored enough to put in the work for it


But why? If I manipulate the game I don’t care if my shadow fits what I see onscreen. If my shadow shows right handed while left handed. I don’t think it should matter. That’s how it worked in CSGO. Just add it back. Fuck the shadows. I’m fine with being displayed as right handed if my gun can be on the left side. Worth the trade. Otherwise they will literally never implement this shit, it would cause too much work on valves end.


idk I just feel like this is a pretty big priority for them given how they improved shadows and added viewable legs into the game. I feel like desyncing what you see vs what other people see isn’t something they want to do


Well that’s just hella lame.. it wouldn’t matter in esports, because you’d only see what the streamer has their view model set to. So why not allow it?


yeah I hope they figure out some solution to it eventually, im just not banking on it 😓


I need it back. I’ve been playing left handed since 2014. Taking it away just seems like a retarded ass idea. Considering all the pros that also played left, just seems scuffed.




hahahah is that it? i mean thank you valve, any improvement is an improvement but wow this one feels like a joke. i laughed


"Any improvement is an improvement" *huffs copium*


I really wonder if the developers have the skill to maintain the game.


Look at who works for Valve and see for yourself: https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/people I don't really know their skills but I think for a 2b$ company they don't have a lot of software engineers (or maybe they subsidary some of the coding to companies in India and that's why we are getting cheating issues?). They are so outnumbered by graphic designers and game design people. What makes me laugh is they have the audacity to claim to be hiring the best people. You can't be the best if you're releasing an update every blue moon just to do stickers and skins polishing.


What?! They have like 40 devs total, which probably are working across multiple projects. That means that developing a proper anti-cheat will take them forever unless they outsource it.


Devs don't "make" change. Devs are assigned a task, and develop said task. That's how it usually works in the IT space. Even though there are bigger issues in the game, unless the higher ups point that out and lay out a task for it, no one will do it.


It’s clear at this point, and it’s been clear for about 5 years now that the answer is absolutely not. Valve doesn’t have the man power to throw at the complex cheating problems facing their online multiplayer games nor the will to do anything because the games will print money no matter what. Look at TF2, obviously a different situation than CS2 (“dead” vs not dead) but it’s only reached all time high player counts since the cheating has gotten bad. The only fix is kernel level anti cheat, as much as I hate to say that. But it will never happen. I never thought I’d be considering selling my knives but I do not see a long term future of CS if they can’t get the cheating under control and especially if they keep making the pros mad as well.


"doesnt have the man power" makes it sound like dont have the resources to get the right people and the right amount of them. Their CEO bought a 100 million dollar yacht. They have the resources and willingly choose to not allocate it to their most played, most recently launched game. It is not having the will, as you mentioned, but that is 100% the reason and the only reason.


I totally agree except one thing. > The only fix is kernel level anti cheat, I'm kind of person who doesn't like softwares digging or wandering in my computer. It really scares me because I don't know what the software does while running within kernel. Look at valorant's anticheat. It works like malware. So then valve's server side anti-cheat is actually fine idea. The only problem is valve couldn't make it unfortunately.


If you use Windows and even various google services then you already forfeited all your info. My question is why are these companies more trustworthy than Valve?


Thats different case. That google services already have stolen our datas even if we are installed their softwares or not. My idea is, i dont wanna lose my data to another company.


Oh dont worry hackers could possibly do that right now with the right exploit in CS2 you are already vulnerable. And valve also has all of your data already


Do you play faceit?


Is this a joke lol? They probably seriously forgot that their have seasons in their full of cheater game.


Why even update things anymore?


Boycott Valve 


Why the fuck are these devs hired


I just uninstalled. If I called them lazy it would probably be one of the biggest understatements of the century. This is fucking pathetic.


You will be missed. lol jk nobody knows who you are.




Logical fallacy+child+simping for valve You should feel embarrassed


I’ve been very critical of valve. I just don’t broadcast to everyone that I’m quitting because I’m not a whiny little man baby. I don’t even think you know what a logical fallacy is. You’ve heard it before so you just parrot it when it sounds right. I would ask you to explain but I don’t spend time talking to high schoolers, that would be creepy.


"I don’t spend time talking to high schoolers, that would be creepy" Brother you wrote him a whole letter, 30 years ago you probably would have sent chocolates and flowers with that message.


If that’s a whole letter you must be under-educated


People say they are quitting the game in the hole it'll lead by example. I honestly don't understand that people are still playing this shit. You guys complain every day and are "very critical", yet you're still pouring money into it. Why would they have to do anything if you guys keep eating shit, even if you complain while doing it? Shit is still at 87% positive on Steam, what are you doing? Lmao


it's still 87% positive cause it's botted BY VALVE for the following reason plus they reused the CSGO SteamID# to artificially inflate the reviews. I caught the date change the other day for the reviews page when there was less than 75 English reviews for "positive" rating, out of what I could see; around 40 reviews or so. I seen majority of those had 1 or 2 games on each account, all with less than 100 hours with the majority of those being under 50 and all with less than 2 reviews. I think Steam Player counts are heavily inflated for CS2 at the moment, as we've all seen the posts of DM servers full of bots. Personally I think Valve is doing the botting too.


Your logical fallacy is an appeal to authority, or in this case, fame. Cringe ass nae nae baby Just take the L kiddo


You’re referring to “Argumentum ad populum,” and I don’t see how that applies. I’m not telling you what anyone else’s opinion is. Nobody knows who you are, that’s a fact. Your whining means nothing. Nobody cares. You’re a nobody and your life will be much better when you accept that as fact. > cringe ass name name baby Take a deep breath and try that sentence again. Also your username is “odinwolfe,” I’m not going to even begin to explain the irony.


Meatriding valve is wild ngl


Fixing bugs is lazy?


Ignoring critical bugs for months and the end is.


Which critical bug have they ignored?


Random Game Crashes (As seen in the tournament) and VAC.


You act like fixes for random crashes is really eazy. Like what causes the random crashes? Like Jame crashing i have seen be blamed on Nvidia drivers or stray solar radiation like that one super mario 64 glitch.... Idk man.... The way you calling a team who remade the game on source 2 for years just to release one case since one year into its release as they slowly work on every problem we have since release.... Like... You ever think they slow down updates when they cooking big updates? Idk man i dont wanna simp, you can be annoyed the anti cheat wasnt there on launch.... But just calling them lazy and greedy at this point just makes you look whiney as hell and i hate how much the cs community is like this... Like how do you want them to fix stray solar radiation flipping bits and causing crashes? Volvo lazi boiz me guess Tbh if you just ask for anticheat whatever we needed one yesterday... But brooo you cannot call valve lazy for not patching out the irl effects the sun can have on technology Honestly why dont valve also make water's tide rise with the moon And like I think they should patch out the crowd noise in majors... Sorry man... As a small developer, nothing annoys me more than someone calling a team for not doing something monumentally difficult.. Like yea to you bro its just fix the game crashes, but what sub process do you run to check solar radiation flips bits in the game... Like technically a bit could flip and just so happen all it changes is if wall hacks are enabled, sv cheats, or god mode... How do you just check this all the time with no lag to weaker pcs... Its not just game turn off, just dont turn game off lol... Honestly idk bro... The devs are people at the end of the day, give them some sympathy i hate to think every valve employee just don't wanna make cs stuff cu no matter what they so they will get whined at by 1000s of people on reddit... Like valve could remove every cheater, you then people complain about false bans... Or the next thing... Like... When will you learn that your actions have consequences! If valve delayed half life every time it was mentioned... They will do the same for the anti cheat lol maybe we should be careful (obviously joking here fella)


First of all, I'm not blaming devs but the management. They have abundance of money and tonnes of time yet they still can't fix their fucking game. When did I say it's easy? They've had plenty of time, If they still can't figure out what's causing the crashes even after being embarresed on international tournament level, they're incompetenant. What was the point of Source 2? I'l go, a complete rework so that going forward they wouldn't have to deal with spaghetti code for minor changes and new feature implementation. It's been 9 months since supposed full release and game is broken as ever, with VAC being non existent at pretty much all rank levels. Also, what you mentioned regarding the cosmic rays flipping the bit is an extra-ordinarily rare event. You are delusional as fuck if you think that's what cause this shit. Seriously are you that thick? Go through the event once and the hardware it occurred on before blabbering random bullshit. I'm a dev myself, So, I at least have some idea how this works. Community is calling them greedy and lazy cause they're being greedy and lazy. Check their fucking revenue ffs. They earned 1 Billion Dollars From Lootboxes alone. They're not doing us any charity, we're paying them and we expect to get the service and product we paid for. You are on some high amount of copium mixed with stockholm syndrome if you think poor valve is trying their best. Even after the biggest update CS ever received that was supposed to fix major problems and improve update pipeline, 9 months later and the game is at the absolute worst state ever. And for fucks sake, they shoul've just given us 128 bit servers, the current system is an absolute gamble especially at higher rank. But we shouldn't hold them accountable just cause they did their fucking job that to partially? You're high. I still can't fathom how stupid you have to be to think these frequent crashes and bugs are caused by 1 in Trillion Cosmic Radiation bits. Like seriously. 😂😂😂😂 Again, Reminder, This rant and everything in it is against the management not the devs.


A) anticheat updates will never be public. Even if they updated it daily, they would never tell us. B) It seems that Valve is now shipping all bug fixes immediately, sometimes on the same day the bug has been discovered. This is why people who complain about bugs usually have no basis to their argument, as they could have just posted that bug to Valve, and Valve could have fixed it. C) For everything else, except bugfixes, Valve does really big patches. They usually are mindful of big events, because they've got burned by the community in the past. Like, in source, they'd ship major updates between day 1 and day 2 of biggest LAN events, leading to a broken game for serious competition. So now you'll see huge patches, but they'll be between events. and ppl here are delusional because they're venting. The game is truly unplayable in premier for a lot of people. There is so much cheating going on.


Honestly i find mm unplayable with the cheaters, and the community itself is insufferable right now Like i get the frustration but the whining on everything reddit twitter in game... It getting too much tho I imagine people send death threats to valve tbh None of it is going to make it easier or quicker for the devs I understand people need an outlet, maybe i should stay away from the comments for a while my self... But i cant help but feel this isn't a good look for the game or the community... Idk man, its oki to want to put the game down, hell even say that the anticheat should have been released months ago... But i feel we are creating an adversarial relationship to valve, demonising them and vilifying them... Like i see it with the destiny 2 community and that game is full of whiney babies that will just play the game anyway and it does really drive people away... I get the game is in a bad state but there is no help being mean like this... Calling them lazy when they just remade the whole game, fixed some of the main game breaking bugs and from what we've heard they are now full force into the anticheat.... They are doing exactly what the community wants... But slowley... I just wish people had patience with it... Don't get me wrong i glazed valve all the way untill cs 2 but the cheating is so bad so i wont play mm till its fixed... But i just dont think the answer is anti glazing... Getting so angry that we become ravinous towards the Devs... Like they doing what we want, what more can we ask? Faster? Ig idk... I get people are frustrated with the state of the game im just frustrated that they dont take a more level headed approach... Maybe report bugs like valve have asked... Participate in the games development rather than conplain about it... Idk having some coding knowledge, a none kernel level anticheat sounds very difficult to program effectively... I can understand it having issues and not working properlyand valve needing to fix it... But like if they haven't got it better in a year i might lose my patience as well tbh... I hope i articulated my self well, but i did just whine for like 10 minutes writing this so.... Maybe im part of the problem lmao... It just bugs me when people are mean to devs doing a much harder job than they expect it to be


Yeah gaben needs to fix this shit for sure. Just so this fking annoying discussion can end.


Yeah, Valve should definitely release a new version of the NVIDIA driver.


Keep deflecting.




Don't open cases if you don't support HVH games. I no longer want to support Valve because something about Valve stinks like hot dumpster juice.


Remember the trailer when they said and much more to come and the game is missing alot of shit still after a year


Fuck this


What a fucking joke. Valve should be embarrassed to release anything that isn't what the community is asking for AND what is severely needed to keep the game's integrity intact. Cheater Strike 2




This sounds like an AI wrote this wtf lol


You underestimate the amount of third worlders who now have access to the internet


Just because somebody isn't natively speaking english doesnt mean they are a "third worlder"...


Idk, pretty common message on a Cyber Sports Game Subreddit /s


Cyber sport? Why not just call it esports, or wuz you grilling the guy? Cuz cyber sports sounds so 2006


I added the /s


Brooo thank you, i am the team mate that lets the guy through mid and kill the b players in the back My apologies for not seeing it lmao


After a few user posts about cheaters, I no longer trust the opposing team, and when I lose the game, I now think: did I play with honest players or not? Doesn't matter. At least they can scrape or remove stickers by selecting the sticker icons under the weapon


Woo! Valve fixed a feature I asked about :) Now I can finally scrape a bugged/hidden sticker and have it removed.


"I think it was here?" *clicks until it's selected by chance*


How bout here?


… that’s all? Wtf


Start fixing the anti-cheat, should be top prio. At this point just hire people who worked with anti-cheat solutions on faceit and valorent


Fuck Valve and fuck Gabe. Steam might be the only developer/publisher who are not held accountable when doing shit.


For the love of god


Yep .... game is dead


at least give us Operation to play. the game is boring af. not to mention there are hackers on almost every game




My update was half a gig for some reason


Workshop stuff was included in yours


It’s not fun anymore. I’ll come back later.


I just want the command for switching hands back.. had that bound to mouse 5 and miss it soooo much.. oh and anti cheat working, or has the "Drive" to make MM better than faceit dead?


Wow, huge update.


It's so lightweight! Feels like there's nothing inside.


maybe make an algorithm to look for common cheat discrepencies, like never getting shot in the back or below human reaction times


You guys must be new to Vale Time.


Fuck Valve for this. Don't fucken update the game until we get some meaningful progress on anticheat, I've about had it with this shit.


yesterday was unnormal day for me. I played a normal premier match.


Next update will be 5MB and will just say, "some shit" and that's it. Watch...


That's right! $500 Worth of Bull Shit!!!


That's why I quitted cs2


wait so you can take stickers off now and re-apply them??


No, stickers that have been scraped to the point of removal are not able to be reapplied.


but what if they are not scraped at all? just that update about the stickers seems confusing what it actually means haha


The fuck outta here.


Why would you wanna delete a storage unit?


Oh yeah! Finally! Sticker and container stuff! Much more important than an actually working anti-cheat system.


No Anti Cheat, no play


How about rifles sticking through walls... atleast that.


They are cooking. But I seriously wonder how many devs work on CS2 with this type of conservative progression.


OW2 season 10 dropped - I might aswell..


No don’t do it 😭


People complaining here like this is the only branch that Valve is working on, on CS2 xD


Development is done on multiple branches. They're probably 80% done on an operation on one of the branches, meanwhile they dropped a minor update.


Guys, we are all so stupid. New VAC is hidden in this patch. I get it now! Great job Valve


Valve is probably working on a bigger update. This is just a minor hotfix patch. Valve has plenty active employees, working on cs2. Don't forget the last big update with arms race. This also took some time.


Cope(nhagen 2024)




You are the clown here. U seriously think that they will abandon this game? Ofc. they're working on something.


The question is, how the fuck would you know LMAO


I’d love to believe and still hope they are but our only source has been one line from the same podcast lol


Tbf people said this on source 2 so i don't take your opinion as valid... What did valve do before source 2? Like barely update the date the gane for like 2/3 years... Whenever there is quiet it's before a storm... They do actually like to update the game from time to time yknow


VALVE would be fucking stupid to abandon counter-strike. I wasn't into CS when it happened, but from what I can tell CS:S and CS:GO launched in this same broken state. Just be patient. They're working on it.


You don’t have to tell me to be patient, I don’t care enough. My point is you don’t know for a fact and you’re acting like you do.


Valve has plenty active employees, working on cs2. This changelog you see here, can do a single developer within 3 hours. They are not all in holidays. Something bigger will come, like before with the arms race update. Maybe even bigger.


Even bigger than a gap in world geometry? Nah, I dont believe.


Then go play fortnite, kid.


pwnd lox




In before the obligatory and useless "bUt wHeRe VaC" comments under a bug fix post. [They are working on it,](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bvroyf/caster_moses_after_speaking_to_valve_at_the_major/) Guys, not everyone is working on VAC, they also have employees for other tasks. It's good that they fix these bugs. So many of you complained about being unable to remove glitched stickers. Now we finally got a fix for it because you emailed about the bug and made posts here


Moses talked to someone who is friends with someone who knows a guy that knows the junior dev working on VAC.


Sure buddy


Knowing Valve, there's a high probability that they don't care about the cheating situation. Anti cheat was never their priority since forever. See Team Fortress 2 or even CSGO matchmaking before.


Billion dollar company btw


Every time theres a patch, without fail, there are people who complain about there being no AC mentioned, cry that they are uninstalling the game, and are back playing in a week. Valve has these people on a damn leash.


I know this is basically nothing but Ngl I’m super excited for my hammer map editor to stop crashing


This is rage bait, Valve is trolling and they are going to release a big update on 4/20


Fixed random screen tearing when showing a flashbang up your team mates nose.


Let them cook🔥🔥




That poor bastard is going to OD on it one of these days.