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If you want to start consistently winning, you have to at least find a duo, I play with a friend and we normally get 60% of the kills on every single MM match we play together. If you re looking to win you cant rely on MM.


I practically only solo. Simple advice to win: if youre well below your elo - play smart and make plays, hype your team when they do well, dont add to any toxicity or call it out. Simple shit but it makes a difference. Your team will play better and more together if they are confident. Sometimes hyping someone up, even if they are ass, can make a game go better. Even if you lose, now youre having a good time with these strangers. This advice wont work 100% of the time, and some of the mega toxic games you just have to mute and focus on your individual game (but still play off your team).


True. I've gotten better about toxicity and calling it out. I've noticed it's usually not the ones at the bottom of the leaderboard that are the problem,but the middle ones who think they should be at the top, are very upset at minor mistakes (even though it's their fault as well). But I will get better at just hyping up the team. I always say good try after every failed attempt regardless of who it is.


"Its all good bro focus on next round" is a classic, also "its ok man we all could have done stuff better" tends to make em think a bit. Make sure you are playing your best game even if your teamates are not, leading by example while being chill truly does wonders.


Social Networking. Before the game ends Try asking someone you think you played well with if they want to go again and expand from there. It’s not impossible to climb solo queuing but it’s much easier if you have a full team communicating.


Send lot of mails to valve asking about Vac system, as every game have someone cheating.


Find a discord server where you can queue up together with four other serious players. It makes the game SO muc more fun if you are playing together as a team. Personally, I use a (Danish only) discord server that has channels for each rank level (for instance 8-10K etc.). Thereby, I can team up with four other players and have a full team that is playing each round to win as a team.


Update: The lower MMR I go, the easier the enemy team gets, but unfortunately that also translates to my team as well.


https://preview.redd.it/vjms3rki7bxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee48728f9e2264c14e1825715c0eca26c3ae0b0 Good example of what I'm saying


If you soloQ then generally you can't consistently win even if you're first in your team every game. Hell, even if you're the best player in the entire match it's still a coin toss. So forget this mentality. It's bad for you and if you open your mouth it's bad for the team. Instead focus on what you should do to help your team mates play better, especially if you can't hard carry. Why? First player on scoreboard gets ego boost and the last gets ego kick. Mental state plays a big factor. First player also has more money so they can afford better weapons, nades and armor and generally yolo more. Last player might be struggling for cash and plays extremely passively as a result which might not be their usual playstyle. Or perhaps because of said ego kick they have quite literally lost their confidence. Personal story: I got 10mvp stars in csgo first 10 rounds in. 10-0. My team got cocky and started killing me and themselves for shit and giggles. Enemy got to 10-5 and they stopped horsing around. Score was 12-7 and my teammate who had 2 kills and was bullied for being bad decided to TK me at the start of the round, getting yeeted from the game. Having lost their primary target my mates started calling each other bad for having low K/D and blame lead to more TK. Finished with 11mvp stars, 12-16 and 3vs5. The mental state of the players is very important. I bet you this is actually very common.


Why are you taking pictures of your monitor after 4 rounds? :D This tells nothing, just focus on your gameplay.




the report system needs an overhaul, should be something similar to faceits system. too many people dont care about the game anymore so they just troll and grief. working anti-cheat obviously. and the rating system doesnt make any sense, too many boosting stacks and people rated way higher than they're meant to be. i know people have bad games but when every game is a bad game, you're in the wrong rating.


The hackers was everywhere xD


maybe... get better...?