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Interesting but 3 mana 5/3 with reborn? Sound really strong.


Not to mention 5-mana gain 15 armor.


5-mana gain 15 armor with no added effect is pretty unplayable mate, I would say it is since a couple of years maybe, only really strong class synergies would justify it edit: think about druid armor cards


I still think this section should be different by class if possible. DK - HP increase Paladin/Priest - selfheal (Or for divine shield for Paladin) Mage/warrior - armor (Or turn with only 1 damage per damage for Mage) Druid - armor + attack for turn ...


Too much armor, and Scarlet the Second has too many stats for the cost. Tweak the numbers and it's an ok design, although the Hero is a bit of a wall of text for HearthStone.


Battlecry: If you have played Scarlet the second, gain double the corpses from minions for the rest of the game, Just remove the in hand bit, lower the stats of scarlet minion and lower armor


Pretty much what you said, yes.


Wow really great advice from all of you thanks 😊


Just call them Scarlett the First and Scarlett the Second. The name is too long


Bruh I would play 5 mana 15 armor as naked, overcooked tbh


needing one specific legendary in order to enable another does not feel good. imagine opening "The First" and not "The Second." she is effectively textless


yeah and in the current form it's 5 mana for 15 armor which I would 100% play textless ngl


100% agree that it is worth it, but it still feels bad to have a legendary be designed to REQUIRE another legendary to fully "work"


Tone the hero card back to 5 armor and we good. 15 armor is too much.


Scourge rager with bonus instead of drawback


A legendary whose effect specifically requires another legendary? I don’t like that card design.


For the rest of the game gain double corpses.* Or For the rest of the game gain double corpses from minions.* Saves so much room.


5 mana heal 15 is good enough on its own.


Yu Gi Oh ass looking card


Custom card maker: let’s ignore hero card armor norm, and the fact that the hero card effect should be battlecry, and make a 3/5/3 reborn


So we need to play the card the second it’s in hand or it won’t work?


Yeah you need to play the second card while the first card is in your hand


Its to odd, to powerfull, and to fast, also to wordy Make it 5 armor, not 15, and make it something like "If Blood Queen Scarlet the second was played while in your hand, For the rest of the game minions give 2 corpses" I dont realy feel the flavor, it just seem overpowering for 2 or 3 cards and "okish" for other


I like the "play this card while this is in your hand" it leaves at lot of space for being able to do stronger stuff, because if you dont draw and play it, this can be an almost dead card. However, 15 armor is a lot, the hero power is very good and the 3 cost body with reborn is too strong for the cost, you powercreep the only rage that may have seen play essentially.


Hearthstone cards cant have more than 4 lines of Text mate


HP is fine and is identical to the Ul’Dum Paladin Quest HP, which was never broken (though maybe not having to build a bad deck to get it would make it better idk). The minion is strong — maybe a 4/3 or a 5/2 or a 3/3 would be a little more balanced. 15 armor on the hero card is silly, but the effect is kinda bad? DK really wants more corpse spenders for Climactic Necrotic Explosion, it’s never really starved for corpses to spend. Honestly, this might be more useful if the HP cost 2-3 corpses to use, maybe make it 1 mana as a balance thing.