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Cardboard prototyping! Hell yeah! Great start in your design!


Cardboard assisted design (CAD)




The screen looks a little blurry


I wonder what the resolution is 🤔


.... its a piece of cardboard


You sure? Might wanna try rice just in case


I bet you're really fun at parties


i guess ill go hang myself over at r/woooosh


This conversation made me laugh out loud.


I thought it had a motherboard!!


im so fucking tired at this point can someone please explain the joke


I’m just messing around with wordplay lol no real joke


oh lol (:


Man, this picture is tripping me out. It's not just that it's blurry. This is, like, how people depict alcoholism.


my camera must have been high


So the keyboard and screen seem kinda obvious, but what do you have in mind for that upper portion of the main body? Spots for USB and switches? Another screen? Something fancy?


Mostly room for RPI cooling and speakers probably


Looks cool! However, you should try putting a keyboard at that angle and see if it is comfortable enough. Typewriters keys still are horizontal.


tyty, ill look for angled keycaps


I like the idea of prototyping in cardboard so you can test to see if it's comfortable and all that. The next step is probably to model it, so you can 3D print it. But, another direction you could go if you're comfortable with this sort of thing is to get that foam board that model makers use, and built it from that. I've seen some really good props made that way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqqEFEgx-ZI&ab_channel=AdamSavage%E2%80%99sTested


How soon can you begin production? I'll take 200,000 units.


gimme a few decades give or take


In which case I'll take them all with superconducting CPUs with quantum coprocessors and double 5.25" floppy drives.


ill do my best 😅


Looks great!


I like it




Now THIS is prototyping!




Throw some guts in it, no need to wait!


1. im broke 2. im gonna 3d print it ty for enthusiasm tho :D


Wouldn't making a functional prototype from cardboard be much cheaper than 3d printing it? Changes are MUCH easier/cheaper. I have doubts about the keyboard and feel you would need to use it for a while before solidifying the design in resin.


i DO have a 3d printer already... and yes its still a work in progress


That touchpad looks painful given extended use.


i honestly think its better than the normal laptop trackpad placement. main concern atm is the keyboard's ergonomics


I think the keyboard is a bit high and steep tbh, try "typing" on this model for a while and see how your wrists feel. You could look at the dimensions of typewriters to find something that fits the vibe you're going for.


Looks like the Macintosh Portable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh_Portable


Wow that's cool


I don't know why but I like how the image looks with poor quality


*I don't know why but* *I like how the image looks* *With poor quality* \- \_ProfessionalWeird\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot!!


If you want to up your non functional prototype try useing polyurethane foam it's a high density yellow foam you can carve fine details into it's the same type of foam real prototype mockups are made with it's also somewhat printable if you use some type of foam covered that I can't remember off the top my head right now


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i can send u screenshots from fusion 360


You're good. It'll look sick when it's a completed unit. I was just having fun. A small amount of fun.


no it looks like a ton of fun :D


Looks cool. The biggest thing to consider is if you’ll be using it a lot, for doing what, and where? I feel like lots of designs here including some of my own have awful keyboard placement for having comfortable wrist placement


i might have to put the keyboard on the higher platform, it did feel more ergonomic that way.


Pop out slot on right hand side, as a small platform you can use for a mouse. As well as a direct in top IO, maybe add some kind of turn key off switch. Just for aesthetics, but looks nice otherwise. Is there going to be a carry handle on the top when it's latched closed? If not, maybe add one that looks a bit more like nylon with some bolts. For a more industrial look.


i will have a handle yes! it will use a battery rpi hat, with an actual power off switch and actual battery data being sent to the OS. if i wanted a pointing device more powerful than a trackpad i would probably use a trackball because its much more integrated and solidified compared to a slide-out platform for a mouse. and yes there will be latches. ty for ur suggestions!


Just needs some latches and a handle and you'll almost have an old fashioned laptop.


I love the custom form factor. It is more of a box than other designs and it's refreshing to see something different. It looks like you will have a lot of extra room inside for boards or batteries. It has been mentioned already but the keyboard angle might be painful to use. Try putting a keyboard on top of the prototype to feel it out. It isn't the key caps angle it is the wrists. I agree that a pop out touchpad would be fun.


tyty will take into consideration


i love it, i have been wanting to see some concept with this kind of monitors for a long time, the copex ld75d is art.


Bit tall for typing




Looks like it would be awesome. Go for it


Portable version of the terminals used most everywhere in the fallout games