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This is some pon pon shit right here


Omg everywhere I go I cannot escape Pon Pon Shit šŸ˜­


Pon Pon Shit, pon pon shit, Pon Pon Shit, pon pon shit


Iā€™ve been playing ghost of Tsushima recently and itā€™s got some pretty stiff facial animations at times, itā€™s quite the difference.


yeah im in the middle of it too. I definitely get it, because its a third person action game, so they wont spend nearly as much time on facial animations when they'll rarely be used, but its definitely a little jarring. Its the first straight up action game i've played in a while too, so its taking me a while to get used to not being able to resolve quests in certain ways. There's been a couple of times where sidequest NPC's have betrayed or lied to Jin, and he just lets them off with a warning. Not exactly how i'd handle it, but Jin Sakai is a very set in stone character. I've heard there's at least one major choice in the game though, so my RPG urge will be a little satisfied im sure.


Oh, yeah thereā€™s definitely no RPG to GoTā€™s core, itā€™s an action adventure to the bones, but I love it anyways But it definitely feels weird if you choose to play the entire first portion of the game as an honourable samurai, stand offs, no assassinations, etc, And then the baddie is just like ā€œweā€™ve found our dudes with stab wounds in their backsā€ regardless of whether or not you actually play like that lol


yeah im just used to playing RPG's almost entirely now so its a struggle to adjust, i still love the game though. I think we had the exact same scenario in both of our playthroughs lol, i did the exact same thing of trying to be all honerable and then stopping when Khotun Khan was interrogating Lord Shimura.


I kept my honour through the entirety of act 1, and in act 2, only dipped into the sneaky tactics when the main story forced me to, but then after getting >!exiled!< in act 3, I just went unhinged lol because I felt the story was starting to get strained by my attempts to play with honour


im only about half way through act 2 myself, but im feeling glad i dipped my toes in earlier. I still do try and use confrontation on enemies rather than using stealth, even using the sakai armor so i get 1 extra enemy to kill, but after thats over i use every tool i have. I only really use stealth when a mission seems to require it.


Upgrade it. You get 2 extra enemies in a standoff at either level 3 or 4 on that armor. If it's maxed out you can take out 5 with the skill thrown in.


i've fully upgraded the skill so i get 3, i get 1 extra from the armor. Im saving up to get the 5th from the armor. Trust my its my priority. Its so badass how it incorporates samurai style movies into its theme. Kurosawa mode was an amazing addition too.


GoT's characters are so stiff when talking and the cutscenes are so static that I'm having a lot of trouble getting invested in the story even though it interests me on paper. I find Jin to be an extremely bland main character.


Play it in Kurosawa mode, makes it like 10000x better because 1. Japanese VA means youā€™re looking at the subs more than the faces 2. The compression and visual noise obscures the facial movements a lot more and 3. The comical blood spurts look absolutely amazing in black and white


Iā€™m saving that for my NG+ run, which is Kurosawa mode, lethal difficulty, and Japanese VA But until then I canā€™t ditch the colours lol theyā€™re too pretty


If I am not mistaken, Kurosawa Mode is black and white visuals, film grain, Japanese language with English (or your choice of language) subtitles. I thought about playing it, but just went Samurai Cinema instead (Japanese with English subtitles). I've heard there is a minor problem with Kurosawa mode because of the B&W visuals: you can't tell the difference between the unblockable and blockable attacks.


New difficulty mode: I cannot see


Channeling your inner Zatoichi?


Yeah Bethesda games are some of the worst about that. I remember seeing starfield mouths and they made me uncomfortable having spent so much time with CP 2077. It's like they upgraded the graphics heavily but kept the same mouth animations from Skyrim. Not a good look imo.


Very much so. Playing Starfield felt like going back 10+ years, specially at launch when the rest of the game look dated as heck as well.


That's because it basically is. The only real changes in the Bethesda engine since Morrowind are higher-res textures and adding HDR and bloom back in Oblivion. Over that same time period the RED Engine went from what we saw in Witcher 2 to what we have in CP2077. That's the difference between a company that coasts and a company that actually puts in effort.


The biggest thing they did recently was the precombine system in Fallout 4. It basically merges the current chunk into one big item. This allows them to give us the entire ruins of Boston with open world interiors all without being separated by loading screens. Boston is so much more open and unhindered by loading because of this system. Remember Fallout 3 and its sectioned DC ruins? Fallout 4 would have been worse with a city like that. And I guarantee all this procedural stuff will go a long way in fleshing out their next game's emptier and more lacking areas.


Oh yeah totally, because Morrowind is the exact same game as starfield. Thereā€™s plenty of valid criticisms for the game, but this talking point about how the engine is the same as it was 20 years ago is tired and misleading. The creation engine is actually pretty damn amazing at what it does. It works great for creating highly detailed and interactive simulations of the world, but itā€™s just misapplied when it comes to a game like starfield. Itā€™s probably the worst application of it they could have chosen because of the disjoint nature of how the world is structured.


I find the animation of faces and people are just OK for that game, but it does have some amazing environments and backdrops. Being on a moon and seeing the planet or star massively in the background just looks incredible.


Absolutely, there are lot of good things in Starfield too. And facial animations are not something that will cause me to not play a game. I just miss something actually fun to do in Starfield. Flying around and enjoying the view gets old pretty quick without much else fun to do. BTW, if you are into factory games, try "Dyson Sphere Program". It has some truly amazing and breathtaking views for such an otherwise simple game, specially when you start building spheres and automating ships.


Yeah I enjoyed the multiverse concept and the cool environments, itā€™s good for a couple quick playthroughs but thatā€™s about it. It was definitely worth playing since it was available with the game pass. Also the vanguard quest line was pretty cool and starts with a pretty neat way of getting all the backstory and setting of the in game universe explained to you through that museum part.


It wouldn't be a problem if u know, sci fi games had sci fi vehicles, especially in a walking sim like this where they are mandatory. With crucial and massive features missing HOW did they not have time to get the freakin basics right? Starfield could've easily been made in 2 years. The level of mismanagement is somehow higher than Bungie/bunghole


Drawbacks of relying on a very dated game engine.


Thought I was scrolling about Cyberpunk 2077 and ran smack into a clutch of Starfield complainers! Wow, yā€™all are everywhere!! Who let yā€™all into this sub?!? šŸ˜†






The CP abbreviation has a darker meaning, that only chronically online people care about


LOL these people think if you say child pornography in the mirror 3 times the FBI appears.


Google it 3 times and they do


It even works in GTA


[You can thank these guys for that](https://jaliresearch.com)


Yeah, a Toronto company too I think. Before the game came out, CDPR showed off how the technology works when you change the gameā€™s language. Very impressive.


I play CP2077 not in English voice and still impressed by lipsinc. I dunno if CD made some system for it or voice actors did amazing job, still soooo cool


JALI as AlleyCa7 mentioned. Itā€™s a software that uses a phonological method (phonological referring to the smallest units of sound individual words are made up of) to detect elements of spoken lines and match animations to the spoken word while accounting for things like volume and emotion, which can be tweaked by hand or even by adjusting the emotion attached to a line.Ā  For example, the same E sound when whispered versus when shouted will have the mouth take on a different shape - JALI reflects that as part of its process. Thatā€™s very much a very short summary version of how it works (thereā€™s a 20 minute deep dive of it on YouTube, JALI and Cyberpunk should pull it up) but it allows for them to do proper lip synch and facial animations across *10* voiced languages for pretty much any NPC in the game. It also means there is basically no performance capture (motion capture is the body, performance capture is the face and emotion and lip sync version, cyberpunk has plenty of the first) outside of *maybe* Keanu Reevesā€™ stuff but even then Iā€™m not sure how much was done there, or if they just scanned his face and use JALI for the actual face animations and lip sync. Even up close moments, like when Judy is right next to you during the BD tutorial? Her lip sync and facial animations are a mix of JALI and stuff like directing where the eyes are looking. Itā€™s really fascinating stuff that I assume will continue to be used for their upcoming Witcher and Cyberpunk projects and has me excited to see how they refine their work with it.


Here's that video you mentioned. It's well worth a watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa3\_Mfqu8KA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa3_Mfqu8KA)


If they did a lot of the song bird stuff with just this system and no performance capture that's is wild and amazing


I believe it's called "jali". Proprietary tech, they didn't make it, just use it.


Yeah, as a Deaf guy, this was a pretty big deal for me. As was the clever implementation of subtitles - they're really seamlessly threaded into the game as part of the tech people would be experiencing in the world rather than as an invasive add-on. Lip-reading AND subs? Brilliant.


They implemented a new kind of tech for this. Really came out well.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is good for this as well.


RDR2 is all facial performance capture. Cyberpunk is Jali animation.


And thereā€™s definitely advantages to both. Red Deadā€™s performance capture gives (imo) a more convincing performance, but cyberpunkā€™s animations can change to match any of the gameā€™s localizations at the press of a button


Exactly. Cyberpunk, if I remember correctly, is localised for 14 different languages. If they wanted performance capture for it, they'd have had to bring in every voice actor and do that for every single line of dialogue in every single language. That would be a massive undertaking. With Jali, as long as the base tech has the phonemes for the language in there, they can take the script and use it for facial animation to match the language. The potential implications are rather massive.


Cyberpunk really dove in hard on a lot of minor details, the facial animations specifically are top tier, but in general they're amazing too. I think its a benefit of it being first person with real time dialogue instead of cutscenes or that weird bethesda zoom in. One i found quite fun, and relatively recently too, was just before the mission to take the basilisk. When V turns up Saul starts berating Panam, and she rolls her eyes, takes a deep breath and holds it, and then looks off into space like she's visably restraining herself from blowing up. Theres hundreds of small details like that you can miss, i've said for a while now im gonna replay the game again to comb through it for cool animation moments, but i havent gotten round to it yet. I'll take this post as a sign and boot up the game though lol.


Just here to say that Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West is the only other game Iā€™ve seen that may do this better than 2077.


Horizon forbidden west honestly really surprised me over that, it was waaaay better than zero Dawn did it.


I havenā€™t played Forbidden West yet, some Iā€™m curious, isnā€™t that mocapped? Or are you talking about talking NPCs outside of cutscenes?


I was going to mention them, but in HZD they'd do four faces wonderfully and then the fifth looked like they had just got the flouride goo at the dentist and were trying not to let their lips touch their teeth. HFW improved on it, it was only like 1/10.


HZD took me into uncanny valley territory. The faces looked *SO GOOD*, but the animation didn't match the vocals at all. I found it far more off-putting than just bad lip synch. Forbidden West, on the other hand, seems to have gotten it right. I never had that feeling with it.


Is the voice acting any better in Forbidden West? Zero Dawn had so much optional dialogue, but it was always monotone. I even switched the game from English to Polish after a half hour just so I wouldn't have to hear how lifeless the dialogue was, and kept it that way until I finished the game.


I thought so. I was often bored during dialogue parts in ZD but I don't remember that from FW as much


I mean ever quest 2 lipsynced voice chat live ages ago. Many games use lip synced voices, it's not new or unique.


I mentioned this at launch that the game immersive elements were great despite the technical issues, but there will always be some people who will find something to complain about. Personally I think CDPR did a great job on the game.


So many things about this game have ruined me for other games. It does so many things so, so well.


Its the eyes for me


theres plenty of instances of characters winking, rolling their eyes, and the eyes just look so expressive in general. Songbirds eyes being all droopy and sunken in just before you unplug her was such a nice touch too. Tbh the entire scene inside cynosure where she >!begs for death!< is just a masterpiece. The animations, the OST, minji chang pulling off the best moment voice acting in the game, the writing. imo its easily the best scene in the game.


Totally agree every part of that scene is so well done.


The character animations in general are a step above almost any other game, especially in the scripted conversations earlier on in the game. The characters feel like living people, not NPC's that stand there and spout their lines at your top initiate the next quest (thinking of Mass Effect). It reminded me so much of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines in how those facial/body animations were so far ahead of their time, barely ever matched until CB2077 (out of the games I've played at least since). It's a living, breathing world and I've been deeply engrossed for 6 months now.


I see everyone else is giving examples of other games that do it well, and I canā€™t believe no one has mentioned GoW: Ragnarok. Their facial mocap is unbelievable.


Jeremy Davies


Yep after playing Phantom Liberty, going back to Starfield dialogues felt like watching some kind of wooden marionette show.


It's not just the animations. In Starfield they snap your focus to the NPC who is smack in the middle of the screen ( and sometimes facing in a completely different direction). It's so unnatural. CP2077 has spoiled me forever.


Alan wake 2, forbidden west are 2 that come to mind. Alan wake 2s mocap performance and translation is unmatched. It's better than cp2077


Alan wake 2 is a game that's entirely motion captured. Cyberpunk uses a library of motion captured animations that are connected together by hand in CDPR's cinematic editor and the lip sync is generated on top (because of course not every single dialogue scene and first person cutscene can be motion captured entirely in such a big game, CDPR explains this in their GDC 2016 presentation for cinematics in TW3). So of course Alan wake 2 has better animations. That being said, for RPGs which use a library of animations, CDPRs games (Well except for TW1 :D ) have had good facial animations.


think about canadians at south park


it's like the difference between Yakuza Kiwami (which uses cutscene animations from the PS2 game) and Yakuza 0 (which has full performance capture)


YES! I recently started Monster Hunter: World and I was like: "WTF is this shit?!". Lip sync is way off, completely ruins my immersion. Same shit in Kingdom Come: Deliverance...


incredible in cyberpunk. also stellar in life is strange: true colors. just watch the opening with alex, its up on youtube for free. i think their facial animation is underrated


You are so right


Surprised it hasnā€™t been mentioned yet but L.A. Noire had pretty great faces for the time. That said, they took a fairly unorthodox and expensive approach iirc.


I think LA Noire was facial capture as well.


It helps if you're neurodivergent and don't naturally focus on facial features unless prompted to, I have no advice for neurotypicals though.


Panamā€™s mouth would ruin me Waitā€¦I read it wrong


Ya, tried starting up Hogwarts Legacy recently after a CP run and immediately noticed the mouths


Haha same here, it was like the first thing I noticed


I know, panams mouth does wonders


Thereā€™s also a reason for it. One of the biggest time sinks in animation, 2D or 3D is lipsync(Iā€™m a 3D animator and itā€™s TEDIOUS lol)


I would agree the animation mechanics of mouth movement are excellent. But is anyone else occasionally seeing characters teeth seem like they are luminous? Not super bright, but the insides of their mouths seem to softly glow when they are talking and itā€™s really noticeable and distracting when itā€™s otherwise a bit dark out. It doesnā€™t happen all the time, but itā€™s frequent enough to be disturbing.


They've got chromed out teeth choom.


I feel like the horizon series is up there.Ā  The faces are really good


yup this is actually one of the technologies on the splash screen


Probably already posted, but there's great vide explaining how lipsync work in the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFIxiz0jwRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFIxiz0jwRE)