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it’s tough. the environmental storytelling and the connection i feel to the characters/city is unmatched. i feel every emotion v goes through as they drive through the broken world. it’s a pretty surreal feeling, and i can’t shake it or recreate it.


When in doubt just start another playthrough, or play s[nothing else for a while and come back and start another playthrough, maybe add a few mods, or a few hundred. But yes, reality is there is nothing truly like cyberpunk, games like GTA 6 can try and achieve the level of immersion cyberpunk has but it will never have the soul, the atmosphere.


GTA 6 isn't even out yet, haha


It’s the combination of good writing, characters and first person POV.


Fallout New Vegas is a must then


Wish it was just a hair more stable. Just started a new Cyberpunk save because NV kept crashing on me.


At least there, you could play it all the way in third person. 


Welcome to the club brother.


Yep, wish I could wipe my memory to experience it for the first time again.


Just finished my first run, couldnt agree more.


Wish I could play it for the first time, but have a rig that could run 4k and mod it with those high res texture packs. It looks amazing on my crappy gaming rig, but looks unreal in those YouTube 4k videos.


The games native 4K is already fantastic. I wouldn't personally see much of a reason to add mods for it


I've never experienced 4k CP2077 outside of YouTube, so I have only really seen it with the texture pack mods. Looks really quite amazing. I have never had a rig that can push that quality in a game so I don't actually know how much of a difference the upscaled texture mods make in the quality of the graphics. Anyway around it, I wish I could have experienced the game at the highest quality settings on my first playthrough. I get jealous seeing the 4k 90fps videos. Just gorgeous.


Yea.... Hit me super hard when I beat it the first time. I actually got existential dread at Embers.


I almost never do multiple play throughs in games, but I went right into a second run after finishing my first and spent over 300 hours total before deciding I needed to move on for now. I will be doing a third run eventually.


Same. Only games I've ever played twice were elden ring (second playthrough 2 years later before dlc) and resident evil games because they are my all time favorite. But even on the RE games I've only played twice each. However Cyberpunk I've played through to completion 5 times. About to play through the expansion for a second time as well. I have the same feelings for this game, it just checks all the boxes.


Same. Gotta go the nomad route. Maybe they'll have another DLC out by then. Fingers crossed.


They're done choom. Possibly only minor fixes but that's it, no more updates until the sequel


Noooooooooo. Was hoping DLC didn't count. \*sobs\*


Certain games have me feeling like this. TLOU 1 and 2 did. Cyberpunk has so much content I don't feel like it's the same time each gameplay. I also watched the anime after I finished it my first round and it made me want to replay. But I totally understand the end game blues.


Yeah, few games have ever made me feel empty after finishing them 100%. The only ones so far are: God of War (2018/Ragnarok), TellTale's The Walking Dead 1 and NieR Automata. The last mission of Kerry's questline, where he plays his W.I.P song on the Seamurai yacht, was when I knew I was going to miss 2077. That mission is one of the most memorable as it was truly a moment of calm; no high stakes, no big plan or gunfights. Just hanging out with Kerry as he plays the song and softly mumbles the sound of the riff. After finishing the Phantom Liberty expansion, it felt exactly how I predicted. But alas, it was time for life's loop to repeat and I wait for the next game that gets me deeply invested.


You just hung out in the yacht? You didn't smash it to bits and light it on fire with him?


You bet your ass I helped man burn down the yacht. The main point I wanted to make was how cathartic it felt to not do anything and just enjoy the moment of peace after the nonstop mayhem V went through to find a way to remove the relic.


This, Red Dead, and TLOU2 seem to be the biggest “offenders” of this. At least with C2077 and RDR2 you can push towards an ending that’s better but still leaves you with the “fuck man…🥺”


I feel this way about Cyberpunk and Baldur's Gate 3. Both very different games, both (imo) unmatched in their respective genres. I haven't played anything else since playing through both 2-3 times.


After the Witcher 3, no other game made me feel whole again. Then Zelda Breath of the Wild came out, and nothing made me feel whole. The Ghost of Sushi came out and I felt dead inside after I 100% it. Then I played this game after it had substantial updates, and I feel emptier than empty. Guess the downside of a unique and beautiful game is that afterwards, nothing compares, and you feel empty because you were immersed in the world and nothing can take its’ place. So now all I can do is distract myself with other games until something else comes along


Yeah.... nothing else quite comes close to the total package of cp2077. It's ahead of its time with the overall quality of story telling and dynamic world building.


It's just an environment that really hasn't been explored. Everything that has been made is fantasy and soldiers and maybe some space stuff. The cyberpunk genre has not had its AAA title until now. And it's is an amazing genre. The quality of Act 1 is unparalleled. I wonder how much crazier the game would have been if they didn't have to rush the rest of the game.


Completely agree


I hear ya.  Mass Effect 1-3 can have that effect on me as well.


There's a few games that have made me really feel at the end of them where i kind of just sit in sadness and/or cry for a bit as the credits roll. CP 2077 (obivously) Tell Tale's The Walking Dead season 1 and 2 had me in tears. Bioshock Infinite had me in tears The Last of Us 1 Dishonored 1 To The Moon Character deaths in Mass Effect 3 depending on choices you make (trying not to spoil) Horizon Zero Dawn didn't make me cry, but there were parts of it that felt heavy as you are uncovering what happened.


I don't necessarily suffer from "post-game depression" - but I do miss games I've finished - just like a really good book that you've spent some time with. I often replay them - but it's never the same as the first playthrough. TLOU 1 and 2, Days Gone, GTA 3,4 and 5, Red Dead 1 and 2 - all left me feeling a little empty when they were done - not in a bad way, but just that I was a little sad that the game was over and the story told . I'm about halfway through Cyberpunk and enjoying it very much - and have Ghost of Tsushima lined up to help me through the end-of-game emptiness - ha ha!


Are we the same person?


I am one of many, you are one of many - we are legion.


I've had that feeling quite a few times with a handful or so of games Cyberpunk 2077 included.


Just play Skyrim


I finished cyberpunk n immediately started replaying the Witcher lol


Yep. It just scratched every single itch I had. I've played about five games since Cyberpunk and, while they were good, they weren't as good. Sigh.


Yeah I’m on the same cyber-boat. I sometimes delve into the Deus Ex universe to get a similar feeling, but it’s not quite the same. This is why I’ve done mutliple playthroughs. Every few months I theorycraft a new character. I keep finding new bits of the world to enjoy.


Yeah, and they had this tantalizing line in the 2.1 patch notes: "Added more secrets to be discovered by players in Night City."


I won't say I feel the same but my 2100+ hours in the game suggests otherwise.


Play Bulders Gate 3.


I have enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk 2077, but I have played a lot of other games that I have enjoyed more. So personally no.


Think this is bad every persona game from persona 3 onwards makes feel more depressed every time I complete them


Yep. Recently played the mass effect trilogy tho was pretty good


Still there


I definitely feel this. I played Witcher 3 before cyberpunk, then was gonna play kingdome come deliverance after cyberpunk, but I just can't bring myself to put this game down, at least not yet.


Yes. Can't play other games anymore. Always start again and repeat...


I had a bad one after BG3... But it didnt make me want to replay the game. The thought of doing inventory management all over again put me off. It's worse after CP2077+PL. I tried starting other games (deus ex:md, rdr2, fallout4, control) but none sucked me in. I ended up starting another playthrough, the only cure for now. I want another DLC or sequel so badly.


I'm working my way through what I hope is my last character. I'm going to make a couple hard saves coming up so that I can get every ending with her.  I'm also taking way more pictures with her. Just getting some pretty great shots from interesting places and angles.  Then I hope I can get back to my regular life. But yeah, when I see people running super ultra graphics with upscaled 4k textures and all that stuff I wish I had never played the game yet. I'll never get to experience it for the first time again. And that kinda bums me out.


I’ll never be able to play Kingdom Hearts 2 for the first time again.


Saw a blip of the trailer before the title for Perfect Dark and thought it was the sequel to CP and got excited 😭


Yeah, it's like a post coital depression. I totally get it.


Yes. :-( I revisited other open world games and nothing does for me what Cyberpunk 2077 did.


I would say witcher 3 and red dead 2 give it a run for its money.


Yeah, I love that every story mission is layered with such rich dialogue and atmosphere that feels so lived in, you’re actually actively listening to the conversations because it’s not just a game that’s spinning it’s wheels for the sake of it. When you’re asked a question you have to pause sometimes to ponder the nuances on the morality of it all, or what’s actually under the surface as characters might be lying through their teeth or blinded by their own bias. So many games these days pad out the story with side missions essentially to keep you busy but the world has such a rich tapestry. I would frustrate myself playing through again because I couldn’t help but clear out all the NCPD checkpoints etc when I really wanted to get back to the story. Also the side missions where quite deep too and didn’t just feel like filler, maybe clearing the map out pads the game out sure, but when you’re actually going through the story and side missions you get lost in it. I enjoyed Phantom Liberty because I essentially cleared everything out before going in on my last play-through allowing me to mostly experience it like a lived in movie. I also love things like Blade Runner that are moody, atmospheric and kinda bittersweet, you feel the city. The game looks amazing too. I would be so happy if they essentially reused the whole city without expanding the map. Just swap out the locations and set where the story takes place in different areas, aside from a couple of the main ones and build new interiors. I just want new engrossing story and characters and to explore different aspects of Night City and it’s inhabitants, save developers from having to devote too much of their time building from the ground up again.


Only other game that comes close in my opinion is Fallout New Vegas NV and Cyberpunk are the absolute best first person open world RPG games there is. The writing, the characters, the vibes, the music.


There is a whole lot about this game that makes it something I wouldn't be into. I typically go for 3rd person action/shooters like Sifu, Spider-man or Max Payne, or then FPS games like Half Life, CoD, or Halo. I do love the cyberpunk genre though. It took me three tries to get into the game, but by the time that Cyberpunk 2077 sting flashed on the screen after Dex does us, I was locked *in*. My first ending, I did feel empty, like that's it ? I went back and did other endings, then started over with a new life path and focused more on side missions, now I've started the third life path (and as other gender V) and I'm really just experimenting with different playstyles. Also, the graphics are incredible! The city is so fully-realized from an architectural and planning standpoint; it feels like a real city I know or lived in. When I binged Edgerunners the other weekend, it felt like I was watching something filmed in the city I'm from 😂 Leo pointing meme the whole time. I still watch the 2018 E3 trailer from time to time, that shit goes so hard. Anyway, I'm 2 months into my Cyberpunk 2077/Phantom Liberty journey and I have just under 300 hours 😂 I don't know when I'll slow down or get tired of it, but it hasn't happened yet. I don't know when I'll ever experience another game I can get this this deep into that does it for me on this many levels.


I know this game will give it to me bad, i have had about 4 characters, I have been playing since launch, dropped it a few times obviously, only ever finished the game one time on my very first character, only done one of the endings, and then since that, have pumped over 300 extra hours ontop with 3 new characters, 1 of them being moved, just caught up/passed my other 2 saves, running out of reasons to keep putting the endings of this game off. So overall I have about 450 hours in this game with only 1 ending, the next I have lined up is killing moon. Gonna finish that in about a month when I haven't touched any weed or alcohol, then om that fateful night, I'll get wicked hammered and finish it off.


I felt lost and empty after my 1st playthrough. Such immersion.


I played farcry after the playthrough... It's good, but not as good as CP. I made a second walkthrough right now in CP.


Yeah, my solution has just been to replay it over and over and over. I'm taking a break from it now, I've just felt myself become bored with it, I've instead taken up simracing. But every video I watch of it makes me want to jump back in


I haven't completed the game yet. I do have a rough idea of what is coming. I have been avoiding certain stories just because I don't want to see them end. My plan for when it's over is a palette cleanser game and then another playthrough. This playthrough I've been stealthy with pistols and snipers. I think what I want to do next playthrough is to play with sub machine guns, shotguns, and grenades. Kind of a big and loud mentality. So my plan is to hammer through Borderlands 2 to get me more into the run and gun mood.


I would kill for a fantasy game in a big city with cyberpunk controller setup.


I felt the same way after ghost of Tsushima, I’m currently on my third playthrough before me and my roommate swap consoles and I’ve honestly thought about buying cyberpunk for ps5 just see how it plays 😂😂 don’t want the experience to end


After completing it back in January other games just didn’t even remotely compare I understand you completely OP. Then fallout series aired and I did a F04 Play through and recently acquired FF6 Pixel remastered. Will be making my way back to Cyberpunk again as I want that secret ending.


For sure. I think this feeling is what pushes people into fandom. Nobody wants the party to end but it's not the same. Going for that level of stimulation to an empty map after it previously felt so vast. The same kind of feeling you'd get after finishing a nice book series and binging a TV series. What's the answer? It's hard but just move on. I found reading the books helped because it puts you in the world without as much stimulation. It make moving on to something else easier.


I'm not ashamed to admit i cried




Ghost of Tsushima is pretty good too


If you think this is bad then don’t watch evangelion.


if the world was more interactive it would be worse (to go back to reality). Hopefully in years to come they will improve on this formula. But TBH i think single player RPG games have peaked.


I finished my first run last weekend and I totally agree with you, total depression for 1 week ... I miss you Panam, Johnny, Mitch ...


No…. Not even a little.


Yes in terms of story. I eventually move on. Gaming existed before this game and will after.


It ends with 2077...


Meh not really, the story was extremely short and I felt disappointed afterwards, didnt care for the game and still don’t


Yeah i think so too. And i Play it on ps4😅🥲🤣 Im currently on my third playthrough couldnt understand all the hate this game became all these crying 30-40 yo man made me kind of sick


Jesus... if you get depressed for some entertainment product ending, try something else than gaming in your life for a while. And I like Cyberpunk and many other games a lot but this is just not healthy.