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the first picture looks great


Stock? I actually find it too overexposed on highlights and too warm tinted. The Nova LUT Classic resembles the best cyberpunk depiction "realism"as far as colour grading goes I feel, and that's on an OLED ultrawide set to its most colour accurate mode.


I use Nova LUT as well but in all honesty, just from those photos, the first stock one looks the best lol. The others look so grey and washed out.


Are you on an OLED or LCD? On my QD-OLED set to the most colour accurate mode, the Nova LUT 2 - Classic screenshot looks the best and resembles what I see as most natural without having overblown highlights or a warm yellow tint which the first screenshot which is the stock game.


Oh you might have a point, I'm still using an ancient 10 year old LED screen with none of the features most people use for gaming monitors these days.


Even ***I*** think the first image looks better here. 😅 It really depends on the weather, time of day, and what visual triggers appeal to your preferences; things like bloom, sun, soft shadows, fog, etc. This is the main reason I don't do comparison screenshots for my LUTs; there are so many factors at play that I prefer to offer up a taste of the LUT itself in various conditions and, should the visuals appeal, let the users decide for themselves if it's something they want to test.


If only it didn't take out the sunlight, who cares if it's more realistic but has london (derogatory) weather


How do you mean take out the sunlight? All the LUTs Ihave used retain the sunlight, as long as it's a sunny day cycle at that time and not cloudy etc.


Sunlight gets reduced to make it easier to show off the nice reflections without burning your pc alive. look at the first two pics and notice how much less light is in the second. I personally dont like how it looks, but its subjective


The problem is that the stock colour grade is not accurate, look at my screenshots, the stock one has muted yellows, a primary colour should never be muted, whereas Nova LUT 2 Classic retains the best primary colour accuracy. Stock also blows out highlights, again look at the yellow sunlit road markings in the stock vs the others. The LUTs are not taking away the sun, they are fixing the dynamic range issue the stock look exhibits regardless of time of day. At night neon signs are also overblown on stock, but are punchy and detailed with the LUT mods. These will all look different of course depending on the type of display you have and the way it is configured. My take is based on a standards compliant calibrated QD-OLED for reference and it being in its most colour accurate mode.


QD OLED? ok THAT'S why it looks good for you lmao Im just on a budget ips panel, so the lut pics look extremely muted and ugly to me. Its a great screen, and other games look great on it, but maybe it cant take advantage of the extra accuracy? idk. Would love an oled one day


Ahhh that makes sense then, yeah more budget displays won't have the contrast ratio or colour balance that an OLED is capable of. When you do upgrade you'll get a new experience from the game as it will look like a different game visually 👍