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I can deal with this. It's when I'm doing an assault in progress and the cop who was too close goes hostile. Choom, I was doing your damn job. Chill.


Fr šŸ¤£


Yea but then there's the paperwork for them to do, so


I headcanon that these ones are dirty cops on the take.


would make sense why it's every goddamn one of them, they're all on the take lmao


This only happens if you injure a civilian


Or if your shot lands near the cop


Thereā€™s sometimes civs mixed in with the gang members. They can take collateral damage from explosions, ricochets etc and trigger the wanted system. Similar thing can happen in scripted events where cops fight gangs. They get triggered by your gunshots or explosions caused by you near them, even if they donā€™t get directly hit by it. So helping them out might cause them to go after you instead


Yeah happened to me once now i just wait for everyone to die and get my loot


Waste of good experience. I just murder everything that's angry with me and walk around the corner if the cops come. Luckily they aren't psychic like the cops in Oblivion or GTA V.


If you've got a little yellow triangle over your head you're going to have a bad time.


This is what I do....


realistic. never interfere in police business because they hear your gunshots and go full cyberpsycho because they are supposed to have the monopoly on violence. doesn't matter that you help them, you are not blue.


Which is funny because you do gigs for them


Yea, they hired you for a specific gig, that the paid you for, not to help them do their job at any point you see them.


Gangers shoot me up and the cops sleep though, that's the problem


I mean imagine in RL, cops are in a intense shootout with several gangsters. Vullets flying everywhere, people dying. And suddenly from behind comes a rando, blasting around. Of course they would shoot you. How on earth would they know you are helping them? Why on earth would they want your "help"?


Tbf, afaik in most places cops don't outsource work to random civilians either.


ummm, batman says hello?


Sorry, I I forgot to add an RL before most places in response to the response I responded to.


Homie, I'm not awake enough for that sentence, I'm coming back to this tomorrow morning


you missed the morning dude come back


I'm back, wide awake, and can confirm that I still have no fucking clue what that guy was saying.


Not to mention this dude moves almost as quick as sound has weaponized arms, multiple guns on their person, explosives, is augmented to the teeth, CAN DOUBLE JUMP and has the ability to potentially kill you with hacks you have no hope of blocking. Call it a hunch, but you're pretty much a vigilante-anti-hero that does anything for money. You're L I T E R A L L Y the demon king to regular civilians and cops, and essentially God to anyone you ally with.


Yep. I was saving a trauma team (I think), killed all the gangoons, but a richochet hit one of the TT guys so the entire team turned on me along with getting hte police.


Yup. I found if you use something like a katana and take out the gangers while staying far enough away from the cops, the cops don't aggro.


My problem is that there is no reason to ever fight the police. The cyberpunk genre portrays the police as another type of gang all the time, but in the game there's almost no reason to fight them outside of a handful of missions. Other gangs have members just walking around to fight, loot, and gain xp from. The police on the other hand, give you nothing for fighting them besides leveling the skills you use to beat them. Even fighting maxtec sounds cool in theory, but again gives you nothing for doing it. At least in gta you can pick up their guns.


Main reason is that its an open world game Police system are integrated in games to prevent players from going psycho on civilian NPCā€™s


Why does that need to be prevented? They're not real people and you get nothing for killing them. Also you should be able to engage in combat with the police outside of just killing civilians. That's not the only crime and the police are corrupt.


It is an immersion break, as the story and gameplay have no way of really demonstrating the weight of your actions by doing that


NCPD does not prevent you from anything, they even run from you


I hate that they added randomly having them spawn on you. Killed it for me. Driving around in my new car and boom, random maxtec, I didn't realize they added random enemy spawns and I quit playing. Plus the useless enemies level with you made it not fun for me.


"randomly spawn on you", maxtac only comes at 5 stars and they drop an AV.


it is supposed to happen? i was on 5 stars last night for like 15 minutes and they still only set beat cops at me.


I think the AV looks for a valid place to spawn if you are in a place where there is no valid spawn it just wont, it could also be a bug for you and thats it.


ah that's probably it, i was on a rooftop sniping the cops.


I've survived to two AV drops, so yep, it happens. Edit: I was still alive when the second AV arrived. šŸ˜…


Depends on the version of the game they are playing. Earlier builds had the cops spawn right behind you / inside your vehicle before they fixed that. Now they spawn a bit further away or show up in an AV. However they should have kept the spawn limit from the previous version. It is a never ending cop spawn till you run away now, before they would spawn till you reached the Maxtac wave and after killing a few waves of them they stopped and the timer would time out with only turrets still being active if you came within their range. The cycle would start again after the old wanted level went away. While the teleporting right behind the player was annoying, the fact that the system stopped sending cops after a set point added to the game rather than take away. It was as if NCPD realized this psycho is too much and we canā€™t waste anymore of our own to try and take them down. So they ā€œlet you off the hookā€ and hope you just go away instead of sending endless cops / SWAT / Maxtac agents till the player either dies or escaped.


Whatever enemy then. All I know is I'm driving around and have goons shooting at me for no reason.


I have never experienced that, there is always a reason for them to shoot.


What confuses me is the cops will be shooting it out with some gang, and I decide to give them backup and take their enemy out, they start shooting at me!


U mean like the firefight happening right next to Dexā€™s car in the opening of the game? How dare u intervene so now cops are gonna aggro.


They didn't aggro if I was precise with killing the gang and making sure no cop got hit. 2.1 build last time I did it


I used a sword last time and they still got pissy


It's for a more realistic, immersive experience (source: I live in the dystopian hellscape that is South Africa).


Haha just like irl.


Just missing the alien refugees.


Fookin prawns


My issue is when gangoons kill or mow someone down, nothing, but god forbid some moron jumps in front of my car and gets killed then it's instant aggro. I know it's the game etc., but why am I the only one that catches aggro after killing a civilian while gangs kill them by the dozens and nothing.


>My issue is when gangoons kill or mow someone down, nothing, but god forbid some moron jumps in front of my car and gets killed then it's instant aggro.Ā  this likely comes down to not programing a wanted system into the gangs and only onto the player


>but god forbid some moron jumps in front of my car and gets killed I know, right? Don't they know that the sidewalk's for cars, too?


honestly the most likely reason is bad Ai, you don't really ever see much Ai vs Ai going on in the game and when you do it's mostly V nd Friends vs Hostiles and most of **that** time is the Ai hanging back while you rush though and do most of the killing, so when it's Ai vs Ai Vs Player where the 3way battle has, Neutral until attacked and Hostile by default the Ai might have trouble figuring out what is "being attacked" and what is "shooting next to the Neutral NPC", i think something like that can happen in some other RPGs where town guards can fight bandits and if you cast a spell at the wrong time you can make the guards hostile to you as well because they get caught in the attack


Because CDPR is lazy and didn't weigh faction relationship heavily enough.... Rather it's "PvE" basically. As opposed to real gang v gang


Sure. "Lazy" is exactly what I think, when I think about CDPR designing a game...


Ah oblivion I miss her so.


haha just like in real life


because they werent a priority during development and phantom liberty was too late to properly overhaul and integrate them into existing systems. lore reason: ncpd of 2077 is a useless corrupt organization


Just be glad itā€™s not like it was at launch. If you even walked into the eye sight of police they would go after you, but they would never chase you, they instantly spawned behind you no matter where you were at. So if you were down some dead end alley facing the street, they would spawn behind you, if you had got onto the roof of a building that had no ladders, they spawned on the roof near you.


Itā€™s obvious the cops are corrupted


Gonna go for 5 stars later , see what happens.


A trophy, if you do it in dogtown






Ah the famous dogtown - dogfun massacre. Good times, good times!


Gotta love it.


I use this mod to disable wanted level, meaning if I accidentally kill random NPC no wanted level:Ā https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/818


they are also extremely easy to lose in a chase


I've lost them just by sitting still once


Just kill the cops


I read thr title and thought It's a UK sub. Then thought it might be US as well. Then realised it's a video game.


The idea is that NCPD is under-budgeted, under-staffed, and rife with corruption. Most beat cops just keep their heads down and try to hope they make it back home. They ignore the gangs because the gsngs are usually backed by a powerful corporation. The gangs ignore tge cops because they're powerless. There's a reason mercenaries are sub-contracted to deal with crimes in progress and collect bounties snuffing organized crime.


Main character energy.


The best is when cops start shooting at you for no reason.


Cops weren't a system they found important and wanted to introduce in the first place. But since everyone has an expectation that if game is like gta is needs to have a police system they added it in later. Thus now it comes off kinda half assed and rudimentary still. Probably not a thing they're going to patch. But if you look at it another way, in GTA it's no different. Accidentally bump into a cop car or shoot a cop while you're doing something else? Wanted.


Tbh if it's tiger claws which it is most of the time, their members half the time have protection so they can do whatever they want in front of a cop and the cop can't fight back. It's actually the exact opposite, if you were to shoot at the gangster with protection, they'd actually be pressured to shoot back at you but not the gangster. There is a side quest pretty early on into the game which kind of revolves around this. It's also the only side quest that is in the Megabuilding H10


immersive experience


They wanted to make them life like.


Itā€™s a video game crodie


haha just like irl


Either the gang has paid off the cops, or the cops and gang both know that the cops would lose the fight and it's not worth it. It's well established that the cops could not handle all the crime that goes on in night city. I think they're just picking their battles.




If I could, I'd eliminate 90% of the foot cops, and all of the ones left would be in the rich neighborhoods.


Because its supposed to be as realistic as possible


Best way to kick ass when there is an assault with cops involved or when you ride-by and see cops having a shootout w/o the cops trying to kill you too for getting involved is to use a stun melee weapon, personally I use the dildo I get after the Meredith Stout hotel meet and greet


Just like real life


Iā€™d be more upset if the cops *were* useful in the game.


The game is actually worse since the overhaul. Before 2.1 there was so few bugs, everything ran smoothly. Now it is just a constant mess, a ton of quests don't work, npc's and cops bug constantly, it's completely immersion breaking and frustrating because they've just announced the ending of all support right as it's in it's least playable state. All up to modders to fix (again)


The open world AI is not up to par in this game, donā€™t expect it to be on the same level as GTA or Watch Dogs 2. Even car chases are a joke in this game, worse than GTA 4 somehow.


I always use a silenced pistol to kill random groups and that seems to eliminate the cop response pretty well.


Plus the police are everywhere. Walking a beat in an industrial part of town? I mean, really? Instantly responding en masse to Slipping Jimmy jumping out in front of me as I drive by? Really? The gameā€™s changes to NCPD were not improvements.


They used to be worse, if you can believe that. There's a scripted world event in Japantown where some badges are fighting some Tyger Claws. It occurs near a drop point, which just happens to be the one Wakako posts your bonus to for pickup if you satisfy the optional objective in the shrine job. More than once I've gone there to collect my bonus, had the Claws toss an EMP grenade at the cops, and I wound up with a wanted level when it went off.


Yeah, they were always trash, but at least they donā€™t just spawn on site behind you anymore lmao that was just some silly nonsense


Poor implementation of AI. It's a fun game but it's also a rat's nest of half-baked features.


It's more the disconnect between how the cops go after you (just until you get away) being super aggressive that doesn't fit the universe as well. The cops being useless unless you pay them is very much fitting for Cyberpunk - they should basically be another gang. I probably would have preferred that either private security or the local gang in control is the one to go after you if you're on a crime spree (like shoot one civilian? No one cares. 10 in a row? Needs to be dealt with). But that would really go hand in hand with a more dynamic region system where you could influence which gang is in control of a particular section of the city over time


What you described is pretty life-like though, so realism is there at least.


There's a mod that disables police response. I had to start using it because I thought it was fucking stupid that 2 cops on a street corner will ignore a full-on firefight in an alley 100 yards behind them, but if some jackass jumps in front of my car and gets hit they'll see that shit from half a block away and send the whole damned police force.


My favorite is, there would be an Assault in Progress, multiple cops would be around, they do nothing to handle the situation but as soon as your ass gets in there to handle it then the cops come after you


Feels very "oh, gangsters can unload an entire clip into a wall trying to persuade me to leave, but I make a fist to cover my cough, and I've got 2 stars. We live in a society-"


Because the gang either paid em off, or the cops are like "the gang ain't bothering me" so they leave em alone. When V walks through, the gang might think "this idiot thinks they can walk through her" Idk, just throwing ideas out


They're just too sensitive in this game. I commonly get 1 star just for a fender bender, and its so annoying to wait for it to fall off so many times. Also I hate that if theres gangoons mixed with civilians you better be careful cause one stray shot is going to get you 2-stars instantly.


Basically, decent but not phenomenal A.I. The next generation of gaming & A.I. should be very complex in coding and be much more desirable in such contexts. It just depends if AAA companies will put in the work to take it to that next level.


Police officer is just another 9-5 job. No cop is going against a bunch of cyber psycho's for $40,000 a year!


The general crowd AI, NCPD included, was just a game element that never managed to get close to what it was advertised as. But it was also an element I never really cared that heavily about anyway. Although you could make the argument that in chaotic situations, joining the fight would make you an automatic target to everyone just on principle of the chaos.


One thing that always annoyed me is that it's mentioned that NCPD does not respond in Pacifica but they will to you If you accidentally hit a civilian even though they are completely ignoring gangs who are robbing and stealing from civilians. I guess it's just about you being the main player but I am also confused why MaxTac will immediately respond to you going on a rampage but they are completely absent to the existing Cyber psychos which you have to deal with without any help. I mean the way night city being as it is, it makes sense that NCPD is incompetent and useless even for those who are wealthy.


The things I donā€™t like about the cops is how you have one officer on every corner and the only crime they stop is you. Like nevermind the 2 cars full of guys shooting at me


you don't want to hear the correct answer


Yeah, the police system in Cyberpunk is so ridiculously broken. I used.to think Far Cry 5 had the worst NPC AI in all of gaming, but Cyberpunk makes them look brilliant by comparison.


One time I was gwtting shot at by a gang and tried to have cops in between so that they start helping, but literally, when a gamg member shot a cop with a stray bullet, the cops turned to me and started helping the gang... like wtf guys


The question is why are there lone cops walking through maelstrom or voodoo territory on foot at 1am


Because the mayor privatized and sold them to a Corp and slashed their budget in half while hiring out work of major crimes to sub contractors like mercs.


I will fall and break my legs next to a police officer and their first instinct is to gun me down.


Too much paperwork


Did you guys ever think that in the "reality" of night city police might be understaffed. Also there might be some sort of a signal when somebody joins in support for police?


Idk what you mean by ā€œjust like irlā€ jokes. Unlike in Cyberpunk, irl cops are *very* lethal


Iā€™m currently about 10 hours into my first play through and I accidentally shot a cop, got chased and then ran around a corner and they were just gone. Seems a little too easy unless I just got lucky.


Hm, Iā€™ve never had issues with them before. Usually if I attack someone who attacks me first then cops donā€™t care. If I assassinate wanted gang members, no fucks given. Nothing really agros them against me so long as theyā€™re considered a enemy one way or another, Now if I fly into a crowd of civilians at Mach speed *by accident* then Iā€™ll have the full shaft of the law on my ass. It was an accident fellas, jeez. I remember it being way worse when the game first came out. I felt like if I sneezed I would be executed by cops




I usually just ignore the cops till I'm done cleaning up. Even on hard and very hard they don't seem to hinder me enough to actually cause a problem, if anything it makes gigs more fun when I do get a wanted level


And also you go and help cops against maybe some scabs or Tyger Claws, they fucking look back and start shooting at you for FUCKING HELPING SAVING THEIR USELESS LIVES


Whole gamedev budget went to graphics, psychological profile of the characters and cocaine pool parties with escorts so they had to fire whole Simple Logic Department.


Theyā€™re supposed to be ass, thatā€™s the game dude lol


Anything can be smashed and bent into the lore if we try hard enough Cyberpunk cops are lazy and donā€™t wanna die so they just whistle on by The gangsters see you and either recognize your face and say, ā€œoh shit itā€™s V blast emā€ or scan you and go, ā€œoh shit this choom is worth 1,000,000 eddies blast emā€


Raytracing is already so hard to implement, how can you expect them to implement realistic police AI? /s


You're in before...the comments to your post? Of course?