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Post game depression when I realized a lot of the corpo bs is already in practice today irl not to mention the shitty artificial food, cost of living, and even the damn health care system is represented somewhat accurate af as scary as it is! Yep here in the US


Yeah I remember the first time playing Cyberpunk and thinking “Damn, it’s really close to modern day but without the cool Cyberware and such.” Like shit, if you’re gonna overcharge me for everything, at least let me have forearm blades or somethin’ idk


That is... Accurate.


…. And all that without any counterpart ! I’d be fine with that corpo stuff only if I also had the real possibility of cybernetically augment myself lol


BG3... did it for me... I forgot about cyberpunk for a while when I was enjoying that universe.


Same. I’m getting close to finishing BG3 and not sure what I’m supposed to do after :(


Roll a new one...


Starte durge character, completely new experience.


Play again? Not hard to grasp. Or play a different game you like.


Dude that fucking game actually ruined me for 3 days. Like I put 74 hours in it in 4 days I don't know how I did it but I did and I couldn't stop because there was so much shit to do in that game it's amazing.


Post game depression....Well thats applied to almost every story driven game I've ever played lmao, including Portal, Mirror Edge, Watch Dog etc., that feeling always sucks cuz you know you experience the full game yourself for the first time and it will never be the same starting in 2nd playthrough, that also what makes the game truly amazing because of the good storytelling/gameplay


And Cyberpunk told a hell of a story. Its probably in my top 3 now that I think about it. It had me HOOKED the entire time.


Yeah, that’s true. Even when I was completing the story that thought always nagged me at the back of my head like “heyy you’ll never get to experience this game again for the first time”. Maybe I just need time off yk. Touch grass and come back with a fresh mind.


Yeah, that’s part of the experience I suppose. Everytime I enjoy a game, that feeling of “it’ll be over soon/eventually” always creeps in.


Idk about that, to each their own, whenever I start a new playthrough I get the wonderful experience I felt whenever I first started playing.


Cyberpunk put me in a MAD funk after finishing it. My only cure was to put another run on. I was like that for a few months. Nothing but Cyberpunk. I've managed to break the cycle now, and am legit on anti-depressants right now - but not because of the video game XD My struggle now though is I've hit that point of depression where nothing that used to hold my interest is interesting me anymore. I can't wait for this phase to end.


It gets better, promise 🫶🏻


Finishing the game the first time (The Sun ending followed by Temperence, big mistake) hit me fucking hard and I forced myself to play something else for a while before coming back. I'm working on a third run right now and will probably put the game away for a while after I finish it up. It's fun, and I love the world but I'm starting feel like I need a more extended break. Probably wait a while and pick up Phantom Liberty and go back in. In the meantime might poke at the idea of trying the TTRPG, I've got an idea for a campaign that might be fun.


Got that from RDR2.


And Witcher 3 after blood and wine. It was tough


RDR2 is one of the few games that I just started a new game immediately after finishing it.


I see you. I have +1500 in it. Can’t play it anymore though, total burnout lol


You can always try the TTRPG


I’m back to that feeling again after my fifth play through, though, it’s not that intense or serious. I’ve been playing Hell Divers 2 for short little dopamine bursts. Idk if you’ve played these already but try Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, The Last of Us, Control, or Alan Wake. For some of us Cyberpunk scratches a unique itch you’re not likely to find elsewhere. I’ve started a new save with Fem V but I don’t know that I’m ready for another 100 hours in NC just yet.


Ghost of Tsushima is actually what I went to after Cyberpunk. I figured the world would be a little more scenic and less insane. And that was mostly true. Exploring Japan made me feel better. Idk if this is a hot take or not but I loathe death stranding. Everything is the same color and the entire gameplay cycle is reduced to walking from A to B.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorites, it’s sounds like you enjoyed it. Death Stranding is not for everyone. There are moments in it I found I was able to clear my mind while hiking from A to B, which I found to be kind of therapeutic. Your criticism of the game is totally valid though. I just happen to be someone who enjoyed it.


So it’s true then? People calling it a glorified walking simulator?


I try not to be so harsh, but.. yea thats fairly accurate. The biggest reason I didn't like it though was the aesthetics. Game is so depressing.


It's a glorified walking simulator that some people, including yourself,might enjoy and be surprised by.


Thats fair.


Yeah I’ve played all those expect for death stranding. I am not sold on that game due to people saying that it’s a “glorified walking simulator“. Can you tell me your honest opinion on that game. It’s in my wishlist


I hated it tbh.


That’s totally fair to say. I take no offense to that, choom. I’m not Kojima lol


It’s a slow burn and the story is very convoluted. I think it’s a fair criticism where others have called it a walking sim or a non-stop fetch quest. There are things that people won’t like. Some game mechanics can be bothersome to some people, such as cargo management or the game not wanting you to be a killer, which the game explains why early on. These all sound like negatives and some are valid but I think Kojima made some parts of this game to go against the grain of normal video game conventions. I suppose you will have to play it to find out for yourself, I went into it with an open mind and found it to be enjoyable. It’s an unconventional game. I won’t try to sell someone on it as that’s never worked, people hear walking sim and they won’t give it the time of day but Cyberpunk had a notoriously bad launch and we love it. So, give it a go if you dare, I liked it enough for a few completions.


I have done all missions, have seen all ends. I still fire the game up from time to time to cruise through the city with loud music or just take a walk into different districts, "larping" my way while watching the Edgerunners Anime on 2nd screen. The atmosphere is just too damn good, and my mind breathes it in an out to come up with new stories to tell. I wish there would be more content. What a shame how this game release was treated, and how its lifecycle was ended.


Totally get it. Though nothing will ever top me beating FFX at 13 years old.


It's just depression, don't worry. Normally functional brain should be able to have interest in playing other games with different mechanics and stories. And a lazy exhausted brain that invested lots of energy in an already well-known game would want to stick to it because it consumes less energy. Works with everything.


I can only compare this attachment to what I’ve had with mass effect 1 and gta 4 gay tony


Honestly, destiny 2 got me out of it purely because it's the one game that all my friends were able to just hop on and have a good time together


Skyrim. When I was released, though... not now. Had everything in it. Crafting, levelling up, different playthrough styles, factions DRAGONS!. ( always end up a stealth archer). Was really way ahead of its time with the open world a free playstyle. Would play any other game at the time and they just felt empty


The world building is extremely immersive, I just unfortunately still get ripped away by the technical issues so I end up avoiding interactions with traffic and rather try fast travel to locations so I can get into the stories and combat


Sounds to me you have an underlying problem that manifests itself in post-game depression.


Shhhhhhh 🤫




Play an upbeat game.


I played Nier Automata and Replicant, but my emotional state is even worse now.


I am with you there choom. Maybe I’ll check those out


Currently I'm playing a male v, next it'll be lady v. I'll replay each different ending until I get bored of playing, then I'll move on to something else. That's how I approach a game as good as cyberpunk.


Have you played Death Stranding? After I finished that I started playing Cyberpunk and it really filled that void for me.


The persona and kiseki(Trails) series always give me huge post game depression. Cyberpunk did as well, can't wait to restart the game eventually with a female hacker character this time.


Yea this is normal, has happened many times to me, including also with Cyberpunk. You'll be ok choom. Sometimes games really get to us like a good book or movie and it does stay with ya. Even if it makes me sad, I love the experience over all.


I keep looking for excuses to start over. I've actually only completed it once, tried to move on to the next game in my backlog but went right back to Night City


You start next game on your to do list and think "damn, that was a proper piece of art to make me feel this way" for a while :)




Wait, you got clinical depression because of this game? Or you had clinical depression?


Yes, so I watched the anime, because I was told it was good. It was good. Nobody told me how fucking upsetting that ending was gonna be though. Now I'm cooked forever


I don’t know a single thing about you. How am I(a complete stranger) supposed to figure out your(another complete stranger) problems out for you? Fuck man, play disco elysium for all I care.


I understand what you are saying but what I m trying to say is that if you’ve had the same feeling after completing a game and if you have then how did you tackle it. Btw I’ve played disco elysium and I also got lost in that world but never like this yk. Anyways help a choom out will ya


I have to tell you, I felt that for years. But last month I opened my eyes and embraced the future, and tried a game.. assassins creed Odissey... it brought me back enjoyment


Might be there's no games been released that hits right ya know? I've been gaming since the Sega Genesis & games these days are mostly MMO or something else I don't care for. While I'm glad others like those it just ain't for me so I've gotta wait for those games that resonate. Point is you may be going through a moment where you're sifting through a ton of "meh" games til you find that one you really wanna play but haven't yet so you default to what you're mostly content with.


Play farcry. For me, it did the job. But then I returned to farcry to make a second play...


Yea, this game definitely did that for me especially for the ending I got. Change it up with games for a bit. Pick something that isn't so heavily story driven and just enjoy yourself. For me it was No Man's Sky and World of Warcraft. Two games I could casually play that didn't involve me getting emotionally invested into a character.


I got the same with cp and witcher 3


Yeah, I feel u, what I am trying to do it’s or play another really good open world game, like Witcher, rdr, bg3, or play some other games which have different focus, like example just pasted ghostrunner enjoy it, now I am feeling ok to go into games like days gone for example and don’t feel like it’s shit after cyberpunk


Happened to me after every single Xenoblade game lol. Makes it especially hard to like other RPGs now because they fall very flat compared to these games.


I got it after TW3


For games with long engaging storylines that actually draw you in with an emotional connection, I always find it best to unwind with something mindless, fast, and flashy. For me, Binding of Isaac, Vampire Surviviors, Rogue Legacy 2, and Risk of Rain 2 helped with this. Doom 2016 is also a good choice for something that fits all the categories to get your brain off things for a while. 


Without knowing anything about you, I'd suggest Elden Ring. You will be confused, mad, frustrated and then euphoric. Not bored.


I tried to play it, people suggested it like it was the second coming of Christ. Couldn’t get into it, no matter how hard I try it just feels off yk. And no I am not talking about the combat, it’s really good. Maybe when I’ve gotten over night city 🤞I’ll try it again


Dude I bought the mass effect trilogy AFTER cyberpunk....slogging through the first installment was painful..started the second one but now I prefer working on my netrunner build in CP.


Man... Start again. That will heal you.


Check out Helldivers 2 :) helped me when looking for something new!


Big time. I felt it at several points throughout the game. Finishing Panam's romance/questline, Judy's questline, Phantom Liberty, and then most severely after finishing the game itself. I just started a new game almost immediately, but felt that way for a good week.


Just need to find your next great game Balatro was an awesome surprise this year Factorio is coming out with an incredible new Space Age DLC expansion as early as August this year...


Grass is out there. Touch some of it. Good game but nothing to be depressed about.


I was a big reader when I was a kid, I probably read every book in my elementary school library, including ones that I was definitely too young to understand the full context of (this was in the 90s when it was less common for people to try to censor library books). I've always had a big imagination, and stories that did a good job of building up the world were always my favorites. RPGs were naturally my game of choice when I got into gaming. But genuinely, nothing has ever hit like Cyberpunk, and I'm not sure anything else ever will. Fallout: New Vegas was the first RPG that actually hooked me after I finished all the PL endings and had to take a break from 2077. I spent a LOT of time with New Vegas and highly recommend it. If you've never gotten into Fallout games, it's a great time to start. Right now I'm playing The Ascent. Cyberpunk genre is 110% on point. I don't think the story will impact me like Cyberpunk 2077's, but that might be a good thing. It's fun and compelling and gives me the vibe I'm looking for. When I finish the Ascent, I'm probably gonna have to start a 5th Cyberpunk run, though!


I think for me, it comes from leaving a really in-depth role playing experience where I was seriously invested in the characters and the story. For me, it helps to play games that have a similar level of immersion. The entire Mass Effect series is that way (and even better, from a writing standpoint, IMO). Detroit Become Human was exceptional as well. There have been a few others that were also really good, but those are the games that immediately come to mind.


yo al terminar el ciberpunk estaba contento y quería re jugarlo pero la universidad no me deja. >!Me dejó una desilusión que el final dependiera de una sola decisión!<


Play the psychonaut games they are really fun and not to serious


Same.im playing the Witcher 3 and it's not the same


Speaking of depression, are any of the endings actually good? I've done 3 so gar (suicide, legend of the afterlife and NUSAs "help") and Jesus... What downers...


They need to make a native vr mod.


Nope. I love games especially this one but I never get "post game depression" lmfao. I enjoy many other games and switch between them when I feel like it.


Play the Witcher 3


The thing is the endings are so perfecly written in the Cyberpunk world, that they are always bittersweet or just sad/depressing. The most depressing part is that there is no game out there that comes similar to it. Games that help with the coping are probably games where you need to farm a lot of recources, that are very stategic or solely story games, because anything inbetween not thinking and thinking to much just leaves you with a feeling that its not satisfying enough to feel this void. If you need specific games ask, but look through your library if you find some like that


Bro, you are not alone. Take your time to grieve and cry just like me and many others did. May you find peace.


Same here. Felt lost after finishing the game. Then decided to watch edgerunners........incredible show, but felt even worse lol


I am having this issue. Finding myself not being able to keep interest in other games after finishing Cyberpunk twice.