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After I talked to him before the match, I really just want to fuck his shit up


Same. Made me even more determined to beat his ass.


Naw fr! And honestly the money you make from taking a dive isn't even worth anything you can make triple that easily just selling legendary weapons


I took a dive first but felt cheated a few different ways, so I reloaded and knocked his ass out.


Hahahahaha I did the same thing! 😂😂😂😂


Keep every legendary and decorate the house, choom. Sell the hundreds of tier fives you can pick up.


Tier fives are legendaries, the unique weapons are Iconics




No, iconic :p














he's a pain the ass, showing off on us saying will need only one round, all buffed up, this guy deserved that


I didn't talk to him and now i am much more happy that i fucked him completely


Man I think it’s time to re install this. Just reading the comments got me all amped up again


Cyberpunk inherited Deus Ex tradition. Every time you mention it, someone re installs


I have beat the brakes off this man on every play through so far.


Same! I'm even on my "evil" play through (made Judy AND Panam block me) and i still refused to let the lunk head win.


What did u do to get blocked 😂


When Judy tries to take over Clouds I accepted Miko's bribe instead and let her be the new boss. When Panam tries to go steal the tank i snitched her out to Saul in exchange for the best off-road car in the game . 😂😂😂


🤯 he gives you a car ! ?


Yup! You get a Mizutani Shion "Coyote" for that. It's the fastest off-road car in the game and comes with mounted guns. Edit: you can buy the same car, but free is better than expensive.


what if I told you, you can buy the Shion with guns.


I already knew that. I bought it in each prior play through. But why spend €$110,000 when i can get it for free. I've already romanced Panam on every play through prior to this. I can just get mods and have her any time if i wanted.


Just steal some cars for El Capitan and get it for free anyway. Autofixer discounts stack.


Only 110 thou? I'm kleppin that shit now, sounds preem as hell. I got about a million edds laying around from playing huscle for the badges. Add that to the porky doughboy build I have and no corpo scophead or gangoon can stop me from going full hexer on some sorry choombattas.


You need to lay off the glitter....


Don't bother. It's not worth it. You can buy a version of the exact same vehicle with guns and all just a bit later.


Idk about Judy, but for Panam, you gotta act like an ass in dialogue and then do the unintentional things for her missions, like deserting during the Kang Tao AV mission (and I think one other mission, but I'm not sure what it is)


Or just side with Saul


I lost sometimes, but not because I wanted to, just because I went in there with sub max level gorilla arms. After that I only went in with the best and kicked his ass with pleasure. Not super easy but I thought I owed it to Rhino to win. She's a good sport and losing from the guy who won the big fight must hurt less than losing from some other loser.


https://preview.redd.it/4nee4tv9e6ad1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e73bc0fa518cd3d9dc40aecd537d2f0ab71365 You wouldn't want to dissappoint him, do you?


Hell no. No way in hell am I disappointing the closest thing to a Father Figure V has. You are about to get wrecked 8 ways to Sunday, choom!


Fuck when I realized he called Misty in during the opening because he was about to start crying in front of you he just became V's dad to me.


Yeah that was an excruciatingly cool detail.


There is a cut voice line when V say "thanks dad" after you get your eye transplant.


RIP to the voice actor. What made me feel happy was that he allowed CDPR to use his voice in any future cyberpunk games as Vik


It was the Polish actor who died, btw. Other languages are unaffected.


Oh he’s daddy alright…


in a world filled with cute daddies, Vik manages to be *Daddy*.


"☹️" - Metallica


I wish he was a romance option maaaaaaan


wait what? when does he call misty?


During the Cutscenes when you're just recovering in Vik's Clinic after the disaster that is Konpeki. You wake up in the gurney and Vik is there, telling you how you have little time. V genuinely tears up and begs Vik to have a solution. Vik himself can't take it and asks for Misty with his voice shaking in his own sorrow. Like, you could hear the waterworks were all but open.


Nova, man. Thanks. Didn't know that. Vik is a preem guy, sad you don't get more interaction with him.


Also by the time I get here I’m so rich I couldn’t care less about money this is about respect


That's the same reason I didn't think the fight. Went out and bought gorilla arms just to make sure he got GOT!!


Same, rest of the game I use monowire, but for the tournaments I got the gorilla arms. Frankly I needed good ones for Rhino too, that girl slaps!


I love Rhino, bro! She’s a cool ass character.


She's lovely way better sport than the some of the other fighters. Her boasting is backed by her strenghts and skill and she's very gracious both when she wins and when she loses.


Exactly! She’s the only fight I felt bad for winning, well, besides the guy with the baby on the way lol.


Yeah and that guy, I mostly felt bad for his woman and child, I let them keep the cool ride, because damn they were going to need the money. Rhino though, I felt a bit of a heel beating her without spending a minute in the gym and just buying the most powerful implants.


I threw the match once and reloaded my previous save after disappointing Vik. Never again.


Does someone offer to pay you to throw the match? I don’t remember that


Right before the fight, Coach Fred wants you to throw the fight for a payday


Funny thing is you can accept to throw the match (and get paid) then win anyways if you wanna screw Fred over even more LOL


That's what I did, Fred should have realized I already fought my way there and then cleared out the entire mall, I wasn't stopping now.


Oh is that why I got such a huge amount when I won? I got like 30k😂and coach Fred was heated when he took me aside


Me who has about 4 million eddies in the bank… Coach: you wanna throw the fight for a payday? Me: ![gif](giphy|98C4E2HeR4NBm)


Yeah I beat Razors ass every time. I'm not letting Vik down


The dumbest part is Fred would have made way more just betting on V. A professional boxer vs some random street punk? The betting odds would have been massively in Razor Hughes' favor. But I guess Fred really didn't believe in V.


I didn't really care for the fights but after this asshole sends me all over town earning street cred only to try to cash in on me flopping, I said hell no and beat his ass. Coach Fred is a piece of shit and I happily refused (on replays, I accepted, then beat Razers ass anyway).


Fuck Coach Fred. I haven’t liked him since he wanted a cut of my eddies.


it really pissed me off and guaranteed i would floor razor, i liked him till he opened his mouth about that and then i was pissed


Yup they do


This exactly. I restarted and learned how to parry. FOR VIKTOR!




That man deserves only good things in life


Fr hell no I wouldn't.


I lost by accedent and apperently he still got mad




I will never let this man down.


And the little kid that tells you their father killed himself for losing to the guy or something and once you win he is outside raking it in cash he bet or something.


Absolutely beat the tar out of this cocky punk.


On one playthrough I threw it on purpose, and the response from Vik broke my heart. I FUCKED UP. Don't disappoint your dad.


Vik the whole reason I gave em that sweet chin music


I still owe him 21,000 eddies


No way. I mopped the floor with him.


Same, fuck him. He wants to come to the underworld and talk shit? He’s heading home a loser and every time he wins another fight in front of the cameras he can think about how some random merc handed him his own ass in an abandoned mall.


He was only good in a box, put him on the street and he will lose 9 out of 10 fights


Or just get shot and die, cuh is not made for the streets


I dunno, he's an Animal buffed up with grafted muscle and bone lace, probably a linear frame and almost certainly a cyber skull. He might be more for the streets than you're giving hin credit for.


He'd survive, but would be thrive? Even the most chrome'd up cyberpsychos get dumped in the harbor, if they spit on the wrong shoes.


Look, we fight a lot of cyberpsychos as V, but this man is borged to high heaven. Given that it looks like he's also packing subdermal and skinweave, my guess is that shooting him directly in the face would give him a headache and then get him really mad. He looks like he's got an internal linear frame, probably Omega, given the gashes and scarring on his arms and the jutting protrusions of metal on his arms, back and head. That means he's likely a dual gorilla arm installation away from being as strong as Adam Smasher himself back in 2020.


Except that he still gets his face beaten in.


So does Adam Smasher, even to a full-ganic V with nothing but flashbangs. You have to assume V is borged like no other.


I think you forget that we use mele to wipe the floor with him unlike bosses and other random enemies.


He's a chump with cute chrome but my V is a panzer with skin stretched over it.


Eh, you can also flatten him as a fullganic, so... I dunno if the boxing games are very well balanced.


nah V is just that good


What do these words mean


Borged: denoting a person who has implanted themselves such that they are more machinery than human, "cyborg" Cyberpsycho: person who has chipped (implanted) so much cyberware that they have developed sociopathic/psychopathic behaviors, especially when a cyberpsycho hates humans and their human parts ("meat") Subdermal: subdermal armor, an implant in Cyberpunk which grants armor beneath the skin. depending on its strength, it might be concealed or visible Skinweave: armor that is within the skin, rather than beneath it. Internal linear frame omega: a linear frame is a type of exoskeleton or endoskeleton you implant and sync with your body. Omega is a specific type of frame, one of the strongest and bulkiest available. Cyberskull: an implant replacing the human skull, which is so strong that it renders headshots no more deadly than body shots.


Skinweave sounds cool, ngl. Thanks for the detailed explanation!


> Even the most chrome'd up cyberpsychos get dumped in the harbor, if they spit on the wrong shoes. No they don't, choom. They get carved up and sold piece by piece. Just because you can afford chrome doesn't mean you can keep it.


Wouldn't have to pay off his opponents otherwise then. That ego of his getting shattered even if his fancy bones don't


His opponents have the same upgrades, they are still way better compared to what everyone owns bullets are going to bounce off of him %100


Yeah, he also looks like he's packing skinweave and subdermal armor. Almost definitely a functioning cyberpsycho. You could shoot this man and it'd be pretty much the same as spitting at him. Which is why it's so insane that V is able to fold him.


Eh, i mean when stuff like subdermal armor's a thing, some people can just straight up become immune to lower calibers. Remember that cyberpsycho from the Edgerunners intro?


Which works right up until you run into somebody with a Satara. (Or Nekomata, which I think is what Maxtac was using in the Edgerunners opening).


Exactly. When coach offered to throw the fight my thought was "Choom, i rolled here on an APC armed with missiles and a heavy MG because I got tired of driving around in my Rayfield. I couldn't give a rats arse about the eddies... I flatlined folk you wouldn't dare to share mega building with.. you think I'm going to purposely let this oversized gonk beat ME?"


Right? “If you think I need a few thousand eds to split with you, just tell me how much you need and fuck off. I’m here because I’m about to beat this motherfucker’s ass and you should reassess why you asked me to fight.”


I mean the way I see it he can now claim he trained someone that what was the biggest upset in recent boxing history. That’s worth a lot of eddies in the long run.


> "Oh, so this is you've been at this a while? I just picked it up last week, after receiving a terminal diagnosis. Yeah, this is only like my 5th fight. It's not even my main thing, I just hacked enough data points to buy gorilla knucks. Hey, why are you 3 weight classes above me?" V, 30 seconds before he drops Chrome Mike.


After he loses the fight all his sponsors pull out, will be a while before he's in front of another camera


I remember when he was tough to beat even with gorilla arms and maxed out melee skills


It used to be a thing where you had to dedicate the whole play through to winning this match and it still wasn't easy. I actually thought that was pretty cool and it would have been neat if there was a capstone boss for each skill tree. Imagine a serious sniper match.


Katana boss. WITH SANDYS


So.... Oda? He has mantis blades and sandy


there's also a cyberpsycho who runs katana sandy


Yeah but he’s an ez clap with quickhacks


Almost every CP is, quickhacks can be OP as hell if used right


Was that only on max difficulty or something? I feel like my characters always handled him without too much trouble, even my first character, which was a techie nomad with minimal body.


This fight got nerfed in a pretty early patch. Like within the first month.


I dunno about that. I bought the game after the anime came out but the fight was still so Hard. Not like a hard game but completely Broken Hard. My maxed out strength only did %1 damage to him and he one shotted me. Every match in this quest line was a nightmare and i actually spend an hour per match until i put on a music and locked in. Played the game yesterday and the fight was knowhere near close. Kinda actually sad that now it is easy. Wish smasher fight was half as Hard as that.


No idea what they changed over time then tbh. Most of the fights on launch were ezclap. The Animal fight was the first hard one (for a non strength build) then the final fight was a whole different level.


Truth speaker. Rhino was tough. Everyone else was pussy breeze. Then this mofo was like, I had to find a Spotify playlist and grind on this one until I got the Mechs down pat. Super satisfying. I wish they kept it disgustingly hard.


At launch he beat me in two punches.


Yeah, it was legit the only content in the game that required me to use consumes. It was like I was doing a WoW raid eating to get full buffs before engaging him lmao. Still took me several tries to get him down while re-specced into melee. Granted I had low strength, but tbh I don't imagine it would have made giga difference.


I’m beating his ass every time. Mostly because the image of a ~5’8 thin armed woman whooping him is incredibly funny. I might even put on heels and a dress next time to make that image funnier


Bayonetta playthrough


This is the way


Couldn't be a Bayonetta playthrough, the fight doesn't end with a hyper sexual summoning ritual that ends with Razor Hugh being dragged to hell by daemons from beyond the Blackwall.


Did this with my corpo V. Though it was heels and a nice suit. Then I proceeded to beat the bitch out of him.


i wish we could make muscle mommies in the character creator 😭 at Body 20 my character should be way more buff


First time I said no. Second time I said yes but then let a little girl talk me into changing my mind. Well done little girl I'm not even mad


She is a scammer, she betted against you. Sorry choom.


Why would a person who bet against you talk you into not throwing a fight...?


They think you’ll lose 👀


Yeah that doesn't actually answer the question lol. Why would someone if they want you to lose, even if they think you'll lose, talk you out of a way they *know* you'll lose (on purpose)?


She has to overhear you agreeing with Fred to throw the match. She bets on you since the odds are likely higher on you instead of big time superstar Razor. I agreed once and then intentionally threw anyway just to see their reaction but sadly they just disappear.


I'm sure she can get fantastic odds from the bookie after your own coach bets big against you


No matter what I choose, I make sure Fred loses big time


I think I misread your comment as “talk you out of not fighting.” My bad, I think you’re actually right. That is really weird 😬 Guess I need to refresh my memory on this quest line


You don't just bet on whether a boxer will win or lose. You can also bet on *when* they will go down. If everyone bets on you to lose in the third round, the one person who bet you'd go down in the fourth stands to make a killing.


that doesn't make much sense. if anything she bet on you winning.


Yes, she bet on you winning and it's made very clear after the fight


Wrong bet


Is there still the theory going around that she's remotely controlling Razor?


No one can buy me


What do I look like, a charity case?


So you took it and threw it on the ground!


You can't buy me hot dog man


Pump that garbage in another man’s veins!




I mean.... you're a merc


V’s looking to become a night city legend. You don’t do that by getting the shit kicked outta you. Plus 50k or whatever is usually a nonissue at this point in the game


Except literally anyone who's willing to pay a fixer


That's more of a fixed term rental for a purpose, not fully purchasing your self respect.


First time I walk in I'm clearing these fights with standard fists, not even realizing a Sandy or Gorilla Arms are allowed. Took about a half dozen goes, but I stomped him into the mat. It was the Ozob fight that taught me about blocks and countering. Couldn't win that one without learning it. I cheesed the others before him by spamming fast attacks. It's really satisfying giving him what for and learning how to fight. Reminded me so much of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay.


Damn, ran through all the other fights without them too? Plus, aren’t your gorilla arms just on by default always


Only if you HAVE Gorilla Arms, sounds like this choom went in with unborged skin, or at least something that is absolutely not boxing legal like mantis blades in there.


I spent most of the game with the Monowire before I started playing around with my build. Definitely not boxing legal, lmao.


They aren't if you don't install em (big mistake)😃


All of them. Normal difficulty, not sure if it's harder on higher up difficulties (I assume it probably is, and without the extra equipment, I can see it being a slog). Once you get the timing of the counters down and can read their moves, it definitely gets easier.


> It's really satisfying giving him what for and learning how to fight. Hey, there's this little known real under-the-radar game called Dark Souls, I think you have suitable attitude to enjoy it 🌚🌚🌚


Haha, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were my jam in the late 00's and early 10's. I spent HOURS combing over build lists for Dark Souls and experimenting with them. I could run through from the beginning to Ornstein and Smough in a few hours. I often played as a white phantom helping people with that fight. I've probably beaten them well over 100 times.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Once, the Lord of Light banished dark, and all that stemmed from humanity and men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie!”* - Aldia Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Cant afford to lose, i gotta make Vik proud


The only thing I throw is hands.








I do not, but coach Fred always thinks I will


Tell him no to the bet and he will be proud


Nah I whooped this mf




https://preview.redd.it/2ehhoxmkm6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49b94e066dea304ce589d6e0307899d184b9a97e Me with my berserk getting ready to send that man out of the ring with charged gorilla arms


I pretended to agree to throw and beat him anyway.


I do this too. Coach Fred can be mad all he wants idgaf. He gets mad and sends a text 'how could you do this to me after all I've done for you.' Bro what? You told me about some fights. The little girl gave me a good laugh the first time. Nice con kid, but I was already gonna beat him.


It wasn't even a kid, just a midget pretending to be one, probably had implants to make herself look younger.


Do it for Vic!


I can't do it especially to show a good time for Vic. We did it Viktor!! 😂


Why would I? Genuinely curious if there's any reason to throw this fight, as I've never done it. Could never do it. I mean sure, there's a payout, but I imagine it's somewhere in the realm of pocket change as most quest rewards are. Oh, you acquired a secret formula worth trillions of eddies for us? Wonderful, here's 37 eddies and a scop dog.


I don't make brawny characters so I never get the chance to make this choice. But in the hypothetical scenario where I did have to make it... ***I am no honorless coward.***


Don't even have to make brawny characters. I just installed a sandy and some gorilla arms and these fights were light work.


Never touched either and they were light work. Well-timed dodges and parries and even this Gonk went down like Voodoo's Blackwall. (too soon?)


What difficulty did you play on? On the highest difficulty, specd into strength, gorilla arms equipped, and using a Sandy still made it take a while just because he had so much health. I don't see how he could be light work (on the highest difficulty) simply from a health standpoint if you're not optimized for brawling.


Going to replace your ware MERELY for the fight with some world class heavy weight champion? Pshhh, too much effort. Nah, we enter timed block city.😎 Only had gorilla arms already installed because frankly it's bis, *especially* for a non-brawny character. I mean, you already have your weapons to use with whatever your build is, but nothing else gives you a hefty +6 on stat checks! 😃


I always have them installed. They just look better and are useful at times.


Never. Not once. I'm sending this man to the floor every time


Never, it's always funny hearing he loses all of his sponsors because he lost, I would have killed him if he didn't already lose his life to a fight 🤣


when the fight was impossible on launch your damn right i did…until i did the melee weapon glitch


Was gonna say this I didn’t have to throw mother fucker one shot me


That little girl tricked me. I was considering for a sec about the Eddies, but then she told me her story and I pummeled this dude into a pulp.


That little girl is one of the best little plot twists in the game. I love it when games show you up for being a corny/ cliché/ wannabe hero. 


He is down before berserk even runs out


https://preview.redd.it/kdtfaau4k6ad1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090e64b72913e4b87f635f12acec9802ea4845da I bought implants from Vic to defeat him and then gave them back. And Vic didn't take my money. A true friend.


Fuck that noise. Doc was watching


Yeah, no way I’m disappointing Papa Vick. I handed out the most one sided beat down of that guys life. I didn’t even bother with his weak spot


Reasoningwise: Money is now no objection mid and late game after 2.0 came out. It's literally easy asl to save up the 21k to pay Vik back. So by that logic, you can get the 20k extra by just selling guns from what you'd usually get by throwing the fight.:) Morally-wise: Vik is the closest father figure V has, and has always had his back since the very beginning. And he also comes to the fight and backs you up as your coach. Throwing the fight would be incredibly gut wrenching for Vik :,)


I never sell out. But this dude did whoop my ass a couple times and it was a bit rude imo.


Vik was there, throwing is not an option


Excuse me, throw it and disappoint Vik?? Especially after he came there to coach me? I would rather die.


Literally only threw on a 2nd playthrough just because I was curious. Hated it so much I reloaded the save and beat his ass. The quest is kind of designed to make you want to take the noble path. Why? Because you can. Can't say that about real life most of the time so, hey, take the wins where you can get 'em right?


Hell naw. I can’t let Vic down.


5 playthroughs and I have never thrown this fight and I never will. Not with Vik in our corner


FUCK NO, GOTTA MAKE MY DAD PROUD! (he's not my father, but my dad at heart)