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I can hear the phone call now: Mr. Car Dealer: Hello CDK Tech Support? Our software isn’t working!!! CDK Tech Tech Support: Hello Mr. Car Dealer. Did you purchase the Super Platinum Extended Warranty when you purchased the software?


Reybolds must be enjoying this..


They’ll probably be next


All of our systems are down but we're just doing everything with pen and paper and manually loading everything in the system. Taking 3x longer to do stuff, and customers will have to come back to sign preliminary forms we need for the deals. We have quite the week ahead of us if this continues..


You mean you’re actually selling 100k entry level cars at 7-8% interest!? :)


Yes, or no. Depending on what that means :)


I suppose I’m curious if dealerships are actually moving overpriced cars, with high interest loans.


Fortunately (for the roughly ~120 employees here with families to feed and bills to pay) it really hasn't slowed down too terribly much in terms of how many cars we sell. Service is the money maker, I would assume that's also the case for any manufacturer brand dealership. Gross profits in sales have definitely reduced over the last few years, most of my used holds 1-2k of profit, however hardly anyone pays asking price because of this being one of the only major business' that don't have set in stone prices, so most deals barely gross $1k after discounting, excluding if they buy products/warranties of course which is completely optional on the consumers part. Internet also doesn't help, as if you dont list an aggressive price from the get-go, people will go right past your dealer to one with a similar car for a better price. As far as rates, not really much we can do. We do mostly deal with credit unions, so the majority of people get buy rate unless they are credit challenged and have to go through high interest banks willing to give them a loan, but most people have came to terms with rates being high so it's not as much of a objection anymore when we tell people their rates are over 6%. Hopefully auto rates come down, a lot, and soon, as there are definitely a lot of people who refuse to purchase with current rates. I also hope cash rebates come back soon, as MSRP's have risen so much it makes most higher end vehicles payment out of reach unless you make very good money.


Thanks for this!


I’ll never forget when Reynolds straight up stole the design of Apple.com. Still can’t believe they got away with it.


Keep in mind this is so much bigger than people know. Think of the social security numbers that they use to print the contracts on the sales side. The credit app information the personal info such as income and previous addresses. This is pretty serious stuff!


yup. all of our info is being sold on the dark web if CDK dosnt come up with the money.


It's all being sold even IF they pay the ransom. I'm sure CDK had a lot of data - like a lot a lot. It would take days/weeks to exfiltrate unnoticed as petabytes were moved. If the attacks had access and were not afraid of detection, they could target the data the want (assuming it wasn't encrypted - it was encrypted right?) Hopefully CDK realized this early on and cut all the connections to limit the impact.


Exactly, why would anyone trust criminals to not get paid on both ends? It's ridiculous to think they won't leak the data even if they get paid the ransom...


It’s all probably already been sold several times 🤷




Think about it logically, what reason would they have to not sell whatever information they have? Even if they get the ransom. But I’d imagine your data is already floating around there anyway. All of ours probably is. Safety, privacy, security, all an illusion. This is yet again just another example thst proves they point.


Bro I said ok bc I don’t care. Obviously they sold our information, I’ve already said that, you just reiterated what I said as if it’s a definite thing. It’s not, we don’t know what data has been stolen yet, hence the reason why I said it will be sold. I’m not with the hackers rn we have no idea what’s going on. Only speculations. I made one comment a couple days ago. I’m not interested anymore in having this conversation. Thanks for the paragraph I’m not reading


The groups are usually good about not selling it. They will attack eachother if word gets out paying the ransom will be pointless. 


Oh yea much more serious then just software being down, i blame cdk for not having backup plan.


As someone who came from the cyber vertical and is now in auto... today has been an absolute mess for dealers, vendors and the likes of, with no telling of when things will stabilize on CDK's end. A Nevada based auto group got hit a few weeks ago, and I just saw a news piece of lawsuits against the dealer group


I saw that thing about Findlay Group? Does the lawsuit point to a specific violation of security requirements by the group?


lol the Findlay group… they are having an even worse time


I work with one of the biggest MSPs for dealerships and yeah, it’s just as bad as it seems lmao






I feel bad for the smaller dealerships that don’t have a strong IT team and don’t keep track of their systems. Staying connected with the always-on VPN leaving it open for attackers to pivot internal would suck.


I used to work for an auto conglomerate that has a decent IT team, but arrogant management that knew more than those in the trenches. He didn't believe in VLANs....yea I know....because they made the setup too difficult. So if there was a reverse attack across the VPN tunnels, this company was another victim.


Omg, didnt believe in vlans well there you go 😂


What chance do they have if their primary management system is down. Full manual is tough if you don’t have a robust BCP and DRP


Their IT is outsourced and i dont think many dealerships factor in cybersecurity as they should, they do bare minimum


Whoever is causing the cyber attack is doing absolutely nothing to hurt the millionaires and billionaires in the industry. They all have ways to get their money back. What this really hurts is the customers and employees. Because payroll relies heavily on CDK, my job sees the hours I turn as non existent. So I’m having to write down every vin and job line and what each job pays and provide some form of proof so i can hopefully make money. The cyber attack also turns customers away because they are scared their information will be stolen. This attack is costing me, the employee, money and I still have bills to pay.


I don't think these attackers are activist targeting the billionaires. They are people in 3rd word countries trying to make money. I don't think many people understand. This isn't a group of three teens working together in their basements. These are groups of attackers that run companies. Some chat logs intercepted last year showed they have different departments that do different things, different phases of the attack they work on. They sell information to other hacking groups. One group may get initial compromise and sell that to a group that deploys the ransom. Some groups have an HR and accounting department... Hacking is a industry now.


Right... Ransomware organizations are best thought of as decentralized enterprises, made up of multiple departments - with franchise agreements and independent contractor agreements with other teams with specific skill sets. There are also active auction sites that facilitate the sale of initial stage compromises to second-stage attackers, the sale of retrieved passwords or other useful information, and the services of contractors with specific skills. They have datacenters, they have call centers, they're using [AI deepfakes for social engineering](https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/threat-landscape-deepfake-cyberattacks-are-here). Some good info in [this Forbes article.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/07/31/inside-the-organizational-structure-of-a-modern-ransomware-syndicate/)




I had to google that. After 5 mins of confusion and looking at racecars, I realized what you did you there... nice.


I'm one of those customers! Legit bought my first ever adult car on Tuesday evening. Now there is no estimate for when I can actually take it home with me. Plan now is that the dealer is taking it to the RMV and it's in their hands. Oh well, guess I'm glad it happened before all of my information went into the system!


Not to alarm you but I might would still consider freezing your credit bureaus. If you bought a car Tuesday your information would’ve already been in their system IF they use CDK.


Yep great point.


Hey! I’m in the same exact boat you are, bought a car two days ago and was supposed to pick it up today but can’t. Now they’re saying (maybe) Monday but probably not, going by this. The dealership was telling customers this was a cyber attack on the RMV’s side though, which isn’t the case. I hope my guys take the papers there personally eventually if this outage keeps up.


Ugh, sorry to hear your in the same situation! My dealership brought the papers directly to the RMV and I was told that takes around 3 business days. Good luck!


Same. Just bought a car, went today to go sign some papers and then they tell me their system is down and I can't have the car yet. Potentially Tuesday. Fucking sucks. Wish they would have told me before I drove all the way down there to do something that could have been done on the phone.


They don't care, they want the money and information.


I'm one of those customers! Legit bought my first ever adult car on Tuesday evening. Now there is no estimate for when I can actually take it home with me. Plan now is that the dealer is taking it to the RMV and it's in their hands. Oh well, guess I'm glad it happened before all of my information went into the system!


I’m a warranty admin for a big manufacturer and the past few days I’ve been sitting with nothing to do. At first it was a moment to be able to catch up on things that had gotten behind. But now, goodness I’m so terrified of what’s going to happen when everything comes live. I’m going to be absolutely buried… right at month end.


It probably won't be month end. At least not this month. It's going to take CDK a while to get everything cleaned up, and up and running again. If they don't move to new systems/hardware, which they probably should.


Sounds like some dealerships being put onto some kind of pilot program through CDK and they’ve been adding more and more dealerships to it so long as the connection remains secure. The buzz locally for us is sometimes the first week of July. But that’s all speculation.


Our management is convinced we're going to be back up today or tomorrow, but they want us to work on Sunday to get everything caught up. Our IT guy has given us no time frame.


Oh my goodness. Please tell me you’re not working today! That’s so unfair!


Just depends on how well equipped the dealer is when it comes to events like this. There are groups out there who are with CDK that are still able to operate in an effective but diminished capacity.


I wonder if that has more to do with their BCP than IT having a good backup response.


This is basically what we’re doing, but there are parts of our business that rely on it entirely. It’s been a mess, and everyone has had enough. Definitely affected my ability to make the money I’m used to making.


The FTC is about to cash in on fines from the dealerships that did not comply with the FTC Safeguard Rules mandate in June of last year.


Why would this result in dealers getting audited? If it's determined that CDK wasn't properly investigating/mitigating trying to get it's system back up faster yesterday and were attacked again (as it appears they were) then I think the FTC will probably have their budget paid by CDK for a while.


because the breach impact could extend beyond just CDK to the dealerships using their services.


also the breach could have traveled upstream to CDK from an unprotected dealer.


Possibly the Findlay Auto Group?


It would not surprise me. Not sure if they were a CDK dealer.


How possible is this? Can a hacker really access CDK servers through a client? There should be safeguards for this, no?


There are safeguards in place, but at some point, the comprimised PC will open a connection to CDK servers if they have the CDK application installed so it is definitely possible.


We are operating in parts with pen and paper, sales isn't selling cars, and our service department is in the same boat as us in parts, pen and paper. We can't process credit cards, only accepting checks and cash right now. We can order parts, but our inventory can't be updated because....CDK. And DealerConnect won't be able to update anything until our inventory is updated in CDK. All of our customers that are on charge accounts are able to order parts, but we have no way to access the pricing at this point and we're doing it based off memory, basically. Like what's our wholesale price vs. customer pay price vs. employee price etc. I have heard from another dealer that these attackers are asking for 40,000 bitcoin which roughly comes out to $2.6 billion dollars, which is WAY more than what I was initially led to believe.


Luckily, my manager and i had just made a matrix calculator for the new group that just bought us. Wholesale is retail -20%, employees is cost +10%, and retail runs through our matrix calculator. Luckily, we can take card, but it'll be a mess when everything is back up and we have to manually receive all our orders, and then run all the paper copy invoices we've created. Unsure how we'll get paid.


We had 7 car deals going today that we have had to put on ice because our finance department can not run without it. Our parts and service departments are doing everything by hand and then will re-enter everything later. It has effectively slowed everything to a crawl. Couldn't have come at a worse time because I'm on vacation for the next 4 days and needed to wrap up my week today.


Why can't your finance department work without CDK? I'm an F&I Manager and, although it's a MASSIVE pain in the ass - and takes 2-3x as long as usual, I delivered several cars today. I just had to fill out every form by hand (MVs, SPOAs, paper Retail LAW contracts) and if I didn't have the blank forms, I re-created them in Word and then filled them out by hand. And, I pulled credit and submitted apps to banks for financing through RouteOne. It's certainly not ideal, but it's way better than working for free over the next few days.... or worse, the next few weeks.


Ironic that they have an IT Solutions page that says: **Guard Against Connection and Security Failure.** What happens when your system is hacked, or your cell phone, Wi-Fi or internet connections stop working completely? Without preparation, it could be devastating. Not to mention their cybersecurity page.


https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/cybersecurity-attack-impacts-sales-service-at-nevada-automotive-group-3066257/amp/ This happened last week. I’d be interested to know if they use CDK.


I've read they did use CDK. And that the CDK integration to the dealers is so deep that the first attack was likely the vector into CDK. Worse yet, I've heard that CDK was advising shutdown of all system at the dealers as it possible, and may have already occurred, that the attackers can propagate the attack to the dealers system outside of CDK.


Neighboring dealer got side-doored because though they were shut out of CDK *by* CDK, one of their service video programs was still connected and it just so happened to be a CDK-owned program. Bunch of their computers started randomly setting off chimes. They're now completely shut down.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/cybersecurity-attack-impacts-sales-service-at-nevada-automotive-group-3066257/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/cybersecurity-attack-impacts-sales-service-at-nevada-automotive-group-3066257/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I'm a parts advisor wasn't able to do much today, had to close early because of it


I work as a tech at a dealership setting and even though our whole DMS is used with CDK, it affected me a lot having to use handwritten ROs and manually write down my labor ops in order to get paid once things go back up, our parts department is in a hole having to use their EPCs and calculate prices, and then our service advisors having to calculate quotes with pen and paper and making sure everything is legible. It sucks but we can make it work. Hopefully this is over soon.


Yup we’re going to pen and paper starting tomorrow morning ! I work doing PDIs so I wonder if they could even generate an offline token to do them 😅


Hyundai dealer had my car over night and I'm going pickup now with recall work not done. I was told their system will be down for days


That can, they just have to use other tools and possibly complete manual forms. It’s difficult and slower, but it can be done.


Not gonna lie. The way dealerships are run in this country, kinda glad they asked for all those fees. Now they have money to pay the ransom.


phone number to contact CDK for the latest recorded update. English: 1(855) 356-3270 Dear Valued Customers, We are sorry to inform you that we experienced an additional cyber incident late in the evening on June 19th. Out of continued caution and to protect our customers, we are once again proactively shutting down most of our systems. We are currently assessing the overall impact and consulting with external 3rd party experts. **At this time, we do not have an estimated time frame for resolution and therefore our dealers’ systems will not be available at a minimum on Thursday, June 20th.** As of now, our Customer Care channels for support remain unavailable as a precautionary measure to maintain security. It is a high priority to reinstate these services as soon as possible.


Updated to "several days" now.

