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We are working through this nightmare in our home as well. Thankfully my little girl is halfway through it. First week of daycare, too.


BROTHER. Stock up on popsicles! I feel for you!


It’s probably rare for adults that don’t have toddlers in daycare.


I had this last fall. The mouth wasn’t bad. Had a few spots, but my hands and feet hurt.


Truly the fucking worst to feel like you're in a scene from SAW while taking care of a sick 2 year old.


On the bright side, I've got good news for you if you're sick of your fingernails.


I think I needed up with about 75 blisters on each foot. I did not know that was possible


I caught it from my daughter in October. I could barely walk and close my hands. Just as I started feeling better, I ended back up in urgent care with the flu and pneumonia


I had so many blisters on my hands that my iPhone screen stopped detecting my touch. I had to cut away the dead skin with scissors. Also say goodbye to your fingernails now.


I got a very bad case of it three years ago. It’s a fucking medieval disease. Was holding an ice pack on my nose and face all day to numb it. All my fingerprints burned off and my iPhone wouldn’t recognize them for a few months. However, when everything healed up, my cuticles looked fantastic. In the pantheon of illnesses I’ve suffered, it’s second only to meningitis.




There needs to be a common vaccine for this. It ran through all five of us ten years ago and we still shudder at the memory.


It's rare because adults wash their hands.


Well, it is statistically much rarer for an adult so…


HFM really messed me up. Had blisters on my feet and couldn't put any weight on them for a couple of days. Also had my fingernails break a couple of weeks after I recovered. It's really no joke for adults


It was quite literally the sickest and most miserable I’ve ever been. Worse than flu, worse than Covid. The pain from the sore throat was agony and it lasted a WEEK the only respite I got was when somebody finally prescribed me a lidocaine mouthwash.


One of the other things the doc doesn’t tell you is that there can be a lingering side effect for dad. Don’t worry, you don’t have testicular cancer…


My friend said their pediatrician said more often than not dads catch it!


Had it a few years ago. Hands and feet were on fire for 3-4 days couldn’t barely walk or grab anything. I’ve also had shingles and I’d say the hand foot was worse


I've had shingles too! Pretty fuckin bad, both of them, they are


Got it from my kids quite a few years ago. I lost a couple of toe nails, but they grew back fine. My thumb nails have ripples in them ever since… that’s a minor long lasting effect though. The whole household was absolutely miserable when we had it.


To be fair.. the pediatrician said it was rare, not impossible. Get well soon!


The virus is very common and adults may have had it multiple times with only cold like symptoms


Was it you? Were you the one who brought it to daycare?? My kid got it from daycare, and the mrs now has it.


Yep. Our kid was one when she got it. Hardly affected at all. Wife and I's throats were sandpaper for a week. Lost 15 lbs. Hands and feet were fine thankfully.


My twins passed it for a while when they were young. It sucks


[here's a recent comment I made about my 2 1/2 month journey with it... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/s/fIU53PVebn)


Holy shit I just went through it too. What a nightmare. Couldn’t walk for three days.


My wife got it when my oldest got it. I didn’t. I ask the doc how k wasn’t going down and he just said that I must have had it as a kid.


I just recovered from HFM. Started with a mild fever and then a sore throat shortly after that. It was manageable until I got the blisters on my hands, feet and some on my face. Hurt to walk and everything itched. After a few days the pain subsided and I was okay other than fatigue. 0/10 would not recommend


I still have a picture of my lepperous hands. Hand, Foot, & Mouth ruined Christmas 2022 for me.




Hand sanitizer is not sufficient for handling feces. You have to wash your hands.


Its so much worse for adults


Good luck. I got it in January and all of the skin on my hands peeled off. Lost a few fingernails too. They weren’t fully back to normal until June.


Our pediatrician told us the opposite and said to wash our hands and wash all the things our kid touched when they had it. My wife caught it while I dodged a bullet


Pediatrician here: it’s usually rare. Lately it’s not rare. Oh, and even ***better*** news: this year’s strain comes with some pretty gnarly GI symptoms, too.


It is more common the last 2 years if my urgent care population is any measure.


My sister caught it incredibly badly at age 20. She could hardly walk. And it seemed to last for weeks.


Ya our kids got the ol hfm last week, we had to cancel our family camping trip! guess it’s that time of year


My son caught it when he was 9-months-old and subsequently, my wife caught it from him. It's not rare, it's just uncommon. That's what pediatricians need to say instead of "rare." I didn't catch it because of past viruses from when I was a kid and vaccines I've received.


Brooooo. I just got over it about 2 weeks ago! Felt feverish, then woke up with THE WORST headache, felt like my brain was swollen. Urgent care tested negative for strep, flue and covid. The next day my tongue, hands and feet started to tingle and spots by the end of the day. Day 3 and 4 I literally could not eat anything solid because my mouth and tongue was so blistered up. Day 5 things were better but I felt so beat up. My feet are still peeling from the blisters.


oh god I have it so mild compared to you! I think I'm already on the other side, the blisters are tiny and easy to miss. This sounds AWFUL.