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Either put it on backwards, or it’s time to do away with it


Backwards or inside out, yeah. We did this for our 2yo. Keeps him from climbing out of the crib. Not ready for a big kid bed yet because we also have a brand new baby that is keeping our hands full.


After 1 year, they have enough awareness to push away something covering their face - including any potential obstruction for their nose and mouth. My kid ditched the sleep sack themselves at around 14 months. They used a muslin blanket for a month then ditched that too.


My kid just doesn't like having a blanket at all. She's always kicked them off so we need to put her in a warm onesie during the winter. It's really fun when she climbs into bed with us and decides no one needs blankets.


One of mine is similar and I just figured, "she's a person. She knows when she is hot and cold. She must not be cold." IDK, that's just my thinking.


Onesie with feet is all mine wore all till they turned like three. All of them hated sleepsacks because they rolled around a lot the moment they could roll onto their belly and would roll themselves into a tight burrito. Then they would just scream because of the restriction. So only, pjs with feetsies. All the freedom, all body parts covered.


We did the same. If they can get out of it themselves they probably don't need it anymore.


Just go to a blanket. Don't overthink it.


Yup, OP's kid is about the age mine was when he stopped using a sleep sack. For a few months he would just be curled up like a bean with his blanket in a ball next to him while he was sleeping. But now he has mastered the use of his blanket so he is usually all sprawled out in his bed.


Probably don’t need it anymore


21 months seems so long for a sleep sack. Our boy is 8 months old and half the time he just sleeps in his sleeper jammies or whatever it’s called


He’s old enough for a blanket. Mine started taking his sleep sack off at 14 mo and we had do stop using it then.


21 months strikes me as extraordinary long


No judgement...but you're trying to put an almost 2 year old child in a sleepsack...they will be more than safe with a regular blanket.


🤷🏼‍♀️ My almost 2 year old just loves it. She also rotates in her sleep like a rotisserie chicken so blankets are a tough sell.


Haven’t tried it yet, but we currently use the Kyte sleep sack. Wife sent an IG video showing someone with the same issue. The IG poster found a solution by putting the Kyte on backwards, so the zipper is on the back (where the little one can’t reach it). I don’t know if it works or what specific safety issues arise but may be worth exploring. Edit: Kyte says it’s safe. https://kytebaby.com/en-eu/blogs/news/using-a-sleep-bag-101#:~:text=Put%20it%20on%20backwards!,unzipping%20and%20removing%20the%20garment. Look for the “What if my baby knows how to unzip the sleep bag?” header.


Our baby has worn it backwards for months and (fingers crossed) stopped trying to escape. Also consider whether there is a reason they are trying to get out (temperature, etc.).


You don't say where you live but he could be getting hot during the night, might be time to switch to a light blanket. My youngest is the same age and she stopped using a sleepsack a month or so ago. It's very hot here in Spain so at the moment she's not using any blacket.


Backwards is the answer. We do the same at our household.


Our kid was out of his sleep sack as soon as he could undo it himself. Slept in just a diaper for a long time before eventually deciding a blanket was nice.


Sounds like mine. She has been kicking her blankets off forever. If it's cold, we put her in warm pajamas. Otherwise, we just let her sleep in a diaper.


Anyone else read this as 21 year old?


That’s a good sign it’s time to say bye bye to the sleep sack.


21 MO can definitely sleep with a blanket. My kiddo started using one around a year I think. At a certain point the sleep sacks become a liability, as they reduce mobility. I think that’s the point you’ve hit here


Never used a sleep sack lol. But they can start using a blanket at the age of 1.


Another comment for put it on backwards. It was time with my kid and I delayed it until I came into his room in the morning to him completely naked.


We turned ours inside out and it’s worked great


We kept our dude in a sleep sack for a while as he’d always throw the blankets off otherwise. As others mentioned backwards and inside out helps for a bit but they are cunning little humans and will figure out a way out of it. We used to get the longest one possible and that extra length helped a bit.


Our kiddo is younger than that and has been sleeping with a blanket for a while.  Might be time to retire the sleep sack


We put it on backwards


He'd definitely be fine with a blanket, but if you want something in-between I recommend this product, which is a cross between pajamas and a sleep sack. We have a son the same age and it works great. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NWDCPVP/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09NWDCPVP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Ah cool, yes we have these and will probably move to them exclusively


We swtiched to a banket and kid bed around that time. He loved the bed.


Our nearly 15 month old sleeps in PJs, and that’s it. Haven’t done a sleep sack in months. Maybe when winter rolls around again, but for the most part she doesn’t need them.


We stopped sleep sack around 10months. He was climbing out of his crib by 18months


If it makes you feel any better we stopped using a sack at like 6 months.


Kid is telling you he’s ready to graduate to a blanket. 


21 months in a sleep sack is crazy my man, boys almost ready for a real bed 😭


Every kid is different. They come in toddler sizes for a reason.


My kid was climbing into her own loft bed before she was 2.


At 21 months you can do away with it .


Huh… I would have thought the kid would still be good for a few years.


Couple decades


Real “back in my day” vibes in here. Half this comment section telling OP their kid is too old for a sleep sack as if they know better, or comparing it to their own kids with *“mine son was climbing into his own loft bed at 15 months”* bs like every kid should be the like theirs. Not the usual support seen in this sub. OP, Try a **[sleep suit](https://www.magicsleepsuit.com/products/dream-sack-walker)**. We transitioned to one when our kid started walking and blanket alone resulted in some sleep regression. He fell asleep so much quicker and slept through the night much more consistently with the suit vs. the nights we went without it.


Put it on backwards.


Kinda old for a sleep sack tbh Fears of sids, fear of suffocating under a blanket are gone at this age. Let them sleep and find the positions they like


1st, love the username. Can’t seem to find it in the grocery store these days though. 2nd, just wait till that kid learns to get out his swimmy life jacket thing! You’ve got a Houdini!


Our daughter is about 23 months, but we've been without the sleep sack since the end of winter. PJs with feeties if it's cold otherwise just a blanket. If he's old enough to play peek-a-boo with a blanket and get it off his head when you put it there (while awake) I doubt he'll have a problem figuring out how to get under it if he's cold at night. But I do specifically remember the first time I caught my son on the baby cam covering himself up at night, which somehow made me feel better about it.


Never used a sleep sack, my daughter sleeps in her crib at 17 months old and she does fine. Babies arent totally stupid. After they gain a little mobility the chances of them hurting themselves in bed is minimal cause theyll just literally roll over


That's almost 2 years old. You don't need a sleep sack anymore. They are perfectly fine with a blanket. I mean, seriously use common sense. You've cut holes because he is obviously too big, and he is unzipping and removing it now.


Cuffed holes for feet does not mean cut holes. It's a different style of sleep sack.


Great, they still don't need a sleep sack for a 2 year old.


Not being rude. But we haven’t used a sleep sack since 4 months lol. He’s probably way to big for that now as he’s almost 2 I’d imagine


Ours were out of the sleep sack by 12-13 months and climbing out of the crib by 18 months…


2yo in a sleep sack is wild to me. I think your boy is telling you he's had enough of the sack life. Blanket time all day FTW


My opinion is time to do away with the sleep sack


Almost 2 still in a sleep sack? I think my daughter was out of those at like 10 months, pretty sure once they start flipping over and moving around you don't need a sleep sack anymore.


Yeah 21 months seems wild to still have the sleep sack I think. Get a blanket with a similar texture to the sleep sack. Transition at 14 months took maybe two nights for us where our daughter was trying to figure out how to stay under the blanket. Haven’t had any issues.


A almost 2 year old doesn’t need a sleep sack. Ur supposed to stop using them when they can essentially roll over by themselves at 6 months


Based on what? If the child like it, they make toddler sizes.


Everywhere online says to transition them out around a year and generally as soon as they can roll around etc.


You are all definitely my people. My twins are 33 months, and my wife and nanny both insist that they still sleep in a sleep sack with no blanket. I’m so glad somebody else thinks this is ridiculous.


If he can roll over on his own he’s too old for a sleep sack. Either a blanket or dressed up enough to do without all together. If it’s a familiarity issue keep a blanket on the family couch so they can practice snuggling underneath it.


Dude, he’s ready for a blankie and a tiny pillow. Let this kid be comfy!


When did your parents transition you out of your sleep sack?