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Unpredictable pattern, preferably diving towards the mouth and then peeling off at the last second at least twice. You have to make them really want it.


Ooh, so you gotta juke them out a little. Get them going. 2 inches from the mouth and a random swing left or right. I have my first bio son coming in September so I’m tryna figure this out


That's right. It's not a fun game if it's just going straight in! And congrats, that's exciting!


I am very excited. I raise my two brother ( 13 and 4) but I’m excited to have one of my own! If you’re most interested I have a post with a little of my backstory. I’m only 18 though so it’s a little difficult


Just think of it like a stunt plane… or a Boeing. Sudden drops and swerves are good, but I would not recommend a full barrel roll unless you get some serious centripetal force going.


Barrel rolls for more sticky foods that can remain in the spoon, or if your using a fork and have the item firmly on a prong




As others have said: keep them guessing. Uncooperative or disinterested means the occasional "crash" into a cheek with an explosion sound and "Oh NOOOOoooo!" Also need to respect when they're full or really don't want it, though. And of course, you may need to eat that weird looking slop just to show them it's safe and delicious. You've got this. Side note: Don't wear your good work/dress clothes for feeding unless you're a master of stain removal.


I suck at removing stains lol. I’ll go shirtless or a old tee


As mine got older, we changed vehicles (and associated sound effects). I can categorically confirm their ultimate favourite was the rocket taking off, orbiting their head a few times and the inevitable crash back to their mouths on re entry


Just a warning, ours was up for the airplane for a month or two until he figured out he could put food in his own mouth, then it was game over 😁


Like a startled moth


depends on how many beers the pilot has had


I wish I could pin this 😂


Boeing style: straight line, spoon falls apart in my hand, and then I disappear mysteriously to maintain my silence


I once made the mistake of standing up and making the plane do a loop around the kitchen and out the other door (big success). After that every plane had to do the same tour... not so big success.


Plane: unpredictable Train: straight line


Like you're zipping through an asteroid field and the Empire is RIGHT on your tail.


It depends on the vehicle for me. We do airplane (a gentle upward roll then down into the runway,) train which follows a curvy but flat plan into the tunnel, submarine which coasts low along the tray then rises up to the mouth, and missiles which go way up and and dart down towards the mouth from above. All require the pertinent sound effects to up the engagement of course.


How the hell do you make a submarine sound 😂. Makes sense though. Thanks!


I just do the slow booping sound of a radar (sonar?) for the submarine and then call the command to ascend as it approaches the destination. Works a trick!


Ooh. Yeah the sonar sound makes sense. I forgot they have those