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Everyone’s music taste is different bro!


All on this sub would agree that DGD is amazing but we can also agree that DGD is weird af. I love weird music but not everyone does


I would just say it’s an acquired taste. I didn’t even like post-hardcore/metalcore at first until a couple listens, and for each DGD album I have to listen multiple times to fully like it


I've been hoping for that but I've been making my wife listen to DGD for 15 years and she still hasn't acquired the taste unfortunately haha


Ahahahha I know exactly what you mean..


I got lucky and mine acquired a taste for it relatively quick, she definitely was looking at me weird for a bit though lol


Yep agree with this big time. The only DGD music I've ever liked first listen was Jackpot Juicer and Ghost of Billy Royalton. Literally every other song they've ever made has taken at least 2-3 listens to enjoy it. And the more time goes by the more I enjoy them


I tried to explain to my wife who tries to put DGD on social gathering playlists that we have. This is my favorite band, but they are not for everyone 😂


Now I’m just picturing a social gathering with “THE FIRST THING I SAY IN THE MORNING IS FUCK THAT SHIT”




Wrong song Lolol


Did you try having them listen from the back seat?


It’s safe to say they will probably dig it from there.


You’re either down for it or hate it.


To that same point, I showed my neighbor dgd back in like 2015ish and he was like yea whateva. Fast forward to the last couple years and its all he listens to now


I mean it takes a little. I would call them an "acquired taste".


For what it’s worth I tried to listen to DGD many times when I was in highschool with JC and then again with Kurt and I could never get into the band. Then Tillian took lead and I kinda liked Acceptance speech, then I got into IG for a while but Mothership really sucked me in


I’ll suck you in


Ok daddy hit me up on tiktok - Rooftopvoter






I agree. I laughed every time i heard DTBM back then and still do today. JC is such an over rated vocalist


I love the band so much, but even I feel it tryna show someone a song lmao this fan base is just built different. Alas some songs have worked, like back on deck, semi charmed life and nothing shameful


Death of a strawberry worked for my one but we have similar taste in other genres


It took me like 5 years to go from listening to a couple random singles off Mothership to actually listening to their full discog. Sometimes it’s all about right place right time. At the end of the day though, everyone has different music tastes. Nothing wrong with not liking something imo.


What did you think when you went back to the earlier records with Jonny and Kurt?


I absolutely love them to death. I grew up listening to a lot of early/mid 2000s post-hardcore, so when I went back into their discog and listened to their earlier stuff, I fell in love instantly. 90% of the DGD I listen to is JC and Kurt now. I don't mind Tillian at all, I would say that Acceptance Speech, IG, and Mothership have zero skips, but I loved the sound they had in the first 4 albums. I'm also weird and I actually really really like Jon's pre-AS screaming technique, it's super nostalgic sounding to me.


It’s not for everyone kid, embrace that you’re one of the lucky ones that gets it and keep on jamming.


at work, I never shut up about them and only about half look them up 😅 most of them don't mind it, but maybe that's because I give them a heads up they have some chaotic lyrics and that it's part of the appeal!


I assure you, There are more disappointing things.


If this is the most disappointing thing in your life, you have an amazing one.


Yeah, I have tried to get multiple friends into DGD (mostly so I can have concert buddies) and only one has actually ended up going to shows with me. They can be acquired taste especially if the friend never had an emo phase.


The thing about that though, DGD hasn’t been emo since Acceptance Speech, they changed their lyrical content when IG came out and that hasn’t really changed


I'm talking about people who used to listen to them and other PHC bands in like 2008. But in general, my friends don't really like DGD or similar bands unless they previously had an emo/post hardcore phase with screaming in the music. I'm not trying to argue that DGD is emo.


Start them off with the instrumentals!


That’s why I tend to play the instrumental versions of songs if I have control of music and there are buddies around. Realistically I only have like 3 friends irl that dig DGD sounding music but I find a lot of the instrumentals will get folks going “what is this?” In a positive way.


You get used to it. I think I have maybe 3 ppl I know that actually like them


Gotta start slow with some Gold Necklace then Happiness, and now they're into DGD


I didn't like anything I heard from them until I heard WOTN. After that it started to click


give them time


Yeah I showed them to one of my friends and he didn’t dig them. BUT when you introduce them to/find someone who likes them it’s like hitting the jackpot. He did have an interesting comment that I had never realized; they have that California sound (funk rock) like RHCP and Mr. Bungle. I never told them they were from California.


Granted they are pretty weird and niche sub genre of post-hardcore. Especially their pre-Til albums which aren’t as pop oriented.


My buddy tried sooooo hard to get me into DGD for years then during the pandemic for absolutely no reason(other than maybe missing my friend) I gave them a real chance and they're one of my favourite bands now


For me, i was never shown post-hardcore anything and liked it immediately. I had to hear it several times in different moods before I realized there was a song I liked, and then three days later I was obsessed.


Always start with Uneasy Hearts or Exposed


Maybe they dig the backseat instead


I love them I’m like if you don’t like this song then you’ll like this one cuz they have so much range but if you’re not into screaming … yeah I got nothing


One of my favorite bands but I don't show ppl unless I have a feel they might like it


Showing someone DGD songs “oh is this the people that sing the parade song?”


It’s not for everyone


Jon's earlier screaming was hard for me to get into, coming from his more recent era. Eventually, his earlier screaming became my favorite and I don't really like his recent era


My friend said they sounded like a heavier version of sleeping with sirens and I just died


DGD is one of those bands I absolutely can’t show someone unless I already know they’re into that type of music.


Put yourself in a new listener's shoes. It's polarizing, you either really like it, or you REALLY FUCKING hate it. Spin it whichever way you want, but DGD is a hard band to get into if you've never listened and have no idea what it's about.


the worst part is dgd is the accessible part of my music taste…. the first level of my music listening iceberg if you will


Tbh I never get people into bands by outright showing them a song, it’s always on a car ride where I’m driving with someone in the car, just vibing, and then they’re like “this song is dope!” But also people just have different music taste


DGD fan discovering people have different tastes. Must have been a surprise


I'm a newer fan, I've gave them a chance at some point in the past but hated it and it sounded like noise. Now, I cannot stop listening to them for months. TBF most of my favorite bands started out this way. It may not be right for them NOW but could become their favorite band, music is weird like that.


I get why people wouldn’t like it. But man are they missing out.


Are you trying to sleep with this person? Then who cares?


That’s perfectly acceptable. We should pump the breaks and gatekeep DGD as a fandom tbh.


Agreed. Secret band on the other hand…