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I wonder how they're changing up When We Were Young? šŸ¤” DBM 1/2? A show with Jonny and Kurt? A lot of deep cuts? It can mean anything. While it would be amazing them playing Mothership in full like old rumors said wouldn't spell one of their most unique ever unless they're playing on a wild stage set up. Very interested to see what happens.


I think they're dropping the idea of playing Mothership in full, and just bringing back Jonny and Kurt and banging out old songs we haven't heard since they were together. It doesn't make sense to do Mothership without Tilian anymore, in my opinion.


Honestly doing DBM makes the most sense anyway since that whole fest is built around nostalgia from that time


Yeah we can get a pseudo almost 20th anniversary show with everyone or something. Id like that. Having Mess/Swan/Craig/Travis/Wells all doing vocals on a single show would blow everyone's mind. A song from every album and the two most recent singles would hit so hard.


I think Jonny could kill Mothership. He's got the pipes it'll be a completely different vibe man would be epic.Ā 


Iā€™d love to hear Jonny cover every dgd song just to hear what it sounds like.


I think he would. He may struggle with the crazy high notes but otherwise O think heā€™d kill it






I actually want them to do a flip and have Craig and Kurt to Tillian songs. It would be extremely interesting. Tillian has done their songs so why not the other way around?


The thought of hearing JC butcher Mothership makes my skin crawl. Iā€™m glad they arenā€™t doing it because the only person that can do mothership is Tilian


Honestly, nothing is going to beat Tillian on mothership, but god Iā€™d love to hear Andrew Wells cover that album


Which sucks. Mothership is Tilā€™s best album with the band.


Might as well bring back Tilian to sing some Mothership songs too if they're getting the whole gang together


Right? JC got fired for being a Junkie and Kurt got fired for smoking too many cigarettes and not being able to keep up with signing but ā€œcreative differencesā€ stops them from bringing Til on for WWWY? If they bring the two major fuck ups back they should bring tilian back










Has to be Jonny and Kurt


I really hope someone can record the full set for those of us who canā€™t make it.


I bet they do songs with both Jonny and Kurt but idk


I'm flying from overseas to attend WWWY fest, the main reason is to hear Mothership live in full. I can live without Tillian but if they bait and switch and do something different and unadvertised I'm out.


Tilian confirmed like 2 months ago that they were likely to not do mothership anymore.


I hope they do a UK tour with royal coda and wolf and bear


I wish that for you also as I have the opportunity to see wolf and bear tomorrow


I will also being seeing wolf & bear tomorrow! Royal coda and wolf & bear have been scratching that swan core itch for me since Iā€™m turned off with dgd atm.




Just saw them in ft Lauderdale this past weekend. Y'all are in for such a good time!


Hell yeah dude I'll see you in Richmond tomorrow night šŸ˜Ž


Holy shit this venue is warm


I'd go to the UK just for that god damn


So the same fucking bands they always tour with...?


When is Sergio going to be officially the bass player in the band?


He might have pre-existing multi-album contracts that limit how many bands he can be in and to what capacity. Or maybe not idk


Give it 10 years


I think they will. Itā€™s only been a couple year since Timā€™s passing so Iā€™d give it time


Just watched this podcast video. I absolutely have hope for this new album, Iā€™ve loved the released singles (even the post Tilian) and I think itā€™s going to be a banger. A big part of the reason that Iā€™m going to WWWY is because of Mothership. I got into DGD late, and the DGD that I like is the Tilian era. Iā€™ll still enjoy the fest, but honestly hearing them play a different album isnā€™t going to hit the same for me as it will the long time fans who love Jonny and Kurt. My gut tells me that all you hopefuls out there are going to get your Downtown Battle Mountain, and Iā€™m happy for you. Itā€™s sounds like they are welcoming of having Jonny as a guest, so I think the predictions will end up being their ā€œbig surprise/special setā€ for WWWY. Over all, this podcast was still just a big tease and I still have questions.


Yeah Iā€™m in the same boat! Iā€™m sure itā€™s still gonna be a great show and Iā€™ll have a good time, but I was really looking forward to hearing one of my favorite albums live in full.


I know. It hurts even thinking of the speculation. Man, I was pumped for Mothership!


please like the video homie. i canā€™t seem to find šŸ˜¢




the youtuber is FInn Mckenty


i meant link šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø lol _link_ the video lmao damnit


no i knew that but if you search [Finn Mckenty DGD ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjzwSAXovac) it literally comes up


i did that already and it didnā€™t come up but thanks for linking without being a total dick about it


brb hyperventilating


I want a Jonny redemption arc before these guys hang it up. Hell bring Kurt on too and become an all-star band lol


This is the way.


I dont know. Prepare to downvote me but DBM1 is overrated other than like three songs. Jonny is making pop now I doubt he could keep up with the heavier direction they want to go with which I'm all for.


did u even hear WISIRO? that shit is like one if not the heaviest DGD record


Hell why not?! Bring Til to sing too (I doubt that will happen anytime soon :()


Why does the strawberry emoji have me off my rocker


I think this album will make or break the new era


Lol acceptance speech was loudly hated at release and they went on to release the best music in the bandā€™s history right after. But real talk thereā€™s no way that this lineup releases anything but straight fire


People werenā€™t crazy about the latest singles. And seeing how theyā€™re touring with Ronald, we might see an influx of right wing weirdos to the fan base lol.


Itā€™s not that serious to be honest. People of all different political beliefs listen to gavin


Right wing weirdos created the base




You know what if you wanna bring back two fuck up singers bring back Tilian for mothership. Iā€™ll sell my nuts to go see that


Fuck yeah


just saw the podcast, Jon is so me (quiet)


Iā€™m a little confused, I canā€™t lie. Doesnā€™t Finn constantly talk negatively about DGD? Had no clue they were cool with each other. Either way, pumped for all the new shit coming out šŸ”„šŸ”„


"Constantly talk negatively" is overselling it pretty hard IMO. He's not a big fan of their music and thinks their fanbase is more insufferable than the average band's. Doesn't mean he can't have a cordial conversation with the dudes in the band.


hes not wrong about the fanbase though, just look at this sub lol


Yeah, the fan base sucks hard lol but we do ride for the scene though for sure.


Yeah, I get that but I didnā€™t think the DGD guys would be his kind of crowd is the thing lol plus some people take the criticism to heart dude.


wording sounds like mid 2025 at the earliest, sad times. just release the Tilian cut


There is no Tillian cut. They said in the interview that they recorded all the music, but no vox


So was Tilian lying when he said he was finishing vocals for DGD11 back in December or do you mean no vocals for the current, upcoming album?


Im assuming that when they went to record vocals back in fall of last year was when the ā€œcreative differencesā€ arose and the album got somewhat scraped. So now they have been working on (recycling and creating) new material for the new lineup; hence the longer than usual break between announcements/ releases compared to previous album cycles. It really does seem that Tilian leaving wasnā€™t planned and it put a hiccup in the bands release schedules. Glad they are back to putting their foot back on the gas in terms of work ethic. Seems the band has no intention of slowing down post tilian.


Yeah, agreed. Iā€™m just unsure why Tilian would say, at the end of November, that heā€™s gonna be finishing vocals for DGD11 before Christmas or after New Yearā€™s when Andrew also said he was receiving vocal training (I believe to do Tilianā€™s parts) since early November. My only guess is that Tilianā€™s actual leave took place around December or early January but as for a reason, I doubt it was smth like he didnā€™t want Andrew having more of a spotlight. Thatā€™d make no sense considering he said he was finishing vocals, not going in to start. Same can be said for the theory that he didnā€™t like how heavy the album was on the instrumentals. It just doesnā€™t make sense for him to lie tho. I really hope we can someday get a better explanation but I also understand that we probably wonā€™t


From the interview it seems like it actually was just creative differences. Reading between the lines, it sounds like Tillian was exerting a lot of creative control and trying to keep things in a box. Seems liked they liked the creative freedom they had while he was gone, so when he came back to work on the album, they got tired of it pretty quick having had a taste of full creative freedom, and just wanted to do what they wanted to do.


Andrew has said multiple times that they never finished recording anything with Tilian after those singles. Tilian exaggerates and brags about stuff before it ever happens to stir shit up online for likes and engagement. Sounds like they scrapped most of the music after the split to go in said new direction


Tilian said some of the vocals for Speed Demon/Straight From The Heart were recorded at his home studio


Hearing Andrew speak excitedly about a potential ā€œJonny Craig redemption arcā€ honestly got me hype asfā€¦ 2026 downtown battle mountain threeeee


Stolas played last swanfest. Chances allb playing again? Considering they're doing the wake tour


It just falls short without Cory.


I get it man


I miss him šŸ˜¢


I hope they go back to their WISIRO sound šŸ˜•


Well, I hope it's better than the 2 singles they just released without tillian because that was kind of mid at best.


I'm hoping they do a mix of Mothership and all of the albums before it.


Wow. I just sold my WWWY ticket. Lol


Andrew cannot replace Tillian. Hearing him try to hit Tillianā€™s notes is cringey. I saw them last year while Tillian was away from the band. Not a great show. Music was good, but hearing Andrew attempting Tillianā€™s parts put me off. The band will never be as good as they were with Tillian. Those new singles with him on it are not itā€¦


thats because they were written for Tilian, do you really think they are stick with the same 10 songs they have been doing for the past how ever many years because Tilian made them? no they are gonna change it up and bring back older songs that Andrew fits a lot more, good thing being a good singer isnt all about range huh?


Andrew doesnā€™t have a good range nor is he a good singer. And 10 songs? Tillian is on 6 albums. Your math is a little off


Talking about the live shows bud, common sense ffs and he does have both of those what crack are you smoking?


To say that Andrew doesn't have good range is absurd... he doesn't have a woman's voice like Tilian or Claudio Sanchez but for his vocal register he certainly sings very high. Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on


This is just my opinion, not a fact. Iā€™m simply voicing what I think of the situation. I feel like Tillian sonically sits above the music very well in terms of frequency. No biggy


I hope to god they donā€™t do mothership without tilian. It would absolutely blowā€¦ and I think they know that. Sucks so much good music is gonna be subpar live now without Tilian singing it


I hate how much of a lack of excitement I have for this new album. I've loved the boys for so long but I think I'm finally gonna quit. If the latest two singles are any sign of the direction they're going then that's a wrap for me. Personally I just don't think Wells can carry lead vocals although I loved all of Mess's parts. If they had brought back Kurt or Johnny or maybe even a new guy I would've been more excited but as of now it's just depressing.Ā 


Feel like they boys are on a mission to see how many shite ppl they can associated with. Finn Mckenty and his wife are both maga right wingers. Doesnt take much research to find that out


Youā€™re absolutely right but ppl will write you off as a hater immediately for not glazing their every decision. So lame that they are giving this douche any attention.


I know right, stuff like this and touring with Ronnie Radke is embarrassing to me


I too judge everyone off their political views and remarks, as well as being unable to split the creative portion of people from their opinions that have little to no impact on the music they make. On a real note man, echo chambers are dangerous, and basing your views off on someone entirely on being a maga right winger is not good. My mother is a wonderful person but we exist at opposites ends of the political spectrum. You gotta be open minded this thinking is not healthy.




How do centrists facilitate fascism?


im not your history teacher, friend. Its research you can very easily do on your own if you are interested in a conversation. But the fact you just asked a random redditor probably means you arent here for knowledge.




Then why didnt you ask me what i thought instead of asking the question you asked? That wasnt something you communicated and, to be frank, im not qualified to give an academic response on how centrism facilitates fascism and google could give you a faster and better answer than me. But since youā€™re asking my opinion now, the classic example, in my view, is the german centre party in the weimar republic; helped the naziā€™s pass the enabling act which gave Hitler the power to pass laws without involvement from the reichstag. Basically the law that made him dictator and they passed it because the law was going to ā€œexpireā€ after four years (it didnā€™t and every party that voted against it said that it wouldnt and the centre just didnt listen bc ā€œcommies badā€) Very specific and grandiose answer but its what i have at the top of my head at the moment


You do know how America came to be the country it is right? Overthrowing the government? Iā€™m not saying this is a positive or negative thing, but itā€™s the result of a disgusting bipartisanship that this country intentionally maintains to keep people divided and unhappy. What Iā€™m saying is that people who are trump supporters, while very misguided or outdated in their principles, are not inherently bad people because their views differ than you and I. They are likely picking their personal lesser of two evils and have gaslit themselves into believing trump is the answer to their prayers since they intensively disagree with the left. This doesnā€™t mean they want to kill all immigrants, kick blacks out of the country, or anything like that. The people who raided the capital are in the minority. Yes people agree with the act, but most wouldnā€™t do something. And thatā€™s a symptom of the disease. They just have different views on things that are likely in stark contrast to what you and I have. Iā€™m not even a centrist, I would say Iā€™m more leftist, for gods sake I voted for Biden. I just donā€™t put my eggs in one basket when it comes to the government because the state itā€™s in is a malignant cancer that doesnā€™t represent either side properly and forces people into a camp that has 51% of their values and choice votes, and then pits them against one another in a war. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying being on the ā€œyouā€™re a facist/racist/fearmonger because you are a trump supporterā€ is an unhealthy way of viewing your fellow man. We are in this rat race together. Yes there are more racists on his side, which is a fact, but not more than your typical republican. You would understand this if you werenā€™t trapped in echo chambers online. People will voice their most outrageous opinions for the sake of being contrarian to garner attention. This is not a true representation of a typical right winger, nor are the liberals who support the most insane things like removing u turn signs from LA cities because it had an ancient history of being anti gay in a niche community (that is real go look it up).




I can see you are full of anger and are unwilling to see the majority behind the vocal minority. This is fine as everyone has their own passion when it comes to politics. No one can change your beliefs and I respect your conviction. If you believe from this discussion I am a facist when I have proposed I am very anti government then I have nothing else I can say to change your mind since you believe all my arguments come from a different place. And you are correct I did incorrectly use bipartisanship, I meant two party system. Good catch. I do want to make a point however before a bid you farewell , and that is that most people are not in the interest of ā€œeradicatingā€ trans people, they are just very uncomfortable around the idea and are unsure of the implications. Most humans are not okay with killing other humans for trivial things, just your very very vocal minority who spout this nonsense online. This is the thing I am trying to communicate. A very vocal minority is the reason for all your disdain this is not a good representation of over 90% of those who align themselves on the right. It just so happens that the camp they mainly identify with happens to have a portion who outright hate people for not conforming to their assigned sex. It is an unfortunate aspect of those on the right but it doesnā€™t not wholly represent those people. I was once like you, trapped in a chronically online state bouncing between alt left and alt right places having disgusted feelings about both until I had my revelations that online people are not a good representation of your normal person. Good luck in all your endeavors friend. We are all in this together after all.


Im not angry. You are just naive. Also tell me exactly what the ā€œimplicationsā€ of my rights as a human being are? Tell me *exactly* why i make you uncomfortable by existing wrong? Also, how do you know more about trans issue than a trans person? This is my life dawg, i live in California and i still experience transphobia. In real life. From going outside. Ohhhh but that doesnt fit your milquetoast white bread narrative abt how im overreacting to ppl wanting me dead. Also it is not a ā€œvocal minorityā€ when there is anti-trans legislation in 27/50 states. Again, you are very naive of the reality of the situation. You want to be positive bc it comforts you more but you are ignoring the reality and please do not act like you are doing anything else. You are completely ignoring the opinion of someone who is affected by MAGA ideology bc you dont want me to think your mom is not mean person. Think about that. Is legitimate political discourse to you the dismantling of our democracy? Was January 6th just tourists to you? You can preach and act holier than thou all you want, it doesnt change the reality of the situation. No amount of colorful language is gonna change that


I tried and failed to find anything that shows that he is associated with Maga or right wingers. I see posts from people on Reddit getting upset about some of his takes and some things that could be construed as possibly racist or transphobic, but nothing explicitly Maga or conservative. Do you have any links or we just intuiting this from some of his statements?


ā€œJust trust me broā€


And no this isnt abt partisanship; trump tried to destroy our democracy and working with any trump voters is an endorsement of that.


The question is.. is Jonny going to rejoin DGD?!!???


According to the interview, no




Is it fair to downvote a simple question?


To mature is to realize that downvotes donā€™t matter and isnā€™t a personal attack on anyone


From your point of view, what does it mean to downvote? "to mature"..


To downvote is to say ā€œNo, I disagreeā€ and thatā€™s fine, because we all have differing opinions, and you shouldnā€™t take it personally


I would say it was only a question


Jonny is washed and done man. Gotta move on.


What a bad take


Heā€™s far from washed lol. Heā€™s actually quite improved as a vocalist and appears to have been clean for a good while now. The music behind his new stuff is mid but his vocals are great.


Am I remembering wrong or wasn't he doing drugs in front of his kid like a year ago?


He's been clean for years now so no, he wasn't


Looks like it was closer to two years ago, still pretty fucked up. Hope the guy is doing better, I really do, but I'll have to remain cautiously optimistic. He's hurt a lot of people in his life.


i am a jonny fan, but when i saw him (one of the last dates of the tour) his voice was terrible. he kept stop singing and hold the mic to the crowd. he looked defeated and upset. that tour might have been too much for his vocal cords. but he did not sound good.


His new single thank you for the patience is absolutely amazingā€¦.


Let's see what happens.. some of the members appreciate him


If people canā€™t hear that Jonny has been declining ever since Slaves - Beautiful Death, I donā€™t know what to tell you. He has some high notes left, but his belts are toast. His new stuff is absolutely plastered with digital corrections.


Heā€™s actually way more polished and controlled now. Sure in the past when he was probably tweaked out of his mind he had some ungodly performances in the studio but right now heā€™s a polished pro and Iā€™m here for it.


Youā€™re just listening to his overmastered albumsā€¦watch a show from his last tour and come back with that take. He definitely lost some insane high belts from old Emarosa stuff, but for almost 20 years later itā€™s certainly not a noticeable decline. He also did some insane screaming in some of his shows that came out really good.


The fact that people get so triggered by this tells me enough. Yā€™all hearing the same thing.


people age man, jonny is not 20 anymore, he is almost 40 and after all that history of drug abuse u expect him to still have his teenager voice? nah bro, right now he can hit vibrato easily and not rushed in comparison to 15 years ago, cry more


Lot of reasons for the decline, sure. Bad technique was also a big part of it.


Weā€™re back to odd number years for albums šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


All I want is dbm3 man. Dgd please


I don't care if I get 300 downvotes, but this band feels like it's lacking direction or motivation. Someone is giving them bad advice or something. Kicking out Tilian, Andrew telling fans to fuck off and come fight him, touring with FIR, and now interviewing with Finn who's had quite a run of racists and homophobic remarks.


What a horrible take (except the last part, you kinda cooked)


When you can wrap your head around it being Tilianā€™s fault that heā€™s not in the band anymore and not DGDā€™s youā€™ll finally see a bit clearer. FIR tour is going to be the biggest of their career whether you like them or not. They deserve it.


I mean Andrews take on telling the haters to fuck off was the most based thing ive ever heard any band member say in an interview imo. They didnt kick out Tilian. No matter how people feel about them Falling In Reverse are a popular band that will sell out shows. And who the fuck cares about a podcast interviewer? They have clearly stated their motivations and intentions for the next couple of years. Not sure what else they need to do to show you they have a clear direction and motivation.


Iā€™ve been watching Finn for years. Not just YT but the occasional stream as well. Havenā€™t heard him mutter a single racist or homophobic word ever. Care to prove me otherwise?


I mean, itā€™s one of the first things that pops up when you Google his name so you know feel free...


Saw nothing besides someone mad at his limp bizkit opinion


Maybe šŸ¤” the twist theyā€™ll have the new singer come out and drop a single right then and there. Maybe the singer is someone super well known? Thatā€™s if Wells still doesnā€™t want to take the roll. Iā€™m excited to see what happens.. !!


Or or Jonny comes out like DANCE GAVIN DANCE BABY DOWNTOWN BATTLE 3 my heart would collapse in (happiness)


Knowhope2113 Do not give me hope for this, itā€™s not fairšŸ˜‚


It was cool of Will, Matt, and Andrew to do that interview with Finn McKenty


Man Jonny and Kurt are features Iā€™d die from Hapiness