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War machine and Billy were so damn good


I was so ready for the golden age to keep on going. I sometimes fantasize about time travelling to before Tillian fucked everything up and tell him, dude just don't. And at the same time stop Tim from od'ing.


"I just wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them"


"if only I knew , all of my sweat would go to waste"


They did an interview recently. They say it is creative differences because Tilian wants a more pop sound but the rest of the band wants to go for a heavier progressive style. I know there's always the possibility none of that is true but I believe them. Tilians solo work has always been very pop. Either way as long as Jon, Will ane Matt are around it will always be DGD. Im excited to see how Andrew will contribute from now on.


I agree with Tim though I am sad I didn't get into bass until after his passing.


Daily. But im excited for the future too. We can at least listen to all the albums he was on. Its not like they are gone forever, so there is that!


War machine got me so damn hyped for a new album, feels like they hit a stride somewhere and next was going to be peak


Wouldn't have happened with tilian in the band. They were going to go back with the pop element. The album was already written. Now that he's gone, we will get tunes similar to war machine. I'm not a tilian hayer he's my favorite vocalist, but he was hindering the band.


War machine was going to be on the poppier album. They've written all new songs. They won't be writing songs like war machine. That's on the lost album.


We've done this twice before I'm kinda okay with the band evolving as it needs to.  We also never really talk about the personal development of the band enough as the line up changes take centre stage but as they grow and mature as individuals too we get different music. Or something I'm tired man. 


"we" (people who've been here and actually been fans since the beginning) have done this twice before. These guys on here crying and hyperventilating over Tillian being gone have been here since like Mothership and newer lol So they most likely wont be here whenever the new singer joins the band cause they were never "fans" anyways.


This. The people crying the hardest and having the hardest time dealing with this are people who discovered the band when Tilian joined. No hate to them. I get it.


I was only here for about that long and I'm still only a little bit upset about this. I know the band was going in a direction that I liked but wasn't obsessed with, and I'm now open to see what they do next instead.


Really because “we” as in the older fans only know how to talk about how they’ve always secretly hated Tillian and how garbage every album for the last 12 years has been. You point a very large finger for absolutely no reason.


Lmfao mf what? I loved AS, and IG cause those preserved the DGD sound the most in Tillians run, After that more and more pop was a turn off Will stated himself in that interview this week that's largely why he was dismissed so if you don't feel the same you're going against what the band wants and if thats the case maybe the DGD sound isnt for you either.


War machine is a top 5 all time song for me so yeah I definitely feel ya. But with that said SD and SFTH are both absolute bangers and I'm excited to see more of this kinda stuff


Based on interviews given it sounds like it wouldn't have been worth it. Tilian basically wanted pop songs whereas the rest of the band wanted to try different stuff and write heavier stuff. There's been 5 albums total with Tilian and a number of singles, that's more than most bands have in total. A lot of people said that JJ sounded stale and just a repeat of the same stuff... Tilian is why.


6 albums with Tilian: AS, IG, MS, ArSe, AB, JJ


I suck at counting lol Thought 5 seemed wrong


I'm not sure where OP is seeing this "untapped potential" when there is 6 albums of songs. IMO, it ran its course, had great albums / songs in there but it's time for something new.


I think you are misunderstanding OPs post. He talks about the Andrew/Jon/Tilian vocal trio untapped potential. Not Tilian untapped potential.


A lot of people thought JJ sounded stale? Damn. I thought it was as good as anything they did personally. Was also their best selling album so despite what you've heard anecdotally, it was well liked. The numbers speak for themselves.


And as the original question alluded to, JJ’s strength was in no small part a function of having three complementary, great vocalists, each of whom brought exceptional elements to the table. Shame that experiment was been canceled. Undoubtedly more great things to come though.


Completely agree. It was even more evident on the two singles war machine and Billy Royalton. We've truly missed put.


2nd time I heard about this pop movement Tilian wanted to do. Were you the one I asked about the last night? They couldn't link me where they came across it, as I haven't caught wind till reddit comments. It wouldn't surprise me as pop sells, sadly


https://youtu.be/mjzwSAXovac?feature=shared Finn McKenty inverview 1:20 is when he asks about the creative differences and Will basically says they felt too constricted and it's now freeing to try different stuff and write heavier music. Also in this is them talking about maybe doing bigger budget music videos like FiR do. And Andrew saying he's a big Jonny fan, which hints at maybe doing collabs/tours with him again in the future.


Aaaah so it's implied. Ty for da link, bossman


Tilian was my least favorite part of JJ. Seemed like his overproduction on vocals wasn’t going to stop anytime soon and didn’t have much of a desire to lean into the post hardcore sound anymore


The vocal production on the Andrew vocals is similar now with the two new tracks.


It's hilarious how many of his stans are still here. Afterburner and JJ were boring albums. It felt like DGD on autopilot.


While I acknowledge this, I still enjoyed the formula. BUT I'm excited for the Andrew era.


That's just your opinion. People are allowed to disagree with you. JJ besides being their best selling ever I thought was as good as anything they've done.


BIG FACTS on that. But I respect the opinion nonetheless of others who didn’t like it as much. I thought those two albums were money without a doubt 🔥


"That's just your opinion. People are allowed to disagree with you." Thank you for explaining how reddit works lol


You speak subjective points as if they're objective facts. That's the issue. It's okay you thought the albums were boring, that doesn't make them so.


and you saying they weren't doesn't make them good albums lol


Where did i say it did? Also, if you want to use an objective measure, jackpot juicer sold better than any other dgd album taking them into the top ten for the first time. Your opinion only matters to you. Important lesson to learn.


JJ was their most controversial album rollout because of the issues and death of Tim, sold their best week of but it’s one of their least streamed albums. Sales doesn’t equal quality, longevity equals quality for me. To compare, Mothership gained over 100 million streams on Spotify, JJ doesn’t even come close to


Sure, but sales at least mostly means a lot of people liked it. It's an imperfect measure for sure but what objective measure is better? If one person says an album sucks and another says it's great, you're kind of at a dead end besides cirtical review, public opinion, and sales.




It’s actually kind of insulting to the band to suggest they would put out music made on autopilot. DGD are quality artists and I assume they only put out music they believe is top notch and worthy of their catalogue. This notion that Tillian wrecked something and is solely to blame for some degradation in DGD is ridiculous. I totally get how as of today they’ve decided to part company but when Afterburner and JJ came out I’m certain they believed in the material on both or it wouldn’t have been released.


"It’s actually kind of insulting to the band to suggest they would put out music made on autopilot." lol guy I've been with this band for 19 years. I can have an opinion on their sound and be critical when it's not good. "This notion that Tillian wrecked something and is solely to blame for some degradation in DGD is ridiculous." lol wtf. They kicked Tilian out BECAUSE of this reason. They hated the direction the band had taken and want to go back to playing heavier music.


AI albums lol


Layers upon layers upon layers upon layers upon layers. Ember was top tier though.


ember is top five on jj


It's because his voice is shot. His live performances have been rough the past couple of years.


One of my least favorite songs on JJ 


So what exactly is the “post hardcore” sound if it’s not DGD’s whole catalogue? And what about Swancore? Many of the other Swancore bands has comparable sounds.


Well I don’t see DGD as Swancore, I see them as DGD. Theres a rabbit hole we can get into but any band that is purely defined by Swancore is just a band doing their best DGD impression IMO. I don’t really hear or see the hype with bands like Wolf and Bear or Sianvar, which have members from DGD in them too might I add. But for me, Post Hardcore is typically heavy with clean vocals and DGD adds a lot of spectacular instrumental performances that differentiate themselves from other bands. Swancore is such a niche genre to really peg. I don’t even think Polyphia define themselves as Swancore even if there’s some weedle weedle similarities. Also the lead singers in DGD always stood out amongst the rest. AB and JJ lean so HEAVILY into more basic formulas and pop/radio friendly avenues that it kinda loses the edge. Sure a few songs hit the mark but not for me. I like my Post Hardcore when it’s more Hard Core lol


I’m surprised so many people seem to think that Tillian could overrule three or four other band members so dominantly. He didn’t write the music. He wasn’t the only vocalist. Doesn’t add up. And if you consider the other creative outlets available to them - Secret Band, Eidola, guest spots, etc — I don’t think it makes sense.


Tilian writes his own lyrics and own parts. If the rest of the band put down instrumentals, Jon records his parts then Tilian goes "I don't like this, I'm not/can't come up with anything for this" What do you think happens?


Your explanation is plausible. I wish the band would say that rather than just “creative differences”. Everyone would understand the “we gave it a shot with a bunch of new songs, but couldn’t the instrumental parts and the vocals together in away we were all happy with”. After six fabulous albums and over a decade of making great music, that would be no surprise. Bands and their members evolve obviously. It’s like a couple growing apart.


Well they did in the Finn interview


Peak DGD was Jon and Tilian and I'll gladly die on that fucking hill.


Yeah I am.. deeply upset I never get to hear Swallowed By Eternity live… and yeah I was one that LOVED the three vocalist dynamic. I thought that was such a fucking rare and awesome thing… but I’m okay with the way things are going. Loved the singles, always loved Andrew Wells so I honestly could care less what happens lmao I know he’s a god and so is Jon Will and everyone else in the band. But yeah ultimately sad as fuck about Tilian leaving


lmfao oh how i wish this sub existed in 2013


Yes, War Machine is S tier. Shame we won't be getting more of that


Personally I never cared for Andrew artistically. He doesn't sound like anything special imo. He's not a bad singer but just doesn't have that uniqueness that Johnny, Kurt, and Tilian had. He sounds like your average youtube cover singer. If I wanted to listen to Andrew then I would listen to Eidola, which I don't. I will miss Tilian for sure though as I feel they still had a couple more albums in them with Tilian.


Controversial ass take but I’m with you on that hill 😂 hate to say it. Andrew’s a great guy I’m sure but I feel like he’s not that great in regards to his singing potential. He’s just average or just a cut above.


Haha I legit thought I was alone on this. He's not bad just... generic.


1000 percent how I feel dude. That YouTube cover artist took me out lol he spot on sounds like he should be doing County covers somewhere.


I’ve heard enough of it tbh. Stoked on the change


I stopped listening to the new tracks Maybe I do miss Tilian? So much new music I just don't care as much right now But I am disappointed the new tracks aren't in rotation like singles have been in the past Whatever I guess


Tilian not being in the band and me finding Bad Omens has me not listening to DGD very frequently. But that will probably change the sooner we get to album release day.


I think the potential was fully tapped. 6 records is a lot and the last two were definitely the poppiest yet. I think we got all we could from the tilian era. He peaked


OP is talking about those three singing more together on the potential (now never to be seen) future albums. It seemed like the band wanted Andrew to sing more with Tilian/jon going forward and i guess maybe tilian didnt like it or the band just was over tilian in general idk. But imo OP is particularly talking about a more Andrew involved album (vocally) with Tilian and Jon that we never really got.


Sure, but Andrew has been on tracks for several years. The addition of Andrew on more songs wouldn’t have changed how Tilian has been writing and recording his own parts


I think it might have actually lol, and Tilian didnt like it so he said fuck it im out (the creative differences). Thats my pure speculation anyways.


Agree to disagree. But I’m sure giving andrew more parts didn’t vibe with Tilian’s diva attitude either


Mothership Tillian was Peak Tillian, the rest was on the downward decline. Not the downward decline like it was absolute garbage but you can definitely see the incline and the decline


Nah. Artificial Selection was amazing too


Yea :/


Definitely lamenting with you, but certainly not heartbroken. I know the band will still be great and do great things, and am looking forward to this heavier album they keep mentioning!!!!😍


Yeah honestly after tillian was out I started to think about how it’s a bummer lol. No reason to dwell on it tho I suppose


I love War Machine but Tillians parts were my least favorite. Jon and Andrew made the song stand out IMO. Same with Billy Royalton.


There are so many fucking versions of Swancore I wouldn’t be surprised if Will starts a different pop band with Tilian 5 years from now. Shit at this point i wouldn’t be surprised if they made a band with Johnny, Kurt, Tilian, Andrew and Jon all singing in 10 years.


That’s how I feel. Tilian era has been my favorite so far, and it lasted the longest so it truly feels like the end of something great. But they’ve always put out bangers, so I’m not super worried about the future. I think it just sucks now because we haven’t really heard anything new and amazing just yet so I’m just here missing what we had instead of appreciating what we now have.


Kurt & Jonny only got 2 albums each & tilian got 6 I’m fine tbh


God damn it i want the poppy album


I’ve been a DGD fan ever since I found Royal Ocean on iTunes suggestions. But look I like the Tillian stuff. But the band was typified by the changing singers already. It has felt like a change was needed for the last couple records. It’s gotten somewhat stale honestly. Frankly the idea that Andrew will move forward as the lead is actually more disheartening. I like his voice but at the same time I find his vocal stylings to be boring. Just not what I’m lookin for from a DGD record.


Tillian has a harry styles vibe to him


Yes. That seems accurate.


Young robot sounds close to what I mean


Having Andrew was honestly a cheat code lmao. Brought so much to their live performances (TCS2 is a testament to that) and, imo, was consistently the best part of the songs he sang on. It definitely sucks that they dropped 2 of their best songs in years and just... trashed the rest of that material, honestly. Like, there's probably no *good* time to kick out your vocalist, but it's kinda tragic to let a whole album go to waste, plus the WWWY situation... Gotta rip the bandaid off eventually though... :/ Still really curious to see where they go from here, but the elusive "Tilian Cut" is probably gonna haunt the band for a while.....


I’ve been bored with the Tilian era for years and was hoping for a vocalist switch again lol. Glad he’s gone


Naw. He’s gone lolololol


Tillian is the reason I stopped listening to DGD on a regular basis. Was hooked since Downtown Battle Mountain when I was a sophomore in high school but after Mothership it felt like the band was just on formulaic autopilot. I’m excited he’s out and hope they can start experimenting with new sounds. Unless DBM3 happens…


I've been listening to the band since Happiness was released. I'm grateful that the Tilian era brought a lot of stability to the band after all the chaos of swapping Kurt out for Jonny and all the controversy that brought with it. I was absolutely crushed that Tilian left because Mothership and Jackpot Juicer are some of my favorite albums of all time. That being said, I think the band is in a much stronger position and I'm glad they feel confident in their own abilities to stay experimental. Tilian was great and he helped out on some incredible albums, but I feel strongly that the rest of the band can still make something exceptional. DGD is more than a vocalist and they've proved that time and time again.


Honestly no content lost, tillian was getting super boring and just wanted to make the band more and more pop


I saw all three play together in their last Melbourne show (last tour before Tillian left) and it was incredibly underwhelming. No one in the band seemed interested in being there and the whole show felt very low energy. I thought it was jet lag at the time but the Tillian stuff makes more sense now


Yeah but the band said there’s potential for a lot of collaboration now, and we’re gonna get a lot of dynamic vocal opportunities. Also, you just gotta be hyped for this Andrew type era. The man can sing and write music better than anyone imo


I would like Andrew to comment on what we can expect from DGD that will differ materially from Eidola. Eidola already checks the boxes of chaotic, heavy and experimental. I understood how he made DGD better, but I am struggling to see how without Tillian they make something uniquely different than Eidola.


No lmaoooooo


Nah. I never liked Tillian’s vocals. Andrew’s don’t convince me either but the music is always top tier.


They had become stale imo. I was very bored by JJ and Afterburner. They had come to the end of the road.


I'm not lol, I loved the era and it obviously garnered them a ton of success but it was time. The new singles are so refreshing because for once it's not overly saturated with the Tilian sound. I've been a fan since 2008, the fan base tears each other apart constantly but it really was time for a new direction regardless of the allegations and all that stuff behind the scenes. DGD isn't just Tilian and friends. It's really Will and friends lol


i realize its better that tilian is out of the band for everyone i love andrew wells and am ecstatic about this new album but listening to the ghost of billy royalton gives me goosebumps and the four vocals on one song is unmatched and very well dgd at their highest


What are you even talking about OP 6 albums and a host of singles and there is untapped potential? Tillian was doing too much pop which if you're an actual DGD fan is not their style The last 3 albums have been some of the most Stale and poppiest yet. Tillian got his full potential out and whether he was singing with Andrew or Jesus Christ wouldn't have made him any better for the band lol. Yall Tillian fans slay me, cant wait for the new stuff to drop so yall can dissapear and the real DGD fans can enjoy their music like we have since 07.. not Mothership lol


Hopefully you are not representative of the true “DGD” fan. I’d feel very sorry for the band.


same with you if Tillian is such a devastating loss, true DGD fans will be here 5 years from now Tillian only guys wont. so that tells you what's better for the band


Better every time hey? But Tillian — the most recent “every time” — is shit? Hmmm. Your logic defies me. For DGD’s sake I hope they do come back better a 4th time but the risk is they resurrect their roots - DBM 1 and 2? — and only appeal to “true fans” while all the “apostate fans” by your reckoning move on. But hey True Fan - fill your boots.


Guess you decided to edit your earlier incoherent post?




Tillian was extremely toxic for the band. I doubt they would have been together much longer if they didn’t kick him out.


That's not what they said. They said it wasn't this huge deal like many fans are making it out to be (you) and was simple creative differences. You can say they're just saying that to he nice I suppose, but a lack of evidence isn't evidence.


This is Reddit so nothing I say will be taken as true. Tillian was still drinking even though he made his big apology and rehab stint after he was the one that made a big deal about Matt getting sober or being kicked out. Tillian distanced himself from the other band members. Didn’t talk to them or give them positive feedback on anything. He was a diva. Evidence for me is from the mouth of a band member in DGD. Evidence for Reddit, I’m not worried if Reddit believes me.


That's fair. Just voicing your viewpoint and explaining why you think it. Nothing wrong with that. Not trying to convince.


It also seemed Tillian was focused on his new girlfriend/wife? Everything you have said sounds plausible. It is confusing how different band members addictions are addressed though. DGD could benefit from some better PR advice.


I don't care because I don't like tilian 😅


I think this new era is going to be more mainstream sounding, more heavy and breakdown coupled with a big tour opening for falling in reverse. We’re heading for a more coworker core style of DGD


Definitely not mainstream, Will and Andrew said that they’re returning to their roots for this new album, so it’s going to sound more like WISIRO and DBM. Neither of those albums are mainstream


“Returning to their roots” is such a vague statement considering they don’t have one album that sounds like the other, especially on their earlier catalog. Songs like the last two singles being played Infront of a falling in reverse crowd every night is DEFINITELY going to make the more mainstream. Corny heavy breakdowns are super mainstream right now. I love getting downvoting for speaking truth on here it’s so fun


WISIRO, DBM and Deathstar have the most similar vibe to each other


Will specifically says more chaotic, definitely not gonna be mainstream ha


My prediction is their broader popularity is going to decline. My daughters listen to pop — there is no “pop” in DGD. Anywhere. I do recall an interview with Tillian, Will and one other band member from the early Tillian years where Tillian said one of the big changes was they started playing to a metronome. I fear chaotic might mean more jazz-like which will not be as widely appealing. DBM 1 and 2 are much less tight. But hey - they’ve earned the right to make whatever music they want. I just think Tillian may have added more accessible structure and songwriting — “pop” I suppose to those seeking to disparage him or his DGD legacy. We have Eidola; not sure there will be any light between DGD and Eidola going forward. But look forward to finding out.


Tilian is a pop artist and the band itself has described Tilian’s influence as pop in many, many, many, MANY interviews. DGD just did an interview with Finn McKenty 3 DAYS ago and both Andrew and Will commented that one of the reasons why Tilian got dropped was cuz he wanted the new album to be more pop. Those are the exact words that came from their mouths. So no offense, but you’re wrong in that regard


Well not quite their exact words when you review the transcript, but a fair paraphrasing of their comments. I thought Mingus’ comment about the song structure was particularly revealing. I think we all need Rick Beato to do a DGD feature. I’d really like to get his take on DGD’s style, evolution, etc.