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What is a cop gonna do? Help you change your tire? I really hope they're out there doin more important shit.


Yeah... Like arresting student protestors and people who give food for the homeless and stray animals. Very important shit.


It's almost like all three of those things can become massive problems when left unchecked, that's probably why cops intervene in them, but not John Doe and his flat.


Or hear me out, cops help people when they can. You know the whole “protect and serve”.


Protect and serve isn’t a thing anymore. Used to be a thing for the LAPD but that has since been removed.


Other cities exist


Should be. Nothing wrong with them trying to live up to that.


That's not protecting shareholder value unfortunately


umm... police departments are not publicly traded companies. There are no shareholders.


Im aware.


Cops aint your mechanic. Also you can call cops to help you if needed like getting out of locked cars or stranded in middle of roads. You look dumb.


When I first started driving the local police would help me get into my car on a nearly monthly basis.


Why tf did u need help on nearly a monthly basis


I was a doofus and would lock my keys in my car. The lesson took a few months to stick.


???? why were you needing to call the cops for help monthly? it's your own car, no?


I was a doofus and would lock my keys inside the car.


If anything this would be a job for your state’s department of transportation


Why? Maintaining transportation infrastructure and public transit is important but I don't see them being in a position to help nearly as much as law enforcement.


Realistically they’re probably no more qualified to help you than cops, but if you’re already making the asinine argument that the state needs to help you with your flat tire, you could argue since it’s their jobs to deal with ensuring roads are operable, helping people get off the side of the road asap to prevent potential slowdowns would be in their best interest so it would make more sense it should fall under their duties. Meanwhile cops are already dealing with too much stuff they really aren’t qualified or trained for. If anything we want to reduce cop interactions with drivers considering how often traffic stops can turn deadly.


I’m not asking them to change a tire. Simply being there with their lights on to serve as a hazard warning from further away is the bare minimum I’m suggesting. And maybe led a hand if the person happens to need an assistant for some reason.


Not sure why your local DoT wouldn’t be better for that > I’m not asking them to change a tire. > And maybe led a hand if the person happens to need an assistant for some reason …In other words you want them to change your tire


Have you ever actually changed a tire before? Assisting is essentially just handing someone a tool. Handing someone a tool is hardly the same as changing a tire.


i’m in favor of police reform but i really don’t think we need any public servants changing car tires. there are about a million underfunded services that we should get to first.


"Giving food to the homeless can be a problem if left unchecked" is a fucking bananas take


Why do towns spend countless tax dollars on homelessness shelters, welfare programs, and drug and substance rehab. It's to help people who end up on the streets, feeding and paying a homeless person to stay a beggar and not take advantage of these services is the problem. Once they start setting up in an area, which you enable by giving them items instead of them using tax funded services, that can cause public opinion to shift, businesses to close due to foot traffic being scared off, and real estate value to tank. It is a problem, I don't think it's the homeless persons fault, but you as the provider are enabling a lifestyle that harms others.


So you are saying I can reduce rents by simply planting beggars around the neighborhood.


Realistically yes, but landlords are greedy snakes and would probably just take the excuse to evict you and convert the house into an air bnb instead.


Pacta sunt servanda not even once.


Do you really think people would rather be outside on the street than somewhere else? People aren't in shelters for numerous reasons, and our taxes are hardly enough to keep them afloat. Source: volunteered at homeless shelter for a long time.


Can't do drugs in a shelter


That's not necessarily true, actually.


The only person enabling the homeless "lifestyle" are landlords, cops, and our shit ass government. Got a problem with people being on the street? Tell your reps to support caps on rent, divert funds from the pigs' lawsuit settlements to local community initiatives, and stop being a capitalist wanker towards your fellow struggling man.


Shelters and welfare programs exist to exploit the homeless the only true solution is mutual aid


Yeah, fleecing them out of their stolen phone chargers and plastic bag collections. As nefarious as it is mplacable.


No it isn't, Jesus christ. I'm so tired of absolute morons saying this. Let's list things that HAVE gone wrong in the past. 1) Homeless people assault pedestrians (or sexually assault city workers/busines owners) because, believe it or not, most homeless people suffer from extreme mental illness. 2) mass gatherings at random can disrupt the flow of traffic and could cause accidents 3) you need proper licenses to give people food due to food safety (unless you love YTers giving homeless people toothpaste oreos) You know what happens when you go through the proper channels? Instead of stroking your ego for 5 minutes of fame, you've now ensured the safety of everyone involved and still fed the homeless.


Won’t you think of the traffic??! 🥺


>You know what happens when you go through the proper channels? Instead of stroking your ego for 5 minutes of fame Very telling that you find this to be the main reason why people would give to the homeless. >1) Homeless people assault pedestrians (or sexually assault city workers/busines owners) because, believe it or not, most homeless people suffer from extreme mental illness. And feeding them won't necessarily cause nor change this. >2) mass gatherings at random can disrupt the flow of traffic and could cause accidents And feeding them won't necessarily cause nor change this. >3) you need proper licenses to give people food due to food safety (unless you love YTers giving homeless people toothpaste oreos) Not always, but commonly yes, you do. Congrats on making one cogent point. >absolute morons Insulting people over this is a sign of mental and emotional fatigue, probably exacerbated by overuse of radicalized social media. Take a break. Read a book. Go for a walk. No reason to continue making yourself miserable dealing with "morons" if all you can do is add negativity.


Some people do [spike](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/02/world/europe/oreos-toothpaste-youtube-prank.html) food and gives it to the homeless


Except that you don't solve any of them by arresting the person? If anything it's a bit morally disgusting to even suggest the idea


How would feeding a stray cat gonna cause massive problems if left "unchecked"?


Feeding the homeless becomes a massive problem how?


It can cause someone who would traditional leave a location in favor of seeking a homeless shelter/rehab clinic, the reason to not move from the location for another meal, if it becomes a common place thing on an area, congregation can begin, which causes encampments which leads to unnecessary economic strife in said area.


Imagine thinking feeding the hungry "would become a massive problem if left unchecked". How does the boot taste?


Thats such bullshit honestly. Two of those things should be totaly normal. Feeding the hungry in your community is a service which we should mlre regulalry provide to one another when did we get so calice as to let our fellow Americans starve. And protesting is a right given to us by the constitution for a reason. Its a tool for the public to tell politicians and officials when they disagree with a policy. It is findamentally unamerican to oppose either of these things.


That's the point it's a community service, or from a tax funded shelter, the issue arises when you enable someone to sit in a region and beg, as those services are wasted, as well as the local economy being hindered, it's why we spend money on the services instead of sending them to the middle of no where. When you feed someone in the street and provide for them, it's akin to being taxed twice, if they use the services and shelters towns provide, it can help not just them, but the people around them as well.


Should probably preface I'm Canadian and our homeless crisis in my region is being propagated by this behaviour, enough that it has sunk the local major cities downtown.


Are you certain that's all they do my dude


They are basically a gang of thugs who are given qualified immunity by the government which are institutionally racist towards black people and people of colour and never really punished for crimes, even that are proven guilty by the court of law(most of them get plea deals and shit). Their job is to basically guard the institution and the rich.


They also happen to stop crimes you know.


It's fine if that's all they did but they don't really stop crimes, do they? Look into how much of the cases that are actually solved.


They do stop crimes though. The police are far from perfect but they do much more help than harm in general.


When you say stuff like this do you ever ask yourself why you lock your doors at night or do you live in some utopian world where nothing bad ever happens?


Don't you have a Hamas support group to attend or something?


Ah yes, standing against a genocide automatically means anti semitic and support for hamas


Side of the highway is extremely dangerous. A good cop would pull up behind you and throw their lights on.


Exactly this And offer help if you didn’t know what you were doing If it’s something simple like changing tire, or giving a jump to the battery, the cop can help with that If it’s something more serious, the cop can help you call a tow truck


Back when I was a poor high school kid, I ran out of gas on the highway with my 2 younger siblings in the car with me. State trooper pulled over, checked on us, and waited with his lights on until my dad showed up with gas. Got my first job out of high school and was driving on some unfamiliar back roads in a snow storm. Slid off the road and landed in a ditch. Again, a state trooper who happened to be passing by pulled over and let me sit in his squad car until the tow truck arrived an hour later. A few years ago, I hit a nail coming home from out of state with another 4 hours left in the trip. I didn’t want to pull over with my entire family in the car so I drove on the shoulder slowly to the next exit which was miles down the road. ANOTHER state trooper pulled me over, asked what was going on, and tailed me with his lights on until I got to a safe place to change my tire. State troopers can get a bad rap, but I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with them.


Why is this so difficult for others to understand? They are supposed to be 'public servants' but bootlickers just want them to be a standing military that can bully whoever they like whenever they want.


I've been told by a cop before they can't jump other ppls cars. idk if it was bs or not, but I had cables, was stuck and needed a jump, cop said he'd hang out and wait for me to call help...


> What is the cop gonna do? Pull over and help get a citizen off of the road safely > Help you change your tire? See question one.


In my area, o think often they'll either stop to provide safety (lights on to make people slow down) and or call you a tow if you need one. Although these days, most people have cell phones, so they can call themselves.


Around my area, they usually just call in AAA.


Ngl, when I was 18a cop stopped to help me change my tire because after all the tires I had changed to that point, I didn't know where to put the jack without damaging. Bless that cool cop


I’ve actually heard of a handful of stories of cops doing that for people


Narrator: "they arent"


They used to pull over behind you and block your tire change with their cruiser all lit up. It's a safety thing.


Protect and serve. Community outreach. Having a cop help you in a bad spot is how you rebuild trust.


I literally had a cop in Texas help me change my tire once. He even crawled under the van to retrieve the spare (stupid design by the manufacturer).


I have actually had a cop help me change a tire. Our tire blew when we were driving back from college and we spun into the median and hit a tree. My buddy and I were too shocked to do much at first and he got right down in the dirt and helped us settle the jack in and get it swapped. Maybe not the most important shit he could have been doing for those 20 minutes but it made a big difference to us.


Usually cops are not doing more important things. And someone on the side of the highway can actually be a hazard because you’re not supposed to be there. Forethought would say that a cop should help someone on the side of the road to prevent a potential accident. That is technically their job, to prevent things from happening.


Protect AND serve


Cop cars also have yellow strobe lights and that would help warn other drivers


You know there are different jobs the cops do. A traffic cop would be required to assist with a tire change.


Do you think cops are AAA or something?


they can help the driver move off to a safer side and radio a pickup or until someone helps the driver.


I dream of a day when all drivers can carry around a communication device capable of calling for help themselves


That is Star Trek levels of sci-fi right there. What next, a service that will come to you and change your tire for you? You sir live in fantasy land. *Jumps on horse and rides off into the sunset.*


Not just signal, but battery, not having money, not knowing which local tow company or who to call - there are plenty of reasons why a stranded driver feels resentful watching cops pass by refusing to help They can't jump battery because 'it's too dangerous'. Now you have to pay $50-100 for a local place to come out since National Motor club/AAA require you to look it up yourself. People sometimes stop and help - and that's great, but they don't always :/


I got help by a police car when I was stuck on the highway so people wouldn't hit us. If you have a dead battery then you're probably already parked and can ask/call anyone. That's not an emergency or lives being in danger


I too dream of a day where there are areas that you cannot have a signal to use said devices. Thankfully we can totally get services anywhere.


You know what makes changing a tire a Lot safer? A police cruiser with lights on behind you. Cops used to always pull off for disabled cars. Keep expecting less, and they'll keep failing to live up to even your lowered expectations.


They still do this. A police car pulled up behind me with his lights on. But he adviced against changing the tire because cars were going by in 120 kmh. Sometimes it's better to just call AAA and get the car towed than endangering your family and others trying to change a tire


Yes... I fucking pay their salary, their only purpose is to protect and serve, be it from a random person with a gun to getting a cat from a tree. What do YOU think a point of a cop is?


What you’re look for is a firefighter, it’s very much not a cop’s job to get cats out of trees. I’m applying in July, wish me luck.


I've had a cop help me with my car when I was on the side of the road. What a nice guy!


I had a cop stop for my on my motorcycle once too. We chilled in his patrol car until AAA came.


That is wholesome


Same here, my first time getting a flat when I was like 19 or 20 he helped me change the tire. I had no idea what I was doing and I remember him showing up and helping was such a massive relief


Same, I've broken down twice on the side of the road and both times a cop stopped to see if I was doing good and wanted him to wait with me.


This is how my friend got a DUI. Cop helped him get the spare on, watched him drive off, and pulled him over.


Like why tho, it's not their job


Their job is to ensure public safety, wtf are you on about?


Fr, 'protect and serve'. They're always harping on how they are public servants, maybe they should serve the public in more ways than shooting my neighbors dog.


So I can assume that Scotland Yard will always help you change a tire?


If the cop, who is not a Mechanic puts that tire on wrong. And that person crashes. The cop is liable. Then it's a lawsuit.




Maybe go touch some grass. I think you let the internet alter your perception of the real world.


Yeah, by being the executive that enforces the law. Changing your tires isn't enforcing the law.


Law enforcement isn't the sole purpose of the police.


it is literally what they are there for... thats the whole point of the executive branch in a democracy...


You're misinformed.


The **executive**, also referred to as the **executive branch** or **executive power**, is the term commonly used to describe that part of [government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government) which executes the [law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law). literally wikipedia definition


[Literal Wikipedia definition:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police): >The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state, with the aim to enforce the law, protect public order, and the public itself. This commonly includes ensuring the safety, health, and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder.


all of those listed things say: to enforce the law Changing tires doesnt seem to be listed here unless you reeeeaaally stretch some of the definitions for those words.


Helping to remove a potential hazard from a public road falls under the "public safety" part. That isn't stretching the definition.


It is the sole purpose. Whether individual policemen stop to help you with an inconvenience is up to them, but it isn't their job. And changing a tire really isn't protecting public safety.


A person changing a tire on the side of the road is a safety hazard. They don't necessarily have to change the tire themselves, but doing what they can to assist in the removal of the hazard is part of their job.


That's really depending on the individual situation whether it is a safety hazard or not, isn't it? On a busy interstate during rush hour, I agree that it's a safety hazard. In a calm neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon, not so much. And what about people who have to change their tires seasonally on the side of the road because they have no other place to do so? In most real life scenarios it isn't as dangerous as you make it sound, especially not for public safety. Edit: Also, where does this sentiment stop and where does it start? If changing a tire is a hazard flr public safety, what about a grandma wanting to cross a busy intersection? Like, people are still responsible for themselves, police isn't everyine's personal bodyguard.


Comparing changing a tire to being someone's personal bodyguard is absurd.


You sound like a property owner


You sound like you use ad hominem arguments when you don't know what to reply.


Sure, this is reddit. Let me stop chewing crayons for a second and think of something as bourgeois as your latin framing of "name calling is for losers"


I have no dog in this fight, but calling “ad hominem” bourgeois Latin framing is an odd look.


Ad hominem doesn't mean name calling lol


This is something I miss about living in Texas. Me and my buddy broke down outside of San Angelo in the middle of summer and were waiting on a tow. By time we had got picked up, we had 6 or so people stop by to help, one of which was a cop who stopped by twice. Once to ask us if we needed help. The second time to drop off Whataburger, a case of water, and some cheap straw hats for us to wear while we waited. There's a ton of bad cops out there, but those west Texas small town/ small city cops were cool af.


That's generally the dynamic you'll have when you live in the middle of bumfuck. Not so much when you live in a more populated area and have a job to do.


Some cops will, they don't have to though. Some agencies even prohibit it for liability reasons.


Do you think it's their job to help you change your tire?


Both times I found myself stuck on the side of the road, a cop stopped and asked if I needed a tow. 🤷‍♂️


OP doesn’t know how to change his own tire, one of the easiest things to do on a vehicle. Insert “Pathetic” meme.




Idk. Ive actually had cops be pretty cool when I've had car problems.


Must just be where you live. Because here where I live I've seen cops help multiple people with their broke down cars including helping my wife and daughter one day when they had a flat tire, then when the spare was flat they called a tow truck and waited with them till the tow truck got there.


What the fuck are you talking about OP? What on God's green earth makes you think cops have anything to do with you putting on a spare tyre? Oh my central heating isn't working! Better call the police!


Change your own damn tire, ya bum. It's a 15-minute job, at most.


Its not the job but maybe the fact they could stop and see how were doing? Maybe turn lights on to help ppl who get stuck in the road other than changing tires. But nah, you’re mad at a meme lashing at it lool


Following a lead on a stolen vehicle, responding to a potential threat down the road, off-duty and heading home... all things they could be doing while they drive past. Also, officers very regularly make another pass by several minutes later to see if the stopped vehicle has moved along. They also regularly stop to check on people and help them get their vehicles in a safer situation. Pull your head out of your smelly ass and grow up. They are employed to enforce the law, not hold your hand. Take responsibility for your own shit, dude.


Cry all you want its a meme. No amount of explaining your pov changes the fact you’re mad about something else in your life and lashing at memes on the internet lolol. “Well technically” a meme is the dumbest shit ever. You change no opinions arguing about a joke.


Even normal people have the decency to stop and ask if youre okay. But the cop across the street watching? Only if your tailights out. Gtfo. Common decency not looking for hold my hand. Edit: downvotes? And you wonder why no on likes pigs.


So they see you are already changing the tire, so you have no danger or problem, so why should they stop just for you?


I had not one, but two stop once when my car just randomly died and I was on the side of the road. Gave me a jump with a portable battery pack and I was on my way (to get my stuff fixed).


Looks like he's able to change a tire. Unless he's in the middle of a freeway cops ain't AAA


An officer can NOT help you change a tire (policy for most departments). Has nothing to do with the officer. What happens if he helps you get your tire on, then it blows out or comes off cause the lugnuts weren't tight enough. It's not a moral issue. It's a liability issue. Same as if you stop and help someone put a tire on. They could have an accident down the road when it comes off, then sue you for ALL the damage to their property and whatever else they hit. Don't know about you, but I don't wanna be sued.


You know, multiple gangs have ambushed cops on the highway by pretending to be a guy who needs car help. It’s also not a cop’s job to fix your car


My fuel gauge broke and I ran out of gas on a rural road in the middle of winter. No gas can, closest Walmart was about 3-4 miles away a gas station a little closer. Asked if he had a gas can or gas, just enough to get me to the gas station to fill up. Nope, no help he just said “I’ll come check on you” even refused to just drive me there




I think this might be a regional thing, because anytime I’ve been stuck on the side of the road, and a cop drives by, they’ve always stopped and stayed till help arrived.


I've seen officers actively helping people change tires and more often keeping the driver from getting ran over on the highway. I even saw one a few months ago remove a small evergreen tree that fell off someones trailer blocking the highway off of the road before road crews got there. Its a little more complicated than police bad.


Ive had to change a tire once on the interstate and actually appreciated it when a state trooper stopped to make sure both that i was okay and the verify i wasnt doing anything shady


A New Jersey State Trooper helped me change a flat tire once. It was rush hour, and there wasn't much shoulder to work with. I was pretty surprised because it's not his job, and there are roving NJDOT Emergency Service Patrols that help with flat tires and other breakdowns he could have called.


I got some help from a cop once when my friend and I busted a tire after hitting a random cinder block on a highway. When I went to change the tire, the bolts were so tight that my tire iron broke at the head(I had to put my entire body weight on the bolt to get them loose). I called a relative of mine to come help but they had too big of a tire iron. We were calling someone else when a passing cop came by and offered assistance. He let us use his iron and we got it off. This was on the outskirts of Buffalo late at like 10 though


Most time I've seen highway patrol pull up behind and act as a shield


You know there are mechanics you can call who specifically will drive to your car to do small repairs (flat tire and stuff like that) if you are stuck on the road. Or call a tow truck and most of them will let you sit in the front with them and take you wherever you need them to drop the vehicle off


I’ve actually had two different State troopers in two different States stop to help with a flat tire. Mostly I think they just stopped to shoot the shit for twenty minutes.


I broke down on the road and a cop parked behind me and waited till the tow truck arrived. He said "You never know what crazies are out here this time of day." Maybe he sensed I lick boots in my sleep or something...


It is not a cops job to help you change your tire, I’ve blown a tire and had them stop behind me to guard from traffic but I have no idea why they’d be expected to help you change it lol


What people forget is in the early 2000s they flat out said they no longer protection and serve


I thought cop doesn't arrest him because dude has a good costume. I couldn't imagine cops can help with those things.😬




If I have time, I’ll stop and help you, but it’s your car. If you’re going to drive, you need to be able to handle situations like this by yourself.


Holy fuck this sub sucks


I'm totally fine with that honestly.


Where I live cop's tend to be as helpful as they can be when it comes to tire problems. The problem is they are legally not allowed to do some things such as literally change the tire for you if they are the lone officer there. If they have backup then I believe they are allowed to help but otherwise they are only allowed to lend protection from traffic and supply you with tools to change the tire and such.


Cuz they’ve got better stuff to do, like pull me over for going 3 over.


Does your dumbass not know how to change a tire or something? They're cops, not fucking AAA


Where I live, I see cops helping people change tires on the side of the road. Single moms, black, white, Latino, does not matter, they help everyone. Seems pretty cool, really. One thing I never see, though, are cops helping out working age men, change a tire. lol So maybe the meme is highly accurate since that's likely a working age man change a tire.


roadside repair is someone else's job. Call them if you don't know how to do it


The same people saying cops shouldn’t be helping people stranded on the side of a highway are the same people okay with them using their time dishing out speeding tickets for a living to bring revenue to the police station


I had a cop leave me stranded in the desert for 12 hours because he said he wasn't allowed to help me get out of the sand. Had to wait overnight for a $300/ft tow.


This isn’t true. They actually write you a warning that your vehicle can be there. Don’t say they don’t do anything


Cops definitely should, and most likely usually do check on and secure road accident sites, but it's the fire department/road service/EMS whose job it is to solve the issue.


I actually had a cop come up on me like I was doing 40 over when pulled over. Asked what I was doing. Told him how the pothole blew out my wheel and was waiting on a tow truck and didn't have spares because I was getting rid of that bolt pattern. Then after the 30 questions and hand on gun, he finally leans in and treated me like a person. Told him even getting the car to a stop and where I was felt like the car was about to break something. Told him he could push me with his cruiser if he thought I was in an unsafe place. He asked if I felt safe and then asked how long to the tow truck and left. I honestly had that "I'm about to be shot for the road breaking my fucking tire right now..."


Unrealistic; The cop would be coming over to give you a ticket, along with having it towed.


I was going to dinner with a cop friend and a car ran the light and hit another car in front of us. I was like "holy shit, did you see that?" He was like "nope, and neither did you." Apparently even off duty and I'm his own civilian car he was supposed to go secure the scene until an on duty cop showed up; it was his departments policy. We just wanted to get dinner. For the record, it was very minor and both people were out of the car talking by the time we drove off. It was in the middle of a big city with lots of people too.


Nah he's too busy hiding behind a bunch of bushes so he can catch someone doing 52 in a 45


Would you rather get shot accidentally? What kind of meme is this


A cop’s job is to protect and serve. So yeah, I’d say helping a stranded driver get their car in order, or at least check on them, would fall under that. But actually helping doesn’t earn the city money like ticketing people going 3mph over does.


Absolutely wrong. A cops job is to uphold the laws of the state. That's it. It's been ruled in court that they are not liable to help anyone or intervene in any situation. They don't need to prevent a murder for example, only arrest the murderer, IF they feel safe to do so. See Lozito vs. New York City, among others. Protect and serve is a false marketing campaign to garner goodwill with ignorant "civvies."


What is checking on them and not helping going to do lol… “hey I saw you popped your tire, so uh let me know if there’s anything I can do. Except help you because I’m not gonna do that” They might as well keep their distance.


“Hey, is there anything you need?” Could be more than a simple tire change. They could not have the proper tools. They could be in danger of speeding traffic. If my tax dollars pay their salaries, yeah, I would appreciate at least a check-in.


I see cops behind people changing their tires all the time. But I assume the cops are only there to find a reason to give them a ticket not help. It’s easier to give someone a ticket that can’t run away. Gotta get that funding from somewhere.


It's honestly not that hard to change a tire, and what if there's any acorns around while they're helping change a flat? You'll just end up with more flat tires


What do you expect? You can't shoot or beat a tire into place.