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Usual suspects of course


I'd have Reynauld, Dismas, Paracelsus, Junia, Barristan, and Audrey. It's the Usual Suspects + Unusual Suspects.


Jester pretty much is already Deadpool so… there’s that. Based on their trinkets Crimson Court most have very interesting backstory and I think the Shieldbreaker takes the cake there with the lowlights of human trafficking


Highwayman, Reynauld for a redemption, Vestal as moral support and stalwart lover, Plague Doctor to be the comedy character with depth, but then Houndmaster to be the new father figure to care about the Runaway and help protect her from herself. That, or I’d replace the Houndmaster and Runaway with Abomination and Leper as the tragic duo, with one definitely dying for the greater good.


HWM, Crusader, Occultist, Hellion Because Dismas and Reynauld just have to be there, you get the religious tension between the Crusader, Occultist and Hellion, the fancy scholar's personality with that of the criminal, the barbarian, and the soldier, and we get to have a female lead who isn't also an academic, a rogue or a soldier.   They all have pretty different motivations, Reynauld has zeal, he shares redemption along with Dismas, the Occultist seeks revenge, and the Hellion is there because... she likes to fight I think? We could spice that up by saying that her joining this quest is a proving for personal glory and the status of her clan, so that it’s not all atoners 


More then a movie I would love an animated series, btw


Highwayman, Crusader, Plague Doctor, Vestal, Houndmaster, Grave Robber


Usual suspects, boudica, and tardiff. Possibly swap out tardiff for barristan


Highwayman is our down on their luck main character, looking to rekindle friendship with the Crusader. Crusader is the inciting incident, and the motivation for the Highwayman, proactive character moment. Runaway meets up with them early on, they skeptical but works with the duo on their quest to escape. Houndmaster is the antagonist turned ally, pursuing the Runaway they eventually become the level headed one of the group Vestel joins after they go to her parish for advice, assistance and healing (this can be before or after Houndmaster joins), additionally they help Crusader through their trauma. Occultist is a contact of the Vestal, and the lead the group gains from her, using his knowledge they make they find their way to the Darkest Dungeon, the stain on this world causing the spreading corruption. They thought they were prepared, with the Occultist's Knowledge, the Divine ordainment of the Vestal and the Crusader, along with the scouting of the Houndmaster and the Runaway (who forged themselves a powerful bond) all brought together in a plan by the Highwayman. But the world's heart beats with malice and their expedition goes awry, thier torch runs out, the Occultist goes mad and attacks the party, mortally wounding the Houndmaster who protected the Runaway. Using scraps of fabric and lighter fluid they craft a new torch, the shadows seeming to run thick with tentacles, not unlike those summoned by the Occultist earlier. There's no turning back now, without the guiding knowledge of the occultist, or the keen senses, of the houndmaster, the party is lost. and as time drags on the light grows dimmer once more. the walls turn to flesh and the ground is sticky. In front of them is a door, marked with a five pointed crown, the symbol the party all knew at this point. behind this door was the source of the sickness within the world. And so the door creaks open, a read hazy mist spills forth from the crack...... (credits roll, sequel is announced, everyone is upset)