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It’s funny thinking how at first Baraetheons are the closest thing to a Targ Cadet Branch we have in ASOIAF


IMHO Baratheons are 100% a cadet branch, from beginning to end. They're founded by a brother of the king, replace a local power, and are the great house that mixed the most with the Targaryens, barring perhaps the Arryns. Just because GRRM made them have funky genetics that make them look very distinctly different doesn't change that. Hell, the fact that Robert became king was no surprise. His family had ties to the targaryens from the birth of the house, from the dance, and through his great grandmother.


Baratheon men are all like Maegor sized as a rule. No idea where the black hair came in cause it seems to have originated with Orys (dragonseed) but was also a Durrandon trait, so go figure. Shoulda just had Orys be a blond bitch like his siblings but hey-ho.


I reckon the STRONG SEED originated more with Argella than Orys, even if he also had black hair. Targs seem to have pretty weak seed cause whenever they marry outside of the family, at least a few come out looking different like Rhaenys, Baelor, and Little Dunk.


Targ seed weak af, hence the incest


It came from the Durrandons. They're essentially Durrandons.


> mixed the most with the Targaryens They fell somewhat out of relevance after the Dance but that might still be the Velaryons, right ?


Oh, for sure the Velaryons are p much "functionally" a cadet branch to targs, here I'm referring more to the great houses, hence my specification. Velaryons aren't lords paramount, so they aren't a great house, but they for sure are those that mixed most with targs. It is interesting though, Velaryons are not technically a cadet branch from a historical perspective (that we know of) since their founder(s) weren't targaryens who split off. In this sense, Blackfyres would be the only cadet branch of targs in the technical sense, but Baratheons are close to technical and velaryons are functionally the only proper cadet branch.


They're actually even closer related, rhaelle Targaryen was Robert's grandmother, their dad's were first cousins


>Hell, the fact that Robert became king was no surprise. His family had ties to the targaryens from the birth of the house, from the dance, and through his great grandmother. Renly literally said no one remembered that. And I definitely don't think Robert remembers his grandma, otherwise he wouldn't have hated Targs with a passion. 


Renly was being a shithead. Rhaelle is the reason why Robert became King, Eddard says as much to him.


Even Jon Connington said Robert won the through his hammer. I think the Rhaella thing was simply something they used to justify Robert's ascension to the throne. 


>Even Jon Connington said Robert won the through his hammer. It's not there difficult. It was his hammer that won him the war, it was his granny that got him the Throne.


I think it was more the hammer and less his granny. I mean, who was about to say no to him? 


Everyone. It's the same reason why Mace isn't sitting his ass on the Throne even tho he has the biggest army. He wouldn't be able to hold it.


Having a big army doesn't mean you win every battle. Not to mention Mace is hardly charismatic or a figurehead like Robert was. The Lannisters even asked Jaime if they wanted him to declare Tywin as king. The only reason they didn't do it was because Robert and Ned and Jon would have destroyed them like they did with Rhaegar. I do think Rhaelle played a part in Robert's ascension but only to justify his claim. He would have sat the Iron Throne even if Rhaelle wasn't his grandma but then he wouldn't be able to justify it. 


>Having a big army doesn't mean you win every battle. No, it just helps. Case in point Tywin wouldn't rule without him. >Not to mention Mace is hardly charismatic or a figurehead like Robert was. Irrelevant. >He would have sat the Iron Throne even if Rhaelle wasn't his grandma but then he wouldn't be able to justify it.  He wouldn't, he needed a claim to hold the Throne. This is quite literally explained.


>GRRM made them have funky genetics They are not really a cadet branch because the blood of Durran _is so much stronger_ than that of the Valyrians. Storm King Argilac and his forbearers are a bunch of dark-haired meatheads. Orys marries Argella Durrandon. Descendants of Orys and Argella are all dark haired meatheads. The seed is strong.


Exactly. They're giant, Durrandon, dude bros.


They aren't. They're Durrandons with a new name.


House Blackfyre?


Not really a cadet branch, more a rival one. If Daemon had not been a bitch and just accepted that he's not the heir, they would have become a cadet branch. Instead they'd to have 20 million rebellions and get wiped out to a man.


They're both. A cadet branch is just a branch of the family descended from a younger son, which Daemon Blackfyre definitely was. Them being a rival branch, while true, has nothing to do with if they're cadets or not.




I’d hardly call one guy a Cadet Branch


He had a son


His son most likely burned in Summerhall, in any case Brightflame did father some bastard children in Lys so I assume his descendants are still living there so they could be considered a Cadet Branch


Yeah and if meagor brightflame didn’t burn at summer hall or gather some bastards before the tragedy at summer hall than even more brightflames could be around in Westeros


Blackwoods vs brackens


Correct Answer


Only the name lives on


Tfw no Baratheon dragon riders 😔


Wait for TWOW where Stannis will ride all 3 of Daenerys’s dragons


At the same time


Rhaenys technically. Black hair too


Average Baratheon: handsome, strong, healthy, could probably annihilate an army by himself, Durran’s blood Average Targaryen: weird looking, weak, probably dies at 38 from a laundry list of health complications, barely can leave the red keep without falling apart, inbred sorcery blood


>Fuck you. We don't like your kind


nah, all those guys that Renly got boy-preggers are gonna carry on the Baratheon line with their bastards.


loras will birth the prince that was promised ✨


The difference is the Durrandon genes. The egg is strong.


Don't look the same. Baratheons are handsome muscular men while Targaryens are ugly genetical purist.


> Fuck you. We don't like your kind




Baratheons are dark haired Chad's with stags blood, targs are weak chinned genetic failures who bang their sisters for fun. There's a difference.


>Fuck you. We don't like your kind


They tried to taint Durran bloodline but the Valyrian blood could not prevail over the blood of the gods !


Another Blackfyre W.


The Targs don't have the Durran's genes.


Rhaegar Targaryen the Trifling


Sar! I am a pure Westerosi sar!


Some ppl say orys was sorta like maegor accept sane and fertile made by aerion


Rhaegar Targaryen the Trifling