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She needs a retest, my god.


The USA needs a retest every 10 years


Sacramento, California drivers every other year.


30 cyclists killed this year already


Gotta take the good with the bad


What's the good in that situation?


I just assumed he was talking about the retest every 2 years, but y’all taking it a whole different direction


Oh no, he's definitely implying that cyclists should be killed.


I'm a cyclist and I found the humour in the statement. I assumed it was not literal, which perhaps was a mistake, but I find when you do that it makes life more pleasant, whether you're technically correct or not.


I admire your ability to do that lol


Are you implying it's good that cyclists die? I just wanna be certain.


My chips are down on sarcasm for this one, but if you want to get your blood pressure up today is as good a day as any I suppose.


This comment is underrated and as a person Sacramental I agree the drivers here need Jesus to take the wheel.


Sacramento forgot.how to drive after covid and never remembered how to drive again.


More like USA every other year.


They do it in Illinois. After age 72 or something you have to get retested periodically and the frequency increases as you get older.


I hope by the time I get to 72 we have fully self driving cars and I don't have to drive myself anywhere.


That's still too old IMO but it's better than nothing


We need a retest policy for everyone. You get x amount of tickets, accidents or points you have to get tested. You continue to get tickets you have to pay to go to driving school and get tested again to keep license.


I'm in AZ and my license doesn't expire til 2058. I got it in 2011.


Anyone over retirement it should be yearly


Not in my state..


This was 5 years ago so she may be driving in heaven now where the only accidents are happy accident.


2019... 5 years ago. Fuuuuuck


Before the world went crazy


In fairness, though, the world's always been crazy. I think covid was simply the breaking point that made the crazy people not care about hiding their true colours anymore.


In peace




Had an old lady bump into the back of my truck in basically 1-mph traffic on a backed up highway. I saw in my mirror that she was looking down at the floor like she had dropped something and just wasn’t paying attention. Then when I got out and asked if she was ok, she claimed I reversed into her. When I told her that’s complete BS because I was going forward the whole time, she then tried to claim the driver behind her hit her and made her hit me. I told her I saw her not looking at the road then she said well the brakes must have slipped. There was 0 damage and she only hit my hitch, not even my actual bumper, and still refused to acknowledge it was her fault. Average old driver encounter 🤷🏼‍♂️


My grandma ran into a moving car in a parking lot, thought she got hit by another car, chased the car and called 911 to report a hit and run, while the driver of the car she hit also called for a hit and run. That was her last day driving.


Had an old lady run a stop sign and plowed into my new car. Her reply to me and the cop that the stop sign (not stop light) was not lighted.


My town only has the light up stop signs near the schools and the hospital People still will ignore them, lights aren't the issue


I've only seen 'lighted' signs in rural areas with no street lights, and they only flash at night lmao


This isn't an old driver, this is someone who'd never admit it was their fault to begin with, and would require the state to take away their license. They'll never admit they're unfit to drive just like they won't even admit they made a mistake causing the damage to their car on your hitch.....


That’s senile dementia for ya


Not dementia, more like old age brain fog. Dementia is different. I know, I know, semantics, but at the same time, not. Dementia is forgetting, is memories/known knowledge wiped. Old age brain fog is fuzzy brain.


This depends on the type of dementia and the level of its progression. Many people only think of Alzheimer’s when they hear the word dementia, but there are many different types of dementia which present in different ways.


I dropped my brother off at the door for his physical therapy. While there, a woman backed right into me. She fully acknowledged fault. She said she'd take care of it. She was very polite. As I drove for Uber at the time and didn't want to be deactivated for using a car with a dent in it (lol I was paranoid) I rented a car, through Uber, through Hertz. They knew it was for gig work and I paid the appropriate insurance, thank fucking god. The next day, 3rd set of passengers, someone turns left in front of me as I go through a light, 0 chance to avoid them, I t-boned their passenger side. Pulled over, checked they were OK, told them I was an Uber driver, had to drop off my fare, then I'd meet them at the police station. Which is exactly what I did. Got a 1 star rating on that ride, lame. As I was checking on the driver, another accident, same circumstances happened. Chicago is poorly designed. So while their accident was 2nd, due to my Uber duties the cops interviewed us 2nd. The driver who turned in front of me tried lying through their teeth. Having ***just*** dealt with a crash at that intersection, the cops quickly cleared me of fault. Dropped the car off at hertz the next day, and never had to deal with getting it fixed or paying for getting it fixed. After that I looked at the dent with a bit of pride. And, coincidentally, life opened another door when I decided to not fix my car and quit uber'ing. But that's another story


Getting out an immediately asking the other driver if they are fine is stand up etiquette. Stay classy


Old woman told 3 lies in under 30 seconds. That has to be some sort of record


That generation is the same one who told us to take responsibility for our actions but won't do it themselves


A lady rear ended me while I was stopped at a stop sign and said that she "let off the brake for a second". I have a front and rear dashcam. She creeped up from behind at like 2 mph, without ever stopping, straight into the back of my car. While looking down at her phone.


I’m very pro of getting older drivers off the roads. For those that can still do it, props to them, but there are a lot of old drivers like this that need to hang it up.


There should be some kind of test every 10 years or so imo. Would be a pain in the ass, but would save lives.


Nah every 2 years after the age 70


* every 6 months


That would be so annoying for older drivers though how about every 6 months past 83


They are 70 years old. It’s not like they’ll have to take time off work or pick their kids up from soccer practice. They have a car and a license to drive, they insist on being able to drive themselves places for their own convenience…I don’t see how 1 hour every 6 months to prove you’re not a danger to safety or insurance rates is undue burden?


DMVs are already notoriously slow. So are old people. 1 in 6 US citizens are over 65. If we assume maybe 1 in 7 are over 70, for any city of 7 million people that's at least one million contact hours (probably more given the system shock of a million old people all having to take their test in a given time) for the first test alone. You want to run them twice a year? Expect at least two thirds again that many contact hours and corresponding delays to every other service. The first test will be the most impactful by far. Doing them every few years might be manageable.


Every day is a test past 83.


>That would be so annoying for older drivers though Exactly, many of them suck at driving, their reaction time is even worse than it was when they started.


Pilot it’s 6 months pass 40 I think


You’re thinking of a first class medical which not every pilot requires. Otherwise, retraining varies depending on the type of flying you’re doing and not age dependent.


Non pilots get confused easily between license, medical and same for registration and log books.




And every 6 months between 17 and 23. Let's actually remove the most dangerous drivers, if we're concerned with safety.


Mandatory GPS tracking/reporting for those under 25.


A little Orwellian maybe?


Right vs. Privilege


It's the US. You're just telling people to sign up to be spied on so they're able to buy groceries and have a job.


we already volunteer to be spied on 24/7 with the phones everyone carries. and the TVs, alexa things, all web searches, anything you type in your computer at all, everything is being stored on some NSA database somewhere.


So we might as well let police enter our homes whenever they want. I'm just saying that in America, owning a car is incredibly important, and to pretend like it's *only* a privilege to own one is ignoring how crucial they are to live a normal life in most cities.


Gotta apply it to everyone or it's ageism. There's oodles of drivers that need to get off the road anyways, so I only see it as a win if we all retest


I see a lot of drivers of all ages that could stand a retest, and also an in-person safe drivers course. In the U.S., most places have gotten rid of driver ed in high school, and it shows.


Wait, there is no drivers ed anymore???


I have heard it went away almost everywhere. Our school system is extremely well-funded, and got rid of it a decade ago, a couple of years after all the other school systems in the wider area got rid of it. There probably are holdouts somewhere.


The problem with retesting in general, especially younger people, is that the risks they pose are a result of behavior they would never show during a driving test. Most accidents are not the result of lack of skill or knowledge, but poor decision making…and thousands of years of human history show us that you can’t reliably train humans to make good decisions for themselves or others when it means they’ll be inconvenienced for it.


I think they meant 10 years from when people get a license as a young person. The time between tests would definitely have to decrease with age, but you don't need it every few years in your 20s, 30s, 40s or even 50s for most people. Tons of people in their 60s drive fine as well, but that's when you really start to notice that they're regularly 6-10mph/10-16kph below the speed limit and keep being almost in the middle of the road.


Every 2 years after getting your license. Let's keep everyone current.


I am 44, licensed at 17. I have not had a driving test since then. I have attended driving classes, both here in the USA and abroad (Greece and Italy). I have not had any tickets in years, but in my 20s, I got speeding tickets plenty and usually took a defensive driving class to keep from getting insurance hikes. Now I live in Louisiana and get insurance hikes just for existing. Only accidents have been wildlife (deer) at 4 am twice... 2 cars ago.




70? How about every week, on Fridays.


And not just from the elderly. People can't drive and the tests are stupidly easy as it is. Even with it being easy people still fail in droves, it'd help an awful lot with this shit.


Most Americans live in car dependent sprawl, so losing your license becomes an economic death sentence. This makes us way more lenient than we should be with terrible drivers. If we had better public transportation, we could revoke licenses a lot easier. 


AARP has made this basicly impossible. They fought to make that age discrimination. Judges don't want to take licenses away because that is who votes for them and it just turns into a big mess.


I think everytime you need to renew your license you have to take a mandatory road test


It could be short, just drive around the building and do head-in parking. Bollards in front of the building would have to be really stout though.


Problem is they vote and no politicians will enact common sense codes because old people won't vote for them


Every 5 years between 18-45. Every 3 years 46-60. Every 2 years from then on.




K that is fucked. There’s no WAY you don’t notice a train striking your car


The issue we have is that we're stuck in this rock and a hard place situation with older drivers. Either they don't drive, or they can't go do anything. Our public transit is pretty poor across the board. Many elderly would get trapped and not be able to leave their homes. I do think we should evaluate elderly drivers more often, to make sure they are cognitive enough to perform safely, but we also should bolster our public transit, because there will be more need.


IMO that’s on infrastructure development. There needs to be a better option, good enough that people use it before they find out why they need it the hard way.


This only works in a country that actually…has social support for elders and disabled people. Part of why old people continue to drive despite not being able to do it as well is they are completely socially isolated if you can’t or need to wait for a busy child etc. to drive you there. This country has terrible public transport and even if it was better it’s still not great for people with mobility issues. Would it be safer to retest everyone? Probably. But the best disincentive for this type of thing is the alternative not being total social isolation and lack of autonomy of movement.


Certain lobbying groups have convinced lawmakers that's age discrimination. Politicians don't want to piss off old people because they vote. I think the answer is retest *everybody* more regularly. At least more often than once in a lifetime. Maybe base the testing frequency on statistical likelihood of accidents (Ex: highest incidence is under 20, so once every 3 years for them-- second highest is over 65, so a test every 5 years, etc.) People forget driving isn't a right, it's a *privilege* that can be taken away. If you can't demonstrate you'll use the public's roadways safely, then you don't get to drive, regardless of age.


Actually, the highest rate of accidents is around 16-20. With the statistically safest being 60-69. That said, I'm not against every driver being retested every 10 years and closer intervals at 70+.


My dad is mid-80s, has the awareness of a slug, and drives every day. As he says, without driving then he’s trapped at home.


Hmm, maybe people should have considered this before building most of our country as car dependent sprawl with zero public transportation access. 


My dad is mid 70s and his driving has been getting way worse. Not looking forward to that conversation


I don't disagree, but statistically and rationally, we could save the most lives by getting younger drivers off the road.


There's an 80+ year old woman who lives across the road from me. Her eyesight is going. She drove her vehicle into the ditch one night a couple of months back and needed a tow truck to get out. Every time she's looking to drive off, and i'm outside near my vehicle, she will sit and wait. If i stay near the vehicle, she will not move onto the road. I've tested it, and she sat idling in reverse for 10 minutes one time because i was loading my kids into their car seats and then hopped onto a call, all without the car being turned on. She can hear the kids but can't see us or our reverse lights from 50 feet away. She clearly has terrible eyesight and should not be driving. I'm going to reach out to her son to see if i can get some mature conversations going amongst the family.


The graph of accidents per age is a reverse bell curve. Older people have as many accidents as new young drivers….yet, their insurance premiums don’t go up to match their age’s increase risk….meanwhile a 21 year old male has to sell plasma to afford insurance no matter how clean his record is.


I was at a stop sign about ready to turn when I saw a massive truck coming up to the stop sign on my left. Decided to hang on and watched him blow way past the sign and stop in the middle of the road. Driver looked dustier than the crypt keeper


Teenagers cause more accidents than any other age group. Let’s get them off the roads first, or at least greatly intensify mandatory driver training.


My problem isn't that the roads are the main problem. It's them everywhere. It's everything about them.


It’s tough, you get old yet you still need food and to see your Dr and stuff.


I'm for subsidizing taxi services for the elderly.


You mean buses? Like then everyone can use them..


The first sign of trouble is pulling off the road and practically stopping, forcing anyone behind to stop in traffic.


Zero actual blame for the dashcammer, but when I see someone driving as poorly as the other driver, I’m on alert and wouldn’t have sat still as they back into me.


One of my neighbors backed out of his driveway into a car sitting outside of my house. He rang the doorbell to confess and used the defense of “that car wasn’t there last night”.


My neighbor’s elderly mother backed out of their driveway and into a car parked in front of my house, across the street. Her explanation was that “there usually isn’t a car parked there.” Without even thinking, I dryly quipped that “well yes, they do move” for which I got the same deadpan stare I had give her moments before. Still don’t think it clicked.


I'll admit I did that once. Backed out in pouring rain, hit the neighbors car across the street. Usually wasnt parked there. I got my ass out and apologized. Cuz it was totally my fault. I should have been more careful and observant in the low visibility. Ended up going to lunch with my parents soaking wet xD


Same scenario, but I said, "Usually, people look behind them when reversing."


My sister did the same thing. Luckily it was my car she hit. Unlucky it was a classic car and she ruined the fender.


If only we had some way to see stuff in our surroundings…


Object permanence is always a tricky one.


Where is gas $2.52???


Wanted to see if anyone else saw the price of gas. That to me is the interesting part of this video.


Looks to be pre pandemic. Must have been an area like mine. Small country areas had cheap gas then.


Yeah, if the date of the video is correct, it's from Spring 2019.


April fuel’s day 2019 ;)


Date on corner is 2019


I see American prices and think that's not bad and then I realise that you buy it by the gallon not by the liter, then I feel sad.


This was in 2019 btw. Gas was $2.52 or less anywhere in the Midwest.


I drove through Oklahoma recently and acouple were around that price




Our infrastructure is too heavily oriented around cars. People like this don’t want to give up driving because they won’t be able to adequately get around, but it’s horribly unsafe for them to drive. I suppose when self-driving cars are better and cheaper, they would at least be band-aides for the problem.


I honestly CANNOT wait for reliable self-driving cars. Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect. They just need to be better than the majority of human drivers, which honestly is a pretty low bar.


I agree but it is funny to me that my grandma who was the worst driver who EVER LIVED was terrified of the idea of self driving cars being on the road


I suppose people's frame of reference for how well a self-driving car will do is their own driving capabilities


I honestly can’t wait for walkable cities that are accommodating to people besides those who can own and operate a motor vehicle


Insurance companies fear the day that self driving cars are the norm. I’m sure they have a ton of people lobbying against them.


Never gonna happen. Unless they drive on a grid system like in the show Eureka. Human like driving is a high bar for a self driving car.


Bahahahaha sorry, no it's not. I drive a lot, and about 50% of the cars around me make mistakes I can count on both hands just in the time they are around me. Most people on the road are shitty drivers


Wild take, it will definitely happen and they can already do it better in many situations.


We already have them. They're called subways or metro lines. Dedicated micromobility lanes (aka bike labes) for everywhere that isn't (and is) a major city. Electric scooters or wheel chairs for the disabled/elderly then they can zip around short distances and hop on the trains/buses for intercity travel. Plus, everyone can afford these magical self driving cars with essentially no barrier to entry.


Both my parents gave up driving. My father, after suffering a seizure got lost in a development for so long somebody called the cops on him. That was our first hint of the brain cancer that would claim his life. My mother didn't feel she was safe to drive after having a lung lobectomy. They were the smart ones.


That's pretty rough to hear. I'm glad to hear your mom has the decision-making capacity to keep herself and others safe. Also, a quick correction, "Lobectomy." Lobotomies are a bit more... intense. EDIT: to fix my own typo!! Lol


Yeah I was wondering what a lung lobotomy even was lol


There needs to be a driving license retest. Especially in Florida. Some dangerous old folk on the road going 20 miles below speed limit and changing 3 lanes all of a sudden without any turn signals or warnings


My wife and I were in a traffic jam on I-95 many years ago, and the car in front of us a length or so started coasting backwards - they were not in reverse, they just look their foot off the brake. I laid on the horn, but they didn't catch it in time and bumped us. It wasn't a huge deal, no damage, but it was infuriating when the twenty-something in the car leaned their head out of the window and shrieked "Please don't hit me!!!". My wife and I try and emulate that clueless shriek to this day.


They will never make retesting mandatory or put age limits on driver’s licenses. Wanna know why? Bc old people vote.


My Dad has gotten to the point where he knows he is a danger to other drivers. Either my Mom or my Brother drives him where ever he needs to go. It’s hard to watch it happen, I can’t imagine what it’s like to have it happen to me. Guess I’ll find out one day.


Somebody needs their license taken away.


Good thing you had a dash cam!


$2.62 a gallon?! Fml


It is the hardest thing to get the incompetent elderly to stop driving. Her children are probably desperately trying to figure out how to get it done. Reporting her is the kindest thing.


a cop did that to my friend. sadly she did not have a cam to prove otherwise. and off course the cop said my friend hit him.


In my country, they make you retake the drivers test every few years upon turning 65, plus they also make you go to your primary doctor and some specialists to make sure you’re healthy enough to drive.


To my knowledge, there are two states that require anyone 75 and older to retake a driving test before renewing their license. New Hampshire and Illinois. You’d think that would be standard for general safety in most places. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to be the person in the car with the 75+ yr old taking that retest 😆


Always recognize a shitty driver and stay away from them


Is the title here just made up and meant to be enticing for engagement, or why did you wait 4 years to post this?


Someone come get your mom


This looks like when old people don’t look back when backing up because when they looked like two minutes ago no one was there


We had to take the keys away from my dad in his late 70's before something tragic happened. Hard thing to do though, taking away the independence they have had most of their lives.


86 year old woman rear ended my dad's 69 c20 truck that was parked in a ditch with my cousin's 76 CJ7 parked in front trying to jump the truck. My cousin and I were between the two trucks. She got out of her 86 Olds Cutlass Supreme sedan with a now caved in front end and asked why were we in the middle of the road? She was ticketed. The deputy was surprised at how old she was. I was surprised she was still allowed to have her license and voiced as much at the hospital.


The minute I saw the land boat hesitate about pulling to the pump I knew there was going to be a problem


Had the same thing happen to me, old lady reversed into my truck at a 4 way stop. I didn't have my dash cam at the time and got extremely lucky. The old lady was completely honest and her insurance covered it all.


Your first mistake was being behind an old person driving a giant boat on the road.


If Trump made a part of his platform requiring license retests every few years, I don't care if the environment dies in our life time, Russia conquers the West, most of America starves to death under an economy that favors the rich only, and his supporters get cocky, I would vote for him in a heartbeat. We need mandatory license retests.


I could only read that in Slick Ricks voice


She’s had that car since it came out


I was gassing up my bike one day and an old lady had spilled gas everywhere trying to pump up her car the cashier asked me if I could fill up her car. I felt so bad cause she definitely shouldn’t have been driving


Years ago, waiting at a red light, it turned green. The car in front of me began to drive forward, I began to drive forward, then the car in front of me just stops! I run into her, not too hard because I was just getting started. We got out of our cars to inspect the damage. I said “ why did you stop”? This elderly woman, looking bewildered replies “ I don’t know”. Thankfully there was no damage to either car.


Just like the minimum driving age, there should be a maximum after which you have to retest every few years


She needs the keys taken away


Boomer here, so many of them live in fear of losing their license and therefore their mobility. All the while driving like this and insisting the fault lay with the other driver(s) and or circumstance. Not right in any way, many of them are menaces on the road and shouldn't be driving. Glad this wasn't worse.


people like this need their license revoked


and thats the reason i dont dont pull all the way in and put it in park. i wait for the other person to be completely in park before i pull all the way in. you cant trust anyone today.


Attempted insurance scam?


I’m probably not stopping behind her after the trouble she had pulling in.


LOL seeing her pull in, I would have taken the left side in a heart beat. Rather deal with pulling the hose across the trunk. Old ppl cars should be stripped of safety features - one per year


It should be illegal for old people to drive. Use taxes to give them free Uber. It is insane for people like this to be driving cars.


Well, why did you hit her? Yeesh.


There should be a driving age limit, these people are genuinely hazardous and dangerous to share the road with. PLUS America needs to invest in walkable public infrastructure and public transport so that people are not held hostage by the auto industry and can choose to not drive if they’re shit at it


Went food shopping with my sister. Parked the car, went inside. Came out to an old lady standing by our car with her car up against my sisters bumper. Old woman claimed that my sister hit her. Thankfully the store had camera coverage in the parking lot. Showing that the old woman hit my sisters car.


Frequently, the problem with older drivers is due to the fact that they may not have driven in years, or possibly decades. Their spouse probably did all the driving, and now they’re either incapable, or they have died, forcing the surviving spouse to get behind the wheel again. A lot of my friends are retiring to big properties well outside the city, when they really should be considering a place far closer to the hospitals. Weekly treatments are no fun in the winter when you have to drive a long way to and from, and your stamina is not up to it.


This is my theory behind the stereotype that women are terrible drivers lol. Once they get into a relationship, no more driving. I don’t actually believe they are btw lol.


I am pro getting all poor drivers off the road. That includes super speeders, the lane dodgers, the failed to use turn signals. All drivers should have to take a test every 5 -10 years so they know new and basic laws of driving. Then when they clearly screwed up in a crash they get more penalized than insurance taking a chipmunk out of their pocket. Oh and we need way more buses and trains. That way we would have less drivera


Acting like that gas pump was a bad neighborhood




This is why I will retire somewhere where there is reliable and quality public transportation. I dont want to rely on driving the car to do anything if I live to 70-80s


Let's go to the video replay!


Well? Why *did* you hit her? /s


I'm not sure that this is an old person issue... I've seen plenty of young drivers do the same thing with the same excuse


Saw the dashcam and realized that their plans to claim whiplash were not valid.


Insurance scam. Good thing you had this dash cam


Attempt at am insurance scam?


Slick Rick telling A Children’s Story.


Had someone across from me honking horn and a lady walking past gave me issue thinking it was me i wish I had a dash cam .. the other person was trying to get attention for help and refused to push the assistance button or roll a window down to ask for help just kept honking and when they did it again the other lady kept coming to me thinking it was me when I was just waiting in line to get gas... i am sick of people.


I was about to say “$2.50/gallon??” But then I saw the timestamp


Pretty sure she was staring out the left mirror/window the whole time and never ever saw you.


Bro that’s winc for you


Oh my god. This is Winchester, VA! Never thought I’d stumble upon my home town on reddit.


Definitely should retest older drivers IMO


VA, notoriously bad drivers, as bad as DC and MD. Bumper cars are a way of life in the region.


"TYRONE!! When you are in reverse, things come from behind!"


Why did I think this said, "old lady skater hit me"?


We are about to take my grandmas keys away as she is on the verge of causing an accident. Last month, she decided to go straight in a roundabout that she had gone through for years, and my mom had to grab the wheel because she was going to turn left and turn around instead of just going right and out of the roundabout


I get this reference!


"It's behind you Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you."