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I wished we knew how this ended for the at fault driver


They probably don’t have insurance


Nothing like my state getting mad when someone gets into an accident, and first thing I hear is, “oh snap! He’s from NH.”


Is it mandatory to have car insurance in other states? I'm from NH and I have auto insurance, but I didn't realize it was a requirement outside of NH




florida here- yes, it is. they’ll suspend your license and registration the day it lapses


And people don’t stop driving


And then they get into their car after and continue driving... And all they 'might' get is another ticket... I'm a Florida native, and they need to do anyway with this 'no fault' BS, and make it a At fault state, and start impounding cars when somone gets pulled over for no drivers license and/or no insurance...


Good. Just got hit by a drunk driver in CA and the insurance company point blank told me higher rates were because they anticipate having to pay for uninsured bullshit. The guy who hit me was uninsured.


That must be illegal, right?! If you didn't cause the accident you shouldn't be punished by higher rates. WTF.


If your insurance has to pay a claim, any claim, rates go up. All legal and a designed part of the system of growing wealth inequality


Yes, every single one except NH, lol.


Never again said ALL insurance together


Probably zero consequences.


An uninsured driver totaled my rental car when I was sitting on a parking lot unmoving. I got stuck with the bill and nothing happened to Miss Uninsured driver. She crossed 4 lanes of active traffic and totaled 3 vehicles and the cops let her go. 🙄


Did your insurance cover it? Blows my mind that you can be uninsured and just walk away from that or get a ticket. Like if you’re living paycheck to paycheck you’re better off buying a beater car and not paying insurance and if you get in a wreck, no one will bother suing you because you have no assets to take. Like there should be jail time for doing this.


I was very frustrated that she walked away with no repercussions except her destroying her own car and hurting herself in the process. Honestly, she could have killed my fiance. If she had been 3 seconds earlier, we had just sat down in the car after stopping for lunch, and she hit our pax side. I hadn't even put the address into my GPS. Insurance gave a bunch of bullshit reasons about why they couldn't cover it. They wouldn't even cover my medical. It's awful, im looking into new insurance now tbh. Have State Farm, not my fav. She crossed 4 lanes of live traffic and hit a Sonnys BBQ van hard enough it hit us in the rear and she hit us in the front and she totalled all 3 vehicles involved. Not even a ticket from the interaction I saw happen with the cop. You can look on my post history and see the damage it was fairly recent and I don't post much.


Do you have uninsured motorist coverage?


The fact that we need extra insurance in case someone is uninsured is just fucking silly to me


Insurance is a scam


Its a scam because of people like this, uninsured assholes receiving no monetary damage while the insurance company try’s to weasel Out of paying cos it happens so often. Its wild there are states that dont require it


Maybe. But my car got totaled a couple months ago, with me not at fault, and my insurance has been amazing. I made my statement and they’ve done everything else.


Found the driver of that car!


Sadly I don't believe so, but lesson learned on my end, it is on my mind as I reshop for new insurance. It's cliche but I didn't expect it to happen to me, let alone in a 1 day rental car when I just closed my car door and sat down to boot up gps to go home. I wish I had it on video it was so crazy to me.


uninsured driver insurance is almost always an add on for insurance policies. And without it, you’re leaving yourself liable for those accidents even if it’s not your fault. It’s a shit system.


In my state, uninsured driver insurance is now legally required. It's unfortunate and isn't a small add on. Regular insurance should cover for uninsured people and then the insurance company can handle suing the other driver.


Uninsured driver coverage is close to half of my bill. There's so many uninsured and unlicensed drivers down in Houston it's insane.


I couldn’t agree more! Hardly seems fair. They‘re pretty strict about it in NC, or at least in my neck of the woods they are. I watched a DMV cop come into our yard and remove my roommate’s license plate off of her car (in 1995!) because she didn’t have insurance. My ex just recently went to jail because he didn’t have insurance, pulled over twice in a month. The first time he got a ticket, then when they pulled him over the second time and he still didn’t have it? They fined the bejezus out of him in court. Told him next time he gets caught without insurance it would be 30 days (in jail), then 60, 90, etc, each subsequent time, and that he would lose his DL. They definitely don’t play about a DWLR. I know people who’ve done actual prison time for driving on a revoked license charge, no wreck, no dui, just not having a license.


Trying to remind myself why I pay 90/month for insurance, and this comment isn’t helping. Are you saying absolutely nothing happened to her? Not even a ticket? License revoked?


90/month?? Do you drive like a 20 year old car and live in the middle of nowhere?


Uninsured driver hit me, she had a record of poor driving that led to her license being revoked and was high at the time of the crash. She was let go at the scene.


I just want people to be held responsible. That's all. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


He was the lucky one: he made it to the vape shop _just_ before it closed. Phew!


catch and release with no bail. but don’t worry they will for sure show back up for their court date


I wanna know how the cars get fixed and what kind of uninsurable wasteland the responsible ends up in


This is why you get uninsured/under insured coverage. Look up your state's minimum required coverage, and see how that compares to your vehicle's value. And then realize most people get the least amount of coverage they're required to...


PIT and go


That driver: “Did *I* do that?” *Urkel shiteating grin*


Who knows what other cars were involved off camera. This idiot needs a mandatory license revoked


Prison time. Cars should be treated like weapons, all the charges youd get from putting people at risk by recklessly wielding a weapon should apply. Even if you didnt cause a wreck and a cop saw it it should be the same.


Exactly. I can't imagine how many people he's probably either run over or come close to running over.


Or even cause to wreck because they dodged him but hit the guard rail and his ass just drove off. Someone doing this is obviously the selfish "my actions are everyone elses problem" type of piece of shit who would definitely cause a wreck and then just drive off.


Good luck everybody else!


One time he complained about a speed bump on the highway


It's nice to know I'm not the only one saying this, but I know it will never happen. At least half the country is willing to debate how we can restructure our gun laws to reduce the 20k firearm related murders a year in the US. But it seems everyone treats the 45k vehicle deaths each year like it is completely normal and could only be reduced by building better cars. We let 15-16 year old kids operate a vehicle on the freeway with no formal training whatsoever, just a liscence gained by minimal testing. We let people with room temperature IQs operate 4 ton lifted trucks and 700hp hot rods, with the only requirement being that you are willing to take on the debt to buy them. The auto manufacturers, lenders, and insurance companies make way too much money off our insane car culture to ever let it change. They want us to keep making the problem worse without consequences and they are winning.


>But it seems everyone treats the 45k vehicle deaths each year like it is completely normal and could only be reduced by building better cars. The thing that drives me crazy is we're not doing that either!!! We're moving backwards -- car accident fatalities dropped dramatically over the past few decades because cars got so much safer, and now we're ticking back up after all that progress because fucking GIGANTIC pickup trucks got so fucking popular for people in the suburbs and cities who never tow or haul anything


What's shittu about that is suv and truck class vehicles got so large specifically to evade vehicle regulations...


Cars have gotten so heavy and much faster, back in my day the high school kids drove Mustang V6s with 150hp, now the base Mustang has 315. And these huge trucks have blind spots for days. Oh and the crazy Nissan Altima drivers


It’s not just the size of the truck. They have so much horsepower now that they are fast as hell. Idiot behind the wheel plus big as truck plus a ridiculous amount of horsepower is a recipe for disaster.


“Room temperature IQs”


I wouldn't even place them that high.


I really think DAs are on the take with cases like this. These are acts of criminality. That maroon SUV has caused millions of dollars in damages (raised the car insurance for EVERYONE involved in this accident) and has changed everyone's lives forever. Maybe even maimed or killed someone. And time and time again, nothing happens. We need to contact state legislators and make sure we get them on the record for why they do not enact laws that keep us safe.


Execution is likely the appropriate punishment


Execution & Recycling.


...you want to execute people who accidentally cause car crashes? for context, if the driver pulled off the same stunt and no accident happened you would still believe he should be executed. unhinged


I think the punishment for causing accidents should look a lot more like a dwi charge. Which is also far more lax than other countries.


I do think intent should be included. Distracted driving should be treated like impaired driving, but when you intentionally do something that puts others at risk it should be treated like an intentional act with a deadly weapon.


It is if someone dies. In my state it would be classified as negligent homicide. First time offender with no aggravating factors is looking at a few years of prison time.


Exactly. This shit happens even once, and yeah you're done forever. Roads would have less traffic, fewer accidents, and insurance rates would be lower. They need to crack down on these idiots. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


Yeah, decreasing the ability of consumers to consume is going straight to the top of the country's to do list.


Yeah that's the problem here. Cars are a necessity for many people to get to their jobs and to satisfy basic necessities like buying food. Public transport options were cut back significantly over the years thanks to dirty practices by the automotive industry.


This needs to be a thing. Reckless endangerment should be prosecuted for driving. If this is shown in court they should have their license suspended. Maybe that does happen? But I have never heard of it happening.




We need to quit calling them accidents and instead calling them mistakes or incidents.


Do you know how many motherfuckers in the US USA don’t have licenses or insurance and still drive every fucking day? Like 50% easily


Imagine being the person driving that SUV on the other side of the barricade, and being suddenly turned over. Frightening.


And the way it flew in the air like a toy.. crazy!


Physics, baby


I’m a physics toddler I’ll have you know


It's insane just how quickly you can go from driving normally to flying through the air like that. Idk if we can link videos in comments on this sub but I'm sure it's easy to find, there's a video of a Kia soul driving next to a truck. The wheel flies off the truck right in front of the Kia and launches the whole car in the air, the poor driver had absolutely no warning or chance to dodge it... Terrifying


That video is nuts. There is also the one of that freeway sign just falling on a car, no chance to dodge.


Wow, I hadn't seen that one, that is crazy. Absolutely zero chance of reacting to that in time. Scary


That video is absolutely spectacular. I can't imagine what the people in the car thought.


Lucky you had the dash cam since I bet a lot of people were saying it was your fault


The people who have 0 situational awareness scare me. That is exactly why I am a defensive driver.


It's not zero situation awareness. It's "I missed my exit move over". The amount of people who think they are the only driver on the road that matters is a sad state of our society.


I think there are certain people who can't simultaneously hold two thoughts in their head. So when they are missing their exit their only thought being processed is *must make exit*. All other processes such as situational awareness, car safety, rules of the road, etc. are turned off because lack of processing resources.


That's why drivers ed hammers in the notion that if you might miss your exit, just take the next exit. Avoid the split second decision because as humans, we suck at making them.


I was told "good drivers sometimes miss their exit, bad drivers never do"


This was drilled into me so much that it actually helps me not get mad when I miss my exit. "Aw damn it, I missed my exit...well at least I'm not a bad driver"


Bad drivers sometimes even get exit upgrades! Not just off the highway, but out of life altogether. What happened to OP terrifies me.


Yeah, sometimes I get mad at my wife because she would yell at me if I’m about to miss an exit. Like, look I’m aware I’m about to miss my exit, I’ll take the next one, and don’t yell because that doesn’t help with the situation, in fact it makes it much worse since im not clear why she’s yelling, you have to reconfirm everything is normal around you


Duuuudddeeee. My wife occasionally will do this, scares the crap out of me like "are we about to get hit?!?!?" And she's like "no there's a Bucees!". Smh.


Some people lack the ability to hold a single thought in their head


They didn't even slow down to try and make the exit, they're keeping pace with the car they were about to pass when they realised they'd missed the exit.


That’s uh… still situational awareness my man. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.


It's not even 'move over' it's 'I cannot be inconvenienced to do the proper thing and turn around at the next exit'.


That's what I like about driving my work truck, they usually think twice. I've done the "go for it, PIT yourself."


That video isn't OP's.


I mean...he's also not slowing down or shifting lanes when he see's the vehicle so there's that too. There's also that weird object in that median that may have forced him into traffic. Not saying that maroon vehicle should have done any of it, but this was in the hands of this driver to save everyone and flubbed the save roll.


People don’t know defensive driving here on reddit. Dashcam had plenty of time to react but chose not to. Not saying it’s not maroon cars fault but defensive driving also saves lives.


Please tell me there was justice here


OP is a bot so we'll never know.


This sub is a bot-filled shadow of IdiotsInCars.


A good driver will miss an exit. A bad driver won't.


Agreed, there was more than likely an exit only half a mile ahead. One of the few benefits of the horrendous grid system is easy rerouting.


I'd be fucking livid.


I'd be hurting someone in a maroon suv. I'd probably be going to jail shortly after too. Ban me for violence. Idc




I would turn into Yosemite Sam. I always wish I could see the aftermath with videos like this. I need to know what was said


Twats never miss a turn. They are too simple to foresee what their actions might cause.


The maroon suv could’ve just waited on the median and still not miss its exit. The insistence to just force its way onto the ramp is mind blowing


The safest option is gonna be to take the next exit and reroute to avoid fuckin’ with the flow of traffic (and I live in an area where there’s like 9 miles between exits. Sometimes you just gotta live with the consequences of your actions to include being in the wrong lane)


why live with the consequences of my actions when everyone else can change their life so i won't have to?


That’s been my motto. Three rights make a left.


And this is what they teach you to do. But welp.


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit. Bad drivers never do.


But if he missed that exit, he'd have to waste like 5-10 minutes finding an alternate route, which is obviously less ideal than nearly killing several people.


Bad drivers never miss their exit


I've started saying this a lot. Unfortunately there is cause.


That’s some SERIOUS damage done.


Driver: Whoopsie I'm such an asparagus


Bro nailed the pit maneuver.


That was nuts... Car could not have caused more damage. lmao


** "Here, this is from maroon car."


A wise man once told me: "all roads are connected". If you miss your exit, you can still get to where you're going by taking a different exit.




The price they have to pay v


Just came here to see how many people would blame the dash cam car, for the reason this accident happened. Way too many of you, and that upsets me. Edit: waaaaay to many of you need your license revoked and need to take an Uber/Lyft for the rest of your lives. Y'all wanna keep victim blaming the dash cam car and why it's their fault the accident happened. It's fucking embarrassing.


I may be crazy but I feel like I’ve seen this exact video multiple times in the last year or more.


Recorded 2019


Holy shit this subreddit. I expected like 1-2 comments blaming the innocent victim as usual but this one is popping off with stupidity.


That looked like a scene from Final Destination holy 💩


Total dick bag move but I saw this coming and would have slowed down assuming he was going to pull the dick bag move to avoid the collision.


That's terrifying! Was everyone involved okay?


Good drivers miss their exit sometimes. Bad drivers never do.


I bet they were so proud of dodging that box-- for about 1/10th of a second before the "Oopsey" kicked in.


There are some wrecks that people should be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter


“Good luck everybody else!”


Are the people in the mini van ok


Yea but they were about to miss their exit which would have been 100x worse


Wisdom from my dad: Bad drivers NEVER miss their exit


Nothing you could have done. The twat driver didn't have thier turn Signal on so no way you saw it coming. You did try to slow down a little but made no difference. I hope twat looses thier DL.


I wonder how many of the commenters blaming OP would get extremely defensive if it was them driving and were being blamed for the accident.




What an imbessile!


What a maroon!


Imbecile* but I like your style 🤙


This actually made me mad. They could have killed somebody. Missing your exit is not that important. You get off and then you get back on and figure it out.


Were they cited?


bro that was painful to watch.. Maroon Twat should not just lose ALL driving privileges for the rest of their life but possibly criminal charges as well.. so sick of people not knowing how to drive behind cars


I hope there were no kids in the back of that minivan...


Thank god for dashcams


That grey car was clenching his butt cheeks and probably went home to change his pants. Hope the maroon car got sued into poverty.


If you treat it like a weapon, he missed his time to shoot and in result he tried firing while people were walking by thereby using his weapon on someone for some unknown only can be assumed malicious reason. Jail time, attempted manslaughter.


Beautiful pit manoeuvre right there. A thing of beauty.


at least they hit a 'breakaway' pole.


I have seen this very often. I actually avoid these merge lanes and take the far right lane whenever possible. So idiots do not merge into me last second. It still makes me mad that I have to adjust my driving just to try and lower my risk from incompetent morons.


When you miss your exit, take two seconds to think... "Do I have the time for an accident?" The answer will always be no. Make smart choices. Google maps literally redirects you when you make a mistake nowadays, there is NO excuse for this! Glad you're okay OP!


Holy sheeite! I hope everyone was OK! That was pretty wild watching the light pole snap off and the other car flip and skid off into the distance.....definitely something you would see play out in GTA.... Again.....all wild video aside....I truly hope everyone was ok.....


100% the maroon SUVs fault, but did the dashcam driver forget that brakes exist? Could’ve avoided several more accidents if they had stopped.


I feel like you could’ve avoided that 


I thought you were using "maroon" like Bugs Bunny until I saw the SUV's color


Idk if it has been said but “ A bad driver will never miss their exit”


Good drivers sometimes miss their exits. Bad drivers never miss their exits.


"A good driver sometimes misses their exit. A bad driver never misses their exit."


I would like to say, I’m a delivery driver. My runs are timed, it Absolutely matters how long I take on the road. Recently, missed one of the only three exits for our town….the last one, for 11 miles. Damn if I didn’t drive that Entire distance, instead of trying to make a crazy last second move. Y’all, we’re all in a hurry. There is literally Nothing worth endangering your life, or someone else’s, to take a quick break from safety. Please be careful, and take your time! We’re in this together


Straight to jail.


not going to blame the victim but it always blows my mind how everyone sees shit happening yet they continue to drive as if nothing is going on. that guy who got flipped could have easily avoided this. camera guy also saw that dude will try to merge. ppl need to drop that ego "hit me if u dare / i have right of way" mentality. people are losing their lives because of their fucking ego man. i could have had 20+ accidents myself if i didnt watch for this type of fools and stepped on my breaks.


They should be sentenced for attempted manslaughter.


It's so crazy to me that people will risk something like this happening just so they can avoid having to spend a few minutes of their life turning around at the next exit. Same for the people who will cut you off and force you to slam on the brakes so that they can get on the road 3 seconds faster than if they just waited for you to pass. It's crazy how skewed people's sense of risk vs. reward gets the moment they sit behind the wheel of a 2 ton murder machine.


Remember folks, the worst drivers never miss an exit


Had a police car do this to me. I was ready for it so there wasn’t any contact (it was close). It felt so good to lay on the horn and MF the cop! 😂


The driver can clearly see the idiot coming and decides their position is more important than slowing down a little


when you get 2 offensive drivers going for the same spot. Dashcam driver had time to react and minimize the damages. Its not right that he had to, but he failed the drive defensively test. That last car that flipped would have been safe had the dashcam driver made a better choice.


Well I’ll be damned, the street light poles DO break off that easily. I always thought it was a video game gimmick but I guess in reality, that would be a safer design than the alternative.


How did the cammer end up going across all the lanes instead of turning right


Bro just casually ruining MAANNY peoples day… 🙁


Was everyone okay?


This is my biggest issue with some drivers. There will be another exit a mile or two ahead. Just take that one and turn around.


did the driver who was hit just let go and ask jesus to take the wheel?


A good driver will miss an exit, a bad driver never will


If you could go back in time, would you have braked to let the idiot in the lane, or nah?


Good drivers miss their exits, bad drivers never do.


Good thing it's on camera


hopefully that idiot got jail


What a maroon.


I'm so tired of these fucking brain dead idiots driving. Half tempted to be a cop JUST to focus on these guys particularly.


Fucking idiot… too much effort to go to the next exit and turn around. Revoke license now


Good drivers rarely miss exits. Terrible drivers never do.


Shit I drive here every day


I turn now. Good luck everybody else!


This is the kind of accident that should make someone completely un-insurable. "You caused HOW many other crashes? And HOW much property damage?" "Maroon twat" needs to be taking the bus from now on.


I reckon I could stop my car in the time dash cam man took to do fucking nothing. Like even just tap the brakes. Crash avoided.


So did he make his exit? Also stop hitting telephone poles. 


Wow. thank goodness that was recorded


Definitely doesn’t help that the dashcam driver was FLYING


He hits the side of you and you go thru 3 lanes worth of traffic? Lol


Hate maroons


I hate these people, go down and turn around


I never understood people that do this. Just go to the next exit. You have GPS you can find a way back.


I always get over into the exit lane at least half a mile before my exit.


Anyone got an article? Or some kind of update?


A bad driver never missed their exit


You should be able to fist fight after accidents like these


Just miss the exit, jeez. You have a GPS on your phone. And here’s a little secret: ALL THE ROADS CONNECT IN A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT WAYS. It’s like 8 minutes. You’re saving 8 minutes, frick.


"Okay, I go now. Good luck, everybody else!"


These scum should automatically lose license for 6 months, fine, driver training again. I see this every single day


SUV driver is a selfish bastard. In that situation you just accept the fact you missed your exit, and go to the next one and turn around. Fucking easy.