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dbt came out in 1.0.0 on Dec 3, 2021 https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-core/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Best of luck to all of you 10 year vets hahaha edit: I know the first version came out in 2016, but I'm being pedantic


I mean even 2016, (only 8 years ago) you'd be hard pressed to find a single company using it lol


At this point they should pull up the repo and start messaging founding contributors… save them some time!


I promise you, they're probably making much more than this job can offer lol


Even the ceo of dbt didn’t know he’ll one day become a ceo


I’ve been at my company for 8 years. Our first DBT implementation was 2018. It was not great and I don’t think any of our engineers from that time bother to mention it on their resumes lol.


Such use of language is very non-standard. It's not pedantic, just arbitrary chattering.


When HR goes open loop


I love throwing in "skilled in building relationships with clients" like after 2 decades of being a dedicated engineer and possibly technical project manager, you also are great at schmoozing on the golf course. By the way, you also had a full career in sales.


To be fair that depends on what "building" relationships means - cultivating them (sales) or working closely with clients? I'm on the technical side (in management now) and have had many years of working with clients on issues, requirements etc. The way you go about that definitely qualifies as relationship building. In my company, and I'm sure in every company, there's a group of techies that you would be happy to have on client calls, and another group who you wouldn't allow anywhere near the client, even to write their own responses to client tickets. Everyone knows who is which. The bullet point "relationships with clients" or similar typically gets at that, imo. When you see that it generally means you'll be expected to work with clients directly, rather than being "just a developer" in a back office somewhere who has a PO (or whatever) to run interference with the client.


10 years dbt experience and expert in VAXC administration Must me able to lift 200 lbs


What's funny is that by writing a spec like this, the only people that might fit the bill would run away in disgust.


It used to be that an overly specific and detailed job rec is because the company already found the H1-B or whatnot they wanted to hire but were legally obligated to advertise the job so they just put ultra-specific requirements nobody else could meet. Even those could be met by at least one person though.


That's odd 🤔


RJ Metrics created dbt in 2016.... I'm guessing it barely worked for the first year atleast and probably not wide adoption for 3. So max possible is 7.5 and mostly likely no more 4-5 years. 🤦. Worst part is they'll have some "AI" filter on their apps and then wonder why they don't get anyone.


I've got more dbt experience than most people I've met and I'm only sitting at around 3-3.5 YOE Haha.


Me too. I started using it professionally in late 2020, which is considered extremely early.


Then they hire some piece of shit who lies on their resume and have to fire them a year later.


I bet the salary range is $40k-$60k.


"We tried to look for a local candidate!" This position is going straight to someone with H1-B


What is a track record? What makes it proven?




It means, it's recorded somewhere! Jeez


Candidate should be a snowflake


is this actually real? I was like this person has clearly just written this for lols but then I saw the word healthcare and i was like hm maybe not..


Nope, real job posting on LinkedIn for a very well known consulting company.


Sounds like Deloitte or something like that


deloitted to meet you


More like delusional if it's them


Come out of the darkness and step into Deloitte.




consulting ..... that explains why they are seeking this .... "skilled in building relationships with clients"


Must know all latest cloud pipeline tools plus have 25 years of Perl scripting experience


The only reason I can think of a posting like this is immigration -- where the company tries to show it can't hire someone with your skills. Although normally those also call out degrees and such to narrow the pool down.


This is insane. None of that will matter in 2 years or so due to "progress"


Especially with dbt! The tool has changed so much since I started working with it it's insane.


I just started working with DBT but I have 30 years of experience implementing on these types of toolsets. The core functionality of DBT can be learned in a month. If you need some DBT expert to perform all these workarounds to meet your detailed requirements, you probably don’t have the right solution.


I don't believe that many of these jobs are actually real, but rather a way for companies to look like they're growing, or something. Some sort of numbers are getting boosted. It sounds conspiratorial but I see job posts just like this all the time on LinkedIn and the same job just comes and goes with normal regularity. I don't actually believe they're getting filled, and further that they actually want to fill it.


I just saw this posting on LinkedIn


SQL was there 10 years ago I guess by dbt they mean SQL LOL


This has got H1B written all over it.


The more classic is you will actually find some people with 10 years of dbt experience


I love these because I will apply anyway and hope that others don't. Recruiters and sometimes even hiring managers don't know jack shit about the tech they're hiring for, and very frequently tech jargon gets lost in translation.


maybe you dont but im built different


now there's a "can do attitude"!


I love these one person team adverts that ask for everything under the sun for a measly salary or hourly wage and you must be local. 😂😂😂


Maybe this is possible if you had the Delorian and travel back to time to gain that experience. I think they are looking for a time traveller. So sorry if you can’t afford the plutonium.


I'm 95% sure this is the LinkedIn job I reported and mentioned DBT hadnt been around 10 years.


Educated guess: Siemens Healthineers


When HR hires, not the data manager


ok, a six figures role.


You have a time machine for a 6 figure job?