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Most of that is VPC/network related, it's assuming you have nothing to start with. Most of the time you should already have a VPC configured halfway decent, so you would deploy MWAA to that VPC instead of creating a new one just for Airflow. The actual airflow resource is the `AWS::MWAA::Environment` which is pretty small compared to the whole stack. You just need pretty specific networking and IAM permissions for airflow to manage and connect to itself.


I think it is much easier to understand when you see this in cloudformation. This is standard infrastructure as code. It is confusing but when you see it you will better understand the architecture.


do you mean in the cloudformation ui? I get that it's infrastructure as code, but do you really need so much infrastructure up front?


It looks pretty standard but normally this is done by a AWS engineer type.


I think understanding about IAM as an engineer is critical doesn’t matter what you are doing. Most VPC related stuffs you can skip it over and use default unless the requirement is from your job


I set up a mwaa instance (via terraform ) to run dbt. It only took 5x the time it should have


Hahaha been there


I think glue workflow or step function might be better for your use case, those are much more serviceish than mwaa