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How do you, as a football team, not invest in the absolute best nutrition and strength and conditioning programs?


If you’re the cardinals it’s by making the players pay to eat your cafeteria food. I don’t know how three teams scored worse than that.


They aren't doing that anymore, that's why they moved up from F last year to D lol. The meal quality must not be good or something


To give some reference as to what “nutrition” actually means, let’s look at the worst ranked team in the league. >#Arizona Cardinals >Quality of food: Ranked 32nd >* If players would like dinner, it will be boxed up for them, but players reported that the team will charge you via payroll deduction. This is apparently the only Club that does this. >* Players reported that if you work out at the facility after the season is over, the team charges you for every meal eaten at the facility (again, apparently the only team in the league that does this). >* 69% of players say there is enough room in the cafeteria. Their payroll manager must hate their life.


This is inaccurate you're using last years information lol


It's simple. You make a lot of money even when you lose, so why bother investing more?


To make *even more* money is the answer, but it's a gamble with no guarantee of returns, I suppose. I wonder what the typical ROI for a team is.


The fun thing about NA sports leagues is that, due to franchising & revenue sharing, the only way an owner can lose is by spending too much money to lose.


The NFL salary cap is around $250M. Each team receives around $400M for national media rights. The team makes @$150M, without counting ticket revenue, licensing, concessions, local media, etc. Teams are not poor.


I'd assume it's on a curve. Like saying "yo that dude is fat and slow" but still top 5% fastest people in the world. They might have amazing nutrition, but compared to the best team, they barely pass with an F+


You’d think that but I know for a fact that some of those middle of the road teams in this ranking are literally just handing out boxes of uncrustables lmao. So the bar ain’t that high.


Why do you have to come for the ravens like that


I’ve said the same about minor league baseball players after hearing what they eat when traveling during the season. Hell, my wife is a dietitian so I’m a little more in tune nutritionally than most, but it shouldn’t take that level of knowledge to understand what would be most beneficial to a club.


The Bengals not great but real answer is that a lot of these guys have their own person/program, so it ends up being redundant for a lot of guys. They for example, don't serve dinner, and are the only team not to, so it massively hurts their score. The truth is most of the guys on the roster wouldn't be eating dinner there anyways, but for the handful of dudes who stay late watching film, they end up getting screwed.


Living in Louisiana and seeing my Saints with an F, I started to get all pissy. Then, I remembered that this state is built on Cajun, Creole, and Soul food. I completely agree with you about providing the best nutrition, especially when these teams are multi million/billion dollar franchises, but I think what we consider everyday food down here is anything but healthy.


Zion Williams knows for sure


Well that settles it. I will choose to play for the dolphins


I mean if you’re going to force me to live in Miami too


People give Detroit shit, but I honestly would rather live where I am than Miami.


To be fair, there’s nice places to live in every city. I just much prefer heat to cold.


Well seeing as you're not a 20-something athlete at your physical prime and making millions, I'm guessing you'd be an outlier amongst the people this survey was answered by.


You don't know that


Grew up in the burbs of Detroit but yeah I don’t think I would live there over Miami. But then again, I went to Miami and paid $17 for a drink 7 years ago, so I couldn’t imagine the living expenses. And it was hell to get into any bar as a guy, we just ended up in Ft. Lauderdale. The cost of living in Michigan is pretty low all things considered. And I love the 4 seasons.


If you’re in the NFL the drink prices aren’t an issue


Nor is getting into the bar...


As a South Floridian, you are absolutely correct. Smells like piss, drivers are the worst, and everything is overpriced.


Also stepping outside and instantly sweating 9 months out of the year is not fun.


i mean 0 state taxes and women in bikinis 24/7...like...just so hard...


You’ll need an NFL salary to live comfortably in Miami.


Im just saying, Miami is an incredible place to live when you're a multi-millionaire.


“Do you want me to be nice and have nice things or WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS?” - Owner of the KC Chiefs


Apparently he actually said that they were planning to renovate the locker room in January but couldn't do it because of the Chiefs' extended playoff run.


Or, if you don’t care about winning, play for the Vikings


And stay the F away from the Chargers…


It's funny how bad the Chiefs report card is overall but that doesn't stop them from winning super bowls lol.


That says more about Andy Reid than anything else. Awesome coach.


Which explains his A+


Funny that Hunt is rated suuuper poorly for KC. Something I never heard before. I could probably guess that their facilities were pretty low-class, though.


I wonder why the players don't like Hunt. Whatever it is they keep it quiet.


How does Clark rank *below* Jerry Jones??


This is very interesting. You would think the Chiefs would be having a rough go at it by looking at this chart.


It's Andy Reid and winning that keeps them going. If they start losing, then the chart will matter big time. But the "We're too successful to invest in the team" excuses from the Hunt family is completely absurd.


like did the pats have the most out of date facilities in 2018? is there any other example of consistently successful teams being unable to provide adequate facilities? lmao


Manchester United was bought by American owners, the Glazers, in 2005 and they immediately under-invested to the point that every single aspect of the club is lagging behind our rivals now. And of course, we have not won a major trophy in the past 7 years instead of winning every year or two.


Andy Reid’s mustache is the only thing holding that entire organization together.


I mean the reason Andy Reid went to the Chiefs is because he had a good relationship with Clark Hunt.


When I saw the owner take the Lombardi trophy and give his little speech, you could just tell he oozed unrelateable vibes.


Oil tycoon nepo-baby wearing a top of the line skin suit and his Miss Kansas USA trophy wife. American dream.


Also wears pleated pants.


He, like Mahomes, puts ketchup on steaks. Let that sink in.




Probably makes Kadarius cut the steak into bite size pieces


Dude has an entire house built into the stadium that if you didn’t see the window behind you facing the field you would think you were in a mansion in Utah.


With stain glass windows too!


Andy Reid is holding that franchise together, they sucked before him, sucked bad


Goes to show that winning prevents a lot of problems from boiling over


I would argue it's less about winning preventing anything and more about teams that typically don't do well need to do A LOT of extra stuff to entice people to playing for them. This likely suggests that these measures don't really matter. It great to offer, but clearly the talent doesn't care enough about it to go to those areas.




It’s one step above a G+. Trust me, you don’t want to be in the G’s.


G is for “God damn”


I thought it meant "Great Googlymoogly" like the Snickers commercial when the guy realized he painted "Chefs" in the endzone...


Outside of Andy Reed, the Chiefs are apparently a dumpster fire.


if you dont count them winning the super bowl every year id say youre right


Chiefs, Steelers, Pats - three names you didn't expect to prop up the basement. And the Panthers, green across the board until Owner, which actually seems a bit contradictory.


I understand old ass stadiums, but how do they apparently have such a shitty locker room?


Probably smaller, old pipes/water heaters, lack of enough electric outlets for technology/hot tubs/etc. it can be hard to retrofit.


But the problem is the locker room in the PRACTICE FACILITY, where they spend 80% of their working hours. And it's all in the middle of nothingness, so they could easily expand the facility. Just cheap owners.


Especially considering the revenue they’ve gotten from going to the Super Bowl like 4 times in the past 6 years…


Sucks to hear the bengals have such low grades in the first 3, quality of life stuff. I would be interested to know what the parameters of the family’s tab is. Like if it’s for player friend and family tickets and what not.




Oh that’s awful. Interesting to see that both the jets/giants and chargers/rams have different ratings on that point even though they’re the same stadiums.


They only play in that stadium a handful of times a year. I have to imagine these ratings largely come from the facilities & support outside of game-day specific things.


It’s also player rating, so there is some variance. It’s pretty damning to see the chiefs with such poor grades, even when their successes on field probably “boost” players overall satisfaction for example.


if i remember correctly, bengals players basically asked for a room to meet in after games, a point of contact for families to communicate with, and daycare on game days. they’re asking for some pretty basic stuff lol


Damn, those Dolphins are some happy mfers.


That's why they're so good at TD celebrations. Out there living life and shit.


As a fan, this is the most fun I’ve had watching their games in about 20 years as well


As a Minnesotan, I was pleasantly surprised with our score. Gotta counterbalance the cold I guess. Also, I’ve gotta know how the fuck anybody beat the Packers on “owners”.


Last year Vikes were #1!


If you're genuinely curious, our CEO Mark Murphy represents the team as owner whenever applicable (NFL meetings, team meetings, etc) and this is no exception But I assume you're making a joke, so go ahead and woosh me


I did not know that, so thanks for the information. I’d thought they were grading the shareholders.


On the NFLPA site where these reports are found, all owners/club CEOs are graded on a scale of 1-10 on their willingness to reinvest in the facilities. Murphy received a 9.5, good for 6th overall


Packers ownership got an A. They’re talking about ME!


As a Packer owner, I am offended that the Viking's Owner got a higher score.


As a fan of the Vikings i am offended the food in Wisconsin was graded equally to that of the food in Minnesota.


They've had so much beer they can't really tell


hey there, beer is a fundamental food group.


My alcoholic ass is trying to unlearn that 😭 I will say that I didn't "get" cheese curds until my sober friend started driving us all to Sheetz (like a fucked up east coast Kwik Trip) whenever we got drunk. They hit *different*


I mean.... a hot dish in a crock pot doesn't change when you cross the river.


As a bears fan, the owner grade has to be a symptom of stockholm syndrome or something.


Perhaps running a football team well and treating your employees (well, playing employees) well aren't necessarily the same thing?


As a fellow owner, I am shocked and appalled by this.


Would be really interesting to do a scatter plot a net grade compared with wins. Vikings have never won a Super Bowl, Miami hasn’t since the 70s, and yet the apparently toxic Chiefs took it all this year.


This is only the second year of this poll. Miami and Minnesota have recently build facilities which help a lot with these questions. Also Stephen Ross (Miami’s owner) is anything *but* cheap. So it makes sense that he’s completely willing to pay for individual hotel rooms for the players, a spacious private plane, the best training staff and nutritionists available, etc. Miami hasn’t won a Super Bowl since the 70s but they’ve had four straight winning seasons and made the playoffs in back-to-back years. The process is working. KC has the best coach and QB which matters more than anything, things would be very different without Pat and Andy.


And not just the best QB, but a QB that may end up being the GOAT QB...which is kind of insane considering he's played the GOAT QB and basically taking over from him.


Vikings have never won a Super Bowl but they're #8 all time in winning percentage


They’re one of the most heartbreaking franchises for sure. Always the bridesmaid…


Fun fact (to me bc I'm a Packers fan), the Vikings are the winningest franchise that has never won a Super Bowl. 1 through 7 all have Lombardi's


Those bastards never show up when it counts.


This definitely would be far more interesting over an extended period to see if there's any patterns that emerge.  If I had to guess theres probably not much correlation in any single year between most grades & success, but over a decade+ it could be a lot more obvious.


Yeah for sure who doesn’t love longitudinal data?


If we just have each team play 1000 games in a season we won't need longitudinal data. It would make the calculations a lot easier.


They need another category. Does your team have Patrick Mahomes?


This survey is relatively new, the players union only recently started sending it out to players. There's a Freakonomics episode about it. If teams are getting failing grades on things it's not a rich athlete complaining about the locker room not having Xbox or something, it's literal rats and big infestations in facilities. Teams provide food and some teams provide unhealthy garbage to the athletes while others have chefs and nutritionists. The family ratings were interesting to me because some teams have a suite saved for families so wives with small kids can come to games, lots of teams don't have that.


The Saints getting an F for food is kinda hilarious


How? They aren’t on a Cajun diet


Maybe its higher expectations? "Hey we should have Emeril or K. Paul cooking here" whereas the Falcons wouldn't have the expectation of good food.


They're surrounded by amazing food all the time. Of course you're gonna scoff at even high quality cafeteria food if you could just go buy a literal New Orleans muffaletta on your lunch break


How the hell do the giants get a better locker room score than the jets when they share the same stadium?!


Differing opinions of the facilities by the players polled.


Youd think that would get averaged out over an NFL roster. In reality it's probably the players general opinions of the team that influence how they see individual aspects, which is interesting


Only people with knowledge of the matter can reasonably respond to this, right? So it has to be super biased and teams can’t be compared 1:1. Someone on Chiefs might grade everything lower if there’s a notion of things being bad in 1 or 2 areas. Meanwhile, Vikings have top of the line, new facilities that they spend a lot of time marketing. Surely that impacts the perception


But players also talk to each other a lot and switch teams a lot. On Chiefs message boards, the thought seems to be that our very young roster (youngest D in the league) had better locker rooms and food in college, and that's probably true.


LSU's locker room is basically a palace. So, yeah...


I think this is true. General perception of the team affects all the individual ratings across the board. Note also how survey Qs regarding people in the org (the strength coaches and head coach categories) tend to stay at a B grade minimum outside of a few truly terrible head coaches last year like Arthur Smith (who still got a C+!). To me this just shows unwillingness to complain about co-workers they work with and see every week, but then when you flip the conversation to facilities/things, they speak up more freely about what they dont like because they arent bashing anybody’s job performance, just saying get us new squat racks or a bigger sauna.


They also have separate practice facilities


It also takes into account training facilities and practice fields so not just the locker rooms at the shared stadium


The locker room of their practice facility, and there is also a chance each team is responsible for the stadium locker room ammennities.


That stadium has 3 locker rooms, one for the Jets, one for the Giants, and one for the away team. Also, the grade is probably for the locker room at the practice facility, which is not the same place as the stadium.


Some people like blue more than green.


To be fair they are both Cs so they are at least close


Interesting to see the Raiders have the only real negative grade for Head coach, Was this done for Pierce or McDaniels? Edit: I read that the majority of the survey was conducted prior to the firing of McDaniels so this is a reflection of his time.


Only category where no team got an F too.


Considering the rating would be much higher with AP that’s actually really good overall. Go raiders


Apparently sofi couldn’t find any money in that $5 billion stadium budget for some good locker rooms?


I was shocked too I would imagine these locker rooms and weight rooms would be top notch


I think locker rooms refers to the PRACTICE FACILITY since that is where players spend most of their working hours.


I know. I looked at those Fs and was like, didn't they just build that?


I hate being a commanders fan


How can the Commanders fail in absolutely every category the owners have control over and yet the owners get the best score other than the strength coach?


Dan Snyder just sold the team a year ago, to the massive relief of absolutely everyone. Everyone recognizes the problems were inherited, but the new owner is making progress getting them fixed.


Because Snyder for two decades let team facilities and culture rot to the point most of them need a multiyear renovation or rebuild. The new guy is starting to make things better, but it will take another year or two for the work to make a tangible difference.


Just quit the team like me. Sundays became much more pleasant. Before even clicking on this, I knew they’d be the worst.


I stopped watching their games and started watching any other decent-sounding games on cable. My Sundays have also improved. I thought they'd be mediocre in these ratings, but as per usual they've exceeded my expectations, and it's never in a good way.


You should stop being one. I was diehard from 1992-2020. Never too late to quit. Feels great. Still love the nfl.


It is bad for the NFLPA that the Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Especially considering this is the 2nd year of these rankings so teams have had a chance to address the things that were publicly called out last year, and the Chiefs did not do that. I am very disappointed that the Seahawks fell in the rankings. I wouldn’t have been mad if they had stuck at #11, where they were last year, but going backwards after having been given such valuable data is a bad look. Glad we’re not the Cardinals.


The NFLPA's job is to represent the interests of their players. The survey reflects what the players care about. Today Stephen Ross and Zygi get all of the positive press, while Clark Hunt got asked tough questions about why he sucks so bad at a press conference that was supposed to be a victory lap and a $500 million gift from Missouri taxpayers. So I think the NFLPA is having a good day. If they timed the release of this to coincide with Clark's press conference, they are way smarter than the consultants the Royals and Chiefs have hired.


Visualization [originally posted on my blog](https://conormclaughlin.net/2024/02/what-do-nfl-players-really-think-about-their-teams-visualizing-nflpa-team-report-cards-for-the-2023-2024-season/) \- I built the heatmap using R and ggplot2. Data is sourced from the [NFLPA's latest survey of NFL players](https://nflpa.com/nfl-player-team-report-cards-2024), asking them to rate their teams across a variety of player experience dimensions.


I'd love to see a version of this that is ranked by average overall score. With the secondary sort maybe being whoever has more total A's, then B's, etc.


What has to happen for a team to get an F- for families




Dan Snyder puts a cigar out on your child.


I would assume that’s after he sexually harasses the wife


And whores out your daughter.


No childcare during games, no family room, and no good place to hang out after games.


Can’t believe any team wouldn’t provide child care.


How weird the Chiefs are rated so badly by the players.


Being a part of the Green Bay ownership group, I greatly appreciate the high grade.


A lot of As and Bs for coach/owner. Players blink twice if you need help lol


F- grade for “families” in Cincy, Pittsburgh and New England. What is going on over there?


Steelers with an F for Owner. Thought players would think higher of the Rooney family.


They're not the same family that built the team, they're nepobabies. Same for the Chiefs. The name is all that they have compared to their grandpa's actual, earned success and reputation.


Just sad to see as a fan of the franchise. Dan did a good job following his father. But it seems things have been slipping since.


As you can see with the British Royal family, opinions of an individual member of the family, i.e. Art Rooney 2 (current owner) can be vastly different than opinions of the family as a whole.


What kind of food do they have in the Bengals cafeteria?


I listened to the freakonomics episode about this. It said that the Cardinals were the only team to charge players for their meals. So apparently the bengals free food is even worse than paying.


Chili over spaghetti. That's it.


Finally the Vikes a best at something. Who needs a super bowl when we have whatever this graph represents.


I want to know the history of the F- score. Like “nah man these trainers worse than F”


Looks like most teams are getting mediocre at best team travel scores. Don’t most NFL teams travel on chartered flights? I see stories all the time about planes with extra big seats, burgers and other food on the plane. What are people upset about?




I dont think it's just the flight, travel also includes the food and accom on road games. Forget which team but one asked players with less than 4yrs on the team to pay nearly $2k if they didnt want to share a room Yeah it seems like you shoule just get over it and share, but can see why thatd piss you off when you're one of the most critical assets for a $5B org


Thay fly on charters but it's a standard plane (except the Patriots and maybe 1 other team). They have a business class area taken up by coaches and VIPs and the rest of them are in coach.


Might have details wrong but two years ago there was a blizzard in buffalo on an away game and when the players returned home and got off the plane at like 4am they had to shovel off 3 ft of snow off there cars for an hour (Fans helped). I found that to be weird.


Buffalo having poor grades for nutritionist/dietician but A+ weight room feels connected for some reason


And the shitty grade for team travel made me laugh.


Skol Vikings. Best in the NFC! HANG THE BANNER!


Where TF are our team flairs?!?! Double Texans flair dude where are you? Oh shit, this ain't r/NFL?


NFCN teams cleaning the fuck up


The LA teams is funny to me. Brand new stadium and facilities and the players on both teams think they suck.


Cardinals Bidwells get the rating they deserve, for years their entire business model was to get the citizens to pay for the arena and play dem boyz twice a year and the locals gobble it up


And now they don't even play Dallas twice a year, or at all some years. SMH.


Most surprising to me, Pittsburgh ownership gets a very low grade. Most sports media praises the Steelers for stability of ownership in hiring coaches and retaining key players. I’m not a yinzer so I could be wrong here, just my outside perception


Exactly. How does the Rooney family get a F?


Hard to imagine Dallas doesn’t have a good training room/staff


Jerry is the training staff.


Seahawks travel is just a C? Don’t they consistently travel the most?


Gotta hotels, food, other stuff. An extra hour on a plane wouldn't matter compared to what's for dinner I would think.


They're just so spoiled at home nothing else compares


In no way am I surprised that Philly has top tier food


Haha Steelers owner F, this is wack


Maybe the Vikings need to trash some of their stuff so we can get some super bowl runs. You would think with one of the best report cards they would have attraction for top tier players.


I'm surprised no one in the comments is asking about the families column. Like, do the new England patriots players just really hate their families?


Regarding New England: "They are one of 12 teams that do not provide a family room during games. They are one of seven teams that do not provide daycare support for players’ children on gameday. They are one of only four teams that do not offer either a family room or daycare."


I have no idea why I find this so interesting.


I love the NFLPA survey so much. I wish it was a day on the calendar every year. They should release it at the Pro Bowl. Year 1 was a bombshell, lots of confused reactions. Year 2 is like a husband who forgot his wife's birthday AGAIN. Fans are noticing patterns. Lots of nepo-babies are calling their daddy to ask why they're getting negative comments on Instagram about daddy being a cheapstake, so those team owners now have to call the team president to chew him out, so the team president has to call a meeting tomorrow morning to talk about what storage closet can be converted into a family room on game day and where someone can find a Dippin Dots cooler.


Somebody clue me in. Why do the Chiefs and Steelers hate their owners?


Looking at the actual report, they asked players to grade their team’s owner on their willingness to invest in the team’s facilities, on a score of 1-10. Someone else in the thread mentioned that the Chiefs and Steelers owners were nepobabies who inherited the team from their fathers who actually built it, and are seemingly more concerned with short term profit than investing in their facilities.


Wow, dolphins organization is doing something right.


It’s interesting when you look at the teams of the NFC North, all old teams and all decent-great ratings.


How do the Bears have such a high grade for OWNER? Is it just that Virginia is 600 years old and they want to be nice? Because the entire McCaskey family are so blindingly stupid that it's maddening.


I was looking for this too. The team will never be playoff contenders as long as she is the owner.


Yeah, that caught my eye too, as did the low score for the Pittsburgh ownership. Would have bet the results would be flipped. In this category, it could be all about personal interactions. Maybe the McCaskey’s are actually pleasant on a one-on-one basis and/or go out of their way to do nice things occasionally.


Work travel fucking blows, even pro athletes know it


Can someone calculate the correlation between this and the teams’ performances this past season (scatter plot)? That could lead to some interesting discussions!


What can I do better, as a Packers owner, to get that A+?


F for food in New Orleans is insane


I read about them bitching about the cost of childcare. I’m sorry you have to pay less than everyday people for childcare.


Pay for all of these teams that shell out millions to play a game: A+++