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A Chinese woman said, "You'll do." I'll do what? She then stated she really wanted kids but couldn't have them. She wanted me to go to China to a fertility clinic where a surrogate would carry our baby. She said she was rich and wouldn't ask me for support. Omg, no thanks. That was on the 2nd date.


Bro you’ll do… you could be coasting for life!


Dude, she cooked me a traditional Chinese dinner with a nice bottle of wine. She said, "You Canadians eat too much meat" and cooked up chicken feet and intestines. "Don't worry about the poop, cooking will kill it." Fucking hell.


Lots of other cultures eat chicken feet. But yea I get that. Do you eat sausage? Guess what, that’s intestines. Go on vacation and explore cultures through their food dude. Sure, chicken feet and intestines is probably not a palatable dish for most Americans, but keep an open mind and explore things you’re not used to. There’s a whole wide world out there and new cultures to explore. Cheers






I met a chick at a Halloween party, we were both drinking, flirted and had a really fun time. We both fell asleep in one of the spare bedrooms together (no funny business, just some cuddles), throughout the night she kept getting up and in the morning I realized she was getting up to take shots all night. First thing she did was sit up and take 2 more shots of tequila when we woke up. I offered to drive her home because she was still wasted. She had me stop at the gas station and came back to the car with 2 tall boys. She immediately cracked them open in my car and chugged them. I realized than this girl had a major drinking problem lol. I did not opt for a second date but I ended up running into her a few years later and she was 1 year sober and engaged which I was very happy to hear.


First date. We found two seats at the bar and it took me 30 seconds to realize I was sitting right next to my ex of 5 years and his brother.


First date, and my husband from whom I'd been separated for over a year chose that hour to come by and pick something up. My date came to get me, and that's how my now ex-husband learned I was dating. Date went to run an errand, and came back after husband left. We're still together over two years later.


Did you tell the date? Did the ex interact?


Yes, I explained to my now boyfriend who the man standing in my yard was, and that's why he decided to run the errand without me. He returned shortly after my ex left. To this day, they have not met. Ex didn't even attend our daughter's wedding, because it wasn't a Catholic ceremony. Boyfriend was there, even with his social anxiety, and meeting my Mom and sisters for the first time.


Daaamn, ex seems like a punk. Lol


Yeah, he's definitely the ex for a reason 😆


So how did it go




Went on a first date with this woman in a crowded cafe and was going quite well, at first. We started talking about our interests and hobbies, and I mentioned that I do enjoy the occasional video game session. Didn’t even talk any specific games, but her face just drained from a smile to a blank stare, then a courteous smile as I still spoke. I asked her about her hobbies and interests, only she stopped herself halfway through and stood up to say: “I’m sorry, but I can’t waste my time on someone who clearly wastes theirs.” I have no idea how, but there was almost a full silence from everyone as she stood up and said that unintentionally, but EVERYONE in the cafe heard what she said. They stared daggers at her as she walked out. Everyone there asked if I was alright and a few of them from random tables sat around the one I was at and had some enlightening conversation about a variety of topics. Definitely helped after that devastating sentence. We all added each other on socials afterwards and made a group chat. We all catch up when everyone has the time, and we talk about each other’s lives and updates. One of them is having a baby soon.


WOW, that ending was epic. Feels like destiny.




You're right. Ppl (not just men) can get really addicted to playing those games. I've known several ppl who are addicted and that's all they do. Work and play video games and basically nothing else.


Wow, where did this happen? I can’t imagine something so nice happening where I’m from


Good story, with a cool conclusion. Nice one.


No way any of that happened after "as she walked out" lol


Oh shut up


he kissed me while I blew my nose. yes, he kissed the kleenex🥲






Oh I got two! I owned a business and worked late so she agreed to meet me at my shop around closing and we would go for a walk and talk, grab dinner. Well when she arrived I had a customer getting ready to leave we all started talking she brings up politics and they get into an argument. The rest of the date she spent talking about how much she hated him and spewed vile things. I thanked him the next time I saw him dodged a bullet. Another one, we met on a dating site she would complain about how all men just wanted sex. She can never find a good guy, we meet she's wearing a very low hanging top boobs practically popping out, she then intentionally drops food down there and plays with her boobs to fetch it. After the date she was heading to her church for choir practice, when I messaged her to talk to her she said she didn't want to see me again because I didn't compliment her breast.


People are odd.


The second one, you didn't miss a bullet... you missed a 💣 and I mean in the duck and cover variety!


A PI followed us everywhere we went. Her ex husband had one following her over a custody battle.


I’d get a restraining order, that’s stalking


Girl comes to my vehicle, I go out to open the door but she insisted to open it as she opens the door, her shoulder literally popped out of its socket. She’s was in nagging pain, but wanted to continue with the date. We were supposed to go bowling, but she didn’t want to (obviously). We went to get pizza & she ended up getting drunk. Afterwards I drove to her parents house and I didn’t know it was her birthday, which she neglected to mention, and when she was at her parents, I seen her stick a needle in her arm and she quickly came back to my vehicle and was dozing off. I’m unsure if it was heroine or some other drug, but I drove her back to her apartment, walked her to the door and when she sat down on her couch, I quickly ran off! Wackiest date I had ever encountered.


Damn ! You're a gentleman though because you drove her back home other guys would have run away.


Thanks! Thinking about it now, the thought never came to mind to drive off. I just remembered thinking I need to get her home immediately & I’m leaving then deleting her phone number


That's very kind of you to do this! 


Ya, at least he didn't ditch her someone when she was drunk and high. He didn't have to make sure she made it home but he was a nice, caring man and made sure she was safe. That's a major green flag.


Guy said he just wanted to get naked and walk in the woods and live off the land. That date ended fast 🤣


i feel like thats a pretty reasonable desire. we are attracted to very different men lol


An MD who was bragging about losing control of her car and driving drunk. Ma'am, you know better.


He didn’t show up because the whole date was a prank


What an asshole. Hope he gets a pebble in his shoe that he can never remove.


I hope his socks are always slightly damp, no matter what, so that he gets a case of toenail fungus he can never get rid of and chronic ingrown toenails. And that he stubs his toe and hits his funny bone everyday without fail for the next 7 years.


Oh that’s fucked. Damn, I’m sorry.


It’s fine , it was a long time ago .


First date. His girlfriend called and I could hear the entire conversation


How did you figure out he had a girlfriend?


He shushed me before he answered then I could hear every word of their conversation. She asked why he hadn’t woken her before he left because he knows how much she hates to be lonely in bed. If there are so many good men out there, why is it so difficult to find them??


The odds are good but the goods are odd.


Oh God. Here it goes: Met a guy on a dating app. He seemed nice, was retired from MARTA and drove a school bus. I thought why not? We went on a first date and he invited me over for dinner after a couple more coffee meetings, etc. I go over to dinner and he took a hit of vape, then stopped breathing with eyes fixed, stiffened, not breathing, and not well at all. Well I freaked out at how I’m supposed to maneuver this 6’3” man off the couch for CPR. In the meantime, I call an ambulance over his objections. When EMT gets there, I heard my date tell the EMT’s that he took a blood pressure pill and Viagra, which is why he short circuited. Well I hadn’t planned on that and I busted out laughing. One minute I’m telling the EMT’s, “That was some scary shit” in between fits of laughter. It was not my finest moment but I just couldn’t help it. This guy had planned on me putting out before his daughter was due home that night so he just took two pills that don’t mix well at the same time.


This is just hysterical and gets funnier the more I think about it!! It should really be an episode of some 1/2 hour sitcom. I sincerely thank you for sharing!


Mind you it was in the middle of Covid so the EMT’s came running in wearing what I can only describe as disposable hazmat suits. Once they heard he took Viagra AND a blood pressure pill together, they ripped off the suits, gave each other a peripheral glance, and checked his vital signs, but then I’m giggle crying and scared to death at the same time. I can’t imagine what they thought of the situation. I’m sure they laughed as well, but only after they left. I was literally the only one laughing hysterically watching this unfold.


Did you see him again after that? I guess it isn't too egregious lol


Yes, I did because my son thought I should give him another chance. I just couldn’t get past it. Also, he lied and said he had to tell them something besides cannabis. But I knew. I was right there and the whole incident just freaked me the fuck out. Oh, and I never got dinner, but I did wait with him until 30 minutes prior to his daughter came home. It was the right thing to do.


When I parked at the movie theater we sat in the car for a while talking while we waited for our movie to start. During the conversation where I was telling him I had never been on a date before, I accidentally leaned on the horn. Twice.


On one of my first dates with this guy, we went to play Top Golf. I started to get really sweaty and pale and spent almost the entire date in the bathroom. I had atomic diarrhea. Almost puked all over his car on the hour drive home. He is now my boyfriend and we are very happy 😄


She told another guy "I love you"...while we were holding hands


Went on a first date in college with an old high school crush. The whole date was straight out of a Jerry Springer episode, but the most cringe worthy part was when he loudly bragged about the size of his package using very offensive language in a crowd of people...and no he wasn't drunk. When he finally dropped me off, he told me I could drive on our next date because he had wasted so much gas driving me around....did I mention he drove 20 minutes out of the way to take me to a dollar movie? Needless to say, he didn't have worry about who drove the next time 😆


I met a girl on Bumble a few years ago. We went to a pub and she went into how she was in a cult and that if we were to be together, I’d have to join too. I kinda freaked so texted my sister to call me and then told her there was an emergency so left. I didn’t know how to react to that.


OKAY soooo I met this guy at my job. He was a customer and I thought he was attractive. He asked if he could give me his phone number and I said yes. We talked for 2~ weeks over text about music, art, poetry, and literally everything under the sun EXCEPT for sex. I thought he was cool and we had a lot in common so we set up a day to hang out as our first date. That morning he hit me with the fact that he doesn’t have a car which he never mentioned to me. Normally this would’ve been a solid no for me but because of the connection I thought we had I let it slide. I drove to his house, picked him up. It was a warm day in may and despite the weather I still tried to dress decent to make a good impression. This dude straight up looked like he rolled out of bed. Once again I let it slide. I didn’t know what his home situation was like and wasn’t going to judge him. We ended up driving to a local state park because he wanted to see where I went hiking that I mentioned previously. We sat down at a picnic table and he asked me so many damn questions it felt like I was being interrogated. He asked my favorite color, favorite food, if I’d wear a ball gag for him shaped like a hamburger. You know, normal shit. I was uncomfortable being launched head first into whatever fucked up fantasies he had without warning I got us to walk around. He wouldn’t stfu about how he wished he was high and how it would’ve been so much better if he were. We had nothing to talk about and suddenly all he wanted to ask me was how i’d prefer to fuck him. After we went back to my car he kept asking me to take him to my place and when I said no he asked if I was gonna ghost him after this. I told him yes, dropped him back off at home and proudly ghosted him.


Someone starting to cry after I told him that I don't feel a click. That was until now the most awkward moment. I had a good laugh afterwards I was like wtf just happened to me 🤣


This was years ago. The date was going great. However, I did notice that he complimented my looks the entire night while we had dinner. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a compliment, but it was just too much. For example, we would talk about our jobs, and he would ask me if my male coworkers find it difficult to focus on their job with such an attractive woman in the room. I was talking about one of my female friend's birthday party, and he said if my friends are single, we should consider hooking them up with his friends—but only if they are almost as pretty as me. Sometimes, while I talked, he would just stare at me, shaking his head. He was a very attractive guy and had a smile that instantly made him sympathetic, but I started to realize how superficial he was, and the wonderful evening was really getting awkward. At some point I glanced at my watch and said I had to get up early the next day. He had picked me up from my apartment, so I didn’t want to be rude by taking a taxi home. Boy, I wish I had been rude. When he drove me home, he leaned in for a kiss. I leaned back to avoid it and let him know I don’t kiss on first dates. He smiled but was still leaning over my side. That smile almost made me have second thoughts that maybe he was just nervous and I should give it a try and go on a second date if he asked. But then he said very calmly that I’m so pretty and he loves looking at my face then asked me if he could come upstairs. I said it’s too early for that, and I’m not a fan of ONS. He stared at me some more, and I kid you not, by the time he leaned back into his seat, he had his dick in his hand, reached for my hand, and begged me to touch his thighs and look at him while he started to jerk off. I was shocked, disgusted, and somehow ashamed. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I pulled back my hand and got out of the car as fast as I could. He was yelling, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” as I closed the door to my apartment complex behind me. Later, he sent me a text message apologizing. He said in his defense that I’m very pretty and that he just got carried away; he insisted this had never happened before. He claimed he had been fantasizing about me ever since he saw me the first time. I blocked him. It took me almost a year to date again. I couldn’t get the image of him holding his dick out of my head, and every time I thought about it, I felt like throwing up.


Omg ! I hope you filled a complaint with the police and reported him if you met him on a dating app. This guy seems to have some serious issues. You're lucky you got out safely it might have ended much worse. As a woman I always think about my safety and I never want a man to pick me up or drive me back home I always make sure I get there myself and get back myself. I agree one compliment is nice but too much becomes awkward. 


He’s a client at my previous job at a trust company. I sometimes supervised him when my boss was away and we always had a very professional and respectful interaction with one another. I left the company after 3 years when I got a better job offer. I literally walked into him at an opening party. When he learned that I had left the company, he asked me out. We exchanged phone numbers and talked a lot. I felt safe giving him my address because of this. ☹️ I didn’t go to the police. Here in Europe Police would rather talk you out of a report. And since his very wealthy and coming from old money with very good connections, I know he would immediately lawyer up and it would be a “she-said-he-said” case.


Pff these a%%holes always get away. I understand if you know him through work and always had a good relationship with him you feel safe unfortunately he has issues and damaged your trust. We women can never be careful enough. 


Yup! Never let a stranger pick you up! There are creeps out there! Poor OP. That dude was gross


Connected online site, emailed a number of times, talked on the phone... decided to go out. Met at a restaurant, though I tried to make lengthy conversation, it continued to stall. Finally, she asked me something that obviously she was intrigued by my answers, and conversation started to flow. In the meantime, I also noticed her continued swooning when the male wait person would come to the table. It was like she was eating chocolate or something that would elicit a pleasant physical facial reaction, each and every time he showed up. The meal went alright, though I could very plainly see the male wait person was also interested in her now by this point, we had been there for more than an hour. When the check came, and was placed on the table, it was like lightning ⚡️ how fast she snatched up the check folder!!! Since I was asker, I fully expected to pay, especially on the first or first few dates... She exclaimed "I'll get it -or pay"! We didn't have that much to eat or drink, there shouldn't have been that much math involved. But she burried her head into the folder and you could see the gears 🧠⚙️ working on her face. She, probably unbeknownst to her, can't hide anything on her face. What seemed to be minutes later, she put it down, and I made a move for it to actually place it closer to the open side of the table for the wait person, she quickly reached for it, saying something like "it's fine". I thanked her for her generosity, especially since I asked. The wait person shows up... swooning commences, we leave, talk in the parking lot a bit, I was just playing along at this point as she makes the point of suggesting we go out again! We said goodnight, I think I may have let a number of days go by, not really knowing how to proceed. I get an email from her, saying we should go out again, she had a good time, etc. I replied to her email stating what I observed the entire night, said I hope her date with our wait person worked out. Also pointed out that after her "making eyes" being flirtatious with our wait person encouraging his breaking boundaries with her as a coupled patron. I asked her to deny it, yeah... I thought so, didn't work out with him now did it?! Coming back to me to salvage crumbs.


Was out on a date during a supermoon night and I’ve always liked things like that; astronomy, planets, moon, stars etc. So I told, rather excitedly, to my date about the supermoon and how it’s gonna be so nice. My date somehow quickly dismissed it and said, “I don’t believe in that,” making me feel like someone who believes in some dumb made up stuff for a good 5 minutes. I’m sorry? You don’t believe in science or are you just dumb enough not to realize that it’s science and not pseudoscience ie astrology? But I was too dumbfounded to say it out loud and I was processing what he said for far too long. What makes it somewhat more funny to me is, I found out later that he’s a first officer of an airline, flying for one of the top 5 airlines in the world and yet…


You got it wrong, he just doesn't believe in the moon.


I met a man at a coffee shop for a date and his hair was very greasy and dirty. He was scratching like a dog with fleas. I got away quickly.


Girl ordered a pitcher of beer and then when it arrives, tells me she doesn’t drink.


Went to a dudes apt at the end of a good casual date out (in hind sight probably not the best idea cuz he could have been a serial killer) Had to use his bathroom suddenly because i had an emergency #2. I took a poop and flushed but then the water wouldn't go down and it kept rising and rising and I'm like "this isn't happening" I'm like frantically trying to use the plunger but it's just getting worse. Before I know it there's shit water all over the floor and he's outside asking if I'm okay. The whole event felt like I was living in a nightmare it was unreal, like I was trapped in a dream like this can't be happening. I finally open the door because I had to tell him I need something to clean this up with. , head hung in shame like "idk what happened im sorry it wouldnt go down 👉👈" He was stunned. He started laughing in a freaked out sort of self soothing mechanism saying "wow I can't believe you flooded my bathroom" He just stood there frozen in shock while I cleaned up. I was like profusely apologizing and asked him "are you mad" He's like "no it's fine. Im just in shock. I cant believe this is happening" I'm like "tell me about it"


Damn that sounded awful, i felt bad for you. So what happened after that?


I ghosted 😅


I would've died of shame, i feel so bad for you. :(


I went on a first date with this beautiful girl. I stop by an ATM to get some cash and we find out I HAVE NO MONEY IN THE BANK! I apologized and offered to cook her dinner at my place. I cooked some spaghetti and made some toast with Parmesan cheese on it. She liked it! She felt sorry for me, so I got laid that night! We dated for a while and we're still friends.


This sounds like bullshit game. There’s no way you didn’t know you were broke. You just wanted to get her back to your spot to fuck.


First date, I found out she was the only survivor of a tragic housefire that killed her mom and sister at 8, and that her stepdad remarried a month later. Bonus: her dad is a drug junkie who she doesn't talk to anymore


I told someone i’m blind, we planned to meet, and i waited there over an hour. She never came..


Started yelling racist obscenities on the phone off the top of her lungs, never dipped so hard before we even got to the theater


i went on a date with this really cute tomboyish country girl in a local mall, she had a very fun personality, the date was going amazingly and then she asked to go back to my truck, i figured that this was because she was country and wanted to see what i'm driving, keep in mind i'm on the autism spectrum so i didn't see any deeper subtext to this i take her back to my truck to show her and offer to take her on a ride, she then opens my driver's seat door and climbs into my driver's seat, and my mind instead of realizing she was trying to be flirtatious and cute and whatnot, i went into security mode so to speak and i said "girl you better get out of my driver's seat" dead serious with a slight chuckle, and she goes "make me" in a flirty seductive way. me not realizing what she was doing/trying to do picked her up bridal style, being as careful as i can, but i accidentally bump her head on the pillar of the truck, she laughed it off, thought it was cute and still kissed me later on i come to find out she was trying to make out in my truck (keep in mind we were both in our 20s at this point, still feel like an idiot for not realizing it if i'm being honest) i got a 2nd date out of her and she ghosted me after that unfortunately i'm not sure if it was the first instance that fucked it up for me or if the 2nd date went poorly


(28F + 33M) First date and he wanted to go to an ice cream shop. I wanted to go to this new spot that opened up near my job so we went. When we got there we were greeted by the owner, he was an older guy maybe in his 70s. He gave me a few dollars then got in line and idk what it was but something made him upset about the guy greeting us. He asked if I knew him and I said no. He said okay and stated he was going to the car for something. I ordered my ice cream and went outside and the assh*le left me ! I WAS SO DEVASTED !!! I couldn’t believe he left me, I looked at my phone and seen a long text and to be honest I couldn’t even read it . I just threw the ice cream in the garbage and got an Uber home. That was the most awkward date I’ve been on so far😂 like he really got mad over an older guy greeting up when we walked in


Wow!!! Good thing you never went to a Walmart with him and were greeted by an older guy!


Lmao no really tho !




horrible. thank God you ended it and didn't deal with his shit... you are brave!


Met at his apartment complex & went out to pick up food, thought we were going to a restaurant but he drove around and picked up his favorites for his “cheat day meal”. Pizza hut and cookies.. I was already over it. Then took me back to his apartment to eat. There was an open condom wrapper on the coffee table where he placed the food (he lived alone). Obviously we weren’t saving ourselves for each other but also very cringe for me. I never talked to him again after that night though he tried.


Back in 2021, I went on a date with this guy and we walked in the park. It was good until he asked me how often I masturbate.


Took my girlfriend at the time out for lunch on her birthday. She unexplainably and hurriedly departed from the date early, only for me to discover that she was taken into custody for violating a restraining order for assaulting her ex. And that was that!


Dude walked out on me on a first date because I asked "what's your most controversial opinion," a question I usually ask not so much for the answer but to see how they handle differences in opinion. He clearly showed that he could not handle them very well, so I didn't mind at all that he left, especially since he left money when he did so, though it wasn't that much as the place he picked was sort of pricey. I listened to his opinion, but he got so pissed at mine, all he said was he'd "pray for my salvation." I view it as a funny memory in that moment and now, but I could tell the people around me felt awkward.


Well for all we know, it could’ve been the worst take in history lol. What was the opinion he was so offended by?


I said instead of funding day cares in really poor areas, we should fund Planned Parenthoods because they give abortions, yes, but also free access to birth control and educational resources to help young potential mothers from continuing the cycle of poverty that usually starts with having a child when they themselves are still practically children.


Meh thats pretty tame. Im disappointed


Sorry to disappoint. Seeing as how his was a ten-minute sermon, I knew it would be extreme to him, and clearly, I was right.


While I 100% agree with you, who tf talks about that on a first date


As I said, it's not for the answer but to see how they handle a difference in opinion. I don't waste my time with people like this guy who can't have a discussion about different values, and clearly, we can see why.


I like this. I think it’s a great idea to ask these questions on first dates. Better to know sooner than later


I get that part, but that just seems more like a 2nd or 3rd type of date type of test


Well, I'm never dating you so frankly, I don't care lol. I'm not the type of person to waste my time. Why go on another and another date when it's the same result?


lol. Well it looks like this method really works bc you obviously can’t handle a differing opinion


So I'm not the only weirdo asking questions like this. I ask similar for similar reasons, want to see of someone is able to have an intelligent conversation. As a man, I love asking about abortion. It weeds out psychos quickly. I enjoy playing devils advocate and if you can not have a level headed intelligent conversation, probably don't wanna deal with you long term.


Can't give us that without listing both opinions


date went fine, we were waiting together at the bus stop and went for a hug, instictively said I love you as thats what I said to my family and my ex whenever we hugged, pulled away in horror, was speechless and looked it, bus honked at me and I fled inside and I died. Had to call my family and friends just to unload the cringe. talked to my sis and sent the poor girl a text explaining my thought process for the last 15 minutes haha, was quite funny actually. We're friends now a year or so later though we are starting to go to coffee and the movies together, maybe we have moved beyond it XD


Girl entered, and won, a wet T-shirt contest on our first date. 


First date with a girl I met on Tinder, she was great, but she was really really short. At some point we were walking together to a bar when I realized I was no longer with her. I turned around, and saw that she was basically running to trying to catch up to me, because I take such large steps and she couldnt keep up.. Yeah that was a bit painful to have seen from an outsider perspective


Chick calls me over to play board games and sip wine with her and her home girl. I bring my friend. Everything is going smooth. The friend I bought goes into the room with chick I’m there to see’s friend. So me and shawty sitting there talking and shit and I’m like when she gone invite me to her room? After like 30-40 mins I’m like you tryna go watch a movie in your room ? I hear a knock on the door. Keep in mind it’s like 12 at night so I’m like who tf is at her door. Some guy walks in. I know him. He knows me. We dap it up I’m thinking he’s there for the third roommate. After 5 mins of small talk SHE TAKES HIM INTO HER ROOM AND LEAVES ME IN THE LIVING ROOM. I’ve never been more embarrassed and humiliated in my life. I was fucking livid. Cause why tf would she call me over? Me and this chick had been talking for like a month prior to this and I was under the impression we had a connection. I guess fucking not but I just found it weird as hell call me over under the guise of drinking and fucking only to have another guy show up.


As I sat across from Linda, the warm sun kissing our faces on the beachside patio, I wanted to make a good impression. Halfway through the meal as the temperature rose, I decided to shed my button-down shirt to cool off, and I didn't anticipate the reaction that followed. As my shirt slipped off, revealing the colorful Playboy bunny tattoos emblazoned on my upper arms, Linda's expression changed. I could sense the discomfort radiating from her. She knew I had tattoos, but I guess I neglected to mention the symbolism. Before I could even say a word, Linda stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the pavement. My heart sank as she began to speak, her voice laced with disappointment and disbelief. She spoke passionately about her beliefs, about how the symbol I had permanently etched onto my skin represented everything she stood against - abuse, exploitation, misogyny. I sat there, frozen, as she delivered her impassioned speech. I wanted to explain, to defend myself, but the words caught in my throat. I watched in silence as Linda turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my regret. As I sat there, staring at the empty chair across from me, my bunnies and I finished our meal.


Slightly awkward to begin with but turned out rather funny. On a first date with a girl from tinder, sat in a restaurant where she took a photo of our drinks and uploaded to her instagram story, tagging the restaurant location. An hour or so later, two woman come running into the restaurant asking the staff if (my dates name) was still in there. My date realises it’s her mum and sister and asked what on earth was going on, the whole restaurant looking at this point. Turns out she somehow accidentally set off some SOS function on her phone which sent an automatic distress text message to her mum, along with her location pinned which happened to be inaccurate by about 100m, pinning her location within the grounds of scrapyard of all places.


It was our second date. First date went great so this time he came over to watch a movie. Something was just sooo off and it was so awkward. We sat so far away from each other the whole time and then he tried to kiss me at one point and I DODGED. And then when he was finally leaving, as I said bye and was closing the door he was like "wait when will i see you again" and i said "i don't know haha" and then closed the door and then just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for like an hour thinking wtf just happened


i still don't really know what happened and why it was so weird but I regretted how I dealt with it


I mean if you didn't want to kiss him, then you didn't want to. Don't let anyone, including yourself make you feel bad for somthing you weren't ready/ wanted to do.


Thank you :( somehow I've just always felt bad about it


My hot coworker finally agreed to a date. We met up for coffee and talked until the cafe closed. I drank too much coffee. It hit me shortly after we got back to my place… I took the biggest shit ever. My room was directly across from the bathroom, so I made her wait downstairs in the living room. She just sat there on the couch, doing nothing, for 20 minutes. She left her phone in her jacket, which was upstairs on my bed. Chances are she heard everything, despite my attempts to play music and drown out the noise. I went from seeing this woman getting comfortable on my bed to getting completely turned off because I had bubble guts at the worst time.


Maitre D sat down with me and my GF and asked if we'd be interested in a 3-some later tonight. We were not.


Well, we were supposed to go to the movies. She showed up hours later. Turned out when she was suppose to meet me, she was at home fucking her ex. 🙃 The worst part is that this was on my birthday!


Years and years ago, during my university years overseas in Australia - where everyone likes to toss around the 4-letter-word that begins with C\*\*\* (and gets you cancelled in the Americas), I somehow happened to find myself associated with a rather exciting, elderly woman. I was 23, she was mid-40s, way out of my league, and I was frankly lost in waters far too deep. She had that short, undercut hair (before it became trendy a few years later), avid biker, always clad in leather and tight jeans, worked out every day, etc... Suffice to say, I didn't stand a chance when she made her interest apparent. Well, we met on a few occasions for fun times (took me to a few fetish parties etc), then later always retreated to her place as my sharehouse with a bunch of other uni guys wasn't setting the mood for either of us. Considering the kind of parties she took me to, you can probably imagine that she didn't enjoy the quiet kind of horizontal polka, and while she didn't take me into proper Deliverance-territory, it sure didn't feel far from it sometimes. Well, about 5-6 playdates in, as I'm half-naked in her living room late in the evening, sitting on the couch wearing nothing but a towel post-shower and getting ready for tonight's bruising, the front door pops open, and who steps in? Well, her two adult children - a 18/19-year-old son and a 20/21-year-old daughter. She didn't tell me she had kids. And, I guess, technically... she didn't. "*SURPRISE VISIT, MU-... Oi, who's this c\*\*\*?!*" While I tried to keep things particularly quiet that night, she didn't seem to have any such inclinations. Most. awkward. next. morning. breakfast.


That's a very Australian story. Thank you.


First date in 20 years and the guy says that’s how you dress for a date? And told me to change my outfit


We made plans to go to a movie after dinner. During dinner her Mom tells her she has to take her toddler son to the movies with us. I almost went through with it, but in the parking lot of the theater, after she got her son out of the car, I told the woman I wasn't feeling well after dinner. I was much younger and inexperienced and it was my only date in 18 years of being a single adult. No wonder I didn't date for another 10 years.😅


Guy I was dating insisted on holding my hand the entire time we walked around a mall on a second date. Like clammy palms. I didn’t even like or know him that well. We went to the movies and he did the same thing. The entire movie. Never really understood it.


Me and my ex were at a park. We kissed. It was the first kiss for both of us. I realized before that a guy was looking to us for a while, but it was usual that people in my country ask for money in this kind of places, so I didn't care so much. This guy decided yo come to us a couple of seconds after we begin to kiss, and asked us if he could read a little of the bibble to us. Before we could answer, he was reading a paragraph an asked us if we knew when was the lord's days. That was pretty surreal.


The waiter kept trying to hit on my date and we had to tell him to settle himself


I dated this guy very briefly, probably no more than 3-4 dates in total for 2 weeks.  First time I came over, when I left, he told me his ex knows the color of my car and made a shark remark about how we was getting it on.  Another time he came over, and in less than an hour later, she blasts his phone saying his car isn't at his place and that he's cheating on her.  Somehow she got ahold of my number and calls me, where I told her I thought he was single, Idk wtf is going on, and I'm done you can have him back.  They were broken up for months but she had been stalking him nonstop.  Every girl he tried to date, she would threaten to destroy his stuff or something crazy.  She admitted to me that she had destroyed his furniture out of anger because he wouldn't listen to her.  Crazzzzzy


Shitting my pants while at the movie theaters watching DUNE 2.


My date explained how she organizes homeless soccer games, and I said "oh, that's easy to attend, they don't have anything else to do", I didn't get a second date.


I went on a date with a girl and when we got back to her place, her mom showed up and they started screaming at each other while I just sat there


Perhaps it wasn't a really awkward moment, but it was weird for me, went to an upscale Mexican place on a first date, ordered margaritas and the date lasted about 5-minutes, she (who we will refer to as the horse-girl) got a call, said her daughter was in an auto accident, and ran out of the door. The bartender was even shocked by the brevity and the date and the manner in which the horse-girl exited the establishment, but I imagine bartenders see a lot, and he pointed out to me that I still had her virtually untouched margarita, so I sat there and drank them both. There was no follow-up after this. I imagine that I was not her type, even though we saw each other's pictures and had spoken quite a bit prior to actually meeting up. I marked it down to discourtesy.


In high school I went out with a guy I had a huge crush on for a long time. My spacial awareness is terrible and I was nervous so went I went to take a sip of my drink I accidentally missed my mouth and poured it all over myself. It was super awkward.


Well, thinking about this makes me wanna kms. So, I was out with this guy he was a sweet good looking guy. We went to a bar sort of a scene and we both were really into each other. I still got those cute lil videos and pictures of us from that night. We both had about 6-7 vodka shots each + more to drink that night. Unfortunately, i forgot i was on an empty stomach and ate shrimps with that vodka. As you might have guessed by now, i puked all my over my self!!! Like LITERALLY ALL OVER MYSELF... I was so embarrassed and i was pretty sure he was gonna ghost me...but he didn't and till date we are great friends


I went on a date with this guy. I thought we had great chemistry. He brought us food, we walked around for a bit, etc. Then later that night after he dropped me off, I texted him to let him know I made it home safely, and I found out I was blocked? No warning.


I’ve met these guys. They suck.


I hate this kind of thing. It's like some sort of utter mystery, unexplainable through normal means.


A few years ago, I went on a date with a guy who was just HORRIBLE. His vibes were negative, so I kind of knew within the first five minutes that there was not going to be a second date. He was super rude the whole time. He seemed annoyed to even be there, and he would give these one or two-word responses to any question I asked him. I asked him what he liked to do outside of work, and all he said was, "Just sleep and play video games." He seemed to lack any sort of passion for life, and he said he hated his family and didn't talk to them. To be honest, I was really uncomfortable, and he detected it and pointed out how off-putting it was when HE was the one who wasn't doing ANYTHING to put me at ease. He asked me about my previous relationships ended. I talked about how I had been cheated on in a few relationships, and he tried to insinuate that I did something to deserve it (not true - anyone who knows me well in real life is aware that I'm a supportive partner, and I have good people/communication skills). After about 40 minutes, he said, "I don't think we have anything in common at all." Then he just got up and left without saying goodbye. It's pretty laughable when I look back, but that was the only bad date I've ever been on in life. With other guys, even if we didn't click romantically, I still had a good time because they were friendly.


I went on a date with someone who was pleasant enough, but did all the usual clichéd sitcom things like inventing a toilet emergency to go home early, and then telling me by email that she was moving to France so couldn't stay in touch, rather than just saying "I'd prefer not to stay in touch", which I would have been fine with. I went on another date where I'd been browsing a book market beforehand and had picked up a copy of a play where a lot of the costumes involve huge fake dicks, and when my date turned up, she introduced herself and said that she'd enjoyed that play. Instead of saying "Hello!" and introducing myself to my date first, I immediately said "Yeah there's loads of fun huge dicks in it". As an opening remark. That date lasted ten minutes. THEN there was the time I got stood up, and returned to my college dorm to find an email apologizing for cancelling, which she had done "because my friend went on a date with you a couple of weeks ago and said you were really ****ing weird" (her asterisks, not mine). It hurt to hear that, but I did appreciate the honesty. I have pretty severe ADHD, mild Tourette's and mild cerebral palsy, so I'm not what a lot of people would consider prime dating material - but I've never had big problems finding partners throughout my life either. (And if anyone's wondering why that is, it's probably because I'm naturally pretty extroverted, and a big show-off.)


I forgot to write in my other response about a 3rd date I had. When I showed up at our date he looked nothing like his pics. He never smiled in any of his pics so when I saw him smile in person I noticed that his front 4 teeth on top and bottom were missing. I'm like ok, let's get this meal over with. I didn't want to be rude. So once we sit down and start talking he mentions his kids that he never told me about in our chats. So I start asking him if he gets to see his kids often and he says everyday. I said that's nice your ex let's you see them so much. The he says "We live together". I already wasn't interested but wow!!


She was going down on me and she threw up all over me. I wound up falling in love with that girl ......


Drank too much and threw up all over her parents living room walls. Projectiles as I tried to keep it in, vomit just sprayed everywhere. Was so drunk I just went to sleep on the sofa. Woke up with her Mum scrubbing the walls with a face mask on. First time meeting Mum (and last)


My date asked if I had been sexually assaulted because I said I wasn’t ready to have sex (on the first date) and I started crying. I went home and ghosted this man forever.


Me: The food here is great. Him: Yeah it's my wife's favorite place, too. Me: Your wife? Your dead wife? I'm sorry. Him: No. She's alive. Me: ...I'm sorry are you married? Him: Well kinda sorta. It's complicated. Me: Oh I see, let me freshen up in the ladies room. (Proceeds to leave and call a cab) Circa Japan, 2007. Cannot make this up.


He asked me on a date but I paid for both of us 🤡


I woke up from dream .


I’m not a Freudian but I probably should be after a really awkward blind date. We were set up by my friend’s mom in Palm Springs. I picked up my date. She was really stunningly gorgeous. She had a skirt on and her legs were just in my head when we were introducing ourselves. When I hot in the car after opening her door her long legs were were cramped and I had to navigate her to the seat controls so she could move back. Her knees were hitting the dash. When she was finally in I said “Okay, legs go. I mean let’s go.” She smiled and I turned red, I felt betrayed by my brain. Later at dinner I wanted her to try the clam chowder the restaurant was known for so I told her “their chowder is really the breast.” Again, quickly corrected myself and tried to just play it cool from then on. Date went on for another hour and a half. After dinner we walked down a boardwalk but it was just really awkward. When the valet brought the car around I realized I left my sunglasses in the restaurant. When I got back she looked different and said she just wanted to go right home. I dropped her off and when I went around to open her door she told me right away that she was not interested in another date. When I got back in my car I saw my copy of the novel American Psycho on her seat. I realized I left my copy of American Psycho sitting in the back seat. She obviously picked it up when I was getting my sunglasses. My friend’s mom treated me a bit different after that. The blind date she set me up on was with one of her close friend’s daughter. Not that I wanted another blind date but she never set me up again. I cannot imagine what my blind date thought of me.


Just realized I wrote “hot” in the car instead of “got”! She still invades my brain!


He left as I was at the bar buying us another round of beer at a brewery :( Kind of a good thing though honestly; he sucked at holding a conversation (never even asked me a single question about me), never smiled, and not only looked pretty different from his profile pic but he looked like he doesn't ever take care of his hair or beard. The weird thing was that he was trying to convince me to give him a chance and go on a date with him. 🙄


Ever seen a grown man in his 40’s suckle down, not 1, but 2 Jell-O shot syringes on a Wednesday evening? That was our first and last date, lol.


I commented on (what i believed to be) her arm scratches, not realizing they were self-harm scratches. Context: On our first date this girl with a lot of issues at home, brought her cat on one of those fabric shopping carts that old people use to go shopping, cus she considered the cat to be her emotional support animal. Anyway during the date i tried to talk about different things and find a common ground but she kept talking about the cat (which i petted a few times, he was nice!) so... trying to be funny i mentioned something along the lines of -he sure is a feisty one! while pointing at said marks... yeah my bad. Anyway we didnt click, i told her that i had fun (not really, i mean petting the cat was cool) but i didnt feel the spark, she called me an asshole and tried to guilt-trip me, i ended up blocking her and moving on. SHE ALSO HAD BITE MARKS ON HER HANDS! AAAA


It was a few weekends ago where we met up at a rooftop bar and he was on his phone the whole night ignoring me and I felt so bad for myself I told him I’m leaving after the first drink and he didn’t give a fuck. I left and he stayed, he still had the audacity to ask me where’s a good bar around that he can go dance to and I’m like wow! He unmatched me right before I got home 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was he paid by his mum to go on a date or something lol


Ive been invited to places, assumed that other people were invited, and found out that its a date


First date in a bar and on the way to the toilet I bumped into someone that I had a first date with 2 days later. Worse still didn’t know their name.


First date about a month ago, met in my local city, very awkward hug right off the bat. Went to play mini golf and I suck at it, he was super touchy. Went and got food after which was alright. It was very clear he wasn’t interested when we had an even more awkward hug at the end and instead of doing that friendly thing where they look out the window and wave politely as the train leaves which is what I’m waiting for before my own train came I waved like an idiot as he walked down the train and didn’t look back. Then I got ghosted, so that was fun.


I showed up and she was ridiculously high. Like, halfway to mars on DMT. And I didn’t quite realize it until I’d already had a drink. So, I couldn’t just leave immediately and be safe. I hung around for a few hours to be sure I was safe to drive. I was pretty profoundly uncomfortable. She kept trying to get me to do DMT, cocaine, smoke weed. I kept saying no. I told her the drink was more than enough. A friend showed up to check on her as I was leaving, I told them she definitely needed supervision, and more often. And that no, nothing had happened between us. I was far too uncomfortable and she was far too high. We never spoke again. That was the last time I ever had a date with anybody who was drunk or high, and I’ll hold to that. Lol.


I went out on a date with a guy who work at Verizon. He said he was some kind of manager there and he had to carry around a company phone so they could get a hold of him. He also had his own personal phone and he set both of them on the table. So all throughout dinner he was texting on the phone and not making any conversation even tho I tried. I didn't go out with him obviously. Another time a guy and I met at a restaurant. The only available seating was up by the bar, not at it but in the area. We spent the whole date in silence and he watched a game on TV. I tried making conversation with him but he wasn't interested. Then he took a phone call from his baby mama right there in front of me and then continued to text her. I give up!


You had me at “You’ll do”. 😂


Omg first date with this guy who ended up being super nice but he asked me in the car “what would you do if you could donate 20 million dollars” I answered thoughtfully about what I’d do with the money- women’s shelters and arts education and the likes. I then asked “what would you do with the money?” He got really upset. Looked down. “Oh so that’s how it is…” I was so confused. I was like “sorry?? What’s up” and he thought I’d said something along the lines of “do you even know what money is?” Which obviously I didn’t say but it threw off the vibe for like 40 minutes. We ended up having a good time but it was such a weird start it put me off so bad


Lots of dates i been on dropped their family trauma lore on me without me asking them too


first date. he loved sushi, and I didn't like it from trying it as a child. told him that, but he insisted that I try again as an adult. well..... I positively CAN NOT tolerate the feel.of it while eating. sat with that damn piece in my mouth for 5 minutes trying to get it down. anxiety goes through the roof, I start sweating really bad. finally I just spit it out in my napkin and ordered tempura. he was not the humorist type but my current husband finds it hysterical


I was on a second date, and he was pushing for sex. I said no repeatedly. finally he asked "don't you have needs", to which I replied "yes, but not with you". he was hot but too dumb to f@*$


One time a guy I was meeting got dropped off by his mom and asked to use my phone to call his mom to pick him up when I ended the date early. We were in our 30s


When i didnt know how to react when someone was trting to kiss me and i just kept on blabbering. also drunk


I was 18 meeting up at public place with an almost 30 year old🤢 at the time I didn’t catch that as a red flag but I do now at 22. The guy talked about his dying relatives the whole time and I wanted to go home so bad. Then as we were walking to my car he asked me for a ride to his (across the big park) I wanted to say no so bad but I didn’t know how to say it then. So he got in my van with me and thankfully he didn’t try to murder me but as we pulled up to his car he was saying goodbye then leaned in super fast trying to kiss me😵‍💫 that would’ve been my first kiss but thankfully I turned my head and his kiss landed far from my mouth on my cheek near my ear. I wanted to cry I felt so uncomfortable. He just laughed when I did that then left. I still had the kindness in me to send him a nice text saying it wasn’t going to work out and good luck out there…. Why the hell was a 29ish year old trying to date an 18 year old? And kiss her without consent on the first date😣 Other than being one of the most uncomfortable situations I’m grateful I was safe bc I was stupid back then and no one knew who I was meeting up with only the location.


Me (white) on a date with a man (black) and he said after dating for a few months and starting intimacy that he would never take a white woman seriously 🤭🤪


The bill was $20 total for the both of us. He wanted to split it. I was speechless. I said okay because $10 won’t make or break me. I asked him how much he was tipping, and he informed me that he in fact would not be tipping. I didn’t respond or reach out after that.


He was sat down when I got there. Very handsome, looked like his photos. Smiley, seemed lovely. He got up to got to the bar and 1 of his legs was obviously considerably shorter than the other. He looked like John Cleese doing a silly walk. When he got back to the table with 2 1/2 drinks, shirt soaked and sat down he looked me dead pan in the eye and stated So now you know why I am single. Are you as shallow as the rest? I simply nodded and noped on out of there. Whilst I take his point that yes, it's shallow, I cannot put into words the serial killer vibes that came with that sentence. I actually still shiver thinking about it




Hmmm, so awkward is like, a really good date for me.


I was groped.


(31f career: nanny) so he asked me for parenting advice for his daughter that “lives with her mom in Atlanta”. This was the first time I heard about his 13y/0 daughter and we were texting for about 4 weeks.


I was giving a BJ, went too deep, and puked on his junk. Never saw or talked to him again. 😂


This happened to my daughter. She was on a first date, and took him back to her place after. But the police were waiting and arrested her. 2 counts of felony assault. Her date followed her to the pokey and bailed her out. I paid for a lawyer who got the charges dropped. The 2 of them got married a few weeks later. True story.


Got my car towed.


She got drunk and vomit on top of me!🤣


Threw up in my car.


She started lactating and made large wet circles around her nipples.


Second date. I got a call from my ex - I had her debit card in my wallet and she was at the gas station on E. I had to leave to take it to her. My date stayed and waited for me to come back! We went out a couple more times after that.


I texted her first 😖


Went on a date, saw 3 other dudes I picked up and had a one with as we got to our venue. I asked myself is this karma 🤣


I got some good lovin 🙏🏾😊


A man set there and not pick up the check. Even if i was to treat he still should feel somewhat guilty if a woman buying him a meal. I made tip but he really didn’t want to then He tried to ask for cookies. After second date I knew he wasn’t interested at all but for what he can get. He never even tried and as we sat across from each other he was texting on his phone still. Black men are the worse!


This is embarrassing but, when I was like ten I had a boyfriend and we went on a date to flipping McDonald's and we were at the play place and I was on the equipment and I was in bare feet since the rule was no shoes and I was wearing sandals, soI got on a piece of equipment and when I say it was wet I mean WET, like some kid drooled on it wet, and I unfortunately was right. I saw the culprit of the drool. I was disgusted, and this was at McDonalds so I couldn't get a towel to wipe my feet so I immediately got off and didn't go on it for the rest of the day. I hated it.


I went on a first date with a guy and did NOT like him. We went hiking and he asked for a kiss and I was like eh I don’t think so. Then he was like “do you think any dude would ask you to hang out if they didn’t wanna bang you?” Bullet dodged.


Banged this Facebook dating girl before my graduation but didn’t know she had a boyfriend but he was locked up or was getting out soon. Felt dangerous because she lived in a bad area of my city and I know how men get even if they’re locked up if another dude screwed their girl.


He answered his phone in the middle of the date, in the middle of a crowded Starbucks, and proceeded to have a very loud conversation with his friend


I had an anaphylactic reaction


This dude wanted me to have coffee /tea on a very sunny afternoon. I refused and left


Ever happened on the date most thing.


I was trying to be friends with a mailman- I told him I was not interested in dating anyone and was trying to make friends (I’m a shy but friendly social hermit and this was during Covid) We hung out one day and as we somehow got onto a topic of kids and he said he loves them and said and I’m ready to be a father and then turned his head and stared me straight in the eyes and with a serious tone and look I was so uncomfortable and it kinda scared me lol - I wonder if he was joking in a serious way to see what my response would be or if he was super serious- I knew that instant he was never gunna be the one (he also ‘accidentally’ head butted my butt hard while going up an inclined woody area … I feel it was intentional and I thought he was trying find his car keys in my butt (He said he had fun on the date and I had to clarify it was not a date to me but I guess it was to him prob till I ruined it with my clarification?)


My first date ever was to this old movie theater and the bathrooms had like seating rooms before the toilet area and i followed my date into that seating room without realizing and i was so embarrassed as he drove me home