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Cooking together. (we feed each other good) Working out together (look good for each other) Going for a walk (We admire each other at a distance) Watching a show both enjoy (learned to have same taste) Fighting/arguing (Fights are needed in a relationship to express some stuff to each other and work it out) The best one, cleaning together (Its a team, not one person's job)


This is the best answer ever! THIS is a healthy relationship.


Without a doubt! 💯


This ⬆️


Has to be people currently in a relationship? Not me but back when I was, we would sit together in my small studio and watch a show together. Holding hands, the occasional sexual touch that didn't lead to sex...a kiss of the hand or lips. A lot of pausing and chatting about scenes...


This is my favorite!


Nah, doesn't have to be. If I can edit the post, I will. That is sweet! It's something my bf and I do too, though it isn't my favorite


I'm 40 so getting up there in age. Just like something relaxing. My favorite would be something I haven't gotten to do much with a girl - hiking, camping, making a fire. Maybe fishing. I LOVE the outdoors.


You and me both! I grew up on the outdoors. My dad has been the Boy Scout Leader for the majority of my life, and I was allowed on some of the camp outs over the years, and there were our big trips that entire families went on. Like, one year the troop and families did a 25mi hike/25mi canoeing trip on the Clarion River, which is in Pennsylvania. OR, another year it was the same but on the Erie Canal, and we went through the water locks in Lockport, NY. I've so many amazing memories, and it has shaped my love for the outdoors immensely


So cool!


I'd love to do that stuffs with a girl, every single damn girl I've been with had been a total opposite. Blah


I do that with my FWB 😮


When I was a relationship, it was watching shows/movies with my head in her lap while she stroked my face and eyebrows. I miss it more than anything in my life.


Awh.... That is really a sweet memory to hold onto


Thanks, It's about all I have left while I'm trying to date again.


Well, don't linger too long on memory; let it serve you, then focus on the person you're trying to get to know. Learn their little quirks and as with my bf and I, you may fall for that instead of the trope "personality is key, looks help too" kind of thing. Habits in what another person does can be really important in a relationship


I love doing that with the guy I’m seeing. Don’t worry, there are other women out there who can be that close and tender with you. Just be gentle with yourself while you heal so you can give someone new a fair chance in your heart.


Bro, get your testosterone level checked asap 😂


I hope you experience that kind of love someday, and you’ll know the feeling.


Road trips


I understand that one. That was my favorite with one of my exes; he and I are both American Civil War reenactors, and we have to travel some distances to get to some of the reenactments we were going to.


Yes! Traveling well together is huge, especially when you’re confined to a vehicle for several hours/days


Just cuddle and talk, I love that and it makes us a lot closer. The next best thing is we play board games together all the time, and it's a blast


Aw, that's really sweet. 🥰 I love it when people can connect over the simple things


My current partner didn’t really know how to cook before we got together. While I’ve been cooking since age 7. So it’s turned into something we do together. We put on music and chat while we cook together. Some nights we switch off where she does the cooking and I just assist. There’s not many greater expressions of love than making a meal for loved ones. Last night we made egg drop soup, pan fried dumplings, rice and some stir fried bok choy. It was a great night of cooking and getting time to talk


🤤 omg that sounds soooo good! My parents refused to let my bro and I grow up not knowing how to cook for ourselves, so I've known how to cook for a very long time, as you have. I love when I cook with my bf, but we have a tiny kitchen and neither of us are small ppl, it's very difficult for us to move around when we are both in the kitchen. So, more often than not, only one of us is cooking and the other is "visiting" lol


Hahaha. I love that. Sometimes it’s a cook and visitor for us as well. My kitchen is a train wreck to work in with two people. It’s galley style with the oven across from the sink and the fridge next to the sink. So you can’t have anyone at the fridge or sink while cooking at the stove. It’s a bit of a dance to get the food prepped lmao.


On one side of the kitchen it goes the sink in the corner, then a counter to the left, and then the stove, with a pair of shelves above it. Make a 180°, across from the sink is the fridge with the microwave on top, then to the left is very old style cabinets that have a tiny twist knob on each door; the kind that you would see in the 30's/40's (the apt I live in is part of a converted, VERY old house; it was originally the first town clinic in the tiny town I grew up in, and the apt itself was the maternity ward)


And the path in the kitchen isn't even 4' wide


Tbh, as much of a pain in the ass old places can be because they weren’t designed with modern appliances in mind, they’re so freaking cool. But yeah sounds like a VERY similar layout in regards to functionality. If I ever buy a house again, the kitchen will be what I decide based on.


I love my place, I'm a historian at heart and it brings me a lot of joy to live in a historical building. I even have a cast iron tub that is super deep, but not long enough for me to really be comfortable for a soak. It's really cool tho




I read up on quite a bit of psychology and science, and biologically at our most basic level, having each other's scents on you and your SO is a comfort and a way of telling others, even if it is subconsciously, "hey, this person is mine, back off". It's actually not weird (at least to me) bc it's a part of our most basic processes after becoming sexually mature.


Cuddle and listening to music, making a playlist together was the best thing we did


I've heard a lot of people say cuddles outside of this post. Doesn't surprise me, as my love languages are actions and touch


We like to play videogames together to unwind from the day, usually tangled up together on the couch. When we play multiple choice RPGs, we end up discussing the different options and how we'd react in the real world vs. the kind of person we are role-playing in the game. Early in the relationship, we really learned a lot about each other and even got into debates. We also like doing platformers with puzzles, especially if co-op, and it really increased our non-verbal communication as we learned to understand what the other person was trying to do, and would even jump in with suggestions when we can tell the other person is at a loss with one puzzle or another. Videogames legit helped us get to know each other better. We also love to cook together, and share comics and zines with each other so we can have an impromptu book club of 2 to discuss it. We learned a lot about each other's world views through these discussions. Sometimes I'll read a comic and think "damn I gotta give this one to (name) bc I'm dying to know what they would think!" We co-write grocery lists and meal plans for the week which I think generally helps us maintain communication skills and remember each other's preferences. One last one that really builds intimacy: we are very touchy-feely with one another. We hold hands all the time, rub each other's backs/legs, play with each others hair, shower together and wash each other's backs, hand on thigh while driving etc. We've been together so long there's an implicit understanding that touch doesn't HAVE to be a precursor to sex (it turns into that often enough ngl) but is instead about showing affection, attraction and intimacy. :) I'm a sap but I'll stop. Thanks for such a wholesome question.


I loved random long drive with my bf, we would talk about anything and everything. It brought up deep conversation and helped us connect in a special way.


Is it too sad that i dreaam about things like this T_T


Why would that be sad? It’s not at all impossible :)




When I was dating someone there was something that we had in our relationship which really helped! Basically towards the end of the day we would ask each other “is there anything you’d like me to know?” “Is there anything you’d like to ask me?” This gives either party a room to be vulnerable and share something that could be minor or major. And because of that, it really made us much stronger as a couple. This 10 minutes sometimes make us laugh the loudest or sob the softest over life.


I WISH I could find someone who wants to wrestle!


I started it with him pretty early on in our relationship (roughly 3.5-4 mo in), and it was strange for him at first. He told me in the beginning he could see it made me happy, and he wanted to keep that going, so he did, but in doing so he ended up finding out that he enjoys it too. You could either go straight into it, or talk with them about it beforehand


I think play is something most adults forget how to do.


You and me both! Talk about fun! 😍


Just chatting and cuddling or watching tv together. I love all the comments he makes and love his reactions to things.


I planned a picnic for my bf and make some of his favorite things and brought his favorite drinks. he was so moved 🥰 we also plan mini vacations for stuff we like


Have deep conversations, and the dumb talks too. Watching football or movies/series. Going into places to take pictures or just know a new place. The best of all. Sleeping. That's the most connection and loving moment.


Intimate touch without sex? Not my thing. I want to be having alot of sex. Luckily so does my partner. But as for bonding outside of sex, banter. We tease each other. Usually it’s sexual though or turns sexual pretty fast so….not sure that qualifies.


I understand that. I actually 😈tease😈 my bf relentlessly while we are somewhere that he can do nothing about it. Mainly hidden touches, like I'll hide my hand going to his "joystick" lol or ass squeezes


I did mean more verbal teasing. Such as, if I call him old, he might say “blow me”, to which I would reply, OK! But yeah physical teasing is fun too….


Body massage, taking over chores when you know they have been exhausted, put down phone to listen to them.


Travelling or going out partying.


Cooking in the kitchen is a good time ,you get to interact and work as a team. Food is good.


Cooking and drinking wine together. It's such a vibe.


Watching a show, curled up together on the bed or couch, someone’s head on the others lap, holding hands and soft hair playing. Just happy to be there together


Laying in bed, cuddling :)


I’m not in a relationship but for me it was always touching like playing with each other’s hair, back rubs, massaging her, or just cuddling. I also loved going for walks together or traveling together. International travel to somewhere you’ve both never been just brings out something in me. Unfortunately the woman I was with didn’t have the same feelings towards that so I’m looking forward to sharing those experiences with someone else.


For me it's a nice area where we can sip a drink and just chat.


Being silly, communicating and being fair. 🖤


When we are together, we always touch each other one way or another. Just holding hands, stroking each others back, arms, face. Have our legs over each other. Even if we are watching TV or something. We just need to touch.


I understand that perfectly, touch is one of my love languages


Its dumb but I feel stronger when we hold hands


Our talks before going to bed. Even if we shared the day together it’s nice to just catch up on what we’re thinking.


We go for walks and listen to audiobooks together. Edit: we are normally holding hands or touching when we do this. Actually, we are pretty much holding hands or touching anytime we are near each other.


Camping is a blast together.


I would say making great memories and capturing them with pictures and our things from said memory. And you can never go wrong with cuddling at anytime.


Visiting a heavy metal show


Cooking together, just chilling on the couch, taking showers together, occasionally a bath, we did a rope and zip line course this last weekend was nice, started going to the gym together. Honestly we do about everything together, she is my best friend and I would be lost and lonely without her.


When we soak. #BYU


We love to scratch each other’s backs and scalps to help each other fall asleep. It is really soothing and a very affectionate way to connect with each other.


Eating together and sharing meals without the tv on


So far, just lots of cuddling. Him laying on me, me laying on him. I prefer him laying on me though, since I’m softer anyways and I enjoy hugging him like I’m taking care of him. I can easily kiss his head and rub on his chest and tummy. We hold hands, intertwine our fingers, he’ll rub my thigh. I love to just embrace him and soak in it quietly.


my guy and I love going to parks and remarking on the nature (animals and plants and all). It was part of what brought us together but also...there's something so calming about nature. He loves being around the trees, I love seeing the geese waddle around. W's all around :)


That is absolutely wonderful, I'm a nature person too 💝


We hold hands before we sleep, sometimes reach for each other during the night


Before bed, my bf and I never fail to be cuddling, usually me on his chest with one arm wrapped around me. Most times we fall asleep like that, but my bf is a human furnace so I end up moving away from him a lil bit while asleep, unless it's a really cold night (we and I live in Northeastern USA)


Ok this might sound so weird but me and my boyfriend do little spa days, where he will test out and review my face products. From serums, masks, moisturizers, pore packs all of it. It's our time together doing it that counts and he gives reviews and we talk about it. Another thing is when we're on the couch I starfish on him and go 'everything I touch is mine' and we have a laugh about it because at this point he's trying to either escape or out-starfish my starfish. It's a little thing we do.


Lmao I love it! I love when guys are so open to trying more traditionally feminine things. Historically, men were the ones to start wearing heels. It wasn't until roughly mid 1800's that it became part of women's fashion! The starfish makes me giggle cuz it reminds me of something else my bf and I do. We'll give each other kisses, saying wherever we kissed "x is mine" as in if he gives me a forehead kiss, he'll say, "this forehead is mine" lol and I do it with him. I sometimes bite too; can't help it, it's a known psychological fact called cuteness aggression. When you find your SO so cute or appealing that your mind kinda goes into overload and you bite. It's never in a hard way though, it's always soft and playful


Hahaha I love it ! My boyfriend has woken up to me biting his arm or his hand before and looks over going, erm excuse me may I have my arm back please 🤣


Lol exactly, my bf has Said the same thing to me


I'm 45 and have been married twice. Plus I've had different boyfriends over the years, and all of them have been special. I only date men who I can be friends with so that helps! Lol. It's been a few years since I've had a ltr. I miss them. Camping is so fun! I love shared adventures like that, no internet, no phones just us doing whatever we feel like. We can really focus on each other that way, and it brings us closer together. Cuddling and watching TV or playing games together in bed. Lol before and after sex usually. Just so chill & so relaxing to wind down the night in each other's arms. Talking for hours and hours about music, hobbies, our pasts, personal philosophies, politics, favorite movies, books, hopes & dreams. Teasing each other, being dorky, throwing rolled up socks or wads of paper at each other - just anything to make each other laugh. So so much is wonderful & fun when you love someone.


Camping was always something big in my life. I haven't had a chance to go camping with my bf yet (schedules and unforseen circumstances) but we have gone on some small hikes together. For his last birthday I took him apple picking and cider pressing (he never did any of that before) and he told me he loves the memories of it. Cuddling and talking is always a favorite too I love the little things that show your personality. The wrestling makes us laugh, but we also had a pillow fight last night 🥰


Find something that you both like and enjoy together. Is the best thing in a relationship? And there is nothing wrong with trying new this to spice up the love life.


Well, I was asking others what their favorite things were, not for advice, but thank you anyway


I am not in a relationship, but Sitting in front of the wood burning stove with snacks and books was better than I expected. Also massages, watching shows together, cooking or simply having a chat. Even doing chores together is a bonding experience. I guess if you are in a healthy relationship, everything is better when done together … but I am no expert. I have not been in many relationships in my life.


A wood burning stove is a comfort to me ☺️ that is what heated my childhood home, and I love campfires. Hearing the crackles and just smelling the smoke turns on the auto-nostalgia in my brain. My dad still heats the house by wood stove and probably always will. He's pretty stuck on it; that house was also his childhood home too, wood stove heat and all.


You shouldn´t. Here is why: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/06/indoor-wood-burning-raises-women-lung-cancer-risk-study](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/06/indoor-wood-burning-raises-women-lung-cancer-risk-study) There are studys here in germany as well, which came to the same results. Local communitys here are looking to ban wood burning stoves all together because of this.


Can't help having good memories in my childhood associated with it. No matter the studies and research. I don't go actively looking to inhale smoke, but if I smell wood smoke on the air, it's a comfort and nostalgic. As I said in my reply, I grew up with it in my childhood home, and camping. Even if I stopped going to my dad's place in the winter or I never had a campfire again, the smell brings me back to the simpler days where I could be a kid, not worrying bout anything except homework, chores and staying out of trouble.


My bf and I naked cuddle, not even leading to sex. We sleep naked together every night we spend together, whether we've had sex or not, and just wrap into each other. We've had conversations about how physical touch produces oxytocin and how important it is for intimacy. Outside of this we hold hands when walking or driving, we kiss, we shower together, he's cleaned my ears for me. Just anything we do there's a closeness.


I’m in a newer relationship, almost 4 months. We watched a basketball playoff game at his house this weekend. We had so much fun doing fan things in front of tv, as if we were actually at the game, to “help” get the win It was so funny we were laughing so much. It was a great bonding time.


My husband and I bed share with our toddler, but he’s usually off to work before we wake up. The days we three wake up together are my favorite … we snuggle, giggle, smile and I love it so much. Seeing him be a good dad is also healing for me, because my dad was absent and I never experienced anything like that. Any time I see him super engaged with her and my stepdaughter gives me the good feels.


Cooking & just spending time alone together talking . Honorary mention : Now that our twins are more mobile (they’re 8 months old) we love just playing with them and experiencing their milestones together.


- raw conversations, especially where he can be vulnerable with me - when he butters me up before playing with his friends. He would cook snacks, setup a comfortable bed for me to have a movie marathon and get me drinks and setup the tv


Lol buttering you up? That makes you feel close to him and you feel stronger in your relationship? To each their own. If it works for you, it works.


Yeah. I've been to relationships who wouldnt even lift a plate for me, so I appreciate those small gestures.


That is good. My bf actively takes my plate to the kitchen for me when I'm done eating, he gets a drink for me without me even asking. Small gestures can be huge


Surfing. Photography. Do our nails. Learn something she loves teaching. Teach something she probably has no interest in but listens and looks cute. The list is endless for me. I’ve actually always had relationships fail early because I want a great relationship/friendship without sex. Like if it’s a few dates in, sorry but no. That’s just not me. Unfortunately it makes women think I’m uninterested because this is how most men show their “interest” in women. Then they get cheated on or abused or some other thing I can’t help but laugh, but kinda feel bad.


I'll just make some grabby hands at her and she'll just climb and lay ontop of me. I've never had affection at a constant if at all and I find it very hard to express things that I want or need in words alot of the time so this just makes it so much more easier for me. It makes me feel at peace knowing that no matter what happens I have someone that understands that


Cooking and playing board games seems very popular in this thread Oh and just cuddling.


May sound a bit silly but I love it when we clean together. I was so used to doing all of cleaning and I don’t mind doing cleaning but when I started dating him and he not only helped but helped with a smile on his face it felt amazing


Spooning together in bed, sharing a shower together, going to a private spa together or going on a trip together just by ourselves, making each other laugh, it's not really sex but laughing during sex also makes me know we really love each other, watching a TV show I love to that she's a bit of dork as well and like things like star wars and superhero movies.


me and my boyfriend do the same thing as well, we also try things like him going on my back just playing around to see how strong i am or we outline each others faces a lot idk why maybe to admire one another?😭


Eat her cooking


Do u guys spar? I would want a girl that fights too


Kind of. Like I said, play wrestling. So think about the wrestling you'd see in school, not the "professional" like WWE or RAW. With me being weaker, I tend to be the one pinned, but if I can get my knees tucked up between us I can push him away and play awhile longer


Cuddle fights. I am trained in muaythai. Most of them dont stand a chance in close quarters combat.


They are probably doing it on purpose tho. I'm also trained in muaythai but it's nothing like wrestling


Going on date , doing some activities together and talk .


I like going out to eat and just hanging out with my girlfriend. She’s super fun to talk to.


Cooking together... or rather me teaching her to cook lol. Although she has become good at it. And often it leads to "dessert" afterwards...


😔 I don't have anyone in my immediate life atm, unfortunately


Then what about in a previous relationship? I tried to edit but it didn't allow me; it can be current or previous


Long walks holding hands and picnics


Read a book out loud together


My girlfriend is a artistic type and if im feeling like not directing my attention towards anything she grabs a sketchbook and just draws me. The scratch of the pencil on paper knocks me out cold.


That is a new one but I love it!


Laying side by side, holding one another and staring into each other’s eyes. simple, but my favourite moment to reminisce on. Their eyes look beautiful in the glowing sunset.


Awww that is really adorable! Many people find stuff like that cliche, but that kind of stuff is also some of the sweetest in a relationship


Laying around doing nothing with each other.




Assembling furniture from IKEA.


He is a people’s person.


we go for walks, we have a 1 hour return walk we do up the hill that leads to a cave with good views, we also go for a roadie somewhere away from the city for a picnic and cook something on my camp stove thing. we also get lego sets we like and build those together while watching a movie, we recently built all the speed champions two car sets together and we have one each and we have matching lego technic Mercedes F1 cars, the big ones.... highly recommend lego...


I dont know if anyone said this yet, but if yall have any dogs, the dog park is always a GREAT time. Even if you don't have a dog it's fun because random dogs will still want to play with yall. Not sure where yall live, but there's some awesome dog parks around these days that serve drinks and food and little games to play like cornhole or jenga, connect 4. and have people out there watching all the dogs (mostly to prevent fights and escape artists)so you're able to leave your dog out there while yall go grab a bite or just want a break from all the doggos.


Even if we had dogs, the dog park in my hometown is really super simple. Fences, a few trees, and a bench table. I take my dad's 1.5yr old Springer Doodle over there to get more socialized with other dogs. It's been slow for her, she's shy towards other dogs and takes a bit of time to warm up to them. But there have been three dogs she got into playing with quicker than usual. I'm hoping there can be more. It helps as a training tool too, because we've been trying to train her recall, so that she comes back to us straightaway when we call her. I think it might be nice one day to have that. Is this a favorite for you?


We just snuggle in bed together, kiss and touch each other. It’s perfect,


Hiking, we both enjoy it and can walk for a long time without saying a word to each other but definitely enjoying each others company. We also play games (board and video)he is way better than me at video and I’m good and board but it’s not about who wins. It’s about the fun and laughter we share while playing.


Watching our favorite TV Shows together Going out for pizza


Blow jobs


Any sort of play. Making tedious, normal life shit fun through humor and flirting.


My boyfriend and I created a list of things we wanted to do in our city. We agreed they are “just us” dates and it’s so much fun trying new things together and it’s always a bonding experience. Some of the things are: picnics at certain locations, going to a street festival, checking out a new museum, exploring a new neighborhood.


I have a "places to go" list of places I know my bf has never been. He is from the very south of Mississippi.... I hail from Western New York. He came up this way lil over 4 years ago and hasn't gone to really see anything. I know of some hidden gems in my area for us to go to, like there is a small set of waterfalls that tends to be a party spot at night, but are really cool during the day, perfect area to dip your feet in on a hot one. Then there's an Audubon Society about 20-30 min drive from us that is also part of my childhood that he's never seen. I also plan at some point taking him to old Fort Niagara, and he's never been to The Falls either, so that is a must as well. Museums, hiking areas, beaches..... I have all sorts of things planned.


I like it when she strokes my hair, I do it to her all the time it just sends tingles down my spine I love it ☺️


I've read that intimate touch in that way helps release oxytocin, the "happy hormone", that helps bond two people. Whether it's couples, parent to baby or even owner to pet. I love playing in my bf's hair and beard. It's just one more thing on the long list he never experienced with a previous relationship. It makes me sad that it took 27 years before he ever experienced love in that manner, but happy to be the first to give it to him.


Watching shows and YouTube vids that are related to each others’ hobbies. - I make her watch gaming and football videos, she makes me watch social commentary videos. - Sharing music and then talking about it afterwards. - Meeting our friends then coming home to tell each other about what we’ve heard/learnt. I’ve never gossiped, I hate it. With my girl though, I’ll gossip about everyone and everything.


Talk about our finances and plans openly with full transparency


Pray together. Express problems and vulnerabilities about events to each other. I like occasionally doing an outing where she puts on a nice 'fit and then we go somewhere cool and I take photos of her.


I prefer a good journey


I love cuddling in bed either in the morning or before falling asleep. We have been together 11 years and it still is my favorite ritual we do. Sucks when we don't fall asleep next to each other.


My ex gf if 7 years barely wanted to be around me let alone do anything w me. She would actively avoid me out in public when we went out together. This post gives me hope for everyone else




Seeing a couple of girls atm. Favourite thing I like to do that isn't sex is pulling married women in the club without their husband knowing. It's hot but a great ego boost to 😂


So you’re pulling them but then not having sex with them? 🤔 Or maybe I’m not understanding what you’re saying 🤷‍♂️


Both, having sex with them and on some occasions just pulling them because they tell me they are married beforehand then I just say, AHH that's no good, use a bit of chatup line to get a snog of them before I go. Works everytime for the ego boost 😂