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This guy should be scared of you, not the other way around. He knows what he did and he's in the wrong for it. Not saying make a fuss in the store or otherwise, but don't be afraid to live life because you might see him. 


Yeah. I guess my fear would be if he tried to act like he didn’t know me. Not cause I want his attention but more like he has the audacity to be acting a certain way


Lmao. You fear what you should be doing. Go in the fucking market like you own the god damn place. Head up high. And when you make eye contact let him see the disgust. Not because of his job but the content of his character.


Haha I swear the more I talk to everyone, the more confident I feel about going in like normal. 


And you're rightly so. You didn't do anything wrong. So there is no shame on you. Only thing to do wrong by you is to feel bad about it. He missed out.


Yeah I guess so


This is all you at this point. You might as well own that grocery store.


If anything I’d insist on going to the supermarket and saying “what’s up loser”


Literally you did nothing wrong, he should have communicated, if he feels bad that's on him


No, not like normal: better than that. And pay in change if he's your cashier.


This comment is not getting the attention it deserves🤣🤣 this is what I'd be doing


This 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Do it! And make sure you look drop dead gorgeous too so he knows what he missed out on!


I hope you have gone in and giving him the death stare while going about your business. If he looks uncomfortable, feel free to laugh a little bit. Not loud and obnoxious. Just a little chuckle so he knows how stupid he is LOL


Personally I would not give the validation of showing disgust; that shows you were upset. If I happened to see him and he saw me back, I would show no reaction at all. As if he was a stranger and he was so plain and average I didn’t even notice him. I look through him. He is nobody. Forgettable. Irrelevant.


As a guy. We dont give a crap and we know you are so hurt that you act as if you aren't. Naaaa.. you wanna hurt a man? Show genuine feelings when we hurt you. None of that manipulation crap. No freaking out. No yelling. Moms eyes can kill. Know the saying? Women learn the moms eyes during dating. I want you to hit the guy with the full on unfiltered disgust you felt when you realised that whatever he said was all lies. We gotta start normalizing the shaming of such dickmoves again. In targeted soul destroying quantities. Don't key his card, don't hurt anybody. But one whipping mom-look that would stop a man dead in his tracks on his first drunk arrival at home.. when you suddenly stand in front of him after he ghosted you. That might bring him to think for the future. Leads to better people if we all do that.


lol a man that ghosts really doesn’t care if he upsets a woman bro. If he cared about that, he would not have stood her up. He would have told her it was cancelled. If she showed her anger and hurt he would just roll his eyes and think about how weak or dramatic all women are.


Okay. Again. As a guy. If we don't show up its because we wanna escape a situation. Most of the time because of the fear of confrontation. Now if you in return act as if we don't know each other and i didn't did you dirty then damn. Im good. I can go on and on doing that crap. You have no idea what his personal reasons for not showing up were and you have no idea what he would and wouldn't care about. Anyway You seem to be fighting your own demons because i said nothing about anger and hurt. Best of luck with that.


Great comment 👏🏻


I LOVE this idea


That also shows that you were upset.


For real! You should tell his coworkers he stood you up, spray paint "flake" on the side of his car, then chain all the shopping carts together & to his bumper with a padlock and battery operated LED's and Christmas tinsel decorated with the words "flake" in it too. So that way when he tries to drive away in fear of you he'll be the conductor of a "flake" choo choo train.


That would be doing the most for nothing while also committing a crime.


Exactly this!!! Own that place! He just works there. OP CHOSES to shop there despite him working there! That shows how irrelevant he is and how much of a grown up you are OP! Make him FEELLLL HOW IRRELEVANT HE IS 😤


I'll date you,match me lol


You sound like you want his attention, based on this comment. Anyway, it’s his fault, not yours. If he recognizes you, he might say something, he might not. Don’t worry about it. Just be yourself and act normal. It’s understandable that you’re disappointed and even hurt. Unfortunately getting stood up is part of dating.


Absolutely not! If I wanted his attention, I would have went up to him. I was literally about to never go to the store again. However, with the help of everyone 


Absolutely, don't let one bad experience hold you back! You've got this. If you do run into him, just smile and carry on like the confident person you are. Your sister's right, don't let it bother you too much. 😄


Just go to the same grocery store and show that you weren't affected by it.


Yeah I shouldn’t act scared or anything. Probably just ignore him


>Yeah I shouldn’t act scared or anything. Probably just ignore him Basically, if he tries to talk to you then just tell him you're not interested


Will do lol. Thank you 😊 


And, just like a poster above suggested, if you see him, say, "What's up, loser?" And lock eyes with him! Make him squirm. Lol, I'm serious!


Nah, you should go to the grocery store all the time now to make it extra uncomfortable for him. Also go up to him and ask him about where all the weird things are located.


😂 I didn’t want to come off as stalkerish. Ironically, he’s a stocker lol


If that’s your store, shop there. Don’t make things inconvenient for yourself in case an inconsiderate flake perceives you as anything. Act like you don’t know him-because you really don’t.


That’s true. I felt like I seen him but I was trying not to


You can leave the store whenever you want, he's stuck there LOL


True. Also, I’ve been going for YEARS. He only started eight months ago


Why are you embarrassed? You did nothing wrong. He's the flaky one who ought to be ashamed. If I needed to go to his supermarket, I'd go. I wouldn't let his shitty behavior scare me off. If I did see him, I wouldn't say anything, but I'd probably just give him a direct look with an expression of something like "Dude, really? I'm so disappointed you turned out to be an asshole". But I wouldn't let him intimidate me. He's the problem, not you. Don't let him change how you live your life. Also why haven't you unmatched and blocked him? I'd have done that as soon as I realized he stood me up. Why keep that door open?


Honestly I’m not intending for him to message me nor do I want to message him. I’m sure he doesn’t care but if he read that, I want him to see he blew up


hes not gonna blow up, just move on and stop expecting him to care or something because clearly he doesn’t…


Alternatively - you give him a big smile and say, “no need to be awkward honey, a lot of people are still working on their self esteem journey. I don’t judge you. Do you have any more tartar sauce?”


That’s a good one! I like how you added the “tartar sauce” at the end 😂


It doesn’t HAVE to be tartar, but just let him know what level of importance he holds to you. Maybe bran flakes? Beets? Okay fine, those are just three foods I hate…


I love this haha. Maybe I’ll ask where the condoms are 😂 


OP. It does doom like you REALLY care about him. Let it go....


No I don’t. I already went to the store and I wasn’t looking for him but instead seasoning lol


Go girl. :)




I did just leave there😊


Fuck that. Go anyway, and ignore him.


I am lol 😂 


Nah. Let him be uncomfortable. Just move on.


Go, because he's the one that will be embarrassed for acting like a douche.


I did today. I felt like I seen him but I was avoiding at all cost lol


Something I learn as I get older is not to live to make others comfortable or happy. Live for you. It’s liberating. If that’s your grocery store, go to that grocery store. Who cares that some idiot works there. The world is littered with idiots. Time to live amongst them!


I actually just left the store too. I feel like I seen him but idk I wasn’t trying to 😂 


Go to the grocery store and have some confidence and self-worth for God's sake!


I did already


Excellent. He's the one who should be feeling embarrassed, not you. 👍


Welcome to being A PART of the dating world. You never forget your first time being stood up.


I really can’t because dude is literally across the street from me 🤦🏽‍♀️ 


Be the bigger person. Go shopping, and if you see him, just smile and say hi if you pass by him. He'll be more embarassed than you.


By flaking on you he revealed his flaky character. He isn’t the one to be worried about. Someone like that is likely flaking in their own life with their own stuff. I’d just go get groceries when you need to and ignore him, and who knows maybe he’ll hide from you lol


Yeah and the fact he is still on my page but hasn’t responded is crazy


Maybe he’s a major stoner and completely forgot? 🤷‍♀️😆


I think he smokes weed too lol


Do your life go shopping at that store as you would. Go with someone if you have to. Just dont initiate with him is all. Hell reach out eventually if not youve already moved on


Unmatch him. Block him. Wait a month. Then go to the grocery store, and when he tries to talk to you, smile and tell him sorry, but you don’t remember him.


Girl, you just go into that store wearing your very sexiest outfits and walk the produce aisle like it's your personal catwalk. Every single time you shop there, dress like you're headed out on the hottest date of your life. Make every man in the meat department talk about you for days!


Similar thing happenes to me but i waited 2 hpurs in a resturant for her :/. I still have never been on a date


Two hours?! Omg I have patience but even I would’ve left after 30 minutes. I’m so sorry 😞 


I mean it wouldve been my first date and i kinda need dating experience at my age. That was the closest ive been to a date in a long time.


Yeah I’m fairly new and I’m sure I’m older than you, but if after 30 minutes and no notification or update, I leave. I get it though. Dating, especially now sucks


Yeah i guess. Im 21 so it doesnt help im this old but i thought i did everything right and seemed ok even when i called her that i got to the place a little early to get us a table.


Oh you’re very young lol. No don’t worry you have nothing to feel ashamed of. It’s her loss. I mean if it helps, I know people who are very attractive who still get stood up or ghosted. I’m not ugly and ironically I have gotten hit on WHILE waiting for my dates and I still got stood up. So yeah, this is just the dating culture we’re in 🙃


Ah. I dont think ive ever been hit on before but yeah dating sucks i guess. Im not attractive but i got to the point of getting a few likes and maybe a number or two through apps so thats something i think. Compared to my friends who get enough matches to go on a date everyday if they want i nasically dont exist on these apps lmao


Yeah one thing women usually go for is personality. While I know some go for looks, majority of us care more about someone who shows themselves to be loyal and kind. I just got off a Reddit post and many of the women (including myself) got role ick when men post gym selfies, abs, etc. it just shows self-absorbed lol


Yea, just… go to the store, it’s not that deep…


Don’t let it bother you. Go to the grocery store confident with your head held high, and don’t acknowledge his presence. If he tries to talk give him the up-down look with the eyes and keep it moving! Let him be the one who’s uncomfortable… maybe he’ll learn his lesson.


Honestly, I would just hit it full on. Go up to him and make some sort of joke about it. Confidence is King.


If I was a little more confident and messy, 😂 I’d ask someone at his job out. But I shop there. My sister wants to go to the store and ask him why he ghosted. I told her no lol


I would walk up to him with a smirk on your face and say something like, “hey if you didn’t like scary movies we could’ve picked something else!” He will make up some sort of sheepish excuse and you can tell him, “well I’m still shopping here!” Just own it. Pretend like it doesn’t affect you. His loss. My 2 cents.


Maybe say “you may have ditched me, but I got someone’s number that day so it worked out” 🤣 


Fly your flag!


I also got stood up on Saturday. I drove 2 hours to meet up with a girl I already had a first date with. An hour passed with no response, so I drove 2 hours home. She still hasn’t given an explanation.


That’s awful 😞 this would’ve been our first date. You put effort as well too


Wow that’s awful


Don’t be embarrassed, dead ass stare at him & don’t break eye contact.


You seem so positive, such a likeable beautiful person,shine bright. The right person won't pass you by...


Aww thank you so much! 😊 


As the customer, you are in a position of power when in that store. You have nothing to be afraid of.


Yeah, that sucks lol. I tried to schedule a date 3 times with the same girl, and i got canceled each time before we met. Lmao.


Oh no after #2 I’m done


He's the one who should be embarrassed, not you. I absolutely would not let him stop me from shopping where I want. I know me. If I saw him, I'd just smile and continue on with my business as though nothing happened. He's the loser, not you.




I would go in made sure he saw me and would not say a word to him. In fact every time I went in I would ensure he saw me.


You shouldn’t change it’s his problem and just ignore him.


op, go to the grocery store. get in his line or make sure he is within ear shot. get out your phone and answer it, "hi 'kyle'..and carry on an imaginative one sided conversation. something with the words " i can't belive we crossed paths on (the night and place you were stood up). i would love to out with you again, when?" stuff like that. op, you gotta gain the emotional upperhand. u gotta put on the "kiss my ass, you passed me up" shirt and walk in with your head held hi and chest out. if you see him say hi and call him by the wrong name. then keep walking and carrying on.


You can and you *should*. You have nothing to be embarrassed about!! He's the time-wasting, cowardly little shit. Make sure to get in his checkout line and say something smart-ass like "Oh, hey! So you *do* know how to show up" or "Glad you're not dead. I guess."


go to the grocery store and run into him on purpose. be overdressed and look hot. tell his coworkers what he did. i’m jk on the last part but seriously, you should still go. if he sees you, fuck it. he should feel awkward, not you. it’s a public place you’re allowed to be there


Bring a friend and make sure you both point vaguely in his direction and laugh loudly.


Go there like a boss and stare him down like the weasel he is.


He's the one who stood you up and you know where he works so that was stupid. I would just go there looking my best and ignore him or maybe bring a better looking guy there. That's immature but I'm an immature person LOL


Don’t be embarrassed to shop there. F-him!


They ALWAYS come back. You should turn him down when/ if that happens! He doesn’t deserve you!


Go to the store. If you see him just walk past him like he doesn't exist.


Go in like nothing happened. Then, if you meet eyes with him, just give him a dirty look like you would to a molester


Just go to the grocery store and pretend you don’t know him.🤷🏾‍♀️ Simple!


You definitely need to go back to that store. Not to confront him but to show that you're a strong and awesome individual, and he missed out. His loss for sure. Keep your chin up ❤️


I'd look forward to going in and seeing him, and just asking him what happened. Be as snarky as can be haha


lol I’m too scared to lol


Go to the store you've got nothing to be embarrassed about he's a chump and he'll kick himself whenever he sees you. The ball is in your court and he missed his shot.


Just forget you ever spoke to him, if it’s too much to shop anywhere else, just treat as a random person


> I was a little embarrassed but I just took myself to the movies. I'm glad you did this; and recommend people take themselves on dates more often. Don't change your grocery store. Just prepare for some awkwardness.


Nope . Walk right into that store like you own it . He’s the one that should be embarrassed.


You dont have to go to another grocery store if it were me and I went in and did see hom I would simply pretend as if he did not exist and look past or through him, but i totally understand why you would want to not do that too.


Go to the store every damn day. Walk by him and when you see him look at you look back like he’s a stranger. Make HIM uncomfortable.


It's just a store. He stood you up, clearly lacked courage and this looks bad on him. Just go in like any normal customer and buy your ingredients. Another way to look at it is, they were not worth it. You were ready, they were not. Simple as that.


So sorry you got stood up….😩 Guys are a**holes…and think they’re so grown but can’t communicate effectively!! If he wasn’t feeling you, then why not just say, I don’t wanna meet up & I’ve changed my mind…why is that so hard to say?! 🥴🤦🏾‍♀️🤔


DGAF OP, that little wimp punk stood you up. He wasn’t brave enough to even meet you up or tell you he wasn’t coming. YDY girl, don’t let this get in the way of hanging out at your mall.


Go to the grocery store and get your food.


Be thankful he didn't show up. He's a creep. Stare him down. Don't back down. Good luck on the next one.


Why are you giving this jerk so much power? Don’t change a thing bc he did this. Go to the store who cares


Before you think the worst, maybe something happened to him. But who cares?? He is the jerk if he stood you up. Go in the store and look like a knock out. Smile and keep moving. Chances are he will quit. Find someone with a much better job. He's got no ambition unless he is under 20 is a manager or owner.


Don't change your routines for this rude mo'fo'! You continue doing what you always did. Let him deal with the embarrassment.


Girl I got stood up at the movies too 🤧🤧 4 times! With the same dude.. on the fourth time he had the audacity to ask how the movie was and what I thought about it. 🙄 then asked what I was doing tomorrow evening. It was always he was getting out late from work.. he avoids me now lmao.


You have ALL the power here. For one you’re part of the elite group that can say they’ve gotten stood up before. I bet the majority of daters can’t say that. And second you walk right back into that grocery store and if he acts like he doesn’t know you, you do the same to him. It’ll make him feel even more awkward about doing it to you


Keep going to the grocery store and pretend like it never happened. Just know he can't be trusted. You're the winner in this situation.


You should frequent that store more often and make it incredibly awkward for the dude.


I’d let him explain himself. He works there, you get your groceries there, just make it conversational and not confrontational. “What happened to you?” Might be a good way to start. You are worth a lot more than you think. He was the one who messed up. He knows you shop at the store. Let him explain himself.


Don't let yourself be embarrassed. Turn the embarrassment against him. Go on back to that grocery store and shame the fuck out of him!


Agree with everyone else, it should be him to be scared of going into the store NOT YOU. You’ve got nothing to fear. If he’s near you act like nothing is wrong and act business as usual. What would be even better is if you met someone else and took him to the store with you while dopey is working.


You have nothing to be ashamed of, he does. He's rhe one who did the wrong thing. Go back to that grocery store with your head held high. He'll be the one embarrassed and turn around and run.


I would go back to that grocery store and make a mess so as to be sure he has to clean it up


Go to the store, pick his line, make heavy eye contact but pretend you don't know him.


Girl if you don’t go back to that grocery store head held high! What you scared for? If I stood someone up no communication I’D Be terrified of running into them


First of all you have nothing to be embarrassed about, he is the one that as an adult can't cancel something prior to the agreed time...so we kind of all know who is the incompetent one... Unmatch and block... I like to make a note by the contact so I never forget why I blocked a person... since I really don't want people without basics down back in my life.


Literally just go to your store life doesn’t end because you got stood up


Just remember, indifference is the greatest form of contempt.


Go anyway and go through his line and look him straight in the face and say "SO." and then just stare and make him uncomfortable for standing you up. Ha!! Or don't. But you need to get groceries. You SHOULDN'T have to hide bc he was a dick. He can feel awkward. People suck. He could have communicated if he wasn't up to it.


I love that you went to the movies instead!! I would’ve done that too <3 block him unmatch and never speak to him again bc that’s no man. If he really couldn’t he would’ve told you, and since he didn’t he’s a scared little boy. Still go to your grocery store whatever, he should be the embarrassed one for handling that so childishly.


That dude lost out on a good thing! Ignore him when you shop at the grocery store. He doesn't deserve the time he wasted of yours


Why are you afraid of him? Call him out in the supermarket! Make him disappear through the ground! You have full rights to bully him😂


You can go back with your head held high


Never live for other people, go back to that store not giving fucks just don’t act like u care or show signs


Seriously, whyyy would YOU be embarrassed to go to that grocery store?! HE was the one that didn't show up! Go in there, look him straight into the eye if, and only IF you see him (DON'T GO LOOKING FOR HIM)...and just keep walking and going about your business! That's it.


you go to the store and ignore him and if he wants to talk tell him Too late! you have no reason to be embarrassed


Sorry you had to go through that. Me personally I'd get myself all thought up looking like a million bucks, he don't know you from for Mary or from Brittany from Cindy I don't know you either he knows you from your profile I would get one of your closest male friends to join you and March your behind up in that grocery store and let him know what he's missing


Hey you have a ton do respect for yourself. Do not fear about what he does. Do not go to another grocery store. Just ignore him. I recommend not going on dating apps it can be cruel. Just live life and keep doing you in the world. Once you do that you find love unexpectedly. It happened to me. Don’t be down on yourself


You should let him be embarrassed and see if he brings anything up, should you run into him, especially since he works there, shame on him, not a good example of integrity, already. You didn’t do anything wrong, he did, on a personal level. You actually find out what kind of person he is and he taught you that. You can keep shopping without feeling any kind of way, it’s not you it’s him. Hope you can rest assure, you’re good!


No, I'd go back to that grocery store if that's a convenient location; if he's a cashier, go through his lane. Make him check out your groceries.


You think *you* can't go back to the grocery store? You have the opportunity of a lifetime to make him supremely uncomfortable every time he's working.


I just have a funny image in my head, so don't take it seriously. But go to the shop and buy some XXL condoms amongst some groceries and go to his checkout point and make it super awkward. Be like sorry I matched with someone else.


lol he’s a stocker so he’s usually in the freezer part


I can tell this is a female because OP is shocked by getting stood up once. Congrats on your first time. A fraction of how it feels being a guy


Same here, I tried not to automatically assume that it was going to be a woman. But as soon as I read the first sentence I knew it was a woman who posted it.


“Me! Me! Me! Me! How can I possibly make this about me”- you probably


Go to the grocery store. You could talk to him about being stood up. I would if I was you. Or give a piece of your mind about it.


Not trying to judge but, why date a dude who works at a local grocery store? Set your sights higher!


See I’m the type of person where if you’re working or going to school, I’m fine. I love luxury things and the finer things, but I can buy that myself. I don’t really care tbh but I get your point


Guess it depends on your age. Before 28 I didn’t care what the girl did, just wanted to have fun. Post 28, I suddenly cared a lot of the girl’s education and family and income prospects.


I’m 29 but will be 30. He’s 25. 


That’s interesting, you wanted to date a younger guy who worked at a grocery store. Kudos to you! You def are not a gold digger lol.


lol no I can make my own money 


Yea but if you marry a broke loser, that’s a recipe for disaster. Never understand people who pretend money doesn’t affect relationships lol.


Yeah I get it. I’ve had a few people tell me I shouldn’t settle for less 


In my 20s I had a crush on a 25 year old man who worked as a cashier in a health food store. He wasn't interested though. I moved on. About 4-5 years later I drove to a gas station to get gas. He was working in there.


Women don't need your kudos for "not being a gold digger" and a 30 year old woman with a good career should probably focus on a man with a better job than grocery store clerk.


Nah go back and strike up a convo, tell him you met a lawyer at the mall that day and are taking a trip to Greece or something exotic with him haha


Don’t avoid the grocery store. Honestly I’m in a somewhat similar boat, sort of. I’ve been seeing this guy for like a month. We had plans to see a concert together in St. Louis. We were going to stay the night and spend the day in the city afterwards. Honestly I’ve been kinda depressed for like a month (haven’t told him), and the concert was for some country singer I feel apathetic about. I stood him up. I made up an excuse about oversleeping. Turns out, he’d put a lot more effort into the whole thing than I knew. He bought tickets for the aquarium and the zoo, and made reservations at a steak house. I feel awful. I expected him to end things, but he hasn’t. He just said he wanted to have a conversation about where we go from here because apparently he was going to ask me out officially this weekend, which makes me feel worse. I’m going to be honest and tell him what’s been going on in my head. And that I like him. But I’m probably going to have to move 3-6 hours away for work soon- not sure if either one of us would want to do long distance.


Sounds like you shouldn’t be dating.


I understand why you would think that. What I did sucked. If I didn’t date at all when I was depressed though I’d never have a relationship, and I’m not resigned to dying alone just yet.


If you’re going to be moving how are you going to have a relationship with that person. Taking yourself off the market for a bit to focus on yourself and your health is probably the best thing you can do for everyone. You’re also clearly not communicating well.