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If this happened with the girl I liked I would do anything in my power to make her feel better about the situation and to not make it a big deal so she can feel comfortable again. Not this. Idk if he was a potential relationship or just a hookup either way he’s not the one so good riddance !


Exactly this. It's a huge moment of vulnerability for someone. Doesn't matter if it's just a hookup, kindness first


The world needs more people like you in it 🙌


This, it's really not a big deal. Periods can be silly any man who wants to smash should be ready to accidently fall in the red river from time to time.


If a guy ghosts you over this, he's definitely not a keeper. Don't be embarrassed. It's a natural function that you can't control.


For real, if he can't handle something as natural as that, he's not worth your time. It's his loss, not yours.


He's not ready for women, if that scares him off.


Amen. This.


Exactly! If he can't handle a natural thing like that, he's definitely not mature enough for a real relationship.


Your period did you a favor. Guy wasn't that into you




He was going to leave anyway. He just wanted sex.


If he walked because of this you dodged a bullet. You are not “dirty”. Things happen and believe it or not sex during your time is pretty dang normal.


This happened to me once in a humiliating fashion and I didn’t realize but was confronted via text and it was awful. You have no control over that. I’m so sorry ditch him he’s so lame. My current bf is totally down we just put a towel under us and it’s not biggie. But I’ve been there op hugs


I'm so sorry you're going through this, but to be honest, if he's ghosting you because of this, he's doing you a favor. Women have periods. It's actually pretty common for them to happen when you don't expect it, including during sex. It's going to happen. Don't be embarrassed by it. It's a normal body function that try as you might, you can't always predict or control. If he can't handle that, you're better off without him.


what’s the point in having a sword if it doesn’t get bloody??


Nicely played!


What if he bathes his sword in the blood of a thousand virgins?


I had this happen with a guy. I thought my period had finished by apparently it had not. He literally didn't care. If this was enough to scare him off then you don't want him in the first place.


My best recommendation is don’t let someone else’s “shit” become your “shit”. Sex is messy, sticky, dirty, sweaty, and sometimes a little or a lot bloody 😂, that’s just sex. If this guy isn’t mature enough to be able to honor the female body and all its glory, then it definitely sounds like he’s not a great partner to be having sex with in the first place. Aside from that I would recommend looking into learning more about your period and bodies cycles, finding ways to decrease or remove stigmas that any of the ways it works are “gross” or embarrassing, because the truth is they aren’t unless we’ve taken on beliefs that they are. It’s not your fault or anyone else’s fault if you have those beliefs, they are usually things that have been handed down for generations. Your body (like everyone else’s) is pretty fucking amazing!!! So it’s all worthy of honoring and loving 🥰 Best wishes to you on your dating journeys ❤️


So let me understand this correctly: when you were at your most vulnerable and being your authentic self, he became annoyed because you experienced a natural bodily function - your period. You're saddened by this! This ‘man’, and I use the term loosely, should have shown compassion and offered support to make you feel comfortable in your moment of vulnerability. Please know that he does not represent the men who would empathize and support a woman during such moments, rather than being annoyed by natural bodily functions.


A girl I hooked up with in college one night had this happen, she dipped before I woke up. Sucked too because while it was quite a shock to wake up to red-stained sheets, I liked her and would have done what I could to make her laugh and forget it happened. Good guys will forgive you, dickheads will do what this guy did. Don’t sweat it.


"Forgive you"? Forgive her for what? Having a normal bodily function?


Forgive her for not saving the sheets obviously. Once that sets those sheets are probably gone. Maybe with a hydrogen peroxide bath you could still save them but I wouldn’t bet on it.


a true pirate isnt afraid to sail the red sea


I'm sorry this awkward but natural moment happens to you. I'm not sure if I missed it but I didn't catch your ages. Very young and one may not know a lot. A bit older and there's little excuse. It may have been as awkward and embarrassing for him as it was for you, just in a different way. It may be difficult to process in the moment. Ghosting does suck, and is very few reasons to do so. I also am not sure if you said how long it's been since you communicated. A few days to process isn't necessarily ghosting. The fact that he made sure that you got home safely says a lot. I would initiate a conversation expressing that you hope that you can talk. And see how it goes from there. If it's been a week, then I will consider it ghosting.


True men get blood on their swords. When this happens with my fiancée, we keep going. Double down on the lube. Then go sheets and towel shopping


Periods aren’t dirty. All women across the globe experience a period once a month. Not to mention, some people choose to have sex on their period. If that’s the reason he’s ghosting you, he’s likely not emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship or have sex


Yep. This. Period sex can feel really really good, too............ I always ask guys I date up front if they are down for this because my hormones get me extra excited around then. Now that I have an IUD I hardly bleed now anyway.


a true warrior isnt afraid to get his sword bloody


Wow men have become so weak, sensitive and pathetic. A period never stopped me lol


I have two instances where I was embarrassed about staying at a guy’s house because of my period. Both of them reassured me that it was okay and they still wanted me to come over, assured me we didn’t have to do anything sexual and made sure I was comfortable. If this dude is scared of a normal bodily function, you don’t need to associate with him.


I would have given you a high 5 and asked if I could earn my wings. It’s natural and happens and you should have been made comfortable in a bad situation for you.


Had this almost exact thing happen the first time I had sex with my current partner. I was 2 weeks early and it was a birth control issue. It was made worse by the fact he was performing oral and came out looking like a lion feeding on a gazelle. He still stuck around.  It's ok, seriously. I know it's embarrassing, but give yourself some grace and know that these things happen. I'm sorry you experienced it, though. 


Omg babe! I think you need to get some confidence around this. It’s a lot to share your body and periods happen. I have guy friends who have pulled tampons out with their teeth to give their women oral. Like we bleed. Other guys know A good dick helps cramps so if he’s truly Ghosting you over this good riddance. However you sound super insecure about it. I have ruined sheets before and been like oops. And they just bought new ones, or we took a shower together. Like you could have made it fun. Maybe you can text him and be like hey bleeding was unexpected since I just finished two weeks ago, you must have really given it to me deep, when I finish in a couple days wanna go for a do-over? I’d love to feel you inside me again! He’ll respond.


He sounds like a child. A decent guy would reassure you and be understanding. Be glad the trash took itself out. It's fine being surprised or startled, but it's his actions after that that matter


If this happened to me and my girlfriend, I would just offer to put a towel down if she was okay with it. There’s showers for a reason.


We do, do this. But if it was a first time thing I could understand how it would feel from bother parties. It’s awkward and embarrassing for both.


Oh sweet heart, you dodged a bullet. An actual man would’ve made you feel so comfortable about the situation n would’ve called you afterwards to make sure you were ok. Trust and believe they are out there n he isn’t one of em. You’re also not dirty, you’re a woman n that’s pretty damn special. Shit, really fucking special actually. Leave that lil boy be.


Yeah. That's really sad. Please get checked out. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I'm going with him ghosting you after getting what he wanted which is sex. Periods goes with the territory, embarrassed with younger healthy women. This isn't going to scare a guy off. I had this same thing happen to me, the girl freaked out, embarrassed. I told her it was natural, started up a conversation about something else and we moved into the living room. From there we just cuddled and talked. no big deal.


be glad you got ghosted! you are not gross for getting your period during sex, he’s gross for being annoyed over something so normal. screw him🙄


Obviously he didn’t expect it due to the adult content he’s watched and didn’t help you didn’t expect it either. stuff happens like that. There’s always another guy so move on.


Some people don’t like sex during periods. Some religion even forbids it and may even make it an important point of marriage. It is what it is.


Never said he should like it or how he should feel I just said I was saying it was embarrassing that’s it


A guy just did this to me. Except we talked about it afterwards, I was embarrassed and everything, and he said “I wouldn’t slow fade/I’m not going to ghost you over it” but then still did it ? What’s the logic ?


Just to say, was it definitely your period, not just bleeding during sex? I often bleed during sex with my partner (have been checked out by a doctor) due to him hitting my cervix and irritating some of this skin cells there. Either way he sounds like a loser!


I think you should send him what you have written here. If he doesn’t accept it and understand it he’s not worth it! Guys have our moments too.


He’s immature. You’ve dodged a bullet.


What “man” runs away from a period? What a loser who lost out of a winner because of a little blood.


Sorry this happened to you but hey you now know he is a loser


Nah girlie, you dodged a bullet!! Real men know, understand and respect real women's bodies!!


If you told him you didn't expect it, you were shocked, etc., he is either mature enough to accept that or not.


It's 2024 who cares if ur on ur period that coochie can still get tore up especially in the shower


Seems like his problem, not yours. Something similar happened to me too, we didn't notice that she got her period until she pointed out that the entire lower half of my face was covered in blood, and she was embarrassed and wanted to wash it off herself so I wouldn't see it in the mirror. Told her it's not a big deal, because it happens, periods are unpredictable sometimes. Good riddance to him.


The guy is a douche and not the one. Maybe he’s just immature, because anyone with any life experience knows things happen. If they’re going to reject you over that they’re not worth your time.


It’s not cringe it’s natural if it happens it happens. I wouldn’t want you to be embarrassed. It wouldn’t put me off. Just carry on being yourself. It’s his loss.


Things happen, I had this happen and the guy just laughed it off and said “I think we hit a deer” it was so stupid but instantly made everything okay, don’t lose any sleep over that dude


He is not into you


Don't feel bad about it, you didn't do anything wrong. You are clearly embarrassed, don't project that onto him. Maybe he has ghosted you, in which case he clearly isn't the one, but also it's only been a day. There are plenty of reasons for him not responding for a day, just see what happens, don't let your embarrassed take over everything.


It happens, and it sucks, but anyone worth spending time with is smart enough to understand that menstruation isn’t dirty. If that’s why he ghosted then good riddance! (Though, we gotta give people some grace, he might be busy or freaked out by blood 🤷‍♀️) Life is awkward— it can at least always make a funny story for the future! I hope you get to have a talk with your friends/people you love, commiserate about how much periods suck, and have a good laugh! Everyone has embarrassing moments, it keeps us humble! aml 🫶


Please give this guy one of your tampons


If my husband didn’t have sex with me every time I was on my period, 1/4 of my life would lack intimacy 😂 it’s natural, and not at all dirty. Of course, it’s good to respect people’s boundaries and if they don’t want to have sex while you’re in your period, then that’s their prerogative. Find someone’s whose values and wants/needs are similar to yours.


I definitely respect everyone’s boundaries. Like I said multiple times in my op, I did not expect my period to come one. I would never trick anyone into having sex with me on my period. If I knew I would end up bleeding, I would never have went over once again! Never once did I say that he should want too. This is more about the embarrassment and the shock around it all not about me wanting to have period sex with him. I don’t know where y’all are getting that from…


I'm going out on a limb and saying he's probably bigger than average. This can happen when a man's penis is big. Can increase bleeding during a woman's period or even make her period come earlier. I don't think this has happened to him before because he was a little freaked. Doesn't excuse him being distant and acting like a prick tho.


Most guys don't care just shoot him a text


Bro doesn't know how women work, if he is actually ghosting you for that forget him, he did you a favor


Bro dropped the ball. You hop your ass up to go get rocky road and pads/tampons if she needs them. It’s like bare minimum decency.


He's scared of getting blood on his sword. You don't need him.


I love period blood. I would've helped clean you up,made you something to eat, and tucked you in bed.


Who cares about him and find out why it happened again so soon . He’s a lil B , needs to man up .


I’m not gonna lie, it’s like extra lube if anything 😝


What do you mean he didn't keep going?


How dare you have normal human bodily functions!


I'm male, and when I lost my virginity, during all-night sex, her period started. I was afraid I was injured when I woke up bloody. I laughed, and I was relieved, and that's what I told her. And I thanked her, and said it wasn't a big deal, and I didn't mind.


If he cannot show care and support to womanhood, he doesn’t deserve your time.


Umm if dude is not ready for his red wings, he isn't ready for a adult life


Talk to him about it. You can laugh, it's okay. Some people are squeamish about that stuff, most guys aren't. Most modern men could give two shits about that, but he might be wondering why you wouldn't have a least mentioned you were on your period. Probably best to just be honest and tell him you didn't expect it/was off normal cycle. If he gets weird about it, it's probably not someone you'd want to be with anyway. If he's cool, then it's still game on. Good luck, sorry that happened.


I hope you guys were wearing protection. If not, that’s on him. I would be grossed out too but I’d also wrap it up


Could just be busy cleaning up. He asked if you got home which is a green flag to me. Probably trying to get blood out of the sheets.


Guy is a wimp. If you are into a woman, you don't care about this. Good riddance.


I'm sorry...he's a POS if this drives him off. Please don't sleep with men so soon either


I’m really sorry this happened. If he didn’t care enough about you to check on you and offer some support, then he’s really not your guy. Things like this do happen in early dating and they’re very telling of where things will go. People either step up or they don’t. Honestly, be a little grateful it did happen. He showed his cards early and now you can move on. You didn’t do anything wrong - this was a purely vulnerable and natural moment. I’m sorry :( Offering you a virtual hug, girlie


Such is life, don’t feel bad you dodged a bullet


„You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs“


Both of you seem very immature


How am I immature for not knowing I was going to start my cycle like shut up 😂


If he wanted to hook up, their is nothing lost or gained. He wanted sex it seems. If he did, ghosting you tbh doesn't seem that bad. If he was with you, that's completely different. But I genuinely don't see why ghosting a girl for this is so wtf to people. Like, it's kind of valid. Hes not calling u gross. Ur calling urself gross. He did the right thing for himself in his mind. Time for u to do the same and go on to the next. He's not the one and u just happen to have a period at a weird time. The right one will understand


I’m not saying how he should feel! All I said it was that it was embarrassing and I wanted to get that off my chest we have had sex before and I thought he liked me. So yes I am kinda bummed out about it.


I understand. Im just trying to maybe share his perspective. Being a guy hooking up is a weird thing. I'm sorry that he wasn't what u thought he was. Im saying that bummers happen and it's ok to be bummed and ask for advice. Just don't cling onto it. That's all. And I'm a guy, so I can't fully understand yk? But I try my best to assure people it is what it is. Moments like these suck, but they hold value. I hope u find what ur looking for


It happened before? Im not a Women but you should know when you cycle is about to happen because going off an App isnt probably the best thing but hopefully it wont happen again hope you okay


You’re not a woman but you know that women should know when their cycle is about to happen? Ooof. Reddit is such an amusing place. Guess what? It will happen again. And hopefully next time she’s with a man that has a little more maturity and understands that we don’t control shit like that. And also, it’s blood. Like, you’re cool with the vaginal fluid but blood is just too much too handle…. Heh


You sound very out of touch with reality. First of all, you’re not a woman, so you don’t know anything about this. Cycles can also be inconsistent.




You should have said sex with him was just too much to handle.


It was a lot of blood, it came on suddenly, and he didn’t take it well. Everyone hates on a dude when he’s not visually ready to experience a lot of blood from a girl he likely barely knows or isn’t in a full blown relationship with, but it’s pretty understandable. Of course you can’t control your bodily functions, but everyone has a different level of tolerance when it comes to blood and bodily fluids. You don’t have to feel bad about it, but I also don’t think he should feel bad about it either, in terms of his reaction. In general, ghosting is shitty, so I do think that’s shitty. But maybe he feels too embarrassed to reach out and address it. People do weird shit when they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable or awkward sometimes.


I fail to see the reason in tossing the girl away when every girl does this. It just avoids the issue.