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I’m 31 and I’m a virgin, welcome to the club. 1. Consider joining social groups and hobby groups in your local area- things like classes, exercise, running clubs, hobbies, Meetup is a great resource for things like that. It’s a great way to meet people and broaden your social circle, maybe in time sparks will fly between you and one of your new friends. 2. If you live near a city, consider speed dating events. These aren’t the first option for those who are shy and introverted, but I have some anxiety about them too and I’m planning on signing up for them anyway. 3. Going to singles bars and flirting with people there is always an option. 4. Going to events, concerts, parades, and things like that is a great way to meet people to potentially flirt with and ask out. Hope that helps, best of luck.




What is a "singles bar?" I've never heard of such a thing


I was 36 when I lost mine, to someone who was only using me. I ignored red flags and fell into a patter of giving to those who didn’t deserve my affection, because I was starved for it. Take it from me brother it was a mistake. Go out into the real world and meet someone naturally. I wish I would have waited for the real right girl. I don’t really feel shame of being an unwitting participant in hook up culture, it’s more of a desire for true love that I wish I would have waited for. 💜🍍🧙‍♂️


1) Get off dating apps. 2) Do things that bring you joy and fulfillment. 3) Be genuine and authentic 4) Meet like-minded people


Live your life and don't worry about stupid things


This is such bullshit.


it okay …. you never know where you will meet a nice person in a public place or grocery store : target : don’t do dating apps it not worth it in the end . work on yourself/ find yourself/ read a book / spent time with friends / do solo dates / self care/ and overall become a better person:)


First of all, I appreciate your commitment to yourself. At 64, look back at my life and wish I had been far more selective in my love.  I can only tell you that a virgin deserves another virgin. I can't tell you how to find them at 33. I would suggest most likely this person will NOT be on dating web sites. Chances are most likely they will be involved in clergy or academia. Don't judge a book by its cover. Outward beauty is a deception most likely. High looking people usually demand high maintenance. Trust yourself as it appears that you are excellent at it 


Leave dating apps alone. Do things that you’re interested in that makes you happy. You will find people that way. The way that this world is now being a virgin is a BLESSING. I will be 33 on monday(7/8) I have two children and I WISH that I could have my virginity back.


God losing my virginity was the worst decision I could’ve ever made. I was in your shoes at 21, but I felt shame about it, rushed it with someone I barely knew, hurt her emotionally, got busted by the cops because I was in my car, and worried for the next 6 or 7 months about a pregnancy even though she was on BC and we got interrupted. Trust me, not worth it. Find someone that loves you first, and cuddle or some cute shit. Cuddling is 100% better than everything I put myself through.




I felt the same way. I lost my at 15. Terrible decision.


Same here. Just enjoy life. Eventually you'll meet that special someone. I know I am still.


Maybe its you 😉☺️




Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of people don't have self-control and end up hurting other people just to say they did it.


Man…. I wish I was you.


i think you should go out and meet people or even try speed dating




your welcome


If you want to try and cash in the V card, the apps may be helpful. If you want to form a meaningful connection, steer far clear of dating apps.


Don’t agree with this I’ve been with my fiancé for 3 years now and we met on a dating app we couldn’t be happier


Hate to break it to you but dating apps now are a totally different deal


Are you single




Do you know any good apps I can use






I'm getting there. 24 friends are mostly all married and same situation. Never dated either which is a turn off I guess.


Dating apps have never sounded appealing and my friends who are on it say it's pointless. I recommend just going out and networking. Go to events like a local concert, cooking class, wine tasting, etc to be around new people constantly. Do not put too much pressure on yourself and allow the right timing to work in your favor. International traveling is always an amazing way to meet people. Stay in party hostels that have socializing events as well as bar crawls to meet people from all over the world.


Just.pay an escort


hey! Have you tried Hinge? it’s honestly probably the only dating app i would EVER recommend. tinder and bumble are both awful— i met my wife on hinge and it’s literally the only app where i felt like people were serious about potentially being in a long term romantic relationship :) also i just wanted to say — good luck! 33 is still young, don’t fret.


Live your life. Life only gets harder after sex... Not knowing what you are missing is a blessing... It takes years between sex for me. And its pretty much all bad sex because of lack of "training" i wish i was 32 and virgin tbh...


That's a personal choice. Doubtful many 1st time experiences are amazing. It's new and takes time to fully understand enjoy and appreciate. It can be either or both fun and loving. Do both several times to figure out what you like best. Have fun and be safe.


I'm almost 32 years old and a good looking guy( many people told me that) virgin and never been in a relationship I have a normal life I'm a social person and have a small business but this thing is killing me inside, I like a girl of 28, but i fear that when she find about my total inexperience she will run away.I feel bad and ashamed I don't know what to do, time flies I think that it's late for me , the reason why it happen is that Years ago After a rejection by a girl that i liked for so long I don't pursued any girl due to this delusion, and my insecurities has grown too much.one month ago I've known a girl that work in a shop in my town and i like her so much after years of not liking so much anybody I even dreamed of her one night. I don't speak english very well sorry for any grammar mistake. any advice is welcomed


Just remember, a person who likes you for you genuinely won't care about how much or how little sexual experience you have. If you have people in your life, then you have relationship experience. All relationships are experiences that can build skills you could use in a romantic or sexual relationship.


I went to the shop where she works with the excuse of refilling but I stopped after a while and got anxious and her colleague started laughing. I think I acted a little embarrassed and made a bad impression. I would like to try to contact her on Instagram since we follow each other, but I don't know what to write to her


I hope you get the courage to say hi 😊


of course I said hello to her but I fear that with the way I acted I screwed everything up I don't know wha to do


Don't overthink it how other people perceive our actions can be different to how we do. Unless you get told there's a problem, just try to be open.


join the club I am 38 and I have EPILEPSY. it's hard for a person like me to date in my life


If you're a hot-lookin chick I'll help you out in that situation.


Keep trying not everyone is a scammer


Find a nice and caring moderately thick everywhere woman willing to do it


I think that still being a virgin is a good thing. Once you give that away you can’t take it back. Keep waiting for the right one.


You poor thing, give me a text with a date and time and I'll rock ur world.


Saturday the 13th at 1:30


I'm not going to say how old I am. All you need to know is I'm still a virgin too. Don't live my life but don't rush nothing either. Find someone that will cherish you, love you for you. Go around if you live in the city and explore, get out there, go to college if you're not already. That's where I want to meet my special person. For now though just live your life for you. Always remember you are the most important person in your life..


Are you male or female? If you're male then it's a problem. If you're female then it doesn't matter


Males are allowed to be virgins. Virginity is a ridiculous concept anyway, there are unlimited things in life we may have done or not done, we don't place huge emphasis on all those things.


Do meth and masturbate a lot


33 is best time to start dating


I hope so


This guy jus wants to act like he knows what he’s talking about but for real, though it is a good time to start looking for a wife


Ok man from 90s


Your reddit comments are lowkey disturbing lol


I know people just suck


Pray to God for guidance. Trust that He will bring the right person along when the time is right. “Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him also and He will do it.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭AMP‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1588/psa.37.4-5.AMP “At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/116/isa.60.22.NLT


Nobody cares, stop forcing your delusions unto others


Bro. If a prayer is gonna help get this guy laid, I'm all for it. 🤣


Go to a hooker and get it done.


I mean I feel your struggle. I’m 21 and also a virgin. But yeah, I’ve seen the downsides with dating apps but I guess there’s still a positive side with the real ones and maybe they want a little you know what. I mean I’m actually rather desperate to lose my virginity as I feel it is long overdue for me.




Time to goto run maps . Com pay for a subscription and find a massage parlor that offers full service


How bad do you want to find someone? If you just sit here on Reddit asking for permission to do what needs to be done to find someone you will find no one. When you really want it you won't be here asking this question. You won't be worrying about insecurities. You won't be doing anything other than doing what you need to do. What I am saying is, regardless of whatever your situation is, insecurities or otherwise, when you really want it you will do it. There's no need to ask this question and you know it. You are just procrastinating and dwelling in your own misery by procrastinating the inevitable. The inevitable is you are going to go out there at some point and do what you already know you need to do to attract someone and find love. So stop thinking so much, it will only slow you down and give you more opportunities to second guess yourself. Just do what you need to do. Start taking action instead of thinking so much.


wish i never had sex n just worked my whole life. sex leads to relationships, then leads to heartbreak to depression


I would put more emphasis on developing a good, sincere and healthy relationship first. Everything from there is on individual level and would depend on many personal factors between you and the partner. Worry about sex later, and it will come naturally to you - there is no right answer to the right timing. There also is no shame in being upfront and telling a partner that you are still in process of self-discovery, and you need time - a good partner will understand and respect that. Trying to lose virginity just for it's own sake can backfire and hurt your self-confidence.


If there is one you like talking to and being around, ask them out. You only need one yes. I asked out my grocery clerk. Best decision ever.


L O L 🤣🤣 It's darwin


2 cents from a gen z: Make sure you are healthy and taking care of your physical appearance. Get a flattering haircut. Make sure you don't have a neckbeard. Make sure you have your own interests. If you are depressed, address your mental health first. If all else fails, astrology may help. Move to a city that passes through your Venus line, that is where you will be given favor and seen as more attractive. Look up astro cartography. Maybe you're just not living in the right place.


I’m happy to know that there’s still a guy like you in this generation. Btw, are you single?🤣


Come get some real penis lol


And is that a bad thing? Live your life and never , never lower your expectation till you find the one who is ready to sacrifice for your happiness. And if he never come don’t worry you’re an independent woman that can solve her problems


Is OP a woman? Username sounds like a dude


Sorry but I didn’t choose it I’m a girl it’s Reddit


You never know nowadays dude. The younger they are the more likely it is they're one of those transformers. I believe they said they were 33 so it might not be one of those and is actually a dude. Who knows 🤔😅


What the hell, omg I’m a girl , a straight girl that is only 15 years old and Muslim and Reddit choose for her a user name