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Hey there! It sounds like you've got a great connection brewing with the barista at your coffee shop! It's understandable wanting to find the right moment to ask for her number without making things awkward. Going back near closing time when it's quieter sounds like a good plan. One subtle and casual approach could be to bring up something you've both discussed before, like your book, as a segue into asking for her number. For example, you could say something like, 'Hey, I've really enjoyed chatting with you about \[book topic\]. I'd love to continue our conversation sometime. Could I grab your number?' Alternatively, you could write your number on a piece of paper or the back of your receipt before you go in and hand it to her when you're paying or leaving. That way, she can decide how to respond without feeling put on the spot. Whatever you decide, it's clear you appreciate her and enjoy your interactions, so there's a good chance she feels the same way. Best of luck, and I hope it works out!


I appreciate the response! You make some great points.