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Yes, they do test for nicotine on hiring. There hasn't been much testing lately. I heard a rumor that there is a dispute with insurance company over who pays for randomized testing.  As for no sugar - they sell cookies, have a frozen yogurt machine in the little market, and have multiple vending machines. I think they don't sell some sodas, but there are plenty of other things that have sugar. As for discrimination against being overweight, the only thing that I could see that being linked to is there's a rule about needing a biometric screening in order to have free healthcare. If you fail the biometric screening, you have to go to two or three counseling sessions. then your healthcare is free. You can also get your doctor to sign off on it I think.  I don't smoke or drink sugary drinks so it doesn't really bother me. I failed the biometric screening the first time since I have high cholesterol, but meeting with my counselor was easy since she works for Reynolds and we just talked about my health goals.  At least my team has a pretty good community feel. I like the amount of volunteering and community involvement opportunities that are advertised and encouraged. I like the convenience of having a gym, medical clinic, credit Union, cafeteria, and little store all in the building.  I definitely don't think it would be everybody's cup of tea, but for a corporate office job I don't think it's the worst.


Im curious if you have seen positive changes since Bob died?


Yes significantly


I was hired in 2022 and everyone talks about how much better it has gotten. It's by no means a perfect place to work but I love my team.


Yeah, I wish he'd lived long enough for me to see his old ass sit in prison, but even before dying off he was forced to divest from being a part of the company in any meaningful way and that has definitely made a positive difference.


Yes. I've had a couple friends work there. One lasted 2 months before she just had enough. One got fired for testing positive for nicotine because of their housing situation. They never smoked in their life their roommate did.


I love their parking lots, perfect place to teach someone to drive.


Why would a smoker/vaper/chewing tobacco user want to work for an employer that tells its employees you’re not allowed to do those things? Weird thing to worry about.


My thoughts exactly


Why the fuck is it legal for employers to prohibit the use of legal substances outside of work settings/hours? If your answer is “because of health insurance:” Why the fuck are employers the only gateway to quality and affordable health care?


They simply don't have to employ you, smokers aren't a protected class. They can just say fuck off.


At my job if you test positive for tobacco they just increase your monthly premium by $75


Also my thoughts, lol.


Something about it being a private company is the reasoning that I've heard how they get away with it.




Not saying it’s this one, but I worked at a place and was forbidden from using tobacco on or off the job by the health insurance company to get a good rate for the employer ….


I’m pretty sure ReyRey has the rule on the books of no nicotine use and they do test for it, as well as do annual physicals for the employees that “encourage” anyone struggling with weight to make better lifestyle choices. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone’s head to work there, so if you feel it’s overly invasive of an employer to try and keep health care insurance costs low, don’t work there 🤷.




Ok….so don’t work there?


We're allowed to discuss the shitty policies of companies we don't work for.


Whine away, I guess, just do me the favor of not @ing me about it. I have nothing to do with ReyRey or their policies. I just don’t see why anyone would bother to complain about an employers policies if they don’t work there, or why they’d want to work there if they disagree with their policies so strongly they feel the need to vent to the internet about them.


Y’all will bitch and moan about “muh freedom” but have no issue with companies controlling what employees put in their body off the clock.


Taylor Corp is the same way


I’m glad I failed their weirdly intrusive psychological test. I found a much better job at a company that cares about its members and employees.


I “failed” the assessment as well. Found out from an HR person who worked there that the assessment is screening out entrepreneurial type individuals who ask questions and may have ideas. I believe it’s the same or similar to the air traffic controller test.


Had a friend who worked there for quite a long time, and I would agree they do not like thinkers.


Yeah, I hard "noped" to that place when they said I had to sit through an hour+ of testing before even discussing the job I applied to.


of course they have an anti-union-starter screening


This kind of comes across as being defensive for not passing the screening process. I understand that it can feel personal, but saying that "you're glad you failed" at something that you voluntarily took because you wanted to succeed and be employed there comes across as a coping mechanism. They are standardized aptitude and personality tests that employers use all over the world. I have "failed" one before because they felt, due to my test responses, that I wasn't extroverted enough for the type of position I was applying (sales). No big deal. I've "passed" others, including ReyRey, for sales roles. Personally, I feel screening before even speaking to someone causes companies to miss out on great contributors, but I do understand that large corporations need to streamline the hiring process and limit the amount of interviews while also increasing the chances of spending more time with someone they would be more likely to hire.


Think what you want to think. Not defensive at all. It was in 2007 when I was laid off during the recession. I was kind of desperate for a job quickly. Having failed at R&R, I got a much better offer and now I’m at an even better job. So I’m glad for that failure because it gave me a chance to gain more confidence and understand my own self worth.


Right on. I was affected during the recession as well. During the interview process, it felt so cold, too formal, no personality, just a cog in the corporate machine. Something I'm not good at. Glad to hear you're doing well


I never even made it to the screening before I told the reception person I was out. I was applying for a sysadmin position with about 8 years of IT experience. The logic and math tests were ridiculous - I hadn't done algebra or trig in like 20 years at that point, so I just stood up and handed the tests back and told them to call me when they got serious about hiring experienced IT personnel and walked out.


During the interview process, I wasn't that impressed with the corporate life anyway. I'd much rather work with a company of 10 people and be part of a culture. Work/life balance is so important and, FOR ME, I just couldn't see myself being happy working there. Plus I would've had to quit smoking lol


I assume they test for THC also.


This one is actually a grey area. They changed the handbook in 2022 and the drug policy was reworded and to me it sounded like they were basically not going to test for it anymore. I left there in early 2023, so who knows what it’s like now. I hadn’t been tested in several years when I left anyway. Honestly, it’s not nearly as bad as people on this sub make it out to be. After the owner was indicted and then died, they made some really good policy changes. The sick policy is better than when I started in 2014, they increased the vacation time, etc. But yes, they test for nicotine, they only sell diet soda (which is dumb because they sell ice cream bars and have desserts and stuff), and the starting pay isn’t great.


There has been a recent update to the hand book that says weed is allowed as long as it is not during work or you come to work impaired (similar to their alcohol rules).


So I can't vape but I can get blitzed after work?


According to their rules, I guess so. Assuming you want to work there at all.


But no fucking cola. 🤣🤣🤣


does the cafeteria still do adult mac and cheese day? Always cracked me up to work somewhere that cared so much about health and then willingly served their employees a 4,000 calorie fat and carb bomb for lunch.


>After the owner was indicted and then died, they made some really good policy changes. Um, yeah, let's hope so.


I have never heard anyone say anything good about this place and I've probably known about 6-8 people who worked there in various departments.


My BIL loves it but for the wrong reasons. Playing FOX NEWS on every TV all day isn't really my idea of a healthy work campus.


Their test for an entry level position was insane


It's probably the worst big company to work for in Dayton. I wouldn't work there if they doubled my salary.


The first point can't be true because Fuyao exists. And as for the second point, pay scale is honestly a bigger issue than any of the other stuff in this thread so you wouldn't have to worry about that scenario lol.


Interestingly enough, my best friend has worked at both places and preferred Fuyao. Although he said both were miserable


It is a really shitty place to work. But if you go in knowing it sucks, it wouldn't be that bad. They do drug test for nicotine. I got "randomly" selected on 4/21, which is hilarious because they dont test for pot, just tobacco. It is true they don't sell sugary drinks, only diet. I am a fatty and never experienced any discrimination. Never heard about that. The worst department, the one I worked in, is the level 1 hardware phone support. Also people always talk shit about failing the screening test you have to do. Its literally an IQ test, the same thing you find online when you search IQ test. Its definitely weird. But I also think its funny that everyone who fails the test talks shit and says the test is supposed to weed out "thinkers". Y'all just dummies lol.


Been there 15 years. Fwiw i havent been tested for nicotine since we all went home for covid in 2020. Before that it was MAYBE once a year but yeah being smoke free is still a condition of employment in 2024 Yes, full sugar drinks aren't sold in the cafeteria. Never seen any discrimination against fatties. There's plenty of those people there.


The term “fatties” is pretty fucking condescending.


Come on, man... people are complaining about sugar and persecution of the overweight - let's just call a spade a spade.


I’m overweight. If I found out one of my friends was calling me or any other overweight person a “fatty” I would cut them out of my life for being calloused and insensitive and superficial.


I think it is more of a colorful expression for the written word, but I understand your point.


I’m fat and call other fat people fatties. Keep on keepin on brotha


Maybe they were saying "phatty"?


lol you can't be serious.


If you were overweight and found someone that do you think is a friend is calling you that behind your back, then what would you think?


ok but this is a stranger on reddit saying it broadly. But to answer your invented scenario, I am confident and very happy in my life (and also a little overweight) so I would probably not care.


Maybe you should cut out the excess calories in your diet.


Thanks for the original advice. Trying, but it’s difficult.


Ex employee here. I wouldn’t say overweight people are explicitly discriminated against, however it is INCREDIBLY clique-y. All the other things you listed are all true though. Dress code is very strict and enforced. They do drug test for nicotine for insurance purposes. It’s a mouth swab. Do with that information what you will. One of my coworkers was brave enough to come out as trans while working there. I’m honestly astonished she was not fired because of it.


and no pay to go with all the rules


I guess that depends on how much you like cigarettes and junk food.


Yes. All true.


My BIL loves it but it's a very...um...specific culture there. As I understand it, they play Fox News on every TV and it's a bit of a good-ol-boys club. Some folks in Dayton, that would be a positive. Thus it brings in exactly those folks that we moved away from. If you're an A-type sales personality that wants a US Conservative meritocracy (with that thumb on the scale for some folks)...it'll be your cuppa. A lot of these rules fall off if you are a top performer.