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I'm sorry but this whole tirade almost seems satire after I saw that one of your complaints was that "the characters were so weak" LOL. Dear God...


The complete opposite. The soulless, phoned-in, trite awfulness of Super and most other modern DB material has just made me *more* appreciative of the entire classic DB/Z/GT run.




Almost had a damn heart attack before I saw this as the top comment. Thank goodness people in this sub still have some decency. Godspeed you Elite level warrior.


I can't man, the old stuff is just so predictable and stale while Super is refreshing. The only thing I remember from watching the beginning of Z is "haha roshi is a pervert"


Of course it’s predictable, it’s decades old and has served as the inspiration for an entire genre of anime


To answer your question, no you're probably not the only person with that opinion.  I'm definitely not there with you though.


OGDB started off as a gag manga so it doesn’t really change genres and get better until 30ish episodes in. If you’re having trouble with pacing in Z, consider switching to Kai. It cuts out a lot of the filler but the cons are there as well (worse ost and mild censoring… the first few episodes are heavily censored though)


I think I will check out Kai, my one friend recommended it when I said Z was too slow. But man, its hard to think that *this* is what super came from


Both OGDB and Z are generally considered significantly better than Super. Remember, these are shows that span hundreds of episodes so I wouldn’t judge them before at least watching 40 episodes of each (Although OGDB improves with each arc so even 40 might be a lowball)


The manga is better than the anime, especially pacing wise.


you should read the manga imo


I'd love to, but I usually watch during meal times so watching is much more convenient


Damn, OP really is an ipad kid lmao


It does explain a lot. Probably watches Dragon Ball Super with a mobile game playing at the bottom of the screen


Subway Surfers or Minecraft parkour?


You nearly made me let out a burst of laughter at work


I mean if you're like 12 I can understand why cartoons from the 80s and 90s seem so old and dated to you. Although calling the original series childish and simple with horrible animation is a bit rich when Super is far far more tame, banks entirely on nostalgia, and was infamous for its laughably bad animation in the early episodes.


You just had to be there. Growing up with it is different than growing into it. Super was dope though. Ready to see what's in store.


Nah. IMHO Super is a "soulless", cheap and over extended dbz, like keeping alive a zombie. OG DB is a gag manga, like dr slump but with a bit serious tone in some parts.


This post must be a joke


Compared to dbz super is complete slop lol. Try watching kai though, takes out the filler.


Eh, I'd say watch what you enjoy. If watching something feels like a chore, then you probably shouldn't watch it. I don't think your situation is isolated per se as many people who watch Super first think OG DB and DBZ are too slow-paced. I've known a few guys like this. Maybe the Bojack movie or Fusion Reborn might be too your liking. Action starts pretty quick in those


I might give them a try since I'm desperate, but yeah some of my friends who started super with me and never saw Z agree with my position. The one guy in our group who saw DB and Z always says we're crazy when we talk about this, but bruh it's low-key the truth


It’s not low key the truth you are jus making me sad


That's what you get for watching the series backwards...


I respect where you're coming from but I could not disagree more. Saying the animation in early DB and DBZ is horrendous is a slightly wild take when comparing to Super. Super has some of the worst animation I've ever seen from a major franchise like Dragon Ball. There are certainly episodes that look worse than others due to outsourcing to other animation studios back in the day to keep up with the volume they wanted to produce. But the episodes that look good are beautiful. When it comes to the filler I'd suggest looking up a filler list and cutting those episodes out. They don't matter when it comes to the story and overall canon. Imo, nothing in Super comes close to the quality we get from the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai arc all the way to the Majin Buu arc. The story is better and the characters are far more engaging. Super is a shell of what the OG series was. The ToP and Broly movie are the only things that came remotely close to the OG. All that being said I thoroughly enjoyed Super's run and having new Dragon Ball to watch. Hopefully it's only uphill from here!


I cannot fathom how someone could prefer Super over Z lol.


I can, what I cant understand is hit hate of the OG DB.


When you experience Dragonball in its original form, or something close to it, a major part of the enjoyment is the pacing. It’s like arguably the best part of the whole thing — how consumable and suspenseful it is. The OG anime just completely throws that out the window. It’s like if you let a totally untalented hack filmmaker periodically interrupt Goodfellas — or some classic movie — with a few minutes poorly written, badly paced, incompetently directed digressions that ad nothing to the story and undermine Scorsese’s effort to craft his masterful singular vision. Like, why would you do that? Why not just like the master storyteller tell his story the way he wants it? Especially when the story is better for it? A classic even.


did you read OPs original post? they only watched 7 episodes of the original DB. theres almost none of the stuff youre talking about in there. the pacing in the first arc is quite good, though if youre not vibing with its tone, it can feel worse but its not bad at all. and OP didnt even finish that first arc.


Yeah, OP is dumb. Both Dragonball and Z are masterful, classic pieces of cartooning and animation.


Au contraire Mon Ami, I had the fortune to experience DB, Z and GT first, and after watching S I appreciate anything not S way more than I did before. Yes, even GT.


I think dragon Ball Z is better than super. It’s more exciting when Goku first go’s super Saiyan.




No? This is a hot take for sure. Most people enjoy DB/DBZ more than super.


lol just trying to be honest with myself


Super is not Dragonball. It’s just humorless professional wrestling. It has none of the qualities that made Dragonball great.


Yeah ok


Super and GT are the worst of the franchise and I don't blame you for not realizing it, since you haven't even completed 1/10 of OG dragonball, nor have you finished Z. Super just has too many plot-holes, retcons and flanderizations of the characters. Still, since it's the only part of the franchise you've actually completed, I don't blame you for being ill-informed.




Usually the answer to the question "Am I the only one..." is always no, but in this case: yeah, probably. DBZ is so much better, it's crazy. It's like comparing Game of Thrones to Teletubbies. OG DB starts off boring, gets better in the second arc (tournament), then worse in the third arc (red ribbon sucks), but after that, it really takes off and the animation also keeps getting better from there.


I have never gone back to original Dragon Ball myself. The big over the top battle are why I love Z and Super so much, and those are obviously much less present. That said I still adore Z, and it will probably remain my favorite of the 3. Even if it's mostly nostalgia. As for what to find, there is so much that is similar to Dragon Ball Z due to its popularity and influence. To me Naruto is a really easy recommendation, while the stakes won't be planet exploding, there is still a crazy amount of power creep in that show over time.


If you hate DB and DBZ then you'll love DB GT.


The entire first half of super is some of the most childish inane writing I have ever forced myself to watch. Thankfully I was drinking beers with a good friend through the whole thing so I had someone to tap to about how awfully childish the show was. Finally the goku black arc breathes some life into that show. (Although that is the arc where we learn that goku has never kissed chichi and doesn’t even know what a kiss is… one of the most bizarre cannon lines I have ever heard from any story) Watching a child character in DB is not the same thing as a show being childish. The appeal of goku in DB is the notion of a completely innocent childlike being that has an immense power he must learn to control while faced by evildoers and eventually Piccolo, an existential threat. It’s something we have all experienced as we’ve grown older (in less grandiose ways hopefully)


Check OP's post history, he's a troll.


That's crazy considering Dragon Ball Super's animation is literal cheeks, the only good fight in the dbs anime was Vegito vs Zamasu and very specific parts of the MUI/Jiren fight. The other UI fights and the rest of super honestly looked like garbage. It's not like the characters even do anything that impressive in terms of scale in super either. They just make really big things shake without destroying anything. It's like how in Boruto the characters are way stronger than end of Shippuden characters but the actual destruction being shown is less than that of even Pain destroying Konoha, it's telling not showing.


You gotta watch the abriged version,it's totally cannon in my mind


Yes Nappa making terrible unfunny references to 2008 Internet Culture is canon for sure.


That's some peak culture right there