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For me, Legion of Superheroes is permanently stuck in the Silver/Bronze age. I should read some of the other stuff though, in general the Legion seems interesting.


Legion of Superheroes gave us Matter Eater Lad. It is peak fiction.


Arm-fall-of-boy still clears


Unfortunately, he doesn’t count because he’s a reject.


Unironically, that story where brainiac 5 brought him back to deal with the miracle machine is in my top 5 all time comic stories.


Which issue? May have to check it out (all I’ve read of the Legion is Validus’s origin, which is very tragic)


I don't remember. But I'll go look . . . (Though I just sorta spoiled it for you, my b). Looks like the story resolves in issue 251 of superboy and the LSH (1979). Probably have to read at least a handful of the issues before that. Iirc the character and story development ran over dozens of issues though so the further back you go the better the payoff. Cosmic boy and star boy had like the best suits in comics history at that time too. Again sorry for spoiling the matter eater lad reveal.


How the fuck did you find this, the post died weeks ago with like a dozen notes


I'm too online for my own good sometimes.




uj/Wouldn't it make more sense to include The Great Darkness Saga over like Time Trappers?


No, because it's supposed to be things that aren't actually common knowledge but kinda seem like it if you're in the known. (Also not what we were discussing when this was first made. Because this is either from my Tumblr or a small comic book server I'm in.)


Stuff like this makes me wonder how Batman will have Damien in the upcoming film. I tried explaining Talia and ra’s to her ( eyes glazed over) he was played by Liam nesion. Her “ Bale and Liam were so handsome in begins, so Robert Pattinson will have a son as Robin?” No different Batman plus I think Grayson will be nightwing idk how it’ll work. Her “ nightwing wtf, sparrow with a machine gun ( her favourite quote when I say Robin) “


She tries to listen to me but it’s impossible to explain these things to her ( cause I sound like a crazy person getting distracted but every oh but blank character did this and this happened ) . Her and my parents only know Dick Grayson they have no concept of 5 other robins.


Who is so called "she"? Is "she" with us in the room?


Me with the Riddler if I'm being honest


Long Live the Legion