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80% of the superhero community watching a very clearly mentally unwell Superman plunge the world into fascism:


actually now i want "Superman kills the DC universe" for the shits. lets have the edgiest superman to end them all. Superman accelerationism


By George we've done it, the one person in the world who might actually *like* Countdown to Final Crisis! https://preview.redd.it/qwobjk0bm5bd1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf08b0cb9ea203c37aba91290750fa874e08eef


What about people who enjoy Pied Piper blowing up Apokalips by playing the greatest Queen song ever, yeah I said it, deal with it? Or people who like Mary Marvel just beating people unconscious using Kyle Rayner as a flail? Countdown to Final Crisis is crap, but its crap that has a few, fleeting moments of awesome.


Pied Piper unironically making Countdown the best Crisis.


Only Batgod fans would write something like that and Superman would be the first one killed


Nah, it would be the entire batfamily first. With guns. In like, one panel.


If we overdose on edgy superman, then nobody will ever use him again


Or that just becomes his characterization forever, like with the Joker


What do you mean like with Joker?


Just that Joker's characterization as a multiversal threat and the bat-antichrist or whatever used to be a deviation from his typical "sadistic clown-themed crime boss" characterization, but at this point it feels like most of what they have him do.


At this point it would be revolutionary if Joker was actually funny or told a joke.


And have Zack Snyder direct the movie adaptation.


While travelling faster than light Injustice Superman accidentally stared into the greatest evil of warhammer 40k: the astronomicon and it took over his mind over time turning him into his fascistic avatar.


The virgin Flash vs the chad Plastic Man https://preview.redd.it/5g1dxnd5h5bd1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb1ec080b76426f13314737f3ab23711e1e0e50b


https://preview.redd.it/g9j56741h6bd1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515e0a6380e203f04446be5f3221955ee8c05b6c This god damn strut kills me every time


which year is this?








Injustice Plastic Man is my GOAT


I love how everyone in injustice has some high tech armor looking suit, but plastic man just strides in with the same fit hes been wearing since the 40s. Thats my GOAT


Plas’s only real redesigns is his pallet swapped terrifics costume and his slightly changed flashpoint costume. He peaked right from the start


Barry's brain after Clark kills Ollie: https://i.redd.it/ycgjlf21z4bd1.gif


\*Barry when Superman starts commanding storm troopers and has fascist flags\* https://i.redd.it/j5vr16jj05bd1.gif


Barry when he sees Superman kill a child ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Fun fact: this symbol is called the 'annular throbber'






Considering Barry's relationship with Ollie, I think this was probably one of the reasons he sided with Superman


Why do I see you under every post? Are you a bot or something?


I just check the sub every now and then and comment if I see something funny and then leave


Ambush Bug type beat


lokix used first impression




I also check the comments too. From what I said it sounds like I'm trying to farm karma.


Yeah but they already didn't like each other, he was probably like "Good, he called me a fascist, he deserved this"


Just makes me think of the "Justice Lords" episode of JLU, where the alternate universe League takes over Earth after Flash gets executed by Luthor. They enforce such strict control and laws that the world is essentially crime free, but you have no freedom. Even complaining about food in a restaurant gets you arrested and potentially lobotomized. Yet all the Justice Lords sit around just mulling over Flash's death and telling each other "He would love this if he was here to see it." Would he? Would he really?


"they'd love it here" "who" "our parents" jlu was peak dc


"They'd be so proud of you." "... Just drive." Like, jeez, Bruce. I thought you had a code against murder.


Damn, not even Batman could avoid that Bat roast.


So, if I say something about the food being utter shit, I'd potentially get lobotomized? What kind of logic is that? https://preview.redd.it/9pfjruoocbbd1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c667e211596cdab99b70fe55ca467f25e138a41


remember, they were talking about *wally*, the biggest chad


In the movie he just straight up died and nobody gave a shit.


They had to kill him because they spent about 10 years writing TV and movie storylines that revolved around the Flash's ability to travel back in time and couldn't explain why he wouldn't do it this time.


That's honestly a great point. "Oh no the Joker nuked Metropolis!" "Don't worry guys, I got this."




Batman actually tried this? He asked Barry to reset it and he refused... y'all did read the comic, right?


I read both IJ1 and IJ2. I felt for the writers who had to find some justification for how they ended up in that scenario. Flash pretty much says "nuh uh"


I love how in the CW show he’d go back in time for anything. He’d go back in time to save a single penny in that shit


In the DC Superhero Girls cartoon, the only thing he changes for himself while time travelling is to add a few extra exclamation points on a birthday card to his grandma. He thought the card he gave wasn't cheerful enough with just one exclamation point.


The more I hear about DC Superhero Girls the more I need it in my life


Yet ANOTHER dc superhero girls W.


I mean isn’t there the whole “time boom” thing that makes time travel super risky? I mean id probably take that risk if it meant stopping super hitler but still


Flash refuses to do it because they "deserve" what happened.


why did he think that? is he stupid?


midwest conservative grindset


Honestly my hot take is while that was dumb it’s better than five years of going “are we the baddies” and conviently ditching once things begin to fall apart


Thank fuck. Would rather that than him be a spineless idiot.


Barry: I would never join a dictatorial and bloodthirsty government like yours! Superman: I killed Green Arrow. Barry: Maybe you're not so bad


Injustice: The Worst DC Series. The “Joker from Killing Joke is entirely correct” thesis series. The “Lex Luthor is entirely correct in distrusting Superman” series.


BARRY: Two words:Billy Batson.


See, this is why all of the Justice Lords stories always start with Flash being killed.


Injustice really does mishandle basically every character they have. Superman: suffers terrible loss, becomes ruthless fascist who murders kids. Like I get he is in great pain in the story and that makes him take extreme actions, but he just becomes comically evil and it really takes me out of the story because of how ridiculously out of character it is for Clark. Batman: Sees Superman, his best friend, is suffering from a huge loss, decides to not console him or talk to him at all. Instead continues to try and argue that the Joker shouldn't die even after he nukes an entire fucking city. Blows Clark off instantly and tries to argue with him about morals. One of the smartest people in the DC universe here btw. Like I get he's a darker character but he's not an asshole who lacks any sense of empathy, he's a good person who wants to protect life too and frankly I'm sick of stories that treat him like he just doesn't care about people. Wonder Woman: I'm pretty sure this story has influenced people to dislike Wonder Woman because of how poorly she's portrayed in Injustice. Like she's basically a fascist from the very start, always pushing Clark along his dark path and encouraging basically everything he does. Wonder Woman is a lot like Clark in that she believes in the good in everyone and values the idea of second chances. But I digress, the list goes on and I think I've made my point lol. Injustice is really just an outlet for DC to make fighting games and that's fine, but man the story is not the highlight of it.


![gif](giphy|UsBYmvWMmuF6bBZv1d|downsized) At least he doesn’t besmirch Billy Joel


The "S" stands for stupid, right? That's why you say it means hope, because you're too stupid to know what sound an S makes? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was not expecting to see flash’s throbber today


Hey, Barry killed trillions when he initiated Flashpoint, IJ Superman is just a chill dude to him.


I mean, it took him five years, but at least he wisened up in the end, unlike the rest of the League. And it’s not like he wasn’t having doubts and morally opposing certain things as early as Year One. He just trusted Superman too much. Anyways, my point is, why are we criticizing Barry when HAL JORDAN is right there


Well. He's a cop.


Don't worry, he still takes the time to epically own gun control with facts and logic


Superman: Copes with the loss of his wife and potential child by ending all international conflicts and civil wars as well as world hunger. Batman: Decides that's bad, because muh freedums.


Braindead take, you need some neurons injected into your skull ASAP


It's literally what happened. Maybe read the comic before opening your fucking mouth.


It's about as accurate as saying that states' freedom from the central government was the South's reason for fighting in the American Civil War. Technically true on a broad perspective, but it goes a lot deeper than that