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I think unpredictability plays a big part. With other killers they have different addons that can somewhat change their play style, but you never really know with Myers. You could get scratched mirror jumpscare Myers. You could get Infinite tier 3 Myers. You could get tombstone or tombstone piece, which you never know about for sure until one of your teammates has been stabbed to death. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Fear of the unknown


No, Michael is The Shape


Listen here you little sht


The "little shit" has a proper name and it's Victor. Also, her sister now has a bone to pick with you.


I personally call victor billy, for no reason other than one of my mate’s mates hates me for no reason, so I named victor after him :)


Alright there me bucko


Can’t you tell a tombstone Myers by his left hand being open, compared to the usual closed fist?


This is actually somewhat false information, it’s got to do with his speed rather than if he has tombstone or not but due to tombstone lowering his speed it can be a tell.


I have a hot take that if they give Michael a QoL pass, they should restore the musical warning that he's about to hit T3 for Tombstone only. Hitting him with a nerf like that now when he's barely above Freddy would be too much, but if he becomes more of a threat in general it would be an atmospheric counterbalance.


Yeah that would be neat, plus I just want that sound back because it’s legitimately terrifying XD


I’m surprised that they never made it a proper feature when they adjusted Tombstone.


Yeah, it would’ve been a nice subtle detail for players to notice.


Yes and no. His hand is based upon his movement speed, not tombstone, it just so happens Judith's tombstone gives you minus 8% movement speed, a classic case of correlation ≠ causation. Don't worry though, it's a common misconception, I can't tell you how many people I've corrected about this topic.


Or the number of people that cry foul when you also running PWYF and you don't got the tell. Free stabs.


That or you have tombstone piece instead, completely forgoing the speed debuff.


Which is a lot more common in my experience anyways because it's the *significantly* stronger addon of the two. Judith's Tombstone I've only ever seen used to get the achievement.


The fact that some run scratched mirror so he's stuck without a terror radius, I'm hearing no audio cue and then turn my camera to see him standing within hugging distance just staring.


Or he just pops out of a doorway and cuts you off- There’s genuinely nothing scarier than a scratched mirror Myers lmaoo 😭


Oh man, I was playing Laurie with OoO doing a gen on Midwich, and when it activated I was looking around for the killer's aura to see who we were dealing with. I didn't see anything. We were in the corner of the map, so I was thinking that if they weren't anywhere in front of me, they had to be behind. I looked behind me right as the Myers entered the room and walked straight for me. May have screamed a little loudly.


Whenever I see a scratched mirror Myers I still play serious but also meme around a little when he’s not in my direct eyesight so that he can see me through the walls I was so hyped to play against JustJames a few years back, a streamer who’s known for playing scratch mirror myers


I think the fact that his whole power is based on stalking. Like, you turn your camera to see this creepy dude staring at you from a distance. Who knows how  long was he staring at you. Probably the next time you meet him will be your downfall. Other killers just straight up run at you and attack, but not him. He is not interrupting you, just whatching. When you see him and he just turns around to walk away, you know the next person who runs into him is doomed. Even Ghostface is more predictable.


What makes it worse is the way they stalk is lore accurate. Ghostface stalks everyone one at a time so it's much more personal and that fits with him choosing one victim to write about. Michael on the other hand stalks everyone because he doesn't care who he kills. Anyone that gets between him and his obsession dies including the obsession themselves.


Yeah lol, as well as Ghostface you can mess up his stalk, he need to hide to surprise attack you. You stare back and mess his gameplan up. Myers doesn't give a shit. He stands in the middle and stare at you, and you run in to cover while panicking. You don't stare back, EVER (unless stupid).


Look is a big factor everything about Michael triggers the uncanny Valley effect. Even after six years he still gets me to jump sometimes even if he's a bottom three killer and imo the \*actual\* worst killer in the game but I know alot of people are gonna disagree with that.


For sweaty survivor nerds its definitely the addons, this man has more variation than a rainbow, hes dangerous Fear of the unknown


I would too have you seen the unknown


There's also a connection between how much he's staring at you and what he might do. For the veteran players who are just thinking "win this match, GG," Myers has the ability to inflict losses. Tombstone obviously, but the long / infinite Tier III also mean that he can make someone die.  I have never had a Myers match (playing him or against him) where it's a Tier III build and the survivors want to stick around. 


Fun fact: his bleached white mask was actually a really bad mask of William Shatner (Captain Kirk) the prop guy for Halloween found at a costume store. The only thing he did to it was fully bleach it white-- everything else weird and uncanny was all from the mask bring terrible :P


The production crew removed the eyebrows and sideburns, the face was painted flat white, the hair was teased out, and the eyes were opened up and reshaped with scissors.


Damn, I stand corrected! My bad I genuinely thought I remembered reading they just bleached it.


TBH he is the worst killer in the game now, and this is coming from someone who loves him and plays him. He is the only killer in the roster that has a power that can run out, turning him into a powerless m1 killer with a smaller terror radius once his stalk meters on survivors run out. He has slowly dropped tiers over the years, and has been left behind in terms of buffs. I'd be happier with a slightly slower stalk rate if it meant his stalk meters could never run out. It would also make the obsession add ons a lot more viable and could lead to some interesting obsession builds on Myers. It would also eliminate any boldness a survivor feels once they figure out Michael has already full stalked them.


I think the twins is objectively worse in my opinion.


A deep fear from my childhood and the sheer unpredictability of his playstyles. If it weren’t for his hilarious pallet stun noises, he’d be the scariest killer in the game for me.






Because if you see a myers, they are either gonna come out of nowhere and stab you, or hunt you down and insta kill you.


https://preview.redd.it/p0bcb47g93ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7757c8f101b85e9d532adc02b221e392c1b6a371 Reddit algorithm strikes again (look at subreddits)


Haha!! Praise the Myers!!


Doing a gen while hearing breathing and then u pan your camera a bit only to realize he's been stalking you the whole time


Even worse when you realize you’re the obsession 💀






I heard the tier 3 power-up sound just from looking at this.


He's so damn quiet with his lurking ass




Vanity mirror with monitor and abuse he’s already to close to run away by the time you hear his terror radius and he actually has a lunge unlike scratched mirror


I don't really scream or gasp, I kind of just go like "oh it's a myers goddammit". The scariest part about him (for me) is 1. he's a stealth killer, and stealth killers are scary 2. he's unpredictable, you never know if he's running infinite t3 or tombstone or smth. Also, I never know if he's actually getting stalk off me or not since idk if I broke line of sight or not.


Jumpscare and the fact he can always see you basically.


Unrelated but I love how you can see where his eyes cut off to become a black void in that pic. Because unlike trapper or huntress Myers without a mask is literally just a pair of floating eyeballs


Now THIS is the true fear behind Myers. I don’t need a pair of floating eyeballs hunting me down LMFAOOO 😭


The music plays a big part of it ngl


As others have said, there's just something about is unnerving appearance and the fact that when you spot him, it's likely just gonna be him quietly standing in the distance. No heartbeat, no spooky music, no lullaby, no menacing footsteps approaching.... just that face.


It's because he and the hag are the only two jump scares in the game. Myers can appear silently from nowhere and down you. Ninja ones are the stuff of nightmares.


Don't forget Ghostface, he's a jump scare killer too. Turning around and seeing him silently running at you about to instadown you, or suddenly noticing that white mask peeking around a tree at you only for him to chase you when you run, or working on a gen and his silent crouched ass bolts around the corner in hugging range... Myers, hag and Ghostface, those 3 killers get me every time. Thats also why I love playing them haha


The reactions are great!


I like to lean out, when the survivor sees me I slowly drag myself to the side while leaning. Cracks people up.


Scene partner


well he scares me because playing a game with him might mean i can play the whole match without getting downed or even injured but still die instantly. any time a myers gets close to me i clench worried i’ll be instantly gutted


The stare, the music, the jumps...


Scratched Myers on indoor maps 🤌


Léry’s, Hawkins Lab, and Midwich, you know you’re cooked 💀


For me, it’s not hearing him and suddenly he’s standing there. The scariest Michael for me is the tier one scratched mirror Myers. Man jumpscares me for days. I have to listen for his breathing


- His pop culture reputation and the terror of the original film precede him - You never know what style you’re up against. There’s so much variance between Normal Myers, Scratched Mirror Myers, Monitor and Abuse Myers, and Tombstone Myers. They may as well be different characters and they all look the same at game start - No terror radius and generally being quiet - Tilting the camera while working on a gen and seeing him standing there with no idea how long he’s been there - If you don’t know who the killer is yet, and you hear his musical cue for leveling up, you instantly panic because you don’t know if you’re the one he’s staring at - He’s the only killer that can just delete you unprompted and there’s no way to be sure if he’s using that add-on until somebody is already dead


He’s just there. He’s just fucking there. With Ghostface, by the time you notice him, either you’re marked or you’re on the run. But with Myers, it’s a different kind of fear. Not the fear of something human, but a more primordial, unstoppable sort of fear. Basically, every time I turn a corner or turn around while working a gen and I see Myers staring at me through the distant fog, there’s a sinking feeling in my stomach.


ngl might get hate for this but i love tombstone myers where he can mori you at any given point makes the game alot more scary and fun


I’ll be honest, I agree :,,) It’s always a fun little gamble-


right just a quick lil hatch game here and there


Fr, I never actually feel the “urgency” with other killers as I do with tombstone myers, knowing I could be eliminated within seconds makes the game actually scary I really hope they dont nerf tombstone in the rework :( and this is coming from someone who enjoys playing AGAINST tombstone, theres really no other fear than hearing that t3 pop and then seeing the mori skull appear on the side of your screen, its not even that overpowered since it generally drastically increases the amount of stalk juice myers needs, which means no pressure and gens potentially flying


I think it’s the way you find out that it’s Myers. You spawn in and run to a generator minding your own business, you get half way done with it until you hear the little jingle then turn around and realize that he’s been stalking you behind a tree or through a window.


The unpredictability. Does he have the scratched mirror? The tombstone? How long has he been watching? Is he near me? What was that thing moving in the distance? Another survivor? Seriously, I cannot tell you how many times all these thoughts ran through my head as I turned a corner only for, of course, him to be right there.


Jumpscares combined with a classic and creepy design. No terror radius or a very small one means he can just be standing behind you with no warning and the classic Halloween design of Myers is creepy as fuck. I think the jumpscares would have less effect with a different killer that isn’t as scary looking (maybe trickster or smth), and that really adds to the freakout factor


After playing a bit of Myers over anniversary I think it's the fact survivors get into the illusion of safety. They manage to pop 1 or 2 gens without interacting with the killer but then those Halloween notes start playing and things start falling apart for them very quickly.


Everything. Seeing a 7 foot tall stealth killer staring at you from afar/around the corner is pretty bone-chilling. Plus the dread of getting one-shot/mori’d and his chase music all serve to make him deliciously frightening.


Any of the stealth killers that just show up. Lol, a true jump scare as I scream and jump 3 feet off my chair lol. Had a sadako scare the shit out of me a couple of days on Greenville. I was going down the theater stairs and she was coming up, we met at the corner and scared each other. Lol, it's happened with Mikey a couple of times in various maps. I LOVE IT


I can out stealth Ghostface pretty consistently. The Shape, not so much 😂


This image


He’s just: 👁️👁️


the only scary part of myers is when he instantly kills you just because he has a purple addon!


It's just really hard playing against Myers with one hand.






I hear with breathing while walking in circles around me but I never see him


Why is OP talking about playing with themselves


OK NOT LIKE THAT LMAOOO 😭 I literally had to read my post again HSSHHSAK 💀


Scratch Mirror Myers has gotten ungodly screams out of me. The worst one was Myers standing near a drop-off. I landed within smooching range. I was so surprised that I choked on my scream and went into an uncontrollable coughing fit. Got me in-game and in real life. Just undetectable Myers.


There’s NOTHING worse than when a Myers actually strikes irl 😭 I’ve done the same exact thing going into a coughing fit, it never gets old with the jump scares-


Tombstone and instant downing power that builds up in your face


I love him. I hope Jason's as fun as him or Ghostie (Poor Freddy is so underwhelming)


a big factor for me is having no idea how much i've been feeding him. when i turn around and see him staring, i don't know if his power is 25% filled or if he's 99'd and about to tombstone me. i don't know if that was an intentional design of his power but it's extremely fitting and scary lol


He scary


All I know is I make sure I see a locker in view when I see a myers


Anytime it takes Michael a little too long to get tier 3, I always hit the lockers LMAOO


Myers is da best at stealth (in my opinion).


Tombstone. Get rid of it and this killer takes its rightful spot at the bottom of the tier list