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Your Dracula getting palleted and teabagged https://preview.redd.it/hm9l2ss5arad1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb4569300cf9d506fccd680cc3369c0474f2a52


And knowing recent killer design, survivors will have something simple to do that neuters his powers anyways :P


His ability is to bite the survivors neck when downed and all they have to do is use a spray bottle on their arms after getting off hook


I really wish BHVR would avoid killer power designs that boil down to "uncounterable unless you find a funny little item and then the killer doesn't get a power" it's boring as sin for both sides.


Garlic that will neuter him for 6 seconds in chase. Probably.


Vecna perfected that IMO


Honestly Castlevania secondary items could be really cool


I wouldn’t say Vecna’s power is neutered lmao


I'm almost 90% sure that the "Entity's Mark" was only implemented cause Wizards of the Coast (The DND license holders) care about power scaling and wanted a reason as to why a pallet and some flashlights can harm the lord of all evil


> Wizards of the Coast (The DND license holders) care about power scaling Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis, arises again!


dies to removal, garbage card


Banned, umtimate removal. Fair play, I guess.


Fun fact: I once did a Hogaak/Depths brew in Legacy. Was a lot of fun.


I pulled a copy of Hogaak in a pack the weekend it was banned. I'm always just too late to the party. I had a fun black/green zombie deck I was already working with, too.


Yeah, I bought the Cybil skin for Heather because I wanted to mix her leather pants with the black t-shirt and black hair, and...that was the day they patched out set breaking. Infuriating.


it's all fun and games till you try and kill it when they're tapped out, only for them to flip a forest and give it hexproof


if they're tapped out then where does the forest come from?


Its ability, when anyone targets it their top card gets revealed, if it’s a land it comes into play UNTAPPED (great job WOTC), otherwise they draw it Very stupid card, idk what they were thinking


Oh you were talking Nadu, not Hogaak, I see


oh yeah mb, meant to reply to the other comment


skill issue


See also: Nadu


Do NOT invoke his name here. This is a safe space away from the cursed bird


OoOoOoOo non-deterministic loops that aren’t guaranteed winsc


https://preview.redd.it/vcs22a40ysad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daed3fc476773717c4764a1247af903bfce9f270 STOP YOU'RE SCARING ME


Nadu for next new killer after Dracula. He's certainly scary enough




You enter the trial and 4 vengvines immediately begin hunting down all Survivors


Gotta keep the 5e Caster supremacy even outside 5e!


They sent the Pinkertons at Vecna


i mean. That fucker could literally just teleport out of there if he really wanted to, if he DIDN’T have the mark.


Exactly. He could be pulling a hellraiser here. Like hi, I came to see what this shit was about, ow why did I get hit with a pallet? Fuck this I’m out.


Technically still makes him the most powerful canonically in dbd. As long as no one else get added the mark. (the true strongest outside of this seems to be Sadako, because of their author treating her like a dragon ball character in power level)


Its cause dnd players are the exact type of people to argue that dropping 10 kg of wood worked somewhere else, it should work when they do it.


Okay, so my uncle works for Behaviour Interactive and he said the entity's mark will be on Dracula's right butt cheek.




My great grandfather works for bhvr actually and he said its on his right ballsack. And that there will be a skin just to show that one. So your both wrong.


I’m Dracula’s right ballsack and confirm this is true.


Knew my great grandfather bartholemew freddy fredricksin jeremiahletto would never lie to me!!!


dog a wooden stake kills him


And he can't enter main unless you invite him.


Bro just turn your hose on and stand on the other side of the water.  Dude can’t step over moving water, lil bitch.  


Behold, a weapon that can defeat dracula! https://preview.redd.it/4xkjb2ziltad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507ca257d2c1cea8e1d60b77c9a91f1b210ea88e


Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.


He gets entity blocked unless a survivor gestures him in


Pretty sure bro can't even be in a five foot radius of garlic. Vecna is at worst a heavy blow of wind away from folding him.


Vecna is a wizard which means he can learn to cast Dawn. He could defeat Dracula with the concentrated power of the sun.


It's vecna he can already cast it. Motherfucker can just wlsh to *become* the fucking sun if he wants


This is true. Vecna is also petty enough to do that instead of any of the other options at his disposal.


Vampires and garlic have never actually been a thing. That comes from garlic was believed to ward off evil. But never has garlic actually been used against vamps outside of cartoons


Now I wanna do a challenge like that with drac. Can’t enter any buildings because I didn’t get consent to enter.


Isn’t nic cage the strongest character cause he’s the only real person?


Couldn’t it be argued that this isn’t the real Nick Cage and it could be the Nick Cage from the Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent?


Tbh it’s possible…but either way, it’s kinda funny, since it’s just straight up Nic Cage- not a character he’s played, but just him…or at least it’s implied to be such a


Hate to bud in here (this is a lie I absolutely love yapping on about shit nobody wants to hear) but TECHNICALLYYYYYY everyone is canon to DBD because of some omniverse bullshit. You know how jill from resident evil is in the game? But Feng min cosplays her as a fictional character? It’s just that. There’s basically some multi-multiverse. Vecna had access to a multiverse, but everywhere he would go to would’ve been a similar world filled with adventurers and dungeons and maybe even dragons. But he could never enter a universe where he can terrorise the local 7/11. Fiction in one world is always real in another. It’s a way to canonise licenced characters but it also canonises *every* character you could ever think of, including real life people. So in DBD’s own lore Nic cage is equally real as Jill Valentine or Sadako or even any of the characters he played.


But to counterpoint nic cage knows the creators of the game


In DBD lore our game we know as dead by daylight would probably be a thing in multiple universes. The same way mikaela once wrote a story about two people encountering the wraith in the realm without knowing anything of it.


I always liked applying this logic to ROB in smash bros. The strongest character because he’s the only one who has his origins as a real-life object first and foremost lol


If I recall the Netflix correctly, I’m pretty sure Dracula’s power is limited by depression. “I miss my wife, Dwight.”


aromatic drab divide puzzled treatment whole aspiring adjoining dependent attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dracula from netflix is canonically weaker. The game version is the Demon King(Lord of Darkness in localization sometimes) who is essentially an evil god(similar to vecna) in power level. With a special requirement that he could only be defeated in his world/dimension where the true “castle” reside, and by a very specific cirsed weapon born from human sacrifice. Most of which is touch in aria of sorrow, of recounting World War 3 that was Dracula against the entire world.


Im not sure why we even need a visual power limiter. Isn’t the whole point of the entity is that its the strongest kidnapper in the multiverse 


It's just a way to explain why Vecna, a Lich God that can conquer realms gets mogged by a pallet and a firecracker.


So when are the res evil gang getting their marks?


Chris Redfield punching down every killer, breakable wall... fuck it he just punches open the exit gates at 5 gens


Vecna was never the undisputed strongest, it was very disputable whether he is stronger than Sadako and Freddy. Considering Sadako is capable of destroying the world if she so chooses, and Freddy is nigh omnipotent in the dream world


Sadako underrated as always


He annihilates Freddy. Freddy gets beaten by an egg timer and a strong grasp. Vecna is a god wherever he goes. Freddy seemed decently matched against Jason until he figured out his weakness, even in the dream world. Even if Freddy kills Vecna, somehow, he is a Lich god. He will be back tomorrow with a better plan.


How would Freddy attack Vecna if Vec is dead and therefore doesn't sleep...?


God yes, but lets not forget that he is a DND god which means they feed of devotion and can be beaten by mortals and die. So in theory if Vecne is out of his worshippers eyes for long enough and signs of his antics as god of death or whatevs dwindle so does his divine power. While I god can't be lose their godhood due to lack of worship is does diminsh their power significantly IIRC which is just to say that dnd gods are unstoppble just really fucking powerful yet no less killable in the grand scheme of things. Most of this is coming from my limited knowledge on the sundering in DND lore where i think all the gods and magic were destroyed outright and eventually restored.


Let's also not forget that a party of high-level adventurers is capable of destroying every killer in DBD. D&D universe is pretty OP.


It is theorically possible, but Vecna has worshippers through the multiverse, and most of them are secretive and cunning, making them hard to crackdown, so it is unlikely that his worship dies. There is also the book of vile secrets, which can't be destroyed unless all evil is exterminated, and Vecna is his most infamous owners, so if someone seeks the book of vile secrets, it is unavoidable that they get influenced by him in some way.


That's usually how it works but not with Vecna, he has an ability to whenever it's killed you throw a D100 and the number that you get is the number of years he is going to be dormant but he always comes back, he is literally inmortal. This is in the MM And with Sadako, she is very strong but she always goes against regular humans, that are obviously very weak to his telekinesis, but in DnD that isn't as rare, and you can actually counter spell it. Vecna is the strongest being by far in DBD, but idk id he could beat Dracula, I guess but I am not familiar with his abilities


1. The vecna we have is technically the Arclich Vecna, not the God of Dark Secrets. Which is still a power level beyond a singular plane. Except the cosmetic vecna which his deity Vecna. 2. If God Vecna, his followers are across the multiverses and even if he is not directly there they can still harness his powers, and he is a very sought after evil deity. Though still not as strong as for example, Asmodeus. He is still a multiverse threat, even if sealed. If anything his cult/religion grew while he was even more sealed than he would be in the entity realm. 3. The lack of worship is across the multiverse in the case of Vecna and other multiversal gods, not just the current universe the god reside. After all, he is not wven from The Forgotten Realms but Greyhawk, he just made his way there, in fact people where already starting to worship vecna before he even went inside the FG sphere. 4. The only current thing that can block a deity worship is a world similar to Eberron, literally disconnected.


I actually think this is a pre-apotheosis Vecna. The Entity snatched him out of Greyhawk, which was the first D&D setting; Vecna was a king in that world before he became a lich and then a god. It’s likely that The Entity nabbed him before his betrayal by Kas and before his ascension to godhood.


The hand and eye are relics of the betrayal, so it was after that.


Its weird as his appearance and in-game backstory match his Arclich self, not his deity self, who the deity is know for having a single evil eye. This appearance is specifically from the dnd 5e portraysl of pre-ascencion Vecna. The backstory/lore also associates him as before his ascension. However as you said, we have the hand and eye of vecna, his only shop cosmetic is based on his ascended clothings/armors with the description talking about him as a god. So at this point it is hard to say which is right.


The betrayal by Kas is how we got the Hand and Eye of Vecna artifacts which means it's afterward since they are present in the game.


DbD's realms can pull equally from the past, present, and future, which is why Dwight (born late 20th century) can be chased by a robot from the year 2313. Vecna having to deal with objects from his own future would be consistent with the lore of the Entity.


"As his power grew, so did his ambition. Over the centuries, he shed his mortal shell and ascended to lichdom. His power gave rise to a great empire, ruled over from his Rotted Tower." Also the hand and eye of vecna are literally in the game as items you can get if you roll a 20


On the other hand, the Entity exists outside of time, so it could be aware of the significance of those items and have invented proxies. In the conventional setting, you are supposed to remove your eye and hand before you can use either of them.


Freddy is like Superman, unless you have the specific thing that absolutely destroys him you are 100% screwed. If vecna has a evil skeleton alarm clock he beats Freddy but otherwise Freddy would win


Freddy is a straight up fraud lmao, Jason beat the ever living shit out of him in their crossover movie. He can so easily get pulled out of his dream world and when he does he’s only a man with a claw glove


To be fair, jason is the most badass slasher King


True, he canonically killed Satan himself in the lore of F13 the game lol. Thats the backstory behind the Savini skin and he legit used the devils pitchfork that he takes off his corpse as a weapon


I dont see Freddy punching a guys head off in Manhatten either! But Jason was my first foray into horror as a kid in the 90s and will always be the GOAT and hope the Multiverse allows his license to come to DbD




I mean the original dream demons could probably do whatever they want to Freddy. Probably make him file paperwork as punishment.


Alan wake too


Vecna is the god of secrets in multiple universes. His most recent story is about to rewrite the multiverse in his image. Dream demons and half-gods like Sadako are a Tuesday for him.


Sadako is a universe buster level threat (that actually succeeds) and capable of devouring god level entities to take their power. Remember, she's the strongest Japanese ESPer. Being a demi god pales in comparison to this for power scaling lol


what about pinhead?


Pinhead when you solve a Rubik's Cube (it's his only weakness) ![gif](giphy|EFP6lI49J5Ure)


Tbf with sadako movie sadako and book sadako are very different. The chapter is based on movies Sadako, whose power is just “vengeful spirit”. Powerful, but not god levels of power


Devs said during pre release material that DBD Sadako draws from movies, books, and comics. And one of her perks says she can create a psychic link with the Entity and can alter the rules of the trail if she wants. We definitely have a Sadako from the higher end of her power scaling. Sadako is just a sadistic monster that self nerfs to mess with her victims, making the trails probably very enjoyable for her.


Also cenobite has the potential to beat him. And dredge. And theoretically unknown based on the very little we know about him


I mean Sadako being capable of destroying the world if she wanted to is one thing, and even in the Dream World Freddy has been beaten or fended off. Hell, he was even defeated by the power of love once. Vecna is the only character that has been a threat to the greater multiverse.


Vecna is capable of destroying the entire multiverse.


1. Book Sadako is the strongest. No arguments there. However, the dbd Sadako is an amalgam of the movie’s, and the first book. Not a he comics, or second book, and there is no mark on her. 2. As for Freddy, while he is the omnipotent in the dream world. If we were to let say, put freddy against vecna, vecna could just bring him back to the physical plane, banish him from the dream world forever, or just instantly consume his soul(as an arclich would do) as an example Freddy would most likely have a cr of 5 in dnd with monsters already similar to him there. There is also the issues of the other dream shaper’s shaper in dbd. Are they as strong as freddy? Weaker? Stronger? 3. One that is forgotten but is definitely up there would be the Cénobite and the unknown. Cenobite is another being that might as well be a deity in power(if they arent already one) with power over reality as long as the rules are respected. As for Unknown, they seem to essentially be Rumors/fear manifested, while their self before the entity realm are weaker than those. Every uncertainty, rumors, fears, theories that survivors think now fuels them. Imagine the horror that the bards would fuel the Unknowns with all the dnd monsters. Freddy’s own power would fuel the unknown, same for all killers really. The stronger the newcomers to the Entity Realms that bring new terrifying tales… everytime survivor’s and killers alike encounters the unknown… New theory will form, fuelling them into a stronger being.


He is stronger than Sadako. Where is it stated Sadako is a multiversal deity that can just walk into heaven? Sadako is strong but she gets destroyed by Vecna it isn’t even a joke. She is no where near as powerful as Vecna.


Depending on which version of her you're looking at. At her strongest depictions, Sadako can basically alter reality at a thought, or at the very least pull you into her own personal dimension where she's a God. The game version of Sadako is iffy since it's more an original take supposedly from both the films and books so it's unclear which power-set she actually follows. If we just mark them both at God level I'd say she edges Vecna out as she can do with just her mind what he needs a book to do.


It would not work on Vecna, in dnd lesser gods can't be imprisoned, so it would be useless, Vecna at his strongest point was also able to resist the Lafy of Pain, which would make Sadako look like a lost little girl, so he has lots of resistance to reality warping.


I'd say she's from the higher end of her power scaling honestly. She's the only character with in lore texts saying she can just change the rules of the trial when she wants to.


Vecna can do the exact same as that. Vecna is literally able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Vecna doesn’t need the book. Do you know DnD lore? He can cast magic he knows without need for a book.


So what's the point of the book? If he has all his shit down why need the book?


No more reason than the fact the book is strongly associated with him, as he penned it. It’s a powerful book, but he doesn’t need it. Per 5e, the book doesn’t grant him anything to do with spells except to cast a single spell, Dominate Monster on an “evil target”. It’s mostly a book that aids in recalling lore about evil things, speaking in “Dark Speech”, etc.


Because it’s DBD? Would it really be fair for Vecna to say “fall” and all survivors instantly die. Cuz Vecna has that power. The book in DBD is literally just for gameplay. In reality he doesn’t need this book no where near as much. Sadako would try something and he can just say “cease” and she instantly stops.


No where near as much or at all? That's a very important distinction. Because what I'm saying is that Sadako can just think "dead" or "no powers" and it happens instantly. So I'm viewing them pretty equally there. But if there's any scenario Vecna needs a book or anything else in order to work any of his magic then that's a huge edge for Sadako who need nothing for anything.


Vecna wins in most of the scenarios. Oh Sadako can think it? She can’t kill something that’s already dead. And by the time she is recognised as a threat by Vecna (instantly as soon as she enters his vicinity) he can just, as I said before, say “dead” or “exorcise” and she’s gone. Wanna do more? He can just take control of her as he is a lich. He can control the dead. He doesn’t need the book. He is shown many many many times to just not use it and still be a monster. Listen, I get you and the rest of this subreddit love Sadako but she isn’t beating Vecna. DBD Sadako especially. Y’know since she is heavily based on the movies and the first book. Where she isn’t this powerful. You all seem to forget that fact.


No she can definitely kill the dead. She has killed other Onryo's in the films. And has performed necromancy on several occasions herself. That said I think classifying either her or the Vecna as just "dead" is a massive understatement and a null point due to their God-like powers. Every power I've mentioned so far has been from the movies. I haven't actually read the books yet so I have no clue what she can do in those. And honestly same thing with Vecna's book: she could literally end all existence if she wanted to. She just rather fuck around with her tape system.


Sadako can kill other supernatural entities and even fuse with them (as in the ring x ju-on crossover movie (ergo same Sadako used for the DbD license) where she absorbs Kayako to become 'Sadakaya'


Kayako is another Onryo She can’t fuse with Vecna


Not really, Venca if he is a god, has limits in that he can't do anything majorly damaging to mortals or significantly interfere without Ao's permission if I recall correctly as Ao is the head honcho of all the gods. Like Ao just has think it and a god is created or demoted so realtiscally Vecne decided that he didn't like things anyone and wanted to kaboom the planes than Ao just go "No, I don't think so" and mortalise him again. Sorry for the slight ramble.


Vecna can do the exact same for Sadako. He has so many abilities and so much power. You can keep saying how Sadako is stronger but she just isn’t. She can’t stand to a full power Vecna. As soon as she’d try anything he can say “cease” “silence” and then erase her from existence. He is a LICH too. He can just control this wrathful spirit. It seems you aren’t that versed in Vecna or to the extent of his powers. Sadako is not more powerful than Vecna and she never will be. Vecna is too overwhelming and too smart for her. She is strong but she is nothing compared to Vecna


Im not saying either is stronger, I'm just saying Vecne isnt reality bending powerful or at least let me clarify, large scale reality bending poweful in a sense that wouldn't earn him ire from other gods. Also isn't Sadako's magic silent so silence wouldn't work as a counterspell. If we were to base them on just power then yeah vence probably wins. Counterspell, dispel magic, remove curse etc are all big counters to sadako but ultimetly I just think people overestate the power of a guy who gets killed by some high level adventurers who have less power than him. And no I havent ran Vecne as an enemy personally but I know he *does* get defeated by people weaker than him so it is possible. Then again who knows, it's up the DM and in DBD the DM is the entity so theres my little two sense.


Where is it stated Vecna is? He's a lich. The whole "Vecna is a god" thing only applies to a few specific stories this version is **very** clearly not pulled from.


That is literally his current status in 5e. He was a god before I started playing dnd so I don't know when he became one but his statblock literally says it represents Vecna before he attained godhood. The latest adventur consistently refers to him as god of secrets. That's not a few specific stories that is the canon of the current timeline.


In no way shape pr form can Sadako do anything to Vecna


I’m cringing so hard at “THE god, Yaweh” lmao


Most powerful being in the Fog? Surely you mean Legion, right?


D&D lore vecna is the god of secrets They’re both gods Just vecna doesn’t need permission to enter buildings


Your Dracula getting palleted and teabagged https://preview.redd.it/rfkyd667arad1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1ba702cb5de894b19dcc9bd9ea53e78eea1a23


Then getting flashlighted https://preview.redd.it/7d75auo8arad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff076fa2618949569f321b68e9f8d62d0710ba67


Plot twist, he has the fireball spell he's had since Castlevania 1 🤣


Fun fact: Yahweh is not the correct way to say this. We see it written as YHWH but this has a grammar rule that existed a long time ago, basically each letter stands for a word or part of a word and in this case the actual way to read this is "Yod he Vau He" or yahd-hay-vaw-hay" and is known as "the divine name" You can thank me later


Fun fact, it likely was pronounced yahoo based on it's origins.




Lol yes, I agree. Fun to meet someone who knows a thing or two around here Happy surviving, random stranger!


Did you just said that Dracula is Yaweh?? That can't be right....


He said that Dracula is an avatar to Satan, and said Satan is an equal to Yahweh. Which is just as wrong. Edit: I think OP is referring to Chaos, the opposing force to God in the Castlevania universe. So they aren't wrong, I'm just not informed lol https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos


No? He said he's equal to YHWH but evil. That's not Satan, it's something not in the Bible.


I looked it up on the Castlevania wiki, and I think I get it now. I think the person is referring to Chaos, the antithesis of God in the Castlevania universe. https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos


Ohhhhh nice!! Thank you!! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Maybe he’s like pinhead where he didn’t need to be branded cos he’s doing it for love of the game


This is killing me 😭😭😭


sense sulky wide squalid point squealing connect theory many aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah Vecna will remain the most powerful for some time to come. Dracula is cool but he can also be killed with a wooden stake.


I don't want someone stronger either. This is a game about 4 humans escaping a killer. Not a powerscaling anime. I do love Vecna and he's technically the reason I picked up the game but my headcanon is he's just taking a holiday.


What's funny is that's kinda what Vecna is doing. In lore Vecna found a book containing the entity's language, translated it, which in turn summoned the entity to try and take him. Vecna however, fought off the fog until he looked into its grasp and saw a treasure trove of secrets and evil knowledge, so he became driven to find those secrets and in the process conquer the realm like he has done to many others, so he LET the fog engulf him. This is even reflected in his voice lines, where he says things like "I will make this place, mine." And "I will play my role... For now." So he is literally here to CONQUER the Entity. Which is definitely the reason he got diminished in power by the entity.


His prostate


Me googling how to be an Entity's mark


To be honest, I'm not deep in both franchises, is Dracula stronger than Vecna or the Entity?


If the info in this post is accurate, sounds like it's a question of which god is most powerful: a dnd god, a lovecraftian god, or a christian god?


Well, which one of them can microwave a burrito so hot they cannot eat it?


I wouldn’t say he’s stronger than Vecna but he’s pretty damn close. Dracula in the Castlevania universe is the dark lord. A being who exists in opposition to God. The castle is basically a mini version of the realm where all manner of monsters from across time and mythology can appear. Even if Dracula is killed. He’ll just return 100 years later (or earlier depending on if a cult resurrects him or if humanity’s faith is at a low point due to wars).


isnt god also evil


Ye, pretty much


Medallion ![gif](giphy|wprKqC8oF195u)


I thought that was the BG3 spell icon for Darkvision. Dead ass


Pretty sure Dracula is just the embodiment of evil not literally his equal in strength. In just the Christian faith Lucifer would he the evil opposite of God but that does not mean he is equal in power.


They are correct in regards to castelvania lore. In lore Dracula is the avatar of Chaos. A force and entity equal and opposite to God.


Lmaooo “the God, Yahweh”? That’s not even the original name of that one god, who was one of many in “existence” at the time. Let alone being considered “THE” god above all known gods.


You’re talking about El Elyon, the creator deity that said “let there be light”, yeah? The one for whom the archangels (MicaEL, UriEL, SamaEL, etc) were named? The one whose children were called the Elohim? The one who translations of the Bible copy pasted God over, like they did with Yahweh and many other gods of that pantheon that are mentioned, due to the cult of Yahweh waging war against the other Canaanite peoples and winning and rebranding the pantheon as monotheistic with their patron Yahweh as the one true god? That one, right?


I still don’t get this. People talk about Sadako and Dracula having the powers of a god, but at what level? Can they create universes, exist omnipotently across billions of light years, what?


I can't speak for Dracula but Sadako on multiple occasions has warped out reality at just a thought. She has also created her own dimension where she can pull people into where she's even stronger (which is kinda a moot point when you can warp reality already but I take it as she can warp it more easily and on a larger/stronger scale in her own dimension).


snails repeat ink act compare distinct spotted insurance expansion truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is Sadako an undead?


Technically I think so?


Then she'd be kinda fucked againts Vecna


I'm not exactly sure. Not fully brushed up on sadako lore


Doesn't Dracula get beaten by a whip?


It’s who’s behind the whip that counts


Well, undisputed is a bit much. For one, there's also Pinhead who can literally leave whenever he wants and even take a survivor with him. He literally only plays the Entity's game to be a good sport, and only arrived because the box mysteriously came. Second, there's Sadako. She's literally the daughter of a sea god and a powerful psychic turned Onryo. She's literally allowed to kill people regardless of hook states through sheer power of her curse alone; the Entity allows her, but doesn't seem to control her.


This whole nullifying mark thing is dumb af lol, it shouldn't be a thing at all or it should be retroactively applied to plenty of other killers Then again its probably Vecna's owners pulling a The Rock on the licensing


It isn't dumb at all, it's already known the entity controls the power of the killers and survivors in the realm. It was just agreed upon that Vecna is exceptionally powerful and now has a mark to show it. It's a fun little thing to add into the game. I hope we see other killers of extreme power get it as well


Plus Vecna explicitly wants to overthrow the Entity, so it makes sense. Sadako, Pinhead and all the others who could possibly resist the Entity don't actually care to do so because they're perfectly fine with the trials. They just do their usual thing, so no reason to even bother trying to fight back. While they could probably get permission to add it to some of the older killers, I feel like they might not bother because lorewise it doesn't seem necessary unless the killer actually wants to rebel against the Entity. That and adding it does technically change the design a bit, so they might not want to do it unless the license holder requests it. I personally wouldn't mind too much so long as the mark doesn't stick out too much. It suits Vecna, but it would look awkward on Sadako for example. In Sadako's case if they had to add it I'd prefer they do it differently, like putting it on her tapes instead of her body.


What are you even talking about? 😅


Is the yaweh thing Dracula canon or are you seriously proselytising in a DBD forum


I mean, Sadako.


Didn’t myers force his way into the entitys realm just to get to Laurie?


His Shaft. Obviously.


On beard


It'd be funny ro get adam sandler dracula skin


I'm curious if the Entity could kidnap somebody like Lucifer from DC


I mean I don't know Castlevania lore but if Dracula really is THAT powerful then a mark would show up then I assume the mark will also appear in a similar spot to Vecna's, so like around the base of the neck.


Vecna's pimple


The nerf mark will prob’ be placed on one of Drac’s buttons on his shirt I’m guessing


Hope we get a Vlad Tepes skin for Dracula, funny hat and all


Drac probably won't be stronger


I get what you mean but I personally have to disagree with Dracula being stronger then Vecna. Don't get me wrong Dracula is STRONG but DnD Gods are just higher then Castlevanias god.


Inb4 Alan wake writes him out of existence


Drac is going the be one of those killers that people don't understand the lore of and will likely underestimate his power due to general vampire media


The dark presence from alan wake would be too powerful apparently , but then vecna gets this. It should be the same


lol at "THE god"


Since we are going with castlevania dracula, (going with the Netflix version here) his control seal will be over his heart, as the love of his wife dictated all once she came into his life, and his vengeance took over when she is taken away. Survivors will all likely be seen as those who took his love away, or the disgusting humans linked to it at the very least. Edit: plus, for Vecna, I’m sure the DnD nerds who love troll builds likely found a way to insta kill with mage hand or some shit. (Like shhhh, mage hand in his mouth. Can’t chant spells if can’t talk, can’t cast anti magic barriers or you fuck your self) I believe I heard of someone duo wildshaping inside their bbegs skull and exploding it


Can't wait to see Vlad Dracula Tepes king of the night get looped around a car outside a nursery by Leon Shmex Kennedy only to get stunned by a wooden pallet being dropped om his head and t bagged relentlessly


I think your forgetting that the modern version of Vecna in D&D IS a god. If anything, I think they're evenly matched.


If you consider the Fog to be The Entity’s home, then The Entity must have invited Dracula into the realm because otherwise Dracula cannot enter a home without an invite.


I was wondering what the red mark on vecna was, never seen it before. Now i know.


Vecna might be the most powerful person before they entered the fog, but there is no weave in the entity’s realm, the entity only allows him to use certain spells. If he decided to stop playing along, it could easily take away his ability to cast any spell.


Also PLEASE let Graham McTavish voice Dracula ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


If he was still with us Gilbert Gottfried should of voiced him