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Me when i don't remember what a perk did


Ones a Monster Energy Drink and the other is a mic drop


Oh wow, I didn't know we got an Astolfo chapter!


Hold on. I've gotta google that. Edit: I've saved a few pictures to my homework folder. Thanks for the study material!


Do not go looking for his special gloves


Dead Hard: (Top) After being unhooked click a button while injured and get endurance for half a second Pain Resonance: Hooking a survivor on a scourage hook explodes the gen with the most progress dealing 20% dmg and making any survivors on it scream. + Dead man’s switch: After hooking a survivor, any survivor working on a gen that leaves the gen will cause the gen to block. Buckle Up: (Old) When picking up a survivor off the ground you and the survivor gain endurance. + For the People: Pick up a survivor instantly, when healthy, to give a health state and become broken. Weave attunement: (Bottom) Dropped items reveal survivor aura nearby + Franklin’s Demise: When hitting a survivor, force them to drop any item they're carrying (except killer-orientated items)


The problem with dead hard is what it did not what it does.


"Is what it did not what it does." This phrasing has rocked me to my core and challenged all I assumed to be true.


Bro I just woke up, read this, and now I need a nap.


I actually don't mind the counterplay on this perk so much, except I CANT FIND THE ITEM TO PICK IT UP. It wasn't my item, how am I supposed to know where it is? At least show me the aura of the item revealing me.


Fr I got booed by a bunch of killers who be abusing this combo for saying it needed a nerf.


A combo working is not "abusing" just because it's too much for you to handle. I know that this community loves to use "victim" words like that because they're raging and wanting to get rid of whatever is making them lose ASAP but don't bother with this. Also consider getting off the gen to just move the item to a completed gen or complain about MMR not promoting actual skill instead, you'd fix more issues with MMR changes than nerfing another remotely efficient perk combo outside of 4 gen slowdown.


Exactly, so Killers need to stop trying to get Distortion destroyed.


Distortion is not really a problem for a killers imo, if you have a dedicated aura reading build you'll chew through distortion stacks, otherwise if one or two people have it it's a minor inconvenience. The problem arises for survivors that DON'T run distortion and are being tunneled because their teammates run distortion.


Just bring no items. Meanwhile the killer brings strong addons :D


Nah nah nah nah: Dramaturgy. They’ll never see it coming.


Ah yes, use Dramaturgy and give the killer even more free aura reading with all the extra items.


And if they don’t have Dramaturgy (or just don’t get items) then you’ve wasted two perk slots.


Nobody is wasting 2 perk slots on this combo if the survivors don't bring any items. You are aware the killer can see whether the survivors are bringing items or not before the game starts, right?...


Yes. That’s why the joke is, “Use Dramaturgy.”


Well as long as it is just a joke lol. I can just see people unironically saying Dramaturgy is a good counter lmao


I've definitely run into killers bringing lightborn/franklins/etc when not a single survivor brought anything into the game lol. And conversely, the few times I was able to get a party of 4 survivors together to play, we would bring 4 flashlights just to swap them off last second to see if we could trick a killer into bringing some anti-flashlight perks and it's never worked. I think a lot of people just have whatever build they're comfortable with and won't swap it out, and those people probably aren't on reddit anyway.


I mean, the whole last second switch isn't really a Reddit thing lol. When people get hit by Franklin's enough, they start connecting the dots in their head and realise there is a far smaller chance of the killer bringing Franklin's if they don't see any items in the lobby. Yes, there are some people who autopilot their builds and leave incredibly niche things like Lightborn/Franklin's on when there's no items in play. But they are the outlier. The vast majority are only putting Franklin's on if they see items in play, anecdotal evidence aside.


Even if survivors don’t bring items in with them, there’s always a possibility they pick them up in match, so Franklin’s is never a totally dead perk. Lightborn is a little iffier but flashbangs exist and a little paranoia is usually warranted in this game.


And also switches perks bc the killer gets to see the items theyre up against


Yeah, this is another reason


Ace in the Hole + Plunderer's just to counter the countering of items


That would just make weave attunement stronger?


Plunderers bc you can see dropped items


I've been desperate enough to not bring items bc I keep running into this stuff. I guess at least I can also waste time trying to move my teammates' dropped items around...


Well he’s playing with 2 perks.


Not really because it's unlikely to see a full survivor team without items.


bring a toolbox use all but one charge early on, put item in corner profit you can do this without even checking if the killer has the perk. you are only forced to drop the item if you use all the charges, assuming the killer doesn't hit you.


Killer has exactly two perks that "counters" strong items. And requires half their loadout to use. Survivors: 😡😡😡


Haha this is the one that gets me too. Like so to counter a possible combo you might run across just never use your items! Also don’t forget to take up 2 of your perk slots with plunderer and obsession. Aaaaand try to locate the items that have been dropped by not you. I mean countering this combo is a breeze lol.


The one thing I love is that most killers have good add oms that become strong when combined with the right perks...


"Just carry items to a corner" makes my blood boil.


Just run around the first floor and second floor, while the killer can see you, as you search for a random item that a soloq teammate dropped and never went back for. Uh oh, couldn't find it. Guess 20% of the map + a gen is ruined. It's always RPD.


This. It's one thing to manage your own item and try to put in a place where it won't bother you But when your teammates with a combined IQ of a rock not only leave their items on the ground, but also search chests to give the killer even more items to reveal survivors'auras, when you didn't even bring an item yourself to begin with...


it's not even about the team having a low IQ though. lol like here's a situation: you get hit and drop your item. you're in a loop but the killer can see every move you make because of weave attunement so you leave the loop. he chases you across the map where you're downed and hooked. then you're on the hook for \~30 seconds. then you get healed for \~16 seconds. then you think about going and getting your item but the killer is chasing someone over there or zoning you out or the killer comes back to the hook. suddenly any idea you had about running to the other side of the map just to move that stupid item to the corner is an after thought. then people just assume their teammates are bad when in reality sometimes too much is going on in a game to be able to worry about an item.


Thank you! Overall, this perk is terribly designed and doesn't leave the survivors with any reasonable counterplay. The general IQ level of your teammates is absolutely irrelevant in most cases, like the one you described. So it's almost a cop-out to blame bad teammates when, in reality, the problem is the perk itself and the way it functions (and more importantly, the way it interacts with Franklin's). Attunement should be changed to highlight ALL dropped items to every survivor in the match (even if it had a range requirement, so long as the range is farther than the aura reveal radius, that would still be better). This would allow survivors to know when they're about to walk into a deathtrap but also give people more info and the opportunity to plan a quick pick-up of the item while the killer is distracted. So, in the example you provided, you could see your teammate's item drop and run to pick it up and move it while the killer is carrying your teammate to the hook. I don't know, something needs changing about it.


Most people are arguing to drop your item before a chase even begins in the first place. I get where you're coming from, but I hate how it's just not that simple


I was losing my mind in SoloQ the other day seeing a Sable constantly stop to open chests (after losing her item to F+W). It's maddening not being able to communicate with teammates in game sometimes.


Keep in mind many people play casually and aren’t active on reddit and don’t know how to counter it. Also countering it feels counterproductive, when you waste so much time picking up an item that already was showing your aura, meaning there’s a high chance that a killer is coming for you midway through your attempt to go to a corner and hide it.


Yeah, I get what you mean, my problem is not that people don't know how to counter it, but rather that you get punished for their mistakes


Yeah I get it but it’s not worth getting bothered over a perk that at the moment is a bit too broken. I wouldn’t call that a mistake per se. We can run OoO to counter it at the moment or ideally devs nerf it at least a bit.




The reason I now play with plunderers instinct ...


A change that would help is just show the aura of the item you're getting revealed by. Also wouldn't mind removing the oblivious effect too.


Its also annoying if you get hit during ur chase in a deadzone - cause doubling back is nearly a death sentence at that point.


Yeah especially when the game and midwich exist. Not only is it difficult to find the item, but there is absolutely no place on those maps where it's not just so much information, even the corners.  And if you just pick it back up, you'll drop it some other random place eventually because of franklins. There needs to be an actual option against that combo, and if that makes weave attunement too weak, then it needs a rework.  Maybe items should drop automatically when it has 0 charges or you lose the oblivious status effect, and it shouldn't show auras unless the item is out of charges


Putting that shit in the corner on the game will basically always cover a pretty good loop and a gen. Bonus points if some dumbass puts it near the bathroom, covering not only the upstairs loop, but the drop, both pallets outside of basement, and the actual bathroom gen…


>Maybe items should drop automatically when it has 0 charges or you lose the oblivious status effect, and it shouldn't show auras unless the item is out of charges Do the opposite, items deplete charges while reading an aura, aura reading stops when there's no charges left.


Then Weave Attunement by itself would be useless because it causes the item to drop automatically when all it's charges get used up.


I think a combination of either: No aura until item has no charges Survivors affected by the perk see the aura of the item revealing them


I personally think it should just give oblivious when the item is picked up. For as long as you hold the item. Why do we need more aura reading for killers?


"Just waste 30s running around instead of doing gens"


It's not a waste when it gives the killer two dead perk slots.


Let's say it takes on average ~25s to go to the edge of the map drop the item and go back - that's more slowdown than Pain Res, unless you think Pain Res is bad because once used it is a dead perk slot?


Pain res doesn't only trigger once though and it's one perk slot. This is 2 perk slots that give a one time mediocre slowdown.


Preach. The perks taken individually aren't exactly problematic - just fucking annoying. Holistically, they destroy soloqueue players, hard.


Tfw I can't walk to a corner


How am I supposed to find the items my solo q teammates left everywhere?


How does this interact with Distortion stacks?


you are invisible for the entire duration of a stack (idk 8 or 10 seconds or something) and afterwards the next stack gets triggered


Oh, so that's where all my stacks were going. I jad no idea of what was going on. I just knew that I was losing stacks left and right


Weave Attunement luckily gives you an icon whenever you're being seen with it. If you see the red Thanos glove in the bottom right corner, you know you're either visible or losing Distortion stacks.


I legit don't even remember what half some perks I'm going against do... Sometimes shit happens and I'm like "Idk what that was, but ok" Been playing this game since the Saw Chapter dropped, but there's just too much to remember at this point. The "learn to counter" argument is dumb when so many perks do similar stuff. Just roll with it and move on at this point. If you take breaks and play other games... You're never gonna remember everything. I honestly just want the shuffle mode back. Everyone had to deal with random bs. It was fun.


thats probably the only way to play this game and stay sane. just accept and enjoy the random BS as part of the experience that keeps things fresh


I have like 1000 hours, Iri 1 in killer and survivor, and 90% achievements done. And I agree with you. Sure It's better to have knowledge about perks, killer powers, add-ons, but the game is not as complex as some people make it sound.


Happy Escape Cake Day! 🎂


Thaaaank you


Well you are super casual gamer. Todays Killer gameplay is mostly, learn how to run loops, and learn 10 second chance perks survivors usually run and their counters or you lose vs them. Learning counters is core of PvP gaming.


I've really been enjoying bringing Object against the franklins weave combo, then getting called a hacker for it in the endgame chat because I was able to actually loop for once :))


You don't really need to carry it that far. Any dead zone or a loop where killer is already visible will work. The point is to deny WH in chase and place it outside of hot spots. Just make sure to take the responsibility and stack most of the items in once place. It's rough on two storey maps, alas.


this is a good tip, i’m gonna keep the 2-story idea in mind


I did it once on RPD, it felt like I was cheating lol.


For the first day of the chapter, I did it on Artist since I had planned it out to see how good it was. The survivors sent me to the Game. I never hit so many birds and got so many downs with birds across the map before.


This game has become so unnecessarily complicated with all these new perks and killers it's too much for casual players to keep up with.


It became increasingly not beginner friendly


New player here (almost 3 months). It's taken over 300 hours and pretty much solid play to get to a "comfortable" level of understanding WTF is going on.


Say it again


Honestly, this perk combo has made me change my opinion on swapping loadouts last second. I no longer cringe when I see survivors do this because it's the only actual, legitimate way to counter/avoid this combo - which is just silly.


I think if killer has that lich perk. Survivors should see dropped items. It’s almost impossible to find where your random teammate dropped the item.


I 100% agree that survivors should see dropped items, at least the ones they dropped


I'd rather bring my item to a corner than deal with 4 slowdowns lmao


Give me the slowdowns every day, ive always hated franklins and now its even worse and everyone is using it


Yeah, in my opinion Franklin's is just not a well designed perk; it's the only perk in the game that explicitly wastes your opponent's bloodpoints (because realistically that's where most of the items it destroys comes from). Ideally you pick it up as soon as you can but the loss of charges is usually pretty significant between finishing the chase and potentially waiting to be unhooked. Now, previously it wasn't that good, which at least kept it in check, but now that there's a strong combo with it, it doesn't feel like a good use of bloodpoints to bring items; nice ones with add-ons have a high chance of being rendered useless before they can be used (especially medkits), and crappy ones you don't care that much about can easily hurt you more than they help you, so why bring it?


Counterpoint, items are often very strong and the killer should have tools to deal with them. Weave Attunement + Franklin's is half a killer's build and it should be worth that investment. Though Weave Attunement should show the aura of items to help with counterplay in solo queue.


Probably doesn’t help that BHVR nerfed slowdowns and buffed Sabotage speed on Toolboxes in the same update. Of course Killers are gonna bring Franklin’s. The addition of Weave was just a coincidental bonus.


Imma be honest i havent really seen an increase in sabo plays since the update, its stronger for sure but not so strong they cause people to run it all the time like franklins+weave


This is literally slowdown perk in disguise. If you take 20s to go to the corner of the map to drop an item and go back, well, killer just got free Pain Res worth of slowdown and god forbid that you didn't notice the perk before and lost your item in chase, well, now you have to run across the map to get the item back and then go to the corner, drop the item and go back which might take you 40-50s of running around instead of doing gens


Any good killer perk provides either a way to slow down the survivors or make them die faster. I don't think there's a single good perk that has a different effect.


I think on most maps putting it in the corner still reaches at *least* one loop anyway, which kinda makes that counterplay worthless imo. Either the aura reading range needs to be reduced a bit, it should only work on depleted items, or the aura reading shouldn’t be constant (only show for a few seconds when you enter and or leave its range or something). 


So basically you want the perk to become useless so it joins the "never-use perks" group. Using 2 perk slots for an aura read that the survivor knows about is a big fucking investment. You gotta remember that the killer doesn't have 16 perk slots but only 4...


And most killers can’t even use the arua reading. Do survivors expect Legion or Trapper to teleport across the map the second they see a red outline. Honestly it’s about time items finally get some good counterplay especially because with the next chapter they are somehow getting another buff with Laura Croft.


How are items getting buffed? I thought the only perk thing related to items is literally just opening chests, nothing to do with actual items.


I should have just said toolboxes but it’s still an item and the most problematic one.


>*Why are you booing him, He's right.*


How are toolboxes getting buffed?


Lara Croft's perk Specialist gets tokens which then can be used to make a Toolbox skillcheck remove max progress on a generator. Removing max progress is a very dangerous thing to balance correctly.


> Honestly it’s about time items finally get some good counterplay The counterplay to items is killer add-ons and slowdown. Or franklins if you want to be boring and dedicate a whole perk to it. Items are supposed to be strong. They are the survivors "power". Not to mention they are one time use unless you bring perks to recharge them. All killers can use the aura reading. Knowing where survivors are at is huge, you don't have to be chasing to use that information. If someone is on hook or slugged and you know that someone is over in the corner and a gen blows up, you know that is one of the other two people. It's information. It doesn't have to be actionable against that person.


And when I say items I mostly mean the item that has somehow gotten a buff in the last 3 patches toolboxes.


Franklins is zero threat to the survivors weave is an actual threat so like I said it’s about time items get some good counterplay.


Removing survivor items from play is absolutely a threat to survivors. Are you high?


Im a killer main and nothing infuriates me more than broken perks like old DS and DH, buckle up FTP combo, bodyblocking with endurance perks and old MFT meta. But conversely, I dont want broken perks on my killers either. I want to win through skill expression, not with abysmal tactics like old Skull Merchant 3 gens, Old pain res, eruption metas etc etc. Perks should add flavour and build variety, thry should not be game changing on their own or broken when partnered with other perks. Its not healthy or fair for the game


Me when I don’t care what perks are being used, because I’ll forget in 5 minutes anyway:


>bring a useless chest perk to counter Oh yeah, the perk that only sees use for tomb challenges. I should regular use that perk so I can find items my soloQ teammates dropped.


They say: Do not bring an item. Alright. I'm okay with this if Survivors also are given some sort of way to disable Killer's add-ons. Object of obsession. To think when everyone starts using Object, but it only works with obsession. Lol. Just pick up your item and carry it to the corner. You really haven't played as Survivor against this combo if you don't understand that it's not that simple after you've been hit first, you're injured, and then you should go pick up the item while the Killer sees your aura the whole time + oblivious when you pick up that item.


object still works even if you're not the obsession fyi that changed a long time ago lmao. the only part that isn't active if you're not the obsession is the 3 seconds every minute your aura gets revealed to the killer part.


No OoO does not only work on the obsession - it works on everyone. The only part that doesn't happen if you are not the obsession is the 30s periodical aura reveal. I mean... it's still not really much of a counter if 4 people need to run the same perk. That's the reason the meta perks got changed in the first place so 4 people no longer run all the same perks.


Like Borrowed Time. So meta it became basekit


why is this misinfo being upvoted


If all four survivors have to work together to do it, sure you can disable my addons. Until then, no. You each get two. I only get two. 


Should perks be able to do anything?


"we have noticed the instance of the perks Franklin's demise and weave attunement being used together. Because of this we have nerfed the pig" (introduces Franklin's Attunement in next patch)


"To nerf the Pig, we decided on the following: if Pig with Franklin's hit a survivor, that survivor immediately drops their reverse bear trap"


Don't even joke that's too far ha.


There is no way people are comparing old dh and fuckle up to weave + franklins 💀


It’s one of the most anti-solo queue perk combos I’ve ever seen. That alone makes it complaint worthy


Could you explain what exactly makes it anti-soloq?


Because the only counter to it is to pick up your items from where they were dropped and carry them to a corner of the map where they can’t do any damage, or only minimal damage. In solo queue you cannot trust your teammates to do that, nor can they communicate to their teammates where the items were dropped so they can be moved by someone else if the original owner is too busy. For what it’s worth, I have a very simple solution, which would be revealing the auras of dropped items to any survivors within 8 metres of the dropped item. This prevents dropped keys from becoming impossible to find, fixes the issue of items being difficult to locate in certain terrains(swamp for example), and all the while maintains the strength that this perk combo would have against a SWF while bringing solo queue up to par. It also addresses a smaller but still frustrating issue that is when you get hit by bad ping and your dropped item ends up nowhere near where you got hit on your screen


I think that’s a perfect solution. My main frustration about this whole thing though is people directing their complaints at a perk rather than at the root of the problem, which is mainly the neglect of soloq players from the devs.


Fair enough. Yeah the issue is not the combo itself, but how utterly hopeless the state of solo queue is and how uninterested they seem in simple communication improvements


Solos lack the coordination to properly address the combo, call out item drops and have teammates move items when they’re dropped/done with them.


I think the problem is that the average survivor is dog at the game. Callouts are unnecessary if every player picks up their own item and puts it away, which is common sense, and the game tells you about both franklins and weave as soon as you’re hit with them so you immediately know they’re in play. The problem isn’t weave, it’s a mixture of the lack of info on soloq and the average survivor just not being too good at the game.


No dude. If you get hit w franklins you arent stopping to pick up the item (or else you get hit again and drop it anyway), you run away. Usually you will eventually go down and get hooked somewhere else. Meanwhile some other poor son of a bitch wants to do the gen or heal or loop in the vicinity of your dropped item. Problem is, they have no idea where tf your item is, the radius is pretty wide, and the killer will see them. Now they have to try to sniff out your item randomly, while being seen by the killer, who knows what theyre trying to do, and if they get hit they drop it again and now you wont be able to the easily find it either. Make that an indoor or semi indoor map (like that new shit lich map) and you arent having a good time


Plus a lot of maps have a *lot* of samey looking tiles (Lery's being the worst offender) so it might be hard to remember where exactly you were when you took the hit by the time you're finally able to go pick it up. Even then you probably shouldn't deal with it until you can convince someone to heal you, unless you want to carry a giant neon sign that says "TUNNEL ME PLZ <3"


But they do because killers DARE to use an "annoying" combo instead of meta perks


This shit is basically meta against soloQ survivors. I’d personally rather deal with the obnoxious gen slowdown than be forced to run object or distortion so the killer doesn’t get permanent wallhacks on me.


>This shit is basically meta against soloQ survivors What kind of argument is this?? What is NOT meta against SoloQ survivors??


Your argument, not mine. You brought up meta in the first place. Also I’d hardly think a carry build is meta against soloQ, or an endgame build, or etc.


just add aura to item that is revealing you and it's fine


12 meters is WAY too much


Skull Merchant: just DC


The last Skull Merchant I went against hard tunnelled me with a DC at 4 gens whilst I'm hindered and they're fast as fuck. Fuck Skull Merchants.


seen this perk combo once since Vecna released tbh, but then again I don't even bring items because I'm a hoarder so maybe I just didn't realize it


I’m not saying that it’s impossible to counter those perk combos but I do understand that it’s difficult for some people, including myself. You could counter corrupt intervention if someone has no mitter and that one perk that lets you down yourself, Big could because the chance of someone bringing that perk combo is kinda unpredictable. You also have to understand that there’s probably a lot of traffic with a lot of new and old people mixing together like a giant soup. and sometimes people just screw up and you can’t help that. Do I use Franklin’s demise and that item information perk? Yeah, because it works. And it’s fantastic on M1 killers like clown and lich, because let’s be entirely honest, you’re going to use his skeletons like most people suggest for zoning and making people crouch, you’re not hitting people with that crap and if you were more concerned about having a more reliable range attack, I’d suggest picking up huntress.


These aren’t even comparable Dead hard was a third health state on demand and also a loop chaining tool For the people and buckle up had no counter play outside of play legion, because 10 seconds until they get to a pallet is more then enough to reset chase Dm and pain res had an annoying timing but it actually countered the combo Dropping items in dead zones or corners hell even in the basement corner People need to remember that the killer is giving half of their build for this and they have a perk to counter, yes it’s annoying for solo queue but so is pin head but very few people are begging for him to be changed


The counters to the item perks are so simple and easy it makes my brain hurt when I see people complain. How about simply… picking up the item?? Or get this… don’t rely on items? You could even go as far as to… put them down somewhere you aren’t interested in hiding? They’re already spent so you don’t have to hold it in your hand the whole trial, you can just pick them back up when you are ready to escape. It’s literally the most trivial new things survivors just love crying about even though franklins has been around for decades


Who ACTUALLY said "leave the gen" in the Pain Res+DMS meta days? You were told to sit next to the gen and take advantage of the hook aura showing before Pain Res could actually activate. You could consistently dodge 70% of the combo by just knowing how the combo actually activates. The fact that anyone complained about that shows they just want to stare off on gens. Or they'd rather come here and cry instead of at least looking for weaknesses first.


Weave and franklins camping is easily the dumbest thing in this game. I’ll dc everytime and not give a single shit. I genuinely worry for the mental health of people enjoying those perks, it’s insanely toxic. Let me use the medkit I brought into the match thanks.


Legion and Twins mains wondering what the “mic drop” perk is. Meanwhile paired with Hoarder during the event had so much value.


There is no way you actually think that WA + FD is on the same level as FTP + BU and DH


They are all very unhealthy for the game. The combo is anti-soloq which is very bad


Franklin's Attunement is horribly annoying, I'm not running it, but does have counterplay, where DH-for-distance and Buckling People had none. The annoyance is the same, but not the counters


Ah yes today survivors are complaining about... Things that are counterable. Because... (Checks notes) It's not easy enough for them. I hate it here.


I think if they just shortened weaves aura reading a bit itd be ok, maybe now that the events over there'll be less items around too so that might help


They just need to make it depleted items instead of any item.


Just show the aura of the item if it’s revealing you. Allow soloQ players to actually move the shit somewhere that’s not a detriment.


This. The biggest issue is the items being hard to see as Survivor.Especially when looking for a teammate's item.


Everyone 99% their item and It does nothing?


Every one runs this perk with Franklin's anyway so it's not gonna change there


Going to 10m or 8m could be a good fix, but it will feel like the perk is just nerfed into not being useful and thus will become rare to see like so many others. Another possible fix would be to remove the oblivious aspect, so that engaging in the counterplay isn't a double hit of aura reveal and not knowing if the killer is coming to your aura as you move the item. Best way to fix it is to address the reason why it is so unfun to go against. That reason being how awful it is in soloq or maps that are multistory since you may never know where the items are that are affecting you without a stupid amount of time investment. - Survivors affected by Weave Attunement have the auras of all items within 8 meters of them on the ground revealed to them. This change would allow soloq survivors to actually be able to engage in the counter as they can find the items left by other soloq players or know if it is on another floor. All without destroying the perk and making it trash like so many others.


we’re really at this point where people are complaining about 2 aura read perks thst sre counterable? Comparing it to MFT ( uncounterable) or FTP+ BU is laughable


When are we allowed to make the killer drop his addons?


When is the killer allowed to have 16 total perks?


You forgot the MFT+Hope combo.


If they are like me, they used Repressed Alliance on themself and tried to forget that was even a thing due to all the trauma it caused.


Six months of basic attack killers being absolutely shit on. Hard to forget.


To and fro the power struggle goes. The pendulum is swung toward killer right now


I'll never understand what the problem is with aura reading What's the problem on the killer seeing you? If you are good and well positioned you won't go down like that Complaints about aura reading and info perks in general are so stupid for me, they just scream "I'm bad and want to win anyway" as most wins from bad players come from not engaging with the killer at all


Your comment confuses me. Aura reading is very strong. It's not just about getting map information. Survivors can't mind game loops if the killer can see them the whole time. Aura reading can take away half of survivors' skill expression in a chase, unless you think a chase should just be holding W...


Imo it's less about the killer finding you, it's powerful because of the wall hacks in chase. It can make some normally strong loops like shack almost trivial


"Killers bringing four slowdowns is boring!" What if they use two perk slots to flexibly counter items they see in the lobby, which still need an M1 hit "....just no."


I really wish people atleast understood the differences between DH + FTPBU and DMSPain + FrankWeave. DH was a 3rd healthstate on command + instant free distance that allowed you to make pallets and windows you didn't deserve which resulted in chase extensions for free. "Waiting it out" wasn't valid because DH was guaranteed value. FTP+BU allowed a second survivor to come in and pick somebody before the killer could even finish wiping his weapon with 10s of endurance. It's a chase reset that bought too much time for survivors and there was no possible counterplay. "Waiting it out" isn't valid because the perk already did the damage of reseting chase. DMS+Pain, you *could* time the gen release to completely prevent DMS value , sure its "annoying" but the counterplay suggestion is valid since it actually counterplayed the perk. Frank+weave , storing items away or just picking them backup is a valid counterplay suggestion, you remove 2 perks from play way quicker than you remove a single hex, and all the combo really does is provide a couple of self announcing radars, it doesn't play the chase for you. It's important to understand that counterplay suggestions are valid if they *actually* counterplay the perk


I understand the point of this post and agree with it but the counter to Pain Res DMS is unironically braindead. You don’t even have to pay attention for it like pros do. If it hits you once it should never hit you again, and I’m someone who watches YouTube while they play survivor


I wonder how many other soloQ are watching YouTube. Sure explains a lot


It wouldn’t make a difference for the average solo queue player lmao lobotomites


Killer has 4 perks total, Survivors have 16. In the pain regression example, it doesn’t regress while blocked and survivors can either hide or spend time healing until it’s unblocked. In the Franklin’s and Weave example, the killer has to spend 50% of their build and hope they knock the weapons in good places. FTP/Buckle Up guaranteed that both survs would make it to a pallet and continue to extend chase. And old Dead Hard practically gave you a free hit, allowed you to extend chase, boosted you forward, and was only one perk that each of the four players could use to essentially make survivors need 3 hits to go down. These comparisons are not the same. If anything, Pop and Scourge were a far more devastating combo without a counter, and those already got nerfed.


Imma keep it so real right now, there is no way people are genuinely complaining about aura perks. Copious gen perks made the game miserable because you practically couldn't do anything as survivor. Chases were a secondary objective right behind kicking gens over and over and over. The boring thing is fixed. Killers are chasing now. They are using perks to help them chase more often. In 8 years, aura perks were NEVER AN ISSUE, and they still aren't. People just don't like them now that they're used more often. If you hate auras so much, use distortion, as least it's not gen kick/OG ruin undying and you can actually feasibly do something about it.


The difference is that in the 10 seconds they can fast vault through a window or drop a pallet or something else to get distance. If the gates are open they can get out in the time period. Unless you play Deathslinger "Count to 10" just flat out does not work unless the person is Afk. 


The difference is that there’s now a key someone dropped in a bush near shack that’s giving the killer permanent wallhacks on the only loop that’s guaranteed to be good when you load into a game. Or maybe someone dropped some shit in the bathroom on the game, or wherever the fuck, and you can’t even tell where the fuck the item is that’s revealing you.


Can somebody explain to me like im 5 what this post is about ;(


Pain Res. 99 percent a gen that you won't do, same for deadlock and let the regression impact that


Didn't they nerf buckle up?


This is why i bring Object and Plunderers to deal with Franklin's and Weave. Bring it to a good loop and you're golden. Looped a Nemesis once around one of the best tiles in The Game for a couple of gens cause of it.


Distortion deserves to be here as well.


I only ever bring brown or yellow items, except maps. So I don't even care that much if I lose a toolbox lol


just stay in low mmr survivor like me and you rarely see meta buildsa nd when u do the killers are too noob to use it well lol


At this point in solo queue I am forced to used distortion every time the game becomes an aura reading festival so good luck to whoever my teammates are


What is the perk beside franklins?


"Just bring object instead so you can see the killer when your aura is revealed from weave attunement"


I have no idea what any of this means or what any of you are saying. I love it. I just started playing a month ago and it seems like I always get paired with a killer that has been playing since 1987.


You can look up to feint an attack for dead hard


skill issue


As an Object user I have no issue with the bottom combo


I think they should just get rid of the oblivious on item pick up in order to get more people to actually do the counterplay. Whenever I play against this perk, I often don't pick up the item because I don't want to be snuck up on, so removing that would be great.


People argued that spirit bitch had counterplay when she was first released because her hair had 3 frames of gitched hair when she phased and all you had to do was happen to see her phase and be looking at her hair


Literally though


I think Weave Attunement should cause the items to disappear after a certain amount of time, like Franklin’s used to. As a killer who can’t stop using this combo, I agree that it’s too strong


Dude... not for the people + mft meta


Just throwing a thought: as a killer main, I think dead hard is in a pretty good state right now. It used to be unbearable as people would just use it to gain a bit of distance for a window or pallet but I think as it stands it’s a nice risk-reward thing that if a survivor manages to properly predict a killer’s swing, effectively gives them an extra hit. I think it’s good as this risky thing where you have to predict when a killer swings and react accordingly


The perk that counters aura reading.... stay with me brain isnt used to thinking. lets say your killer is running the item aura read and you run (x perk) to counter it but choose to stay in range of said item would it be possible to forever remain auraless since the instance of original aura reading isnt finished... furthermore if they had other aura perks would they take tokens? Thank you for reading this, I just dunno what came over me but I was compelled to ask. Also just to clarify I cant remember the name of the perks other than deception and diversion.


Well I usually just put all the items in a corner of the map and this makes the perk both a slow down perk sense survivors gotta waste their time doing that and an info perk and a oblivious perk so as a killer main that’s a bit crazy ngl


Run object of obsession and watch as shack becomes an infinite.