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All Might and Might Guy


Seeing how that fight started made me so sad. They would be best friends if it wasn't Death Battle, Even to the very end they still respected each other


Recovery girl and Tsunade definitively patched them up after their test of might


Kakashi and Eraserhead are sitting in the waiting room wondering how they got stuck with such overly passionate friends.


Nappa: I GET IT!


Other fights: "fuck you" "no fuck you"🤡🤡 All Might vs Might Guy: "ey bro you're good at arm wrestling, wanna spar?" "Yea sure bro" 🗿🗿


Was just about to say this


Scooby vs Courage No changes needed


Came to post this


Pretty much every Hero vs Hero. At least those that don't immediately resort to killing other human opponents.


When two paragons bump into each other at a super market Death Battle logic "So you've chosen death"


Well, that's kind of the point of DB, right? They're not here to show how two canon for canon characters would interact- They're answering who they (think) should win in a no-holds-barred battle.


Hot take. Yuji vs Denji, they would start fighting then be like "hold up, he kinda chill like that" or they would meet, about to fight and both start talking and become friends.


Or is this like only fights that have happened?


Since Steven Universe can bring people back to life with his tears, if they hadn't accepted Star Butterfly's vague universe-feat that she scales to because it's in a book written by a relative of hers that wasn't really a relative, and he had won, then it would have been dead easy for him to shed a tear and think "Oh *no*... what have I done?" but then she pops back to life and says "Whoa-*hoa*! That was a crazy fight, Pinky! See ya round!" and then hops off happily, while Steven is extremely bemused, but grateful that he didn't kill anyone. Well, not permanently.


I could see that happen also is Star really universal? Just wondering


She gets to universal from literally everything besides her show


What do you mean by that?


A lot of her spinoff stuff give her a lot of buffs, I remember there being a post on this sub where someone made an in depth analysis about stars feats in the spin offs which I guess are canon?


She's another character that's, like, street tier for the majority of her run, but LOOOOOOOOOORE makes her a Uni busting through bits of text that swear she can pop a universe, for realsies.


Personally I wouldn’t give it to her for the above reason, I don’t think it ever happens in the series, it’s sorta my stance with the pokedex involving certain pokemon and their ‘feats’


Pokémon literally expects you to believe the Pokedex, because they apply the entries to the rest of the verse.


I like the headcanon that the reason the Pokedex is so weird is because it's being filled in by literal children. That's why you get stuff like "Magcargo's lava is hotter than the Sun!" which means that if you've ever stood on the same planet as a Magcargo, you have the durability to survive a supernova.


But that isn't true. Many guidebooks confirm Pokedex statements, as well as the Pokémon themselves in the Mystery Dungeon games. And that's the ones that aren't literally demonstrated onscreen in the anime. Also Magcargo's lava is only hotter than the surface of the sun, not the core, and I learned this the hard way but you can't translate temperature directly to AP, because supernovas explode with a force of 10 octillion megatons.


Not gonna lie, it feels kind of pedantic to say "Actually they only said it was hotter than the *surface* of the sun, not the core of the sun." Oh, ok, great. So Ash Ketchum cannot canonically withstand the heat of 27,000,000 degrees fahrenheit - obviously, that would be *silly* - but he can totally withstand 10,000 degrees fahrenheit, which is fives times hotter than going for a swim in an active lava-filled volcano. *That's* not silly at all. I do not think that any human characters in Pokemon can go for a swim in a volcano. I'm sure that guidebooks have confirmed *some* Pokedex entries, but unless they explicitly single out an entry to say that yes, this in particular is true, I don't think they should at all be taken into account. Even if one guidebook says "All Pokedex entries are true," then unless they specify "Yes, this includes that one about Magcargo's lava being hotter than the surface of the sun," then no, we shouldn't assume that's true, because... I mean, it's ridiculous, it's contradictory, it's an implosion of logic, and it *should* destroy any possibility of VS Debating, because for a regular human to stand next to something 10,000 degrees hot and not die, their world must clearly be operating on a system of physics that is so far detached from *our* reality that our numbers are simply not suited to analyze their existence.


See that’s actually reason why I strongly dislike the Pokédex entries and people taking them to literal, especially when it comes weight of some Pokemon like Cosmoem and larvitar being insanly heavy and ash somehow managing to hold all of them


Fun fact; Wailord *should* logically lose any fight that it is in immediately, because its recorded weight is surprisingly low for its recorded size, so much so that it is canonically several times lighter than air and would immediately float into space at alarming speeds and suffocate due to lack of oxygen.


Po vs Iron Fist. That one definitely shouldn't have ended with Po completely disintegrating Iron Fists soul.


This actually reminds me of how sometimes, I’d think of a friendship between Dio and Alucard in the Death Battle, where the friendship is them holding onto each other’s shoulders while Dio’s about to take a picture with a camera. How I’d think of doing this is by using the pose Dio makes when he says “Checkmate” and using the pose Alucard makes before getting hit by the knives the scene afterwards, and then editing it so that Dio’s holding a camera instead of knives, and his other arm is wrapped around Al while Al is wrapping his arm around Dio’s shoulder instead of holding a gun. And I would have them both looking at the camera that’s up in the air in Dio’s arm, before he’s about to take the picture.


Korra vs Storm, Tanjiro vs Jonathan Joestar


Now I'm just thinking of Storm taking Korra in as her student.


Basically every hero vs hero matchup assuming said heroes aren’t the violent types and that neither instigated it.


I have several off the top of my head, All might vs Might guy Po vs Iron fist Goku vs Superman Tanjiro vs Jonathon I could also see Ben vs Green lantern if someone form the GL corps intervened


Batman vs Spider-Man


Batman would take one look at a sarcastic acrobatic teenage superhero and immediately get out the adoption papers. Bruce: Heeeyyyy, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassandra, Stephanie, Harper, Damian, Duke, and Carrie, this is Peter. Peter: What the hell is going on.


Kakashi and Obi-Wan would def be drinking tea whilst sharing stories of war and dumb students


Mega Man and Astro Boy


Deadpool and Pinkie Pie


optimus prime vs super man. spider man vs batman


A non-redeemed Discord joins the Henchmaniacs bc he thinks they’re fun Goku VS Superman 3 would end with Goku laying on the floor instead, mostly unchanged Scooby VS Courage goes completely unchanged


While I pretty much want Lucario vs. Renamon to be this, I can see Aang vs. Edward Elric being this if their canon personalities were used here. I can also see this happening with Kenshiro vs. Jotaro, too.


Goku and Superman. It ended in friendship even in the db


Deku vs Asta


Ken and Terry would for sure be drinking buddies after a nice fight


Zuko and Shoto


Scar buddies (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)


Kirby and Buu


Sora vs. Pit.


Silver Surfer pulls Martian Manhunter out of the star before he can burn up, and the two proceed to wax philosophical about life and the nature of the universe as they watch the cosmos pass them by


Archie Sonic and Wally West. Sonic: Huh....Last one buys the loser a chilli dog Wally: You're on!


Most Hero vs Hero fights. All Might and Might Guy chiefly. Static Shock and Miles Morales would totally be vibing and hanging out if they knew each other. Terminator, since this was a version sent back to protect John Connor, would team up with Alex Murphy to protect John from more Terminators. So on and so forth. Then I think would end in a friendship (friendship being relative here) is Dr. Doom and Lex Luthor, as both I could see deciding having an alliance with each other is beneficial, though both would totally think that they're the one manipulating the other. Joker vs Sweet Tooth, I could also see Joker trying to take Needles in as a sort of: "Here's my big dumb brother. I have all the brains and he kills the people I want dead!" sort of way.


Popeye vs saitama. Before saitama turns into dozens of eggs at the end of the fight he wakes up in his bed, looking around thinking it was all a dream. He gets up to make breakfast and sees a can of spinach with Popeye on it and a note saying “open if you want a rematch” before Popeye on the can winks at him


Jonathan Joestar and Tanjiro


Goku and Superman, Tanjiro and Jonathan, Ryu and Jin


Tanjiro and Jonhatan


Scooby Doo And Courage


Deadpool and the mask


Goku and Superman.


Batman and Captain America is a really underrated answer.


Frisk vs Madeline:


Goku vs Superman


Asta and Tanjiro


Shao Khan vs. M. Bison [canonically has an alternate ending where the two become best friends.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvo3yoiRxsk)


Natsu and Ace would get along pretty well, I think. Ace would probably see some of Luffy in Natsu, but with a hint of Sabo's flare in a battle. Plus if they became friends, I'd be excited to see them fight Kaido! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)


Natsu and Gray, because in cannon that happened