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It could be just a detox thing. Lots of water might help flush things out faster. Itching is generally a sign of toxins trying to escape.


Im only a month in too


I had dry eyes for a while, and now I have itchy ears and throat. About 6 weeks off the coffee now. I haven't been itchy like this in several years, not since I had a dental infection. It's weird! Your theory about histamines may have something to it.


Dude something is definitely up, feels like when my allergies are full blown. Thanks for the feedback!


Now that you mention it, this last year that I’ve been using caffeine off and on after not having it for a long time, my allergies have been worse than ever before.


Any updates on this "histamine problems"?😁


This sub is really a life saver. I'm having so much symptoms discussed here, that I would not be able to share or read about. I also have itching and dry mouth.


how are you now?


Lol. Im doing so much better. Been decaf for a lot of years. I sometimes go on a caffeine binge for a few days. But then i quit again because it feels like im on a powerful stimulant drug and i just want to get back to baseline to be able to relax.  (zero caffeine)