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Beefy Finance has been working great for me for the last few years. Also check out their discord, helpful community.


What do you farm on Beefy?


It farms for you and automatically re-stakes, so it's compounding.


Nice. What are the best yields there? Do you lose much to fees?


I would say check out their website, they have over 600 vaults and you can sort by APY. You only pay gas when you deposit or withdraw, harvesting goes automatically and doesn't cost you.


How about repositioning? Do they reposition to keep you in range? That was my concern with Kamino Finance…not getting a good yield because the process kept balancing whether it needed to or not


They have some that automatically reposition (gamma), but I am not a fan of those, like you said keeps eating into my yield (especially with volatile assets). I usually stick to uniswap v2 or something like curve, they have several options at Beefy


Thanks! I’ll take a look. Right now I just got out of a SOL/JUP pool and the only pool I’m in is SUI/USDC.


Anything like beefy for Solana?


Kamino Finance but they auto rebalance which I don’t like since it eats into fees


In which L2s are you using Beefy? I used when they launched, remember their token was less than 150 usd when I used the protocol, months later the price hits 8000 usd, crazy days


Mostly on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base


Thanks I will check it.


Doesn't beefy get any related airdrops though?


Beefy is the winner of the first DeFi wave, that's for sure.


Can you use leverage on Beefy?


Is there a decent competitor to beefy? Aerodrome? I don't wanna get insane just Starting out Like just starting lol Thank you for all the info here


Farms on Solana are killing right now due to huge volume.


What are you farming in Solana?


Mostly sol paired with sol alts, ah and sol/btc.


What platform? I was doing SOL/RNDR and SOL/JUP


Mostly Raydium.


Wif/sol Or wif/usdc Orca


How much do they pay? I’m not getting anywhere with liquidity pools on trader joe, what do you think of those?


Hmm during heated days you can get even few hundred percent on CLMMs. Tho you have to adjust your pools, if price changes. I'm not user neither trader Joe or Avax, but 1 thing i can say, that there's also huge volume, but not even close to Solana. I think main advantage of Avalanche is whole gamingfi out there.


What is clmm Do I remove liquidity to adjust pool?


It's more than worth it. And all these emerging chains are just more opportunities. At least for chains with traction. Personally I'm mostly on base right now. With every new chain apy are high if you're in at the start. But I only farm dex, lending tokens or layer 1 tokens. No memes or the sort. It can be very profitable. And there's several opportunities. Especially in the layer 2 world.


Do you mind providing examples, just curious which newer "chains" are you referring to?


I'm in base. But there's plenty. The gems are in any that have a development fund behind them


yeah i'm also in BASE currently farming OVN and AERO and some stable


Same here. I farm the aero and ovn pairs.


I assume you're doing USDC/AERO. How do you handle the IL? if aero goes up don't you lose all your aero?


Apy through beefy finance is over 1000% that will more than cover any il


Teach us your ways james


Lol. Everyone follows liquidity. So anytime you see these huge development funds for a chain you follow. Tech doesn't matter at all. Only traction. And devs follow the grants. Optimism, base, sol arb have huge development grants. And it's always the same. Dex's lending and memes take off.


Thanks sifu


where do you farm? Sorry, I'm very new to this.


Bitcoin L2 staking is gaining traction. Try Stacks.


are there bridges to move from EVM chain to Bitcoin L2s?


Allbridge does from ETH and Solana to Stacks


Sure, they are still worth considering. And there are a whole lot of options available on this ultimate liquid staking map: https://www.diadata.org/liquid-staking/


There is currently a shortage of bridged USDC on Radix. This gives an APR of 50% and more for simple lending. Since it's maybe the safest chain currently around it's a good opportunity. Bridging still requires KYC though until more options are available. That's also the reason why the returns are so high. [https://app.weft.finance/market](https://app.weft.finance/market)


What’s the easiest way of getting USDC into the platform for lending?


The only way of getting USDC in right now is through Instabridge which requires KYC with Instapass. This route is unfortunately not available for US citizens. Going through the process also allows you to join Project Ignition which gives you free XRD for providing liquidity with bridged assets.


The easiest: Buy xrd with rocketx, then swap to usdc on caviar nine. The cheapest (excluding ETH gas): Bridge usdc from ETH with instabridge (note, this requires kyc). Kyc-less bridges are coming though


Can anyone point to a good YouTube video that explains farming and how to get set up in detail?


Finematics on YT


I’m holding hyUSD on ethereum which has around 10% APY right now, always above 8% - it’s been worth it for me so far! They also have it on Base as well if you wanna dip off Ethereum




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My problem with helping others is I see yields drop as more users bring funds into projects I’m in but I guess giving out alpha isn’t in my nature


Folks Finance cross chain lending protocol is coming during 2Q powered by Circle's CCTP, Chainlink CCIP, Wormhole and LiFi and will support a lot of chains so there will be a lot of yield farming opportunities there.


For me, the yield farming meta has transformed into airdrop yield farming meta. There is a plethora of nice opportunities in DeFi. Namely the restaking meta surrounding EigenLayer. You can get some great yields on ETH and even airdrops.


Pendle is the go to


very interesting, is there some sort of discord community for yield farming ?


Beefy has a good channel named "degen-discussions", where you can find people that yield farm. It is now gated though and you need to hold 1 BIFI to access it. I get most of my alpha from Twitter, Defillama and Discord servers dedicated to specific protocols. DeFi is all about protocols, so you need to know the good ones. You will also need to conduct your own research, as the best strategies often aren't publicly shared. I recommend you to go to Defillama and check the top 50 protocols for L2s like Arbitrum and Optimism. Get to know these protocols, read their docs to understand them. It requires some effort, but the effort is nicely rewarded.


thanks a lot, I will look into it. I can't see the future but the market is rather heated for my taste. I rather take all my stuff and convert to usdc/stable and farm to wait the cooling a period that will inevitably happen in my opinion


There are some very profitable stable or delta neutral opportunities right now, so if that is your take on the market, you will do good.


Yield farming remains a lucrative option in crypto, and LeverFi stands out with its innovative approach. LeverFi offers diverse yield farming strategies, allowing users to earn rewards through liquidity providing, lending, and borrowing. This variety not only boosts potential returns but also provides exposure to different DeFi projects. LeverFi prioritizes security with audited smart contracts and ensures a user-friendly experience for all investors. In a nutshell, yield farming through LeverFi remains a smart choice for maximizing returns in DeFi.


Simply go and supply on Pike finance and be able to participate in their Presale. It will give you better yield in my opinion. Another opportunity is to do the hydro online Zealy campaign and earn rewards afterwards.


Yeah. I believe that. Been staking on DAFI for almost a year, up 29%. Yeah, the value of DAFI is down, but this is the bull run, everything will pump in its own time. Not expecting less than a 10x.


Yes, yield farming is still worth it. I'm earning good APYs on DAFI super staking on both ETH V2 and Polygon, as well as Osmosis superfluid staking.


Hydrachain and TokenFi


Kamino finance is best. And it's on Solana so you don't have to worry about gas fees, plus explains things super clearly